--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Finds files that are not modified on any branch and formats them.
+# You should be on master or a branch that just merged master since we want to avoid conflicts when merging other branches into master.
+# If you're on Windows, you probably wanna fix path separators and maybe other tihngs, I am not touching that.
+import glob
+import os.path
+import shlex
+import subprocess
+def main():
+ if not os.path.exists("qcsrc"):
+ # otherwise the files reported by different commands would have different prefixes
+ print("Must be run in data repo root (xonotic-data.pk3dir)")
+ return
+ # get the latest changes on all branches
+ run('git fetch')
+ # get all remote branches - those would potentially get merge conflicts if we formatted everything
+ branches = run('git branch --list --remotes')
+ branches = [b.strip() for b in branches]
+ branches.remove('origin/HEAD -> origin/master')
+ branches.remove('origin/master')
+ all_files = set(glob.glob("**/*.qc", recursive=True) + glob.glob("**/*.qh", recursive=True))
+ all_files = {f for f in all_files if not f.startswith('qcsrc/dpdefs')}
+ modified_files = set()
+ for branch in branches:
+ print(branch)
+ # If some complex branching and merging happens, there can be multiple merge bases.
+ # The diff between each of them and the tip of the branch can contain changes that are not in master
+ # and could cause conflicts.
+ merge_bases = run('git merge-base --all origin/master {}'.format(branch))
+ for base in merge_bases:
+ print("\t", base)
+ # with --name-only it shows only the new name when renaming so the order matters
+ # i guess diff from branch to base should be enough but let's be sure
+ files1 = set(run('git diff --name-only {} {}'.format(base, branch)))
+ files2 = set(run('git diff --name-only {} {}'.format(branch, base)))
+ files = {f for f in files1.union(files2) if f.endswith(".qc") or f.endswith(".qh")}
+ for f in sorted(files):
+ print("\t\t", f)
+ modified_files = modified_files.union(files)
+ # modified files contain newly added files so the number of remaining files will be larger than all - modified
+ remaining_files = all_files - modified_files
+ nonexistent_files = modified_files - all_files
+ print("all on master ({}):".format(len(all_files)))
+ for f in sorted(all_files):
+ print("\t", f)
+ print("modified on branches ({}):".format(len(modified_files)))
+ for f in sorted(modified_files):
+ print("\t", f)
+ print("modified files that don't exist on master ({}):".format(len(nonexistent_files)))
+ for f in sorted(nonexistent_files):
+ print("\t", f)
+ print("formatting on master ({}):".format(len(remaining_files)))
+ for f in sorted(remaining_files):
+ print("\t", f)
+ run("bash qcsrc/tools/uncrustify.sh {}".format(shlex.quote(f)))
+def run(cmd: str) -> [str]:
+ process = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmd), stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ stdout, stderr = process.communicate()
+ return stdout.decode().splitlines()