--- /dev/null
+#include "quakedef.h"
+#include "lhnet.h"
+#include "console.h"
+static lhnetsocket_t *irc_socket;
+static char irc_incoming[1024];
+static char irc_outgoing[1024];
+static int irc_incoming_len;
+static int irc_outgoing_len;
+static void IRC_Disconnect(void)
+ if (irc_socket)
+ {
+ Con_Print("[IRC] Disconnected.\n");
+ LHNET_CloseSocket(irc_socket);
+ irc_socket = NULL;
+ }
+ irc_incoming_len = 0;
+ irc_outgoing_len = 0;
+static int IRC_Connect(const char *addr)
+ lhnetaddress_t address;
+ IRC_Disconnect();
+ if (!LHNETADDRESS_FromString(&address, addr, 6667))
+ {
+ Con_Printf("[IRC] Bad server address given: %s.\n", addr);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (!(irc_socket = LHNET_AllocSocket(&address)))
+ {
+ Con_Printf("[IRC] Couldn't allocate a socket.\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ LHNET_OpenSocket_Connected(irc_socket);
+ if (irc_socket->constatus == LHNETCONSTATUS_ERROR)
+ {
+ /* LHNET prints an error, so we don't have to. */
+ Z_Free((void *) irc_socket);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ Con_Print("[IRC] Connecting to the server...\n");
+ return 1;
+static void IRC_AddMessage(const char *message)
+ size_t len = strlen(message);
+ memcpy(irc_outgoing + irc_outgoing_len, message, sizeof (irc_outgoing) - irc_outgoing_len - 2);
+ memcpy(irc_outgoing + min(irc_outgoing_len + len, sizeof (irc_outgoing) - 2), "\r\n", 2);
+ irc_outgoing_len = min(irc_outgoing_len + len + 2, sizeof (irc_outgoing));
+ Con_Printf("[IRC] %d bytes waiting to be written\n", irc_outgoing_len);
+static const char *IRC_NickFromPlayerName(void)
+ const char prefix[] = "[DP]";
+ const int prefix_len = sizeof (prefix) - 1;
+ char *nick;
+ nick = Z_Malloc(prefix_len + strlen(cl_name.string) + 1);
+ memcpy(nick, prefix, prefix_len + 1);
+ SanitizeString(cl_name.string, nick + prefix_len);
+ return nick;
+static void IRC_Connect_f(void)
+ if (Cmd_Argc() != 2)
+ {
+ Con_Print("ircconnect <address> : connect to an IRC server\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (IRC_Connect(Cmd_Argv(1)))
+ {
+ const char *nick = IRC_NickFromPlayerName();
+ IRC_AddMessage(va("NICK %s", nick));
+ IRC_AddMessage(va("USER %s localhost localhost :%s", nick, nick));
+ Z_Free((void *) nick);
+ }
+static void IRC_Disconnect_f(void)
+ IRC_Disconnect();
+static void IRC_IRC_f(void)
+ if (Cmd_Argc() < 2)
+ {
+ Con_Print("irc <raw IRC message>\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (irc_socket)
+ IRC_AddMessage(Cmd_Args());
+ else
+ Con_Print("[IRC] Not connected to a server.\n");
+static void IRC_ProcessMessages(void)
+ char *remaining = irc_incoming;
+ int remaining_len = irc_incoming_len;
+ while (remaining_len > 0)
+ {
+ char *cr;
+ cr = memchr((void *) remaining, '\r', remaining_len);
+ if (!cr || cr == remaining + remaining_len - 1)
+ {
+ /* Probably incomplete message. */
+ memmove(irc_incoming, remaining, remaining_len);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (cr[1] == '\n')
+ {
+ int len = (cr - remaining) + 2;
+ cr[0] = 0;
+ cr[1] = 0;
+ Con_Printf("[IRC] %s\n", remaining);
+ remaining += len;
+ remaining_len -= len;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Garbage or embedded CR? Discard it and retry. */
+ cr[0] = '.';
+ }
+ }
+ irc_incoming_len = remaining_len;
+static void IRC_ReadMessages(void)
+ lhnetaddress_t dummyaddress;
+ int read;
+ read = LHNET_Read(irc_socket, irc_incoming + irc_incoming_len, sizeof (irc_incoming) - irc_incoming_len, &dummyaddress);
+ if (read > 0)
+ {
+ Con_Printf("[IRC] Read %d bytes\n", read);
+ irc_incoming_len += read;
+ IRC_ProcessMessages();
+ }
+static void IRC_WriteMessages(void)
+ lhnetaddress_t dummyaddress = irc_socket->address;
+ int written;
+ written = LHNET_Write(irc_socket, irc_outgoing, irc_outgoing_len, &dummyaddress);
+ if (written > 0)
+ {
+ Con_Printf("[IRC] Wrote %d bytes\n", written);
+ memmove(irc_outgoing, irc_outgoing + written, irc_outgoing_len - written);
+ irc_outgoing_len -= written;
+ }
+void IRC_Frame(void)
+ if (irc_socket)
+ {
+ if (irc_socket->constatus == LHNETCONSTATUS_INPROGRESS)
+ LHNET_OpenSocket_Connected(irc_socket);
+ switch (irc_socket->constatus)
+ {
+ break;
+ Con_Print("[IRC] Failed to connect to the server.\n");
+ IRC_Disconnect();
+ break;
+ IRC_WriteMessages();
+ IRC_ReadMessages();
+ if (irc_socket->constatus == LHNETCONSTATUS_DISCONNECTED)
+ IRC_Disconnect();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void IRC_Init(void)
+ Cmd_AddCommand("ircconnect", IRC_Connect_f, "connect to an IRC server");
+ Cmd_AddCommand("ircdisconnect", IRC_Disconnect_f, "disconnect from an IRC server");
+ Cmd_AddCommand("irc", IRC_IRC_f, "send raw messages to a connected IRC server");