--- /dev/null
+// ==================================================================
+// aliases.cfg: Set up for voting and general game mode configuration
+// Scripted by: Samual, Naryl, atheros
+// Last updated: Saturday, February 11th - 11/2/2012
+// ==================================================================
+// These are advanced settings you can use to manage voting and such:
+// Check to see if the server config was made specifically for this aliases file...
+// if not, just act "normal". (allow all votes, execution of endmatch, and have public settings)
+alias check_aev_${_allow_extra_votes} "set _allow_extra_votes 1"; check_aev_${_allow_extra_votes} // Allow extra votes (like mutators, private matches, etc) to be added
+alias check_di_${_done_initializing} "set _done_initializing 1"; check_di_${_done_initializing} // used in server.cfg to allow selection of a game mode without
+alias check_svt_${_server_type} "set _server_type public"; check_svt_${_server_type} // switch between tourney (strict gameplay settings with special votes), pickup (tourney but less strict), public (totally non-strict)
+// if _allow_extra_votes is set, then votes for game modes and mutators and other options for the server will be added.
+alias add_extra_vote_1 "addvote $*"
+alias add_extra_vote_0 ""
+alias add_extra_vote "add_extra_vote_${_allow_extra_votes} $*"
+// if public, add public gametype votes
+//alias add_public_vote_tourney ""
+//alias add_public_vote_pickup ""
+//alias add_public_vote_public "add_extra_vote $*"
+//alias add_public_vote "add_public_vote_${_server_type} $*"
+alias do_endmatch_1 "endmatch"
+alias do_endmatch_0 "echo NOTE: Still initializing, not ending match"
+alias do_endmatch "do_endmatch_${_done_initializing}"
+alias do_restart_1 "restart"
+alias do_restart_0 "echo NOTE: Still initializing, not restarting match"
+alias do_restart "do_restart_${_done_initializing}"
+alias default_settings "g_powerups 1; _nomutators; g_pickup_respawntime_weapon 10; g_weapon_stay 0; sv_autoscreenshot 0; g_chat_nospectators 0; g_tourney 0; timelimit_override -1; g_shootfromeye 0; g_shootfromcenter 0"
+alias tourney_settings "default_settings; fraglimit_override 0; timelimit_overtimes 2; g_tourney 1; nobots; teamplay_mode 2; sv_autoscreenshot 1"
+alias pickup_settings "default_settings; fraglimit_override 0; timelimit_overtimes 2; g_warmup 1; nobots; teamplay_mode 2; sv_autoscreenshot 1"
+alias public_settings "default_settings; fraglimit_override -1; timelimit_overtimes 0; g_warmup 0; enablebots; teamplay_mode 4;"
+add_extra_vote "tourney_settings pickup_settings public_settings"
+// Information used for pickup bot if your server is added to that (see #xonotic.pickup on irc.quakenet.org)
+set _pickup_gamemodes "duel dm ft tdm ctf ca assault ka nb dom kh rune arena lms ons"
+set _pickup_options ""
+// =========================
+// Specific gametype options
+// =========================
+alias tourney-duel "gametype dm; g_powerups 0; timelimit_override 15"
+alias tourney-dm "gametype dm"
+alias tourney-ft "gametype freezetag"
+alias tourney-tdm "gametype tdm; g_pickup_respawntime_weapon 15"
+alias tourney-ctf "gametype ctf; g_pickup_respawntime_weapon 5"
+alias tourney-ca "gametype ca; teamplay_mode 1"
+alias tourney-assault "gametype as; g_weapon_stay 1"
+alias tourney-ka "gametype keepaway"
+alias tourney-nb "gametype nexball"
+alias tourney-dom "gametype dom"
+alias tourney-kh "gametype kh"
+alias tourney-rune "gametype rune"
+alias tourney-arena "gametype arena"
+alias tourney-lms "gametype lms"
+alias tourney-ons "gametype onslaught"
+alias pickup-duel "gametype dm; g_powerups 0; timelimit_override 10"
+alias pickup-dm "gametype dm"
+alias pickup-ft "gametype freezetag"
+alias pickup-tdm "gametype tdm;"
+alias pickup-ctf "gametype ctf;"
+alias pickup-ca "gametype ca; teamplay_mode 1"
+alias pickup-assault "gametype as; g_weapon_stay 1"
+alias pickup-ka "gametype keepaway"
+alias pickup-nb "gametype nexball"
+alias pickup-dom "gametype dom"
+alias pickup-kh "gametype kh"
+alias pickup-rune "gametype rune"
+alias pickup-arena "gametype arena"
+alias pickup-lms "gametype lms"
+alias pickup-ons "gametype onslaught"
+alias public-duel "gametype dm; g_powerups 0; timelimit_override 10"
+alias public-dm "gametype dm"
+alias public-ft "gametype freezetag"
+alias public-tdm "gametype tdm"
+alias public-ctf "gametype ctf"
+alias public-ca "gametype ca; teamplay_mode 1"
+alias public-assault "gametype as"
+alias public-ka "gametype keepaway"
