<img src="../images/gtkr_splash.jpg" align="right" hspace="2" vspace="2">
\section intro Introduction
- This documentation was generated from GtkRadiant source code using Doxygen.<br>
+ This documentation was generated from NetRadiant source code using Doxygen.<br>
Generated from source in: +target+
\section links Links
<div align="center">
<table width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
-<a href="../html/index.html">GtkRadiant Doxygen Documentation</a>
+<a href="../html/index.html">NetRadiant Doxygen Documentation</a>
<a name="top"></a>
<h1>Doxygen Quick Reference</h1>
// globals
GtkWidget *g_pRadiantWnd=NULL;
-static const char *PLUGIN_ABOUT = "ctfToolz for GtkRadiant\n"
+static const char *PLUGIN_ABOUT = "ctfToolz for NetRadiant\n"
"by djbob\n"
return false;
- outMtl << "# Wavefront material file exported with GtkRadiants brushexport plugin.\n";
+ outMtl << "# Wavefront material file exported with NetRadiants brushexport plugin.\n";
outMtl << "# Material Count: " << (const Unsigned)materials.size() << "\n\n";
for(std::set<std::string>::const_iterator it(materials.begin()); it != materials.end(); ++it)
int g_iActiveTarget = -1;
int g_iPreviewRunning = 0; // 0: no preview 1: start preview 2: preview in progress
-static const char *PLUGIN_ABOUT = "Camera v1.0 for GtkRadiant\n"
+static const char *PLUGIN_ABOUT = "Camera v1.0 for NetRadiant\n"
"by Arnout van Meer (rr2do2@splashdamage.com)\n\n"
"This product contains software technology\n"
"from id Software, Inc. ('id Technology').\n"
GetFileTypeRegistry()->addType("camera", "", filetype_t("Camera file", "*.camera"));
- return "Camera for GtkRadiant";
+ return "Camera for NetRadiant";
const char* QERPlug_GetName()
} else if( !strcmp( fullpathtofile, checkCam->GetFileName() ) ) {
char error[PATH_MAX+64];
- sprintf( error, "Camera file \'%s\' is currently loaded by GtkRadiant.\nPlease select a different filename.", fullpathtofile );
+ sprintf( error, "Camera file \'%s\' is currently loaded by NetRadiant.\nPlease select a different filename.", fullpathtofile );
g_FuncTable.m_pfnMessageBox( (GtkWidget *)g_pRadiantWnd, error, "Save error", eMB_OK );
label = gtk_label_new ("Version 1.000\n\n"
"Gtk port by Leonardo Zide\nleo@lokigames.com\n\n"
"Written by Geoffrey DeWan\ngdewan@prairienet.org\n\n"
- "Built against GtkRadiant " RADIANT_VERSION "\n"
+ "Built against NetRadiant " RADIANT_VERSION "\n"
gtk_widget_show (label);
vbox = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 10); // create a box to arrange new objects vertically\r
gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(window), vbox); // add the box to the window\r
- label = gtk_label_new("SunPlug v1.0 for GtkRadiant 1.5\nby Topsun"); // create a label\r
+ label = gtk_label_new("SunPlug v1.0 for NetRadiant 1.5\nby Topsun"); // create a label\r
gtk_label_set_justify(GTK_LABEL(label), GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT); // text align left\r
gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), label, FALSE, FALSE, 2); // insert the label in the box\r
gtk_window_set_position(GTK_WINDOW(window), GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER); // center the window\r
gtk_widget_show_all(window); // show the window and all subelements\r
\ No newline at end of file
// simple Message Box, see above for the 'type' flags
-typedef EMessageBoxReturn (* PFN_QERAPP_MESSAGEBOX) (GtkWidget *parent, const char* text, const char* caption/* = "GtkRadiant"*/, EMessageBoxType type/* = eMB_OK*/, EMessageBoxIcon icon/* = eMB_ICONDEFAULT*/);
+typedef EMessageBoxReturn (* PFN_QERAPP_MESSAGEBOX) (GtkWidget *parent, const char* text, const char* caption/* = "NetRadiant"*/, EMessageBoxType type/* = eMB_OK*/, EMessageBoxIcon icon/* = eMB_ICONDEFAULT*/);
// file and directory selection functions return null if the user hits cancel
// - 'title' is the dialog title (can be null)
typedef struct _GtkWidget GtkWidget;
/// \brief Shows a modal message-box.
