// rpg\r
seta g_rpg 0 "RPG: RolePlay / Free Roam gametype"\r
set g_rpg_canleave 1 "when enabled, anyone can leave a predator's stomach in RPG (like leaving a team mate in team games)"\r
-set g_rpg_botattack 0 "when disabled, bots won't attack anyone in RPG (but will still swallow them harmlessly)"\r
+set g_rpg_botattack 1 "bot behavior in RPG. 0 causes bots to never attack, 1 allows bots to swallow you harmlessly, 2 allows bots to attack normally"\r
// server game balance settings\r
// powerup balance settings\r
// main vore AI code
- if(cvar("bot_nofire") || !skill)
+ if(cvar("bot_nofire") || !skill || (g_rpg && cvar("g_rpg_botattack") < 1))
// --------------------------------
else if(!self.digesting)
// the higher the skill, the faster bots will start to digest you
- if not(g_rpg && !cvar("g_rpg_botattack"))
+ if not(g_rpg && cvar("g_rpg_botattack") < 2)
if(skill >= randomtry_pred)
self.BUTTON_DIGEST = TRUE; // digest
if(self.predator.classname == "player" && time > self.decide_prey)
- if not(g_rpg && !cvar("g_rpg_botattack"))
+ if not(g_rpg && cvar("g_rpg_botattack") < 2)
if not(teams_matter && self.team == self.predator.team)
// the higher the skill, the more the bot will kick in your stomack
if(self.predator.digesting) // our predator is digesting, so get out of him regardless of who he is
self.BUTTON_JUMP = TRUE; // leave
- else if not(teams_matter && self.team == self.predator.team && cvar("g_balance_vore_teamheal") && self.health < cvar("g_balance_vore_teamheal_stable")) // we are being team healed, don't leave
+ else if not(g_rpg && cvar("g_rpg_botattack") < 2)
- if not(g_rpg && !cvar("g_rpg_botattack"))
+ if not(teams_matter && self.team == self.predator.team && cvar("g_balance_vore_teamheal") && self.health < cvar("g_balance_vore_teamheal_stable")) // we are being team healed, don't leave
self.BUTTON_JUMP = TRUE; // leave