seta hud_contents_stomach_color "0.3 0.2 0"\r
seta hud_shownames 2 "1 = draw names of nearby team mates, 2 = also draw names of nearby enemies"\r
+seta hud_shownames_observers 1 "allow observers to see player names"\r
seta hud_shownames_status 2 "1 = show when the team mate can be healed, 2 = also show health, 3 = also show armor"\r
seta hud_shownames_aspect 8 "aspect ratio of total drawing area per name"\r
seta hud_shownames_fontsize 8 "font size"\r
- if(spectatee_status < 0)
+ if(spectatee_status < 0 && !cvar("hud_shownames_observers"))
if(ent.sv_entnum == player_localentnum && !cvar("chase_active"))
float sameteam;
- if(teamplay && (GetPlayerColor(player_localentnum - 1) == GetPlayerColor(ent.sv_entnum - 1)))
+ if(teamplay && spectatee_status >= 0)
+ if((GetPlayerColor(player_localentnum - 1) == GetPlayerColor(ent.sv_entnum - 1)) || (GetPlayerColor(spectatee_status - 1) == GetPlayerColor(ent.sv_entnum - 1)))
sameteam = TRUE;
if(sameteam || (!sameteam && cvar("hud_shownames") > 1))
- 0.7 | 0.8: The stomach gurgle sound duration does not match the pitch properly\r
-- 0.8: Maybe shownames can work for neighboring prey?\r
- 0.8: Make menu song depend on the menu skin?\r
- 0.7 | 0.8: Always play the eating animations when the fire button is down? OR play an error sound saying "there is nothing to vore"\r
- 0.7 | 0.8: Water on Arahia is too bright\r
-- +0.8: Create a recommended bot number for maps in mapinfo
\ No newline at end of file
+- +0.8: Create a recommended bot number for maps in mapinfo\r
+- 0.7 | 0.8 BUG: Don't play stomach load helper sound for your predator's status!\r
+- 0.7 | 0.8: Allow more bots from the menu?\r
+- 0.7 BUG: When spectating a player, maximum stomach load appears as 0 on the HUD\r
+- 0.8: Maybe turn the HEAL teammate into a sign, not part of shownames
\ No newline at end of file