+alias public-nb "gametype nexball"
+alias public-dom "gametype dom"
+alias public-kh "gametype kh"
+alias public-rune "gametype rune"
+alias public-arena "gametype arena"
+alias public-lms "gametype lms"
+alias public-ons "gametype onslaught"
+// ===========================
+// Public aliases and settings
+// ===========================
+alias dm "${_server_type}_settings; ${_server_type}-dm; do_endmatch"
+alias freezetag "${_server_type}_settings; ${_server_type}-ft; do_endmatch"
+alias tdm "${_server_type}_settings; ${_server_type}-tdm; do_endmatch"
+alias ctf "${_server_type}_settings; ${_server_type}-ctf; do_endmatch"
+alias ca "${_server_type}_settings; ${_server_type}-ca; do_endmatch"
+alias assault "${_server_type}_settings; ${_server_type}-as; do_endmatch"
+alias keepaway "${_server_type}_settings; ${_server_type}-ka; do_endmatch"
+alias nexball "${_server_type}_settings; ${_server_type}-nb; do_endmatch"
+alias domination "${_server_type}_settings; ${_server_type}-dom; do_endmatch"
+alias keyhunt "${_server_type}_settings; ${_server_type}-kh; do_endmatch"
+alias rune "${_server_type}_settings; ${_server_type}-rune; do_endmatch"
+alias arena "${_server_type}_settings; ${_server_type}-arena; do_endmatch"
+alias lms "${_server_type}_settings; ${_server_type}-lms; do_endmatch"
+alias onslaught "${_server_type}_settings; ${_server_type}-ons; do_endmatch"
+alias as "assault"
+alias dom "domination"
+alias kh "keyhunt"
+alias ons "onslaught"
+alias ka "keepaway"
+alias nb "nexball"
+add_extra_vote "as dm tdm ctf ca freezetag assault keepaway ka nexball nb kh keyhunt dom domination rune arena lms ons onslaught"
+// ===========================
+// Pickup aliases and settings
+// ===========================
+alias duel "${_server_type}_settings; ${_server_type}-duel; g_maxplayers 2; do_endmatch"
+alias 1v1 "duel"; alias dm1v1 "duel"; alias 1v1dm "duel"; alias 1on1 "duel"; alias dm1on1 "duel"; alias 1on1dm "duel"
+add_extra_vote "duel 1v1 dm1v1 1v1dm 1on1 dm1on1 1on1dm"
+alias add_alias_2v2_variant "alias ${1}2v2 \"2v2${1}\"; alias ${1}2on2 \"2v2${1}\"; alias 2on2${1} \"2v2${1}\""
+alias add_alias_2v2 "alias 2v2${1} \"${_server_type}_settings; ${_server_type}-${1}; g_maxplayers 4; do_endmatch\"; add_alias_2v2_variant ${1}; add_extra_vote \"2v2${1} 2on2${1} ${1}2v2 ${1}2on2\""
+alias add_alias_3v3_variant "alias ${1}3v3 \"3v3${1}\"; alias ${1}3on3 \"3v3${1}\"; alias 3on3${1} \"3v3${1}\""
+alias add_alias_3v3 "alias 3v3${1} \"${_server_type}_settings; ${_server_type}-${1}; g_maxplayers 6; do_endmatch\"; add_alias_3v3_variant ${1}; add_extra_vote \"3v3${1} 3on3${1} ${1}3v3 ${1}3on3\""
+alias add_alias_4v4_variant "alias ${1}4v4 \"4v4${1}\"; alias ${1}4on4 \"4v4${1}\"; alias 4on4${1} \"4v4${1}\""
+alias add_alias_4v4 "alias 4v4${1} \"${_server_type}_settings; ${_server_type}-${1}; g_maxplayers 8; do_endmatch\"; add_alias_4v4_variant ${1}; add_extra_vote \"4v4${1} 4on4${1} ${1}4v4 ${1}4on4\""
+alias add_alias_5v5_variant "alias ${1}5v5 \"5v5${1}\"; alias ${1}5on5 \"5v5${1}\"; alias 5on5${1} \"5v5${1}\""
+alias add_alias_5v5 "alias 5v5${1} \"${_server_type}_settings; ${_server_type}-${1}; g_maxplayers 10; do_endmatch\"; add_alias_5v5_variant ${1}; add_extra_vote \"5v5${1} 5on5${1} ${1}5v5 ${1}5on5\""
+alias add_alias_6v6_variant "alias ${1}6v6 \"6v6${1}\"; alias ${1}6on6 \"6v6${1}\"; alias 6on6${1} \"6v6${1}\""
+alias add_alias_6v6 "alias 6v6${1} \"${_server_type}_settings; ${_server_type}-${1}; g_maxplayers 12; do_endmatch\"; add_alias_6v6_variant ${1}; add_extra_vote \"6v6${1} 6on6${1} ${1}6v6 ${1}6on6\""
+alias add_alias_NvN "add_alias_2v2 $1; add_alias_3v3 $1; add_alias_4v4 $1; add_alias_5v5 $1; add_alias_6v6 $1"
+add_alias_NvN ca
+add_alias_NvN tdm
+add_alias_NvN ctf
+add_alias_NvN assault
+add_alias_NvN ft
+add_alias_NvN ons
+add_alias_NvN nb
+add_alias_NvN dom
+// =============
+// Miscellaneous
+// =============
+// mutators
+alias _jetpack "toggle g_jetpack; g_grappling_hook 0; g_start_weapon_hook -1"
+alias _hook "toggle g_grappling_hook; toggle g_start_weapon_hook \"0\" \"-1\"; g_jetpack 0"
+alias _weaponarena "toggle g_weaponarena \"most\" \"0\"; g_minstagib 0"
+alias _minstagib "toggle g_minstagib; g_weaponarena 0"
+alias _infammo "toggle g_use_ammunition"
+alias _pinata "toggle g_pinata"
+alias _midair "toggle g_midair"
+alias _dodging "toggle g_dodging"
+alias jetpack "_jetpack; do_restart"
+alias hook "_hook; do_restart"
+alias grapplinghook "hook"
+alias weaponarena "_weaponarena; do_restart"
