set g_playerstats_uri ""
set g_playerstats_debug 0 "when 1, player stats are dumped to the console too"
+// autoscreenshots
+set g_max_info_autoscreenshot 3 "how many info_autoscreenshot entities are allowed"
// session locking
locksession 1
float autocvar_g_sandbox_object_scale_max;
float autocvar_g_sandbox_object_material_velocity_min;
float autocvar_g_sandbox_object_material_velocity_factor;
+float autocvar_g_max_info_autoscreenshot;
if((++attempting, !CheatsAllowed(i,argc,fr))) \
+float num_autoscreenshot;
void spawnfunc_info_autoscreenshot()
- // empty spawnfunc just so this entity can exist
+ if(++num_autoscreenshot > autocvar_g_max_info_autoscreenshot)
+ objerror("Too many info_autoscreenshot entitites. FAIL!");
+ // this one just has to exist
float CheatImpulse(float i)