float f3 = ((floatcount >= 3) ? ReadLong() : NO_FL_ARG);
float f4 = ((floatcount == 4) ? ReadLong() : NO_FL_ARG);
+ print("Read_Notification(", ftos(is_new), ") at ", ftos(time), ": net_name = ", Get_Field_Value(F_NAME, net_type, net_name), ".\n");
if(is_new) { Local_Notification_Without_VarArgs(net_type, net_name, stringcount, floatcount, s1, s2, s3, s4, f1, f2, f3, f4); }
- else { print("received old notification? net_name = ", Get_Field_Value(F_NAME, net_type, net_name), ".\n"); }
MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_VERSION_BETA, 2, 0, XPD(s1, s2), XPD("", ""), "", _("\{1}^F4NOTE: ^BGThe server is running ^F1Xonotic %s (beta)^BG, you have ^F2Xonotic %s\n"), "") \
MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_VERSION_OLD, 2, 0, XPD(s1, s2), XPD("", ""), "", _("\{1}^F4NOTE: ^BGThe server is running ^F1Xonotic %s^BG, you have ^F2Xonotic %s\n"), "") \
MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_VERSION_OUTDATED, 2, 0, XPD(s1, s2), XPD("", ""), "", _("\{1}^F4NOTE: ^F1Xonotic %s^BG is out, and you still have ^F2Xonotic %s^BG - get the update from ^F3http://www.xonotic.org/^BG!\n"), "") \
- MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WATERMARK, 1, 0, s1, XPD("", ""), "", _("^F4SVQC Build information: ^BG%s\n"), "") \
+ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WATERMARK, 1, 0, s1, XPD("", ""), "", _("^F3SVQC Build information: ^FG4%s\n"), "") \
MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_THINKING_WITH_PORTALS, 1, 1, XPD(s1, SPREE_LOST), XPD(s1, ""), "notify_selfkill", _("^BG%s^K1 is now thinking with portals%s\n"), "") \
MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_CRYLINK_SUICIDE, 1, 1, XPD(s1, SPREE_LOST), XPD(s1, ""), "weaponcrylink", _("^BG%s^K1 felt the strong pull of their Crylink%s\n"), "") \
MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_CRYLINK_MURDER, 2, 1, XPD(s1, s2, SPREE_END), XPD(s2, s1), "weaponcrylink", _("^BG%s^K1 felt the strong pull of ^BG%s^K1's Crylink%s\n"), "") \