+alias hookarena "_weaponarena; _hook; do_restart"
+alias jetpackarena "_weaponarena; _jetpack; do_restart"
+alias minstagib "_minstagib; _infammo; do_restart"
+alias minstahook "_minstagib; _infammo; _hook; do_restart"
+alias minstajetpack "_minstagib; _infammo; _jetpack; do_restart"
+alias infammo "_infammo; do_restart"
+alias pinata "_pinata; do_restart"
+alias midair "_midair; do_restart"
+alias dodging "_dodging; do_restart"
+alias _nomutators "g_weaponarena 0; g_minstagib 0; g_use_ammunition 1; g_grappling_hook 0; g_start_weapon_hook -1; g_jetpack 0; g_pinata 0; g_midair 0; g_dodging 0"
+alias nomutators "_nomutators; do_restart"
+add_extra_vote "jetpack hook grapplinghook weaponarena hookarena jetpackarena minstagib minstahook minstajetpack infammo pinata midair dodging nomutators"
+alias warmup "toggle g_warmup; do_restart"
+alias enablebots "minplayers 4"
+alias nobots "minplayers 0; bot_number 0"
+add_extra_vote "enablebots nobots warmup"
+// fullbright skins/model stuff
+set _fullbright_model "models/player/megaerebus.iqm"
+alias sv_fbskin_model_megaerebus "_fullbright_model \"models/player/megaerebus.iqm\""
+alias sv_fbskin_model_erebus "_fullbright_model \"models/player/erebus.iqm\""
+alias sv_fbskin_unique "sv_defaultcharacter 1; sv_defaultplayermodel ${_fullbright_model}; sv_defaultplayerskin 1; sv_defaultplayercolors \"\""
+alias sv_fbskin_green "sv_defaultcharacter 1; sv_defaultplayermodel ${_fullbright_model}; sv_defaultplayerskin 1; sv_defaultplayercolors 51"
+alias sv_fbskin_red "sv_defaultcharacter 1; sv_defaultplayermodel ${_fullbright_model}; sv_defaultplayerskin 1; sv_defaultplayercolors 68"
+alias sv_fbskin_orange "sv_defaultcharacter 1; sv_defaultplayermodel ${_fullbright_model}; sv_defaultplayerskin 1; sv_defaultplayercolors 238"
+alias sv_fbskin_rainbow "sv_defaultcharacter 1; sv_defaultplayermodel ${_fullbright_model}; sv_defaultplayerskin 1; sv_defaultplayercolors 95"
+add_extra_vote "sv_fbskin_model_megaerebus sv_fbskin_model_erebus sv_fbskin_unique sv_fbskin_green sv_fbskin_orange sv_fbskin_red sv_fbskin_rainbow sv_fbskin_off"
+add_extra_vote "teamplay_mode g_maxplayers timelimit g_shootfromeye g_shootfromcenter"
--- /dev/null
+// ===============================================
+// Un-Official Advanced Profile Metadata
+// Scripted by: Samual
+// Last updated: Thursday, February 16th - 16/2/2012
+// ===============================================
+set _servername "bitmissile"
+set _servertag "[Official]"
+set _continent "American"
+set _continent_small "NA"
+set _location "New York"
+set _version "Xonotic 0.6"
+hostname "${_servertag} ${_version} ${_description} (${_location})"
+set _motd_intro "Welcome to the ${hostname}'
+set _motd_administrator "developer Samual \"Ares\" Lenks"
+set _motd_contact "samual@xonotic.org or irc.freenode.org : #xonotic"
+set _motd_host "named ${_servername} : Provided by Bitmissile.com"
+set _motd_location "${_location} (${_continent})"
+sv_motd "^7${_motd_intro}\n^7${_motd_description}\n^2Administrated by ${_motd_administrator}\n^2Contact at ${_motd_contact}\n^2Server ${_motd_host} in ${_motd_location}"
+// ==============
+// Administration
+// ==============
+sv_adminnick "${_servername} admin"
+rcon_secure 1
+rcon_password "example"
+// =============
+// Miscellaneous
+// =============
+net_address ""
+sv_curl_defaulturl "http://mirror.bitmissile.com/xonotic/"
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+// ===============================================
+// Un-Official Advanced Profile Metadata
+// Scripted by: Samual
+// Last updated: Tuesday, October 11th - 11/10/2011
+// ===============================================
+set _servername "godzilla-3"
+set _servertag "[Official]"
+set _continent "European"
+set _continent_small "EU"
+set _location "Germany" // Frankfurt
+set _version "Xonotic 0.5"
+hostname "${_servertag} ${_version} ${_description} (${_location})"
+set _motd_intro "Welcome to the ${hostname}'
+set _motd_administrator "developer Samual \"Ares\" Lenks"
+set _motd_contact "samual@xonotic.org or irc.freenode.org : #xonotic"
+set _motd_host "named ${_servername} : Provided by Unknown[NF]"
+set _motd_location "${_location} (${_continent})"
+sv_motd "^7${_motd_intro}\n^7${_motd_description}\n^2Administrated by ${_motd_administrator}\n^2Contact at ${_motd_contact}\n^2Server ${_motd_host} in ${_motd_location}"
+// ==============
+// Administration
+// ==============
+sv_adminnick "${_servername} admin"
+rcon_secure 1
+rcon_password "example"
