float f1, f2, *c;
float color4f[6*4];
- RSurf_ActiveCustomEntity(&ent->matrix, &ent->inversematrix, ent->flags, ent->shadertime, ent->colormod[0], ent->colormod[1], ent->colormod[2], ent->alpha, 6, nomodelvertex3f, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 8, nomodelelement3i, nomodelelement3s, false, false);
+ RSurf_ActiveCustomEntity(&ent->matrix, &ent->inversematrix, ent->flags, ent->shadertime, ent->colormod[0], ent->colormod[1], ent->colormod[2], ent->alpha, 6, nomodelvertex3f, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, nomodelcolor4f, 8, nomodelelement3i, nomodelelement3s, false, false);
// this is only called once per entity so numsurfaces is always 1, and
// surfacelist is always {0}, so this code does not handle batches
rsurface.texcoordtexture2f = rsurface.modeltexcoordtexture2f;
-void RSurf_ActiveCustomEntity(const matrix4x4_t *matrix, const matrix4x4_t *inversematrix, int entflags, double shadertime, float r, float g, float b, float a, int numvertices, const float *vertex3f, const float *texcoord2f, const float *normal3f, const float *svector3f, const float *tvector3f, int numtriangles, const int *element3i, const unsigned short *element3s, qboolean wantnormals, qboolean wanttangents)
+void RSurf_ActiveCustomEntity(const matrix4x4_t *matrix, const matrix4x4_t *inversematrix, int entflags, double shadertime, float r, float g, float b, float a, int numvertices, const float *vertex3f, const float *texcoord2f, const float *normal3f, const float *svector3f, const float *tvector3f, const float *color4f, int numtriangles, const int *element3i, const unsigned short *element3s, qboolean wantnormals, qboolean wanttangents)
rsurface.entity = r_refdef.scene.worldentity;
rsurface.ent_skinnum = 0;
rsurface.modelnormal3f_bufferobject = 0;
rsurface.modelnormal3f_bufferoffset = 0;
rsurface.generatedvertex = true;
- rsurface.modellightmapcolor4f = NULL;
+ rsurface.modellightmapcolor4f = color4f;
rsurface.modellightmapcolor4f_bufferobject = 0;
rsurface.modellightmapcolor4f_bufferoffset = 0;
rsurface.modeltexcoordtexture2f = texcoord2f;
-void R_DrawDebugModel(entity_render_t *ent)
+void R_DecalSystem_Reset(decalsystem_t *decalsystem)
+ if (decalsystem->decals)
+ Mem_Free(decalsystem->decals);
+ memset(decalsystem, 0, sizeof(*decalsystem));
+void R_DecalSystem_SpawnTriangle(decalsystem_t *decalsystem, const float *v0, const float *v1, const float *v2, const float *t0, const float *t1, const float *t2, const float *c0, const float *c1, const float *c2, int triangleindex)
+ float *v3f;
+ float *tc2f;
+ tridecal_t *decal;
+ tridecal_t *decals;
+ int i;
+ int maxdecals;
+ // expand or initialize the system
+ if (decalsystem->maxdecals <= decalsystem->numdecals)
+ {
+ decalsystem_t old = *decalsystem;
+ qboolean useshortelements;
+ decalsystem->maxdecals = max(16, decalsystem->maxdecals * 2);
+ useshortelements = decalsystem->maxdecals * 3 <= 65536;
+ decalsystem->decals = Mem_Alloc(r_main_mempool, decalsystem->maxdecals * (sizeof(tridecal_t) + sizeof(float[3][3]) + sizeof(float[3][2]) + sizeof(float[3][4]) + sizeof(int[3]) + useshortelements ? sizeof(unsigned short[3]) : 0));
