- todo: difficulty ratings are: 0 = trivial, 1 = easy, 2 = easy-moderate, 3 = moderate, 4 = moderate-hard, 5 = hard, 6 = hard++, 7 = nightmare, d = done, -d = done but have not notified the people who asked for it, f = failed, -f = failed but have not notified the people who asked for it
+-1 (John Truex) darkplaces loading: clear stainmaps on map restart/change based on cl_stainmapsclearonload cvar (John Truex)
-d (Alex Boveri) darkplaces client: add cl_particles_particleffect_bloodhack cvar to enable converting id1 blood effects to TE_BLOOD style (Alex Boveri)
-d (Alex Boveri) darkplaces menu: add cl_particles_particleffect_bloodhack cvar to menu (Alex Boveri)
-d (Andrew A. Gilevsky) darkplaces client: add gl_polyblend cvar to control amount of viewblend effect (Andrew A. Gilevsky)
1 darkplaces docs: fix lots of bugs and then retitle the website to get more publicity: DarkPlaces: Re-live Quake again...
1 darkplaces input: finish porting Quake2 keyboard stuff (Rick, FrikaC)
1 darkplaces input: fix stuck buttons during a level change (mercury82, tkimmet@ezworks.net) (further note: this is from the console becoming active temporarily and catching the key release when the player lets go during the loading stage, make it possible to release a button that was pressed before the console was activated, or make it execute -commands for all pressed binds when level starts)
-1 darkplaces loading: clear stainmaps on map restart/change based on cl_stainmapsclearonload cvar (John Truex)
1 darkplaces menu: add in_bindmap support to bind menu; a selector for which bindmap is actively being shown and bound in the menu, and add bind entries for some bindmap commands (sajt)
1 darkplaces protocol: add "sendcvar <cvarname>" command which executes on clients and forwards a "sentcvar <cvarname> <cvarvalue>" to the server, which the qc can catch (Urre)
1 darkplaces protocol: add DP_EF_CLIENTLOCKANGLES extension (prevents client from turning view, takes angles from entity) (Wazat for Battlemech, Sajt)