class Config:
# not used atm, but useful to keep a list in mind
# may use them eventually for the 'all' and other aliases expansions?
- target_choices = utils.Enum( 'radiant', 'q3map2' )
+ target_choices = utils.Enum( 'radiant', 'q3map2', 'setup' )
config_choices = utils.Enum( 'debug', 'release' )
# aliases = 'gcc'
self.cxx = 'g++'
self.install_directory = 'install'
+ # platforms for which to assemble a setup
+ self.setup_platforms = [ 'local', 'x86', 'x64', 'win32' ]
+ # paks to assemble in the setup
+ self.setup_packs = [ 'Q3Pack', 'UrTPack' ]
def __repr__( self ):
return 'config: target=%s config=%s' % ( self.target_selected, self.config_selected )
def _processInstallDir( self, ops ):
self.install_directory = os.path.normpath( os.path.expanduser( ops[0] ) )
+ def _processSetupPlatforms( self, ops ):
+ self.setup_platforms = ops
+ def _processSetupPacks( self, ops ):
+ self.setup_packs = ops
def setupParser( self, operators ):
operators['target'] = self._processTarget
operators['config'] = self._processConfig
operators['cc'] = self._processCC
operators['cxx'] = self._processCXX
operators['install_directory'] = self._processInstallDir
+ operators['setup_platforms'] = self._processSetupPlatforms
+ operators['setup_packs'] = self._processSetupPacks
def emit_radiant( self ):
settings = self
+ try:
+ self.target_selected.index( 'setup' )
+ except:
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.Setup()
def SetupEnvironment( self, env, config, useGtk = False, useGtkGL = False, useJPEG = False, useZ = False, usePNG = False ):
env['CC'] =
env['CXX'] = self.cxx
env.Append( CFLAGS = [ '-O3', '-Winline', '-ffast-math', '-fno-unsafe-math-optimizations', '-fno-strict-aliasing' ] )
env.Append( CXXFLAGS = [ '-O3', '-Winline', '-ffast-math', '-fno-unsafe-math-optimizations','-fno-strict-aliasing' ] )
- #env.Append( CFLAGS = [ '-march=pentium3' ] )
-# env.Append( LINKFLAGS = [ '-m32' ] )
+ def CheckoutOrUpdate( self, svnurl, path ):
+ if ( os.path.exists( path ) ):
+ # NOTE: check the svnurl matches?
+ cmd = 'svn update "%s"' % path
+ print cmd
+ else:
+ cmd = 'svn checkout %s "%s"' % ( svnurl, path )
+ ret = os.system( cmd )
+ if ( ret != 0 ):
+ raise 'checkout or update failed'
+ def FetchGamePaks( self, path ):
+ for pak in self.setup_packs:
+ if ( pak == 'Q3Pack' or pak == 'UrTPack' ):
+ svnurl = '' % pak
+ self.CheckoutOrUpdate( svnurl, os.path.join( path, 'installs', pak ) )
+ def Setup( self ):
+ for platform in self.setup_platforms:
+ if ( platform == 'local' ):
+ # special case, fetch external paks under the local install directory
+ self.FetchGamePaks( self.install_directory )
# parse the config statement line to produce/update an existing config list
# the configs expose a list of keywords and accepted values, which the engine parses out
fprintf( fg, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\" standalone=\"yes\"?>\n<game\n" );
fprintf( fg, " name=\"%s\"\n", m_strName.GetBuffer() );
- fprintf( fg, " gametools=\"%sgames/%s\"\n", g_strAppPath.GetBuffer(), m_strName.GetBuffer() );
fprintf( fg, " enginepath=\"%s\"\n", m_strEngine.GetBuffer() );
switch ( m_availGames[ m_nComboSelect ] ) {
case GAME_Q2: {
+ fprintf( fg, " gametools=\"%sgames/quake2\"\n", g_strAppPath.GetBuffer() );
fprintf( fg, " prefix=\".quake2\"\n" );
Str source = g_strAppPath.GetBuffer();
source += "installs/";
case GAME_Q3: {
+ fprintf( fg, " gametools=\"%sgames/quake3\"\n", g_strAppPath.GetBuffer() );
fprintf( fg, " prefix=\".q3a\"\n" );
Str source = g_strAppPath.GetBuffer();
source += "installs/";
case GAME_URT: {
+ fprintf( fg, " gametools=\"%sgames/q3ut4\"\n", g_strAppPath.GetBuffer() );
fprintf( fg, " prefix=\".q3a\"\n" );
Str source = g_strAppPath.GetBuffer();
source += "installs/";
case GAME_UFOAI: {
+ fprintf( fg, " gametools=\"%sgames/ufoai\"\n", g_strAppPath.GetBuffer() );
fprintf( fg, " prefix=\".ufoai\"\n" );
Str source = g_strAppPath.GetBuffer();
source += "installs/";
case GAME_Q2W: {
+ fprintf( fg, " gametools=\"%sgames/q2w\"\n", g_strAppPath.GetBuffer() );
fprintf( fg, " prefix=\".quake2world\"\n" );
Str source = g_strAppPath.GetBuffer();
source += "installs/";
+ fprintf( fg, " gametools=\"%sgames/warsow\"\n", g_strAppPath.GetBuffer() );
fprintf( fg, " prefix=\".warsow\"\n" );
Str source = g_strAppPath.GetBuffer();
source += "installs/";
+ fprintf( fg, " gametools=\"%sgames/nexuiz\"\n", g_strAppPath.GetBuffer() );
fprintf( fg, " prefix=\".nexuiz\"\n" );
Str source = g_strAppPath.GetBuffer();
source += "installs/";