-EMessageBoxReturn gtk_MessageBox(GtkWidget *parent, const char* text, const char* title = "GtkRadiant", EMessageBoxType type = eMB_OK, EMessageBoxIcon icon = eMB_ICONDEFAULT);
+EMessageBoxReturn gtk_MessageBox(GtkWidget *parent, const char* text, const char* title = "NetRadiant", EMessageBoxType type = eMB_OK, EMessageBoxIcon icon = eMB_ICONDEFAULT);
time_t localtime;
globalOutputStream() << "Today is: " << ctime(&localtime)
- << "This is GtkRadiant '" RADIANT_VERSION "' compiled " __DATE__ "\n" RADIANT_ABOUTMSG "\n";
+ << "This is NetRadiant '" RADIANT_VERSION "' compiled " __DATE__ "\n" RADIANT_ABOUTMSG "\n";
gtk_MessageBox (0, "Failed to create log file, check write permissions in Radiant directory.\n",
ModalDialog dialog;
ModalDialogButton ok_button(dialog, eIDOK);
- GtkWindow* window = create_modal_dialog_window(MainFrame_getWindow(), "About GtkRadiant", dialog);
+ GtkWindow* window = create_modal_dialog_window(MainFrame_getWindow(), "About NetRadiant", dialog);
GtkVBox* vbox = create_dialog_vbox(4, 4);
- GtkLabel* label = GTK_LABEL(gtk_label_new("GtkRadiant " RADIANT_VERSION "\n"
+ GtkLabel* label = GTK_LABEL(gtk_label_new("NetRadiant " RADIANT_VERSION "\n"
__DATE__ "\n\n"
- "By qeradiant.com\n\n"
+ "By alientrap.org\n\n"
"This program is free software\n"
"licensed under the GNU GPL.\n\n"
- "GtkRadiant is unsupported, however\n"
+ "NetRadiant is unsupported, however\n"
"you may report your problems at\n"
- "http://zerowing.idsoftware.com/bugzilla"
+ "http://www.alientrap.org/forum/" // FIXME real URL
- create_menu_item_with_mnemonic(menu, "Check for GtkRadiant update (web)", "CheckForUpdate");
+ create_menu_item_with_mnemonic(menu, "Check for NetRadiant update (web)", "CheckForUpdate"); // FIXME
create_menu_item_with_mnemonic(menu, "E_xit", "Exit");
return file_menu_item;
PreferencesDialog_addInterfacePreferences(FreeCaller1<PreferencesPage&, Interface_constructPreferences>());
- GtkWindow* dialog = create_floating_window("GtkRadiant Preferences", m_parent);
+ GtkWindow* dialog = create_floating_window("NetRadiant Preferences", m_parent);
GtkWidget* mainvbox = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 5);
// using GtkRadiant's versioning next to Id's versioning
printf ("Q3Data - (c) 1999 Id Software Inc.\n");
- printf ("GtkRadiant - v" RADIANT_VERSION " " __DATE__ "\n");
+ printf ("NetRadiant - v" RADIANT_VERSION " " __DATE__ "\n");
ExpandWildcards (&argc, &argv);
Sys_Printf( "Q3Map - v1.0r (c) 1999 Id Software Inc.\n" );
Sys_Printf( "Q3Map (ydnar) - v" Q3MAP_VERSION "\n" );
- Sys_Printf( "GtkRadiant - v" RADIANT_VERSION " " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ "\n" );
+ Sys_Printf( "NetRadiant - v" RADIANT_VERSION " " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ "\n" );
Sys_Printf( "%s\n", Q3MAP_MOTD );
/* ydnar: new path initialization */