+// =============
+// Miscellaneous
+// =============
+net_address ""
+sv_curl_defaulturl "http://maps.designxenon.com/samual.nexuizninjaz.com/xonotic-25-8-2011/"
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+// ===============================================
+// Un-Official Advanced Profile Metadata
+// Scripted by: Samual
+// Last updated: Saturday, February 11th - 11/2/2012
+// ===============================================
+set _servername "srv02"
+set _servertag "[Official]"
+set _continent "European"
+set _continent_small "EU"
+set _location "Netherlands"
+set _version "Xonotic 0.6"
+hostname "${_servertag} ${_version} ${_description} (${_location})"
+set _motd_intro "Welcome to the ${hostname}'
+set _motd_administrator "developer Samual \"Ares\" Lenks"
+set _motd_contact "samual@xonotic.org or irc.freenode.org : #xonotic"
+set _motd_host "named ${_servername} : Provided by Merlijn Hofstra"
+set _motd_location "${_location} (${_continent})"
+sv_motd "^7${_motd_intro}\n^7${_motd_description}\n^2Administrated by ${_motd_administrator}\n^2Contact at ${_motd_contact}\n^2Server ${_motd_host} in ${_motd_location}"
+// ==============
+// Administration
+// ==============
+sv_adminnick "${_servername} admin"
+rcon_secure 1
+rcon_password "example"
+// =============
+// Miscellaneous
+// =============
+net_address ""
+sv_curl_defaulturl "http://mapdl.xonotic.eu/samual/"
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+// ===============================================
+// Un-Official Advanced Server Configuration
+// Scripted by: Samual
+// Last updated: Tuesday, October 11th - 11/10/2011
+// ===============================================
+// hooks to be passed to this file:
+alias check_dmo_${_dedimode} "set _dedimode ctf"; check_dmo_${_dedimode} // _dedimode: Game mode command to execute
+alias check_dmu_${_dedimutator} "set _dedimutator \"\""; check_dmu_${_dedimmutator} // _dedimutator: Mutator command to execute (e.g. jetpack)
+alias check_dd_${_dedidescription} "set _dedidescription ${_dedimode}"; check_dd_${_dedidescription} // _dedidescription: Readable string for game mode and mutator
+// server identification
+set _description "${_dedidescription}"
+set _motd_description "Dedicated ${_description} server with limited votes"
+exec profile-${_profile}.cfg
+// for aliases.cfg
+set _allow_extra_votes 0
+set _done_initializing 0
+set _server_type public
+// ===============
+// Technical Setup
+// ===============
+port 26100 // 000-499 is public range, 500+ is private range
+maxplayers 32
+//net_address ""
+sv_public 1
+sv_status_privacy 0
+sv_maxrate 30000
+timestamps 1
+timeformat "^3[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S]^7 "
+prvm_errordump 1
+// =============================
+// Log files and networked stuff
+// =============================
+//g_ban_sync_uri "" // sync bans using this ban list provider
+//g_ban_sync_trusted_servers "" // accept bans that were initially set on the server IPs listed here
+log_file "log-${serverconfig}.log"
+sv_weaponstats_file "http://xonotic.org/weaponbalance/" // "stats-${serverconfig}.log"
+g_playerstats_uri "http://stats.xonotic.org/stats/submit"
+g_playerstats_debug 1
+//sv_curl_defaulturl ""
+// ===========================
+// Maplist, voting and aliases
+// ===========================
+sv_vote_commands "restart fraglimit chmap gotomap nextmap endmatch reducematchtime extendmatchtime allready kick cointoss movetoteam_auto"
+sv_vote_call 1 // 0 will disable the normal voting
+sv_vote_master 0 // 0 will disable voting to become master, good if you prefer to use the master password instead
+g_maplist ""
+g_maplist_votable 6
+g_maplist_shuffle 1
+g_maplist_votable_abstain 1
+g_maplist_votable_nodetail 0
+g_maplist_mostrecent_count 2
+exec aliases.cfg
+// ========================
+// Miscellaneous game setup
+// ========================
+sv_ready_restart 1
+g_ctf_win_mode 1
+g_start_delay 15
+g_forced_respawn 1
+g_balance_kill_delay 0
+g_chat_nospectators 2
+g_friendlyfire 0
+g_ctf_captimerecord_always 1
+g_balance_teams 0
+//g_balance_teams_force 0 // 1 to automaticly balance teams even during a game
+sv_fragmessage_information_ping 1
+sv_fragmessage_information_handicap 2
+sv_fragmessage_information_stats 1
+sv_fragmessage_information_typefrag 1
+//g_warmup 1
+g_warmup_allguns 1
+g_warmup_limit -1
+g_weaponarena 0
+g_minstagib 0
+${_dedimode} // finally execute a chosen game mode from the aliases.cfg file
+${_dedimutator} // also mutator?
