seta cl_helper 1 "enable helper system"\r
seta cl_helper_voice default "name of the helper you wish to use from data/sound/helper"\r
seta cl_helper_pause 2 "number of seconds that must pass before the helper system can be triggered again"\r
-seta cl_helper_health_value 25 "the helper will warn you when going below this amount of health"\r
-seta cl_helper_armor_value 25 "the helper will warn you when going below this amount of armor"\r
-seta cl_helper_ammo_fuel 25 "the helper will warn you when going below this amount of ammo"\r
-seta cl_helper_speed_value 1000 "the helper will warn you when going faster than this speed"\r
-seta cl_helper_stomachload_value 0.75 "the helper will warn you when your stomach is dangerously loaded by this amount"\r
+seta cl_helper_item_health 25 "the helper will warn you when going below this amount of health"\r
+seta cl_helper_item_armor 25 "the helper will warn you when going below this amount of armor"\r
+seta cl_helper_item_ammo_fuel 25 "the helper will warn you when going below this amount of ammo"\r
+seta cl_helper_item_speed 1000 "the helper will warn you when going faster than this speed"\r
+seta cl_helper_item_stomachload 0.75 "the helper will warn you when your stomach is dangerously loaded by this amount"\r
seta cl_eventchase_death 1 "camera goes into 3rd person mode when the player is dead"\r
seta cl_eventchase_distance 140 "final camera distance"\r
else if(helper_pause <= time)\r
// health helper\r
- if(getstati(STAT_HEALTH) <= cvar("cl_helper_health_value"))\r
+ if(getstati(STAT_HEALTH) <= cvar("cl_helper_item_health"))\r
helper_health = FALSE;\r
// armor helper\r
- if(getstati(STAT_ARMOR) <= cvar("cl_helper_armor_value"))\r
+ if(getstati(STAT_ARMOR) <= cvar("cl_helper_item_armor"))\r
helper_armor = FALSE;\r
// ammo helper\r
- if(getstati(STAT_FUEL) <= cvar("cl_helper_ammo_fuel"))\r
+ if(getstati(STAT_FUEL) <= cvar("cl_helper_item_ammo_fuel"))\r
helper_ammo = FALSE;\r
// speed helper\r
- if(vlen(pmove_vel) >= cvar("cl_helper_speed_value"))\r
+ if(vlen(pmove_vel) >= cvar("cl_helper_item_speed"))\r
helper_speed = FALSE;\r
// stomach load helper\r
- if(getstati(STAT_VORE_LOAD) / getstati(STAT_VORE_MAXLOAD) >= cvar("cl_helper_stomachload_value"))\r
+ if(getstati(STAT_VORE_LOAD) / getstati(STAT_VORE_MAXLOAD) >= cvar("cl_helper_item_stomachload"))\r