+ decalsystem->vertex3f = (float *)(decalsystem->decals + decalsystem->maxdecals);
+ decalsystem->texcoord2f = (float *)(decalsystem->vertex3f + decalsystem->maxdecals*9);
+ decalsystem->color4f = (float *)(decalsystem->texcoord2f + decalsystem->maxdecals*6);
+ decalsystem->element3i = (int *)(decalsystem->color4f + decalsystem->maxdecals*12);
+ decalsystem->element3s = useshortelements ? (unsigned short *)(decalsystem->element3i + decalsystem->maxdecals*3) : NULL;
+ if (decalsystem->numdecals)
+ {
+ memcpy(decalsystem->decals, old.decals, decalsystem->numdecals * sizeof(tridecal_t));
+ memcpy(decalsystem->vertex3f, old.vertex3f, decalsystem->numdecals * sizeof(float[3][3]));
+ memcpy(decalsystem->texcoord2f, old.texcoord2f, decalsystem->numdecals * sizeof(float[3][2]));
+ memcpy(decalsystem->color4f, old.color4f, decalsystem->numdecals * sizeof(float[3][4]));
+ }
+ for (i = 0;i < decalsystem->maxdecals*3;i++)
+ decalsystem->element3i[i] = i;
+ if (useshortelements)
+ for (i = 0;i < decalsystem->maxdecals*3;i++)
+ decalsystem->element3s[i] = i;
+ }
+ // grab a decal and search for another free slot for the next one
+ maxdecals = decalsystem->maxdecals;
+ decals = decalsystem->decals;
+ decal = decalsystem->decals + (i = decalsystem->freedecal++);
+ v3f = decalsystem->vertex3f + 9*i;
+ tc2f = decalsystem->texcoord2f + 6*i;
+ for (i = decalsystem->freedecal;i < maxdecals && decals[i].alpha;i++)
+ ;
+ decalsystem->freedecal = i;
+ if (decalsystem->numdecals <= i)
+ decalsystem->numdecals = i + 1;
+ // initialize the decal
+ decal->fade = cl_decals_time.value;
+ decal->alpha = 1.0f;
+ decal->colors[0][0] = (unsigned char)(c0[0]*255.0f);
+ decal->colors[0][1] = (unsigned char)(c0[1]*255.0f);
+ decal->colors[0][2] = (unsigned char)(c0[2]*255.0f);
+ decal->colors[0][3] = (unsigned char)(c0[3]*255.0f);
+ decal->colors[1][0] = (unsigned char)(c1[0]*255.0f);
+ decal->colors[1][1] = (unsigned char)(c1[1]*255.0f);
+ decal->colors[1][2] = (unsigned char)(c1[2]*255.0f);
+ decal->colors[1][3] = (unsigned char)(c1[3]*255.0f);
+ decal->colors[2][0] = (unsigned char)(c2[0]*255.0f);
+ decal->colors[2][1] = (unsigned char)(c2[1]*255.0f);
+ decal->colors[2][2] = (unsigned char)(c2[2]*255.0f);
+ decal->colors[2][3] = (unsigned char)(c2[3]*255.0f);
+ v3f[0] = v0[0];
+ v3f[1] = v0[1];
+ v3f[2] = v0[2];
+ v3f[3] = v1[0];
+ v3f[4] = v1[1];
+ v3f[5] = v1[2];
+ v3f[6] = v2[0];
+ v3f[7] = v2[1];
+ v3f[8] = v2[2];
+ tc2f[0] = t0[0];
+ tc2f[1] = t0[1];
+ tc2f[2] = t1[0];
+ tc2f[3] = t1[1];
+ tc2f[4] = t2[0];
+ tc2f[5] = t2[1];
+void R_DecalSystem_Splat(decalsystem_t *decalsystem, int numvertices, const float *vertex3f, int numtriangles, const int *element3i, const matrix4x4_t *projection, float r, float g, float b, float a, qboolean dynamic)
+ int vertexindex;
+ int triangleindex;
+ int cornerindex;
+ int index;
+ int numpoints;
+ const int *e;
+ float v[9][3];
+ float tc[9][3]; // third coord is distance fade
+ float c[9][4];
+ float *temp;
+ float origin[3];
+ float normal[3];
+ float planes[6][3];
+ float f;
+ float points[2][9][3];
+ temp = Mem_Alloc(tempmempool, numvertices * sizeof(float[3]));