+// =================
+// Bot configuration
+// =================
+bot_number 0 // number of bots to add
+skill 10 // the bots skill level
+minplayers 0 // add bots if less then that number of players playing. MAKE SURE ITS LESS THEN maxplayers or people will get blocked by bots!
+bot_prefix "^4[^0M^4i^0T^4]^0" // prepend this to all botnames
+bot_suffix " ^4bot" // append this to all botnames
+g_maplist_check_waypoints 0 // set this to 1 to skip maps without waypoints if there aren't enough players to play without bots
+// =====================
+// Player model settings
+// =====================
+//sv_defaultcharacter 1 // 1 will force a specific model for all players
+//sv_defaultplayermodel models/player/megaerebus.iqm // this model will be used
+//sv_defaultplayerskin 95 // this skin number will be forced for all players
+//sv_defaultplayercolors "" // you can even force player colors here (16*shirt+pants)
+// for aliases.cfg
+set _done_initializing 1
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+// ===============================================
+// Un-Official Advanced Server Configuration
+// Scripted by: Samual
+// Last updated: Tuesday, October 11th - 11/10/2011
+// ===============================================
+// hooks to be passed to this file:
+alias check_dmo_${_dedimode} "set _dedimode ctf"; check_dmo_${_dedimode} // _dedimode: Game mode command to execute
+alias check_dmu_${_dedimutator} "set _dedimutator \"\""; check_dmu_${_dedimmutator} // _dedimutator: Mutator command to execute (e.g. jetpack)
+alias check_dd_${_dedidescription} "set _dedidescription ${_dedimode}"; check_dd_${_dedidescription} // _dedidescription: Readable string for game mode and mutator
+// server identification
+set _description "Private Server One"
+set _motd_description "Used primarily for pickup and other private matches"
+exec profile-${_profile}.cfg
+// for aliases.cfg
+set _allow_extra_votes 1
+set _done_initializing 0
+set _server_type pickup
+// ===============
+// Technical Setup
+// ===============
+port 26500 // 000-499 is public range, 500+ is private range
+maxplayers 32
+//net_address ""
+sv_public 0
+sv_status_privacy 0
+sv_maxrate 30000
+timestamps 1
+timeformat "^3[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S]^7 "
+prvm_errordump 1
+// =============================
+// Log files and networked stuff
+// =============================
+//g_ban_sync_uri "" // sync bans using this ban list provider
+//g_ban_sync_trusted_servers "" // accept bans that were initially set on the server IPs listed here
+log_file "log-${serverconfig}.log"
+sv_weaponstats_file "http://xonotic.org/weaponbalance/" // "stats-${serverconfig}.log"
+g_playerstats_uri "http://stats.xonotic.org/stats/submit"
+g_playerstats_debug 1
+//sv_curl_defaulturl ""
+// ===========================
+// Maplist, voting and aliases
+// ===========================
+sv_vote_commands "restart fraglimit chmap gotomap nextmap endmatch reducematchtime extendmatchtime allready kick cointoss movetoteam_auto"
+sv_vote_call 1 // 0 will disable the normal voting
+sv_vote_master 0 // 0 will disable voting to become master, good if you prefer to use the master password instead
+g_maplist ""
+g_maplist_votable 6
+g_maplist_shuffle 1
+g_maplist_votable_abstain 1
+g_maplist_votable_nodetail 0
+g_maplist_mostrecent_count 2
+exec aliases.cfg
+// ========================
+// Miscellaneous game setup
+// ========================
+sv_ready_restart 1
+g_ctf_win_mode 1
+g_start_delay 15
+g_forced_respawn 1
+g_balance_kill_delay 0
+g_chat_nospectators 2
+g_friendlyfire 0
+g_ctf_captimerecord_always 1
+g_balance_teams 0
+//g_balance_teams_force 0 // 1 to automaticly balance teams even during a game
+sv_fragmessage_information_ping 1
+sv_fragmessage_information_handicap 2
+sv_fragmessage_information_stats 1
+sv_fragmessage_information_typefrag 1
+//g_warmup 1
+g_warmup_allguns 1
+g_warmup_limit -1
+g_weaponarena 0
+g_minstagib 0
+duel // finally execute a chosen game mode from the aliases.cfg file
+// =================
+// Bot configuration
+// =================
+bot_number 0 // number of bots to add
+skill 10 // the bots skill level
+minplayers 0 // add bots if less then that number of players playing. MAKE SURE ITS LESS THEN maxplayers or people will get blocked by bots!
+bot_prefix "^4[^0M^4i^0T^4]^0" // prepend this to all botnames
+bot_suffix " ^4bot" // append this to all botnames
+g_maplist_check_waypoints 0 // set this to 1 to skip maps without waypoints if there aren't enough players to play without bots
+// =====================
+// Player model settings
+// =====================
+//sv_defaultcharacter 1 // 1 will force a specific model for all players
+//sv_defaultplayermodel models/player/megaerebus.iqm // this model will be used
+//sv_defaultplayerskin 95 // this skin number will be forced for all players
+//sv_defaultplayercolors "" // you can even force player colors here (16*shirt+pants)
+// for aliases.cfg
+set _done_initializing 1
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+// ===============================================
+// Un-Official Advanced Server Configuration
+// Scripted by: Samual
+// Last updated: Tuesday, October 11th - 11/10/2011
+// ===============================================
+// hooks to be passed to this file:
+alias check_dmo_${_dedimode} "set _dedimode ctf"; check_dmo_${_dedimode} // _dedimode: Game mode command to execute
+alias check_dmu_${_dedimutator} "set _dedimutator \"\""; check_dmu_${_dedimmutator} // _dedimutator: Mutator command to execute (e.g. jetpack)
+alias check_dd_${_dedidescription} "set _dedidescription ${_dedimode}"; check_dd_${_dedidescription} // _dedidescription: Readable string for game mode and mutator
+// server identification
+set _description "Private Server Two"
+set _motd_description "Used primarily for pickup and other private matches"
+exec profile-${_profile}.cfg
+// for aliases.cfg
+set _allow_extra_votes 1
+set _done_initializing 0
+set _server_type pickup
+// ===============
+// Technical Setup
+// ===============
+port 26510 // 000-499 is public range, 500+ is private range
+maxplayers 32
+//net_address ""
+sv_public 0
+sv_status_privacy 0
+sv_maxrate 30000
+timestamps 1
+timeformat "^3[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S]^7 "
+prvm_errordump 1
+// =============================
+// Log files and networked stuff
+// =============================
+//g_ban_sync_uri "" // sync bans using this ban list provider
+//g_ban_sync_trusted_servers "" // accept bans that were initially set on the server IPs listed here
+log_file "log-${serverconfig}.log"
+sv_weaponstats_file "http://xonotic.org/weaponbalance/" // "stats-${serverconfig}.log"
+g_playerstats_uri "http://stats.xonotic.org/stats/submit"
+g_playerstats_debug 1
+//sv_curl_defaulturl ""
+// ===========================
+// Maplist, voting and aliases
+// ===========================
+sv_vote_commands "restart fraglimit chmap gotomap nextmap endmatch reducematchtime extendmatchtime allready kick cointoss movetoteam_auto"
+sv_vote_call 1 // 0 will disable the normal voting
+sv_vote_master 0 // 0 will disable voting to become master, good if you prefer to use the master password instead
+g_maplist ""
+g_maplist_votable 6
+g_maplist_shuffle 1
+g_maplist_votable_abstain 1
+g_maplist_votable_nodetail 0
+g_maplist_mostrecent_count 2
+exec aliases.cfg
+// ========================
+// Miscellaneous game setup
+// ========================
+sv_ready_restart 1
+g_ctf_win_mode 1
+g_start_delay 15
+g_forced_respawn 1
+g_balance_kill_delay 0
+g_chat_nospectators 2
+g_friendlyfire 0
+g_ctf_captimerecord_always 1
+g_balance_teams 0
+//g_balance_teams_force 0 // 1 to automaticly balance teams even during a game
+sv_fragmessage_information_ping 1
+sv_fragmessage_information_handicap 2
+sv_fragmessage_information_stats 1
+sv_fragmessage_information_typefrag 1
+//g_warmup 1
+g_warmup_allguns 1
+g_warmup_limit -1
+g_weaponarena 0
+g_minstagib 0
+duel // finally execute a chosen game mode from the aliases.cfg file
+// =================
+// Bot configuration
+// =================
+bot_number 0 // number of bots to add
+skill 10 // the bots skill level
+minplayers 0 // add bots if less then that number of players playing. MAKE SURE ITS LESS THEN maxplayers or people will get blocked by bots!
+bot_prefix "^4[^0M^4i^0T^4]^0" // prepend this to all botnames
+bot_suffix " ^4bot" // append this to all botnames
+g_maplist_check_waypoints 0 // set this to 1 to skip maps without waypoints if there aren't enough players to play without bots
+// =====================
+// Player model settings
+// =====================
+//sv_defaultcharacter 1 // 1 will force a specific model for all players
+//sv_defaultplayermodel models/player/megaerebus.iqm // this model will be used
+//sv_defaultplayerskin 95 // this skin number will be forced for all players
+//sv_defaultplayercolors "" // you can even force player colors here (16*shirt+pants)
+// for aliases.cfg
+set _done_initializing 1
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+// ===============================================
+// Un-Official Advanced Server Configuration
+// Scripted by: Samual
+// Last updated: Tuesday, October 11th - 11/10/2011
+// ===============================================
+// hooks to be passed to this file:
+alias check_dmo_${_dedimode} "set _dedimode ctf"; check_dmo_${_dedimode} // _dedimode: Game mode command to execute
+alias check_dmu_${_dedimutator} "set _dedimutator \"\""; check_dmu_${_dedimmutator} // _dedimutator: Mutator command to execute (e.g. jetpack)
+alias check_dd_${_dedidescription} "set _dedidescription ${_dedimode}"; check_dd_${_dedidescription} // _dedidescription: Readable string for game mode and mutator
+// server identification
+set _description "Strict Tourney Server"
+set _motd_description "Tourney server with strict and special gameplay rules"
+exec profile-${_profile}.cfg
+// for aliases.cfg
+set _allow_extra_votes 1
+set _done_initializing 0
+set _server_type tourney
+// ===============
+// Technical Setup
+// ===============
+port 26600 // 000-499 is public range, 500+ is private range
+maxplayers 32
+//net_address ""
+sv_public 0
+sv_status_privacy 0
+sv_maxrate 30000
+timestamps 1
+timeformat "^3[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S]^7 "
+prvm_errordump 1
+// =============================
+// Log files and networked stuff
+// =============================
+//g_ban_sync_uri "" // sync bans using this ban list provider
+//g_ban_sync_trusted_servers "" // accept bans that were initially set on the server IPs listed here
+log_file "log-${serverconfig}.log"
+sv_weaponstats_file "http://xonotic.org/weaponbalance/" // "stats-${serverconfig}.log"
+g_playerstats_uri "http://stats.xonotic.org/stats/submit"
+g_playerstats_debug 1
+//sv_curl_defaulturl ""
+// ===========================
+// Maplist, voting and aliases
+// ===========================
+sv_vote_commands "restart fraglimit chmap gotomap nextmap endmatch reducematchtime extendmatchtime allready kick cointoss movetoteam_auto"
+sv_vote_call 1 // 0 will disable the normal voting
+sv_vote_master 0 // 0 will disable voting to become master, good if you prefer to use the master password instead
+g_maplist ""
+g_maplist_votable 6
+g_maplist_shuffle 1
+g_maplist_votable_abstain 1
+g_maplist_votable_nodetail 0
+g_maplist_mostrecent_count 2
+exec aliases.cfg
+// ========================
+// Miscellaneous game setup
+// ========================
+sv_ready_restart 1
+g_ctf_win_mode 1
+g_start_delay 15
+g_forced_respawn 1
+g_balance_kill_delay 0
+g_chat_nospectators 2
+g_friendlyfire 0
+g_ctf_captimerecord_always 1
+g_balance_teams 0
+//g_balance_teams_force 0 // 1 to automaticly balance teams even during a game
+sv_fragmessage_information_ping 1
+sv_fragmessage_information_handicap 2
+sv_fragmessage_information_stats 1
+sv_fragmessage_information_typefrag 1
+//g_warmup 1
+g_warmup_allguns 1
+g_warmup_limit -1
+g_weaponarena 0
+g_minstagib 0
+duel // finally execute a chosen game mode from the aliases.cfg file
+// =================
+// Bot configuration
+// =================
+bot_number 0 // number of bots to add
+skill 10 // the bots skill level
+minplayers 0 // add bots if less then that number of players playing. MAKE SURE ITS LESS THEN maxplayers or people will get blocked by bots!
+bot_prefix "^4[^0M^4i^0T^4]^0" // prepend this to all botnames
+bot_suffix " ^4bot" // append this to all botnames
+g_maplist_check_waypoints 0 // set this to 1 to skip maps without waypoints if there aren't enough players to play without bots
+// =====================
+// Player model settings
+// =====================
+//sv_defaultcharacter 1 // 1 will force a specific model for all players
+//sv_defaultplayermodel models/player/megaerebus.iqm // this model will be used
+//sv_defaultplayerskin 95 // this skin number will be forced for all players
+//sv_defaultplayercolors "" // you can even force player colors here (16*shirt+pants)
+// for aliases.cfg
+set _done_initializing 1
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+// ===============================================
+// Un-Official Advanced Server Configuration
+// Scripted by: Samual
+// Last updated: Tuesday, October 11th - 11/10/2011
+// ===============================================
+// hooks to be passed to this file:
+alias check_dmo_${_dedimode} "set _dedimode ctf"; check_dmo_${_dedimode} // _dedimode: Game mode command to execute
+alias check_dmu_${_dedimutator} "set _dedimutator \"\""; check_dmu_${_dedimmutator} // _dedimutator: Mutator command to execute (e.g. jetpack)
+alias check_dd_${_dedidescription} "set _dedidescription ${_dedimode}"; check_dd_${_dedidescription} // _dedidescription: Readable string for game mode and mutator
+// server identification
+set _description "Votable"
+set _motd_description "Here you can play publically and vote for whatever gameplay you want"
+exec profile-${_profile}.cfg
+// for aliases.cfg
+set _allow_extra_votes 1
+set _done_initializing 0
+set _server_type public
+// ===============
+// Technical Setup
+// ===============
+port 26000 // 000-499 is public range, 500+ is private range
+maxplayers 32
+//net_address ""
+sv_public 1
+sv_status_privacy 0
+sv_maxrate 30000
+timestamps 1
+timeformat "^3[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S]^7 "
+prvm_errordump 1
+// =============================
+// Log files and networked stuff
+// =============================
+//g_ban_sync_uri "" // sync bans using this ban list provider
+//g_ban_sync_trusted_servers "" // accept bans that were initially set on the server IPs listed here
+log_file "log-${serverconfig}.log"
+sv_weaponstats_file "http://xonotic.org/weaponbalance/" // "stats-${serverconfig}.log"
+g_playerstats_uri "http://stats.xonotic.org/stats/submit"
+g_playerstats_debug 1
+//sv_curl_defaulturl ""
+// ===========================
+// Maplist, voting and aliases
+// ===========================
+sv_vote_commands "restart fraglimit chmap gotomap nextmap endmatch reducematchtime extendmatchtime allready kick cointoss movetoteam_auto"
+sv_vote_call 1 // 0 will disable the normal voting
+sv_vote_master 0 // 0 will disable voting to become master, good if you prefer to use the master password instead
+g_maplist ""
+g_maplist_votable 6
+g_maplist_shuffle 1
+g_maplist_votable_abstain 1
+g_maplist_votable_nodetail 0
+g_maplist_mostrecent_count 2
+exec aliases.cfg
+// ========================
+// Miscellaneous game setup
+// ========================
+sv_ready_restart 1
+g_ctf_win_mode 1
+g_start_delay 15
+g_forced_respawn 1
+g_balance_kill_delay 0
+g_chat_nospectators 2
+g_friendlyfire 0
+g_ctf_captimerecord_always 1
+g_balance_teams 0
+//g_balance_teams_force 0 // 1 to automaticly balance teams even during a game
+sv_fragmessage_information_ping 1
+sv_fragmessage_information_handicap 2
+sv_fragmessage_information_stats 1
+sv_fragmessage_information_typefrag 1
+//g_warmup 1
+g_warmup_allguns 1
+g_warmup_limit -1
+g_weaponarena 0
+g_minstagib 0
+ctf // finally execute a chosen game mode from the aliases.cfg file
+// =================
+// Bot configuration
+// =================
+bot_number 0 // number of bots to add
+skill 10 // the bots skill level
+minplayers 0 // add bots if less then that number of players playing. MAKE SURE ITS LESS THEN maxplayers or people will get blocked by bots!
+bot_prefix "^4[^0M^4i^0T^4]^0" // prepend this to all botnames
+bot_suffix " ^4bot" // append this to all botnames
+g_maplist_check_waypoints 0 // set this to 1 to skip maps without waypoints if there aren't enough players to play without bots
+// =====================
+// Player model settings
+// =====================
+//sv_defaultcharacter 1 // 1 will force a specific model for all players
+//sv_defaultplayermodel models/player/megaerebus.iqm // this model will be used
+//sv_defaultplayerskin 95 // this skin number will be forced for all players
+//sv_defaultplayercolors "" // you can even force player colors here (16*shirt+pants)
+// for aliases.cfg
+set _done_initializing 1
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+XON_DIR="cd $HOME/xonotic/"
+XON_COMMON="./all run dedicated +serverconfig"
+alias stopxonotic='killall darkplaces-dedicated -s SIGKILL'
+alias start-xon-all='xon-ctf-mh && xon-ctf-wa && xon-ka-mh && xon-ka-wa && xon-priv-1 && xon-priv-2 && xon-tourney &&xon-votable'
+alias start-xon-bitmissile='xon-ctf-mh && xon-ctf-wa && xon-priv-1'
+alias start-xon-godzilla='xon-ctf-mh && xon-votable && xon-priv-1 && xon-tourney'
+alias start-xon-srv02='xon-ctf-wa && xon-priv-1'
+alias xon-ctf-mh='$XON_DIR && screen -dmS xon-ctf-mh $XON_COMMON sv-dedicated.cfg -sessionid ctf-mh +set \_dedimode \"ctf\" +set \_dedimutator \"minstahook\" +set \_dedidescription \"CTF Instagib+Hook\" +set \_profile \"$XON_PROFILE\"'
+alias xon-ctf-wa='$XON_DIR && screen -dmS xon-ctf-wa $XON_COMMON sv-dedicated.cfg -sessionid ctf-wa +set \_dedimode \"ctf\" +set \_dedimutator \"weaponarena\" +set \_dedidescription \"CTF Weaponarena\" +set \_profile \"$XON_PROFILE\"'
+alias xon-ka-mh='$XON_DIR && screen -dmS xon-ka-mh $XON_COMMON sv-dedicated.cfg -sessionid ka-mh +set \_dedimode \"keepaway\" +set \_dedimutator \"minstahook\" +set \_dedidescription \"Keepaway Instagib+Hook\" +set \_profile \"$XON_PROFILE\"'
+alias xon-ka-wa='$XON_DIR && screen -dmS xon-ka-wa $XON_COMMON sv-dedicated.cfg -sessionid ka-wa +set \_dedimode \"keepaway\" +set \_dedimutator \"weaponarena\" +set \_dedidescription \"Keepaway Weaponarena\" +set \_profile \"$XON_PROFILE\"'
+alias xon-priv-1='$XON_DIR && screen -dmS xon-priv-1 $XON_COMMON sv-private-1.cfg -sessionid priv-1 +set \_profile \"$XON_PROFILE\"'
+alias xon-priv-2='$XON_DIR && screen -dmS xon-priv-2 $XON_COMMON sv-private-2.cfg -sessionid priv-1 +set \_profile \"$XON_PROFILE\"'
+alias xon-tourney='$XON_DIR && screen -dmS xon-tourney $XON_COMMON sv-tourney.cfg -sessionid tourney +set \_profile \"$XON_PROFILE\"'
+alias xon-votable='$XON_DIR && screen -dmS xon-votable $XON_COMMON sv-votable.cfg -sessionid votable +set \_profile \"$XON_PROFILE\"'
+alias xon-spawnweapons='$XON_DIR && screen -dmS xon-spawnweapons $XON_COMMON sv-spawnweapons.cfg -sessionid spawnweapons +set \_profile \"$XON_PROFILE\"'