.vector beam_shotorigin;
entity Draw_ArcBeam_callback_entity;
-vector Draw_ArcBeam_callback_new_dir;
-float Draw_ArcBeam_callback_segmentdist;
float Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_thickness;
-vector Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_top;
-vector Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_bottom;
+vector Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_top; // NOTE: in same coordinate system as player.
+vector Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_bottom; // NOTE: in same coordinate system as player.
#ifdef SVQC
else { segments = 1; }
- vector beam_endpos_estimate = (w_shotorg + (self.beam_dir * WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_range)));
+ vector beam_endpos = (w_shotorg + (self.beam_dir * WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_range)));
+ vector beam_controlpoint = w_shotorg + w_shotdir * (WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_range) * (1 - WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_tightness)));
float i;
float new_beam_type = 0;
vector last_origin = w_shotorg;
for(i = 1; i <= segments; ++i)
- // WEAPONTODO (server and client):
- // Segment blend and distance should probably really be calculated in a better way,
- // however I am not sure how to do it properly. There are a few things I have tried,
- // but most of them do not work properly due to my lack of understanding regarding
- // the mathematics behind them.
- // Ideally, we should calculate the positions along a perfect curve
- // between wantdir and self.beam_dir with an option for depth of arc
- // Another issue is that (on the client code) we must separate the
- // curve into multiple rendered curves when handling warpzones.
- // I can handle this by detecting it for each segment, however that
- // is a fairly inefficient method in comparison to having a curved line
- // drawing function similar to Draw_CylindricLine that accepts
- // top and bottom origins as input, this way there would be no
- // overlapping edges when connecting the curved pieces.
// WEAPONTODO (client):
// In order to do nice fading and pointing on the starting segment, we must always
// have that drawn as a separate triangle... However, that is difficult to do when
// keeping in mind the above problems and also optimizing the amount of segments
// drawn on screen at any given time. (Automatic beam quality scaling, essentially)
- // calculate this on every segment to ensure that we always reach the full length of the attack
- float segmentblend = bound(0, (i/segments) + WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_tightness), 1);
- float segmentdist = vlen(beam_endpos_estimate - last_origin) * (i/segments);
- // WEAPONTODO: Apparently, normalize is not the correct function to use here...
- // Figure out how this actually should work.
- vector new_dir = normalize(
- (w_shotdir * (1 - segmentblend))
- +
- (normalize(beam_endpos_estimate - last_origin) * segmentblend)
- );
- vector new_origin = last_origin + (new_dir * segmentdist);
+ vector new_origin = bezier_quadratic_getpoint(
+ w_shotorg,
+ beam_controlpoint,
+ beam_endpos,
+ i / segments);
+ vector new_dir = normalize(new_origin - last_origin);
+ // Do all the transforms for warpzones right now, as we already
+ // "are" in the post-trace system (if we hit a player, that's
+ // always BEHIND the last passed wz).
+ last_origin = trace_endpos;
+ w_shotorg = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, w_shotorg);
+ beam_controlpoint = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, beam_controlpoint);
+ beam_endpos = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, beam_endpos);
+ new_dir = WarpZone_TransformVelocity(WarpZone_trace_transform, new_dir);
float is_player = (
trace_ent.classname == "player"
if(trace_ent && trace_ent.takedamage && (is_player || WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_nonplayerdamage)))
// calculate our own hit origin as trace_endpos tends to jump around annoyingly (to player origin?)
- vector hitorigin = last_origin + (new_dir * segmentdist * trace_fraction);
+ // NO. trace_endpos should be just fine. If not,
+ // that's an engine bug that needs proper debugging.
+ vector hitorigin = trace_endpos;
float falloff = ExponentialFalloff(
WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_falloff_mindist),
new_beam_type = ARC_BT_WALL;
- else
- {
- last_origin = new_origin;
- }
// if we're bursting, use burst visual effects
vector transformed_view_org;
transformed_view_org = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, view_origin);
+ // Thickdir shall be perpendicular to the beam and to the view-to-beam direction (WEAPONTODO: WHY)
+ // WEAPONTODO: Wouldn't it be better to be perpendicular to the beam and to the view FORWARD direction?
vector thickdir = normalize(cross(normalize(start - hit), transformed_view_org - start));
vector hitorigin;
// draw primary beam render
vector top = hitorigin + (thickdir * thickness);
vector bottom = hitorigin - (thickdir * thickness);
- //vector last_top = start + (thickdir * Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_thickness);
- //vector last_bottom = start - (thickdir * Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_thickness);
+ vector last_top = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_top);
+ vector last_bottom = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_bottom);
R_BeginPolygon(beam.beam_image, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE
- Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_top,
+ last_top,
'0 0.5 0' + ('0 0.5 0' * (Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_thickness / beam.beam_thickness)),
- Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_bottom,
+ last_bottom,
'0 0.5 0' * (1 - (Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_thickness / beam.beam_thickness)),
// set up for the next
Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_thickness = thickness;
- Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_top = top;
- Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_bottom = bottom;
+ Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_top = WarpZone_UnTransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, top);
+ Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_bottom = WarpZone_UnTransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, bottom);
void Draw_ArcBeam(void)
setorigin(self, start_pos);
//self.beam_muzzleentity.angles_z = random() * 360; // WEAPONTODO: use avelocity instead?