+ for (vertexindex = 0;vertexindex < numvertices;vertexindex++)
+ Matrix4x4_Transform(projection, vertex3f + 3*vertexindex, temp + 3*vertexindex);
+ for (triangleindex = 0, e = element3i;triangleindex < numtriangles;triangleindex++, e += 3)
+ {
+ for (cornerindex = 0;cornerindex < 3;cornerindex++)
+ {
+ index = 3*e[cornerindex];
+ VectorCopy(temp + index, tc[cornerindex]);
+ }
+ // cull triangles that are entirely outside the projection
+ if (min(tc[0][0], min(tc[1][0], tc[2][0])) >= 1)
+ continue;
+ if (min(tc[0][1], min(tc[1][1], tc[2][1])) >= 1)
+ continue;
+ if (min(tc[0][2], min(tc[1][2], tc[2][2])) >= 1)
+ continue;
+ if (max(tc[0][0], max(tc[1][0], tc[2][0])) <= -1)
+ continue;
+ if (max(tc[0][1], max(tc[1][1], tc[2][1])) <= -1)
+ continue;
+ if (max(tc[0][2], max(tc[1][2], tc[2][2])) <= -1)
+ continue;
+ // cull backfaces
+ TriangleNormal(tc[0], tc[1], tc[2], normal);
+ if (normal[2] < 0)
+ continue;
+ // we accept this triangle
+ for (cornerindex = 0;cornerindex < 3;cornerindex++)
+ {
+ index = 3*e[cornerindex];
+ VectorCopy(vertex3f + index, v[cornerindex]);
+ // calculate distance fade from the projection origin
+ f = a * (1-fabs(tc[cornerindex][2]));
+ c[cornerindex][0] = r * f;
+ c[cornerindex][1] = g * f;
+ c[cornerindex][2] = b * f;
+ c[cornerindex][3] = 1;
+ }
+ if (dynamic)
+ {
+ R_DecalSystem_SpawnTriangle(decalsystem, v[0], v[1], v[2], tc[0], tc[1], tc[2], c[0], c[1], c[2], triangleindex);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // clip by each of the box planes formed from the projection matrix
+ Matrix4x4_ToVectors(projection, planes[0], planes[2], planes[4], origin);
+ VectorNegate(planes[0], planes[1]);
+ VectorNegate(planes[2], planes[3]);
+ VectorNegate(planes[4], planes[5]);
+ VectorCopy(planes[4], normal);
+ VectorNormalize(normal);
+ VectorMA(v[0], 0.125f, planes[4], v[0]);
+ VectorMA(v[1], 0.125f, planes[4], v[1]);
+ VectorMA(v[2], 0.125f, planes[4], v[2]);
+ numpoints = PolygonF_Clip(3 , v[0] , planes[0][0], planes[0][1], planes[0][2], DotProduct(planes[0], origin) - 1, 1.0f/64.0f, sizeof(points[0])/sizeof(points[0][0]), points[1][0]);
+ numpoints = PolygonF_Clip(numpoints, points[1][0], planes[1][0], planes[1][1], planes[1][2], DotProduct(planes[1], origin) - 1, 1.0f/64.0f, sizeof(points[0])/sizeof(points[0][0]), points[0][0]);
+ numpoints = PolygonF_Clip(numpoints, points[0][0], planes[2][0], planes[2][1], planes[2][2], DotProduct(planes[2], origin) - 1, 1.0f/64.0f, sizeof(points[0])/sizeof(points[0][0]), points[1][0]);
+ numpoints = PolygonF_Clip(numpoints, points[1][0], planes[3][0], planes[3][1], planes[3][2], DotProduct(planes[3], origin) - 1, 1.0f/64.0f, sizeof(points[0])/sizeof(points[0][0]), points[0][0]);
+ numpoints = PolygonF_Clip(numpoints, points[0][0], planes[4][0], planes[4][1], planes[4][2], DotProduct(planes[4], origin) - 1, 1.0f/64.0f, sizeof(points[0])/sizeof(points[0][0]), points[1][0]);
+ numpoints = PolygonF_Clip(numpoints, points[1][0], planes[5][0], planes[5][1], planes[5][2], DotProduct(planes[5], origin) - 1, 1.0f/64.0f, sizeof(points[0])/sizeof(points[0][0]), v[0]);
+ for (cornerindex = 0;cornerindex < numpoints;cornerindex++)
+ {
+ // convert vertex positions to texcoords
