float weapontype,
float pickupbasevalue,
vector clr,
- string modelname,
+ string firstmodel,
+ string thirdmodel,
+ string pickupmodel,
+ string simplemodel,
string crosshair,
string refname,
string wepname)
e.bot_pickupbasevalue = pickupbasevalue;
e.wpcolor = clr;
e.wpmodel = strzone(strcat("wpn-", ftos(id)));
- e.mdl = modelname;
- e.model = strzone(strcat("models/weapons/g_", modelname, ".md3"));
+ e.model = strzone(firstmodel); // first person view weapon model (h_)
+ e.model2 = strzone(thirdmodel); // third person weapon model (v_)
+ e.model3 = strzone(pickupmodel); // pickup weapon model (g_)
+ e.mdl = strzone(simplemodel); // simpleitems weapon model/image
e.w_crosshair = strzone(car(crosshair));
string s = cdr(crosshair);
e.w_crosshair_size = ((s != "") ? stof(s) : 1); // so that we can scale the crosshair from code (for compat)
dummy_weapon_info.netname = "";
dummy_weapon_info.message = "AOL CD Thrower";
dummy_weapon_info.weapon_func = w_null;
- dummy_weapon_info.mdl = "";
+ dummy_weapon_info.wpmodel = "";
dummy_weapon_info.model = "";
- dummy_weapon_info.spawnflags = 0;
dummy_weapon_info.model2 = "";
+ dummy_weapon_info.model3 = "";
+ dummy_weapon_info.mdl = "";
+ dummy_weapon_info.spawnflags = 0;
dummy_weapon_info.impulse = -1;
dummy_weapon_info.bot_pickupbasevalue = 0;
dummy_weapon_info.ammo_field = ammo_none;
float weapontype,
float pickupbasevalue,
vector clr,
- string modelname,
+ string firstmodel,
+ string thirdmodel,
+ string pickupmodel,
+ string simplemodel,
string crosshair,
string refname,
string wepname);
.float bot_pickupbasevalue; // M: rating // bot weapon priority
.vector wpcolor; // M: color // waypointsprite color
.string wpmodel; // A: wpn-id // wpn- sprite name
-.string mdl; // M: model // modelname without g_, v_, w_
-.string model; // A: model // full name of g_ model
+.string model; // M: firstmodel // first person view weapon model (h_)
+.string model2; // M: thirdmodel // third person weapon model (v_)
+.string model3; // M: pickupmodel // pickup weapon model (g_)
+.string mdl; // M: simplemodel // simpleitems weapon model/image
.string w_crosshair; // M: crosshair // per-weapon crosshair: "CrosshairImage Size"
.float w_crosshair_size; // A: crosshair // per-weapon crosshair size (argument two of "crosshair" field)
.string netname; // M: refname // reference name name