- vector beam_endpos_estimate = (start_pos + (beamdir * self.beam_range));
+ vector beam_endpos = (start_pos + (beamdir * self.beam_range));
+ vector beam_controlpoint = start_pos + wantdir * (self.beam_range * (1 - self.beam_tightness));
Draw_ArcBeam_callback_entity = self;
Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_thickness = 0;
Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_bottom = start_pos;
vector last_origin = start_pos;
+ vector original_start_pos = start_pos;
float i;
for(i = 1; i <= segments; ++i)
- // WEAPONTODO (server and client):
- // Segment blend and distance should probably really be calculated in a better way,
- // however I am not sure how to do it properly. There are a few things I have tried,
- // but most of them do not work properly due to my lack of understanding regarding
- // the mathematics behind them.
- // Ideally, we should calculate the positions along a perfect curve
- // between wantdir and self.beam_dir with an option for depth of arc
- // Another issue is that (on the client code) we must separate the
- // curve into multiple rendered curves when handling warpzones.
- // I can handle this by detecting it for each segment, however that
- // is a fairly inefficient method in comparison to having a curved line
- // drawing function similar to Draw_CylindricLine that accepts
- // top and bottom origins as input, this way there would be no
- // overlapping edges when connecting the curved pieces.
// WEAPONTODO (client):
// In order to do nice fading and pointing on the starting segment, we must always
// have that drawn as a separate triangle... However, that is difficult to do when
// keeping in mind the above problems and also optimizing the amount of segments
// drawn on screen at any given time. (Automatic beam quality scaling, essentially)
- // calculate this on every segment to ensure that we always reach the full length of the attack
- float segmentblend = bound(0, (i/segments) + self.beam_tightness, 1);
- float segmentdist = vlen(beam_endpos_estimate - last_origin) * (i/segments);
- // WEAPONTODO: Apparently, normalize is not the correct function to use here...
- // Figure out how this actually should work.
- vector new_dir = normalize(
- (wantdir * (1 - segmentblend))
- +
- (normalize(beam_endpos_estimate - last_origin) * segmentblend)
- );
- vector new_origin = last_origin + (new_dir * segmentdist);
- Draw_ArcBeam_callback_segmentdist = segmentdist;
- Draw_ArcBeam_callback_new_dir = new_dir;
+ vector new_origin = bezier_quadratic_getpoint(
+ start_pos,
+ beam_controlpoint,
+ beam_endpos,
+ i / segments);
+ // Do all the transforms for warpzones right now, as we already
+ // "are" in the post-trace system (if we hit a player, that's
+ // always BEHIND the last passed wz).
+ last_origin = trace_endpos;
+ start_pos = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, start_pos);
+ beam_controlpoint = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, beam_controlpoint);
+ beam_endpos = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, beam_endpos);
+ beamdir = WarpZone_TransformVelocity(WarpZone_trace_transform, beamdir);
+ Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_top = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_top);
+ Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_bottom = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_bottom);
//printf("segment: %d, warpzone transform: %d\n", i, (WarpZone_trace_transform != world));
// Figure out some way to detect a collision with geometry with callback...
// That way we can know when we are done drawing the beam and skip
// the rest of the segments without breaking warpzone support.
+ //
+ // Not needed to do this in the callback. trace_fraction != 1 is a good abort condition.
- last_origin = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, new_origin);
- beam_endpos_estimate = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, beam_endpos_estimate);
+ if (trace_fraction < 1)
+ break;
// visual effects for startpoint and endpoint
- start_pos + wantdir * 20,
+ original_start_pos + wantdir * 20,
wantdir * 1000,
frametime * 0.1
- start_pos + wantdir * 20,
+ original_start_pos + wantdir * 20,
// cleanup
Draw_ArcBeam_callback_entity = world;
- Draw_ArcBeam_callback_new_dir = '0 0 0';
- Draw_ArcBeam_callback_segmentdist = 0;
Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_thickness = 0;
Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_top = '0 0 0';
Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_bottom = '0 0 0';