+ Matrix4x4_Transform(projection, v[cornerindex], tc[cornerindex]);
+ // calculate distance fade from the projection origin
+ f = a * (1-fabs(tc[cornerindex][2]));
+ c[cornerindex][0] = r * f;
+ c[cornerindex][1] = g * f;
+ c[cornerindex][2] = b * f;
+ c[cornerindex][3] = 1;
+ }
+ for (cornerindex = 0;cornerindex < numpoints-2;cornerindex++)
+ R_DecalSystem_SpawnTriangle(decalsystem, v[0], v[cornerindex+1], v[cornerindex+2], tc[0], tc[cornerindex+1], tc[cornerindex+2], c[0], c[cornerindex+1], c[cornerindex+2], -1);
+ }
+ }
+extern skinframe_t *decalskinframe;
+void RSurf_DrawTriDecals(void)
+ int i;
+ decalsystem_t *decalsystem = &rsurface.entity->decalsystem;
+ int numdecals = decalsystem->numdecals;
+ tridecal_t *decal = decalsystem->decals;
+ float frametime = cl.time - decalsystem->lastupdatetime;
+ float decalfade;
+ float alphascale;
+ float ca;
+ float *v3f;
+ float *c4f;
+ const int *e;
+ decalsystem->lastupdatetime = cl.time;
+ if (!decalsystem->numdecals)
+ return;
+ decalfade = 1.0f / max(0.001f, cl_decals_fadetime.value);
+ alphascale = (1.0f / 255.0f);
+ if (rsurface.ent_color[3] < 1 || (rsurface.ent_flags & RENDER_ADDITIVE))
+ {
+ Mem_Free(decalsystem->decals);
+ memset(decalsystem, 0, sizeof(*decalsystem));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (decalfade < 0)
+ decalfade = 0;
+ for (i = 0, decal = decalsystem->decals;i < numdecals;i++, decal++)
+ {
+ if (!decal->alpha)
+ continue;
+ decal->fade -= frametime;
+ if (decal->fade <= 0)
+ {
+ decal->alpha -= decalfade;
+ if (decal->alpha <= 0)
+ {
+ // kill the decal by zeroing vertex data
+ memset(decalsystem->vertex3f + 9*i, 0, sizeof(float[3][3]));
+ memset(decalsystem->texcoord2f + 6*i, 0, sizeof(float[3][2]));
+ memset(decalsystem->color4f + 12*i, 0, sizeof(float[3][4]));
+ memset(decal, 0, sizeof(*decal));
+ if (decalsystem->freedecal > i)
+ decalsystem->freedecal = i;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ // update color values for fading decals
+ ca = decal->alpha * alphascale;
+ c4f = decalsystem->color4f + 12*i;
+ c4f[ 0] = decal->colors[0][0] * ca;
+ c4f[ 1] = decal->colors[0][1] * ca;
+ c4f[ 2] = decal->colors[0][2] * ca;
+ c4f[ 3] = 1;
+ c4f[ 4] = decal->colors[1][0] * ca;
+ c4f[ 5] = decal->colors[1][1] * ca;
+ c4f[ 6] = decal->colors[1][2] * ca;
+ c4f[ 7] = 1;
+ c4f[ 8] = decal->colors[2][0] * ca;
+ c4f[ 9] = decal->colors[2][1] * ca;
+ c4f[10] = decal->colors[2][2] * ca;
+ c4f[11] = 1;
+ // update vertex positions for animated models
+ if (decal->triangleindex >= 0 && decal->triangleindex < rsurface.modelnum_triangles)
+ {
+ e = rsurface.modelelement3i + 3*decal->triangleindex;
+ v3f = decalsystem->vertex3f + i*i;
+ VectorCopy(rsurface.vertex3f + 3*e[0], v3f);
+ VectorCopy(rsurface.vertex3f + 3*e[1], v3f + 3);
+ VectorCopy(rsurface.vertex3f + 3*e[2], v3f + 6);
+ }
+ r_refdef.stats.decals++;
+ }
+ // reduce numdecals if possible
+ while (numdecals > 0 && !decalsystem->decals[numdecals - 1].alpha)
+ numdecals--;
+ decalsystem->numdecals = numdecals;
+ if (numdecals > 0)
+ {
+ // now render the decals all at once
+ // (this assumes they all use one particle font texture!)
