// generic commands (across all programs)
alias addtolist "qc_cmd_svmenu addtolist ${* ?}" // Add a string to a cvar
alias dumpcommands "qc_cmd_svmenu dumpcommands ${* ?}" // Dump all commands on the program to *_cmd_dump.txt
-alias dumpmonsters "qc_cmd_svmenu dumpmonsters ${* ?}" // Dump all monsters into monsters_dump.txt
alias dumpnotifs "qc_cmd_svcl dumpnotifs ${* ?}" // Dump all notifications into notifications_dump.txt
alias maplist "qc_cmd_svmenu maplist ${* ?}" // Automatic control of maplist
alias nextframe "qc_cmd_svmenu nextframe ${* ?}" // Execute the given command next frame of this VM