+ REGISTER_NET_TEMP(playersound)
#ifdef SVQC
WriteCoord(channel, o.y);
WriteCoord(channel, o.z);
+ /**
+ * @param from the source entity, its position is sent
+ * @param ps the player sound def
+ * @param r a random number in 0..1
+ */
+ void playersound(int channel, entity from, entity ps, float r, int chan, float vol, float atten)
+ {
+ if (channel == MSG_ONE && !IS_REAL_CLIENT(msg_entity)) return;
+ WriteHeader(channel, playersound);
+ WriteByte(channel, ps.m_id);
+ WriteByte(channel, r * 255);
+ WriteByte(channel, etof(from));
+ WriteByte(channel, fabs(chan));
+ WriteByte(channel, floor(vol * 255));
+ WriteByte(channel, floor(atten * 64));
+ vector o = from.origin + 0.5 * (from.mins + from.maxs);
+ WriteCoord(channel, o.x);
+ WriteCoord(channel, o.y);
+ WriteCoord(channel, o.z);
+ }
string GlobalSound_sample(string pair, float r);
o.x = ReadCoord();
o.y = ReadCoord();
o.z = ReadCoord();
- if (who == player_localnum + 1)
+ if (who == player_currententnum)
// client knows better, play at current position to unlag
entity e = findfloat(world, entnum, who);
return true;
+ NET_HANDLE(playersound, bool isnew)
+ {
+ entity ps; ps = PlayerSounds_from(ReadByte());
+ float r = ReadByte() / 255;
+ int who = ReadByte();
+ entity e = findfloat(world, entnum, autocvar_cl_forceplayermodels ? player_currententnum : who);
+ string s = e.(ps.m_playersoundfld); // TODO: populate this field
+ string sample = GlobalSound_sample(s, r);
+ int chan = ReadByte();
+ float vol = ReadByte() / 255;
+ float atten = ReadByte() / 64;
+ vector o;
+ o.x = ReadCoord();
+ o.y = ReadCoord();
+ o.z = ReadCoord();
+ if (who == player_currententnum)
+ {
+ // client knows better, play at current position to unlag
+ sound7(e, chan, sample, vol, atten, 0, 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ entity e = new(playersound);
+ e.origin = o;
+ sound8(e, o, chan, sample, vol, atten, 0, 0);
+ remove(e); // debug with: e.think = SUB_Remove; e.nextthink = time + 1;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
string GlobalSound_sample(string pair, float r)
#ifdef SVQC
- int GetVoiceMessageVoiceType(string type)
+ entity GetVoiceMessage(string type)
- if (type == "taunt") return VOICETYPE_TAUNT;
- if (type == "teamshoot") return VOICETYPE_LASTATTACKER;
+ FOREACH(PlayerSounds, it.m_playersoundstr == type && it.instanceOfVoiceMessage == true, LAMBDA(return it));
+ return NULL;
- .string GetVoiceMessageSampleField(string type)
+ entity GetPlayerSound(string type)
+ {
+ FOREACH(PlayerSounds, it.m_playersoundstr == type && it.instanceOfVoiceMessage == false, LAMBDA(return it));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ .string _GetPlayerSoundSampleField(string type, bool voice)
GetPlayerSoundSampleField_notFound = false;
- switch (type)
- {
- #define X(m) case #m: return playersound_##m;
- #undef X
- }
+ entity e = voice ? GetVoiceMessage(type) : GetPlayerSound(type);
+ if (e) return e.m_playersoundfld;
GetPlayerSoundSampleField_notFound = true;
- return playersound_taunt;
+ return playersound_taunt.m_playersoundfld;
+ }
+ .string GetVoiceMessageSampleField(string type)
+ {
+ return _GetPlayerSoundSampleField(type, true);
.string GetPlayerSoundSampleField(string type)
- GetPlayerSoundSampleField_notFound = false;
- switch (type)
- {
- #define X(m) case #m: return playersound_##m;
- #undef X
- }
- GetPