if(boxesoverlap(org + m1 + '-1 -1 -1', org + m2 + '1 1 1', it.absmin, it.absmax))
- if(boxesoverlap(end, end2, it.absmin + (m1 - eZ * m1.z - '1 1 0'), it.absmax + (m2 - eZ * m2.z + '1 1 0')))
+ if(boxesoverlap(end, end2, it.absmin + vec2(m1) + '-1 -1 0', it.absmax + vec2(m2) + '1 1 0'))
vector top = org;
top.z = it.absmax.z + (PL_MAX_CONST.z - PL_MIN_CONST.z);
if (trace_fraction < 1 || trace_startsolid) // can't jump obstacle out of water
- if(navigation_checkladders(e, trace_endpos, m1, m2, end, end2, movemode))
+ org = trace_endpos;
+ if(navigation_checkladders(e, org, m1, m2, end, end2, movemode))
- debugnode(e, trace_endpos);
- debugnodestatus(trace_endpos, DEBUG_NODE_SUCCESS);
+ debugnode(e, org);
+ debugnodestatus(org, DEBUG_NODE_SUCCESS);
//print("tracewalk: ", vtos(start), " can reach ", vtos(end), "\n");
- debugnodestatus(trace_endpos, DEBUG_NODE_FAIL);
+ debugnodestatus(org, DEBUG_NODE_FAIL);
return false;
//print("tracewalk: ", vtos(start), " hit something when trying to reach ", vtos(end), "\n");