+ RSurf_ActiveCustomEntity(&rsurface.matrix, &rsurface.inversematrix, rsurface.ent_flags, rsurface.ent_shadertime, 1, 1, 1, 1, numdecals*3, decalsystem->vertex3f, decalsystem->texcoord2f, NULL, NULL, NULL, decalsystem->color4f, numdecals, decalsystem->element3i, decalsystem->element3s, false, false);
+ R_Mesh_ResetTextureState();
+ R_Mesh_VertexPointer(decalsystem->vertex3f, 0, 0);
+ R_Mesh_TexCoordPointer(0, 2, decalsystem->texcoord2f, 0, 0);
+ R_Mesh_ColorPointer(decalsystem->color4f, 0, 0);
+ R_SetupGenericShader(true);
+ GL_DepthMask(false);
+ GL_DepthRange(0, 1);
+ GL_PolygonOffset(0, 0);
+ GL_DepthTest(true);
+ GL_CullFace(GL_NONE);
+ R_Mesh_TexBind(0, R_GetTexture(decalskinframe->base));
+ GL_LockArrays(0, numdecals * 3);
+ R_Mesh_Draw(0, numdecals * 3, 0, numdecals, decalsystem->element3i, decalsystem->element3s, 0, 0);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // if there are no decals left, reset decalsystem
+ R_DecalSystem_Reset(decalsystem);
+ }
+void R_DrawDebugModel(void)
+ entity_render_t *ent = rsurface.entity;
int i, j, k, l, flagsmask;
const int *elements;
q3mbrush_t *brush;
if (debug)
- R_DrawDebugModel(r_refdef.scene.worldentity);
+ R_DrawDebugModel();
rsurface.entity = NULL; // used only by R_GetCurrentTexture and RSurf_ActiveWorldEntity/RSurf_ActiveModelEntity
for (j = 0;j < numsurfacelist;j++)
r_refdef.stats.world_triangles += r_surfacelist[j]->num_triangles;
+ // draw decals
+ RSurf_DrawTriDecals();
rsurface.entity = NULL; // used only by R_GetCurrentTexture and RSurf_ActiveWorldEntity/RSurf_ActiveModelEntity
if (debug)
- R_DrawDebugModel(ent);
+ R_DrawDebugModel();
rsurface.entity = NULL; // used only by R_GetCurrentTexture and RSurf_ActiveWorldEntity/RSurf_ActiveModelEntity
for (j = 0;j < numsurfacelist;j++)
r_refdef.stats.entities_triangles += r_surfacelist[j]->num_triangles;
+ // draw decals
+ RSurf_DrawTriDecals();
rsurface.entity = NULL; // used only by R_GetCurrentTexture and RSurf_ActiveWorldEntity/RSurf_ActiveModelEntity
R_CalcSprite_Vertex3f(vertex3f, rtlight->shadoworigin, r_refdef.view.right, r_refdef.view.up, scale, -scale, -scale, scale);
- RSurf_ActiveCustomEntity(&identitymatrix, &identitymatrix, RENDER_NODEPTHTEST, 0, color[0], color[1], color[2], 1, 4, vertex3f, spritetexcoord2f, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, polygonelement3i, polygonelement3s, false, false);
+ RSurf_ActiveCustomEntity(&identitymatrix, &identitymatrix, RENDER_NODEPTHTEST, 0, color[0], color[1], color[2], 1, 4, vertex3f, spritetexcoord2f, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, polygonelement3i, polygonelement3s, false, false);
R_DrawCustomSurface(r_shadow_lightcorona, &identitymatrix, MATERIALFLAG_ADD | MATERIALFLAG_BLENDED | MATERIALFLAG_FULLBRIGHT | MATERIALFLAG_NOCULLFACE, 0, 4, 0, 2, false);
// this is never batched (there can be only one)
float vertex3f[12];
R_CalcSprite_Vertex3f(vertex3f, r_editlights_cursorlocation, r_refdef.view.right, r_refdef.view.up, EDLIGHTSPRSIZE, -EDLIGHTSPRSIZE, -EDLIGHTSPRSIZE, EDLIGHTSPRSIZE);
- RSurf_ActiveCustomEntity(&identitymatrix, &identitymatrix, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, vertex3f, spritetexcoord2f, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, polygonelement3i, polygonelement3s, false, false);
+ RSurf_ActiveCustomEntity(&identitymatrix, &identitymatrix, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, vertex3f, spritetexcoord2f, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, polygonelement3i, polygonelement3s, false, false);
skinframe = r_editlights_sprlight;
- RSurf_ActiveCustomEntity(&identitymatrix, &identitymatrix, 0, 0, spritecolor[0], spritecolor[1], spritecolor[2], 1, 4, vertex3f, spritetexcoord2f, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, polygonelement3i, polygonelement3s, false, false);
+ RSurf_ActiveCustomEntity(&identitymatrix, &identitymatrix, 0, 0, spritecolor[0], spritecolor[1], spritecolor[2], 1, 4, vertex3f, spritetexcoord2f, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, polygonelement3i, polygonelement3s, false, false);
// draw selection sprite if light is selected
if (light->selected)
- RSurf_ActiveCustomEntity(&identitymatrix, &identitymatrix, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, vertex3f, spritetexcoord2f, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, polygonelement3i, polygonelement3s, false, false);
+ RSurf_ActiveCustomEntity(&identitymatrix, &identitymatrix, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, vertex3f, spritetexcoord2f, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, polygonelement3i, polygonelement3s, false, false);
R_DrawCustomSurface(r_editlights_sprselection, &identitymatrix, MATERIALFLAG_ALPHA | MATERIALFLAG_BLENDED | MATERIALFLAG_FULLBRIGHT | MATERIALFLAG_NOCULLFACE, 0, 4, 0, 2, false);
// VorteX todo: add normalmode/realtime mode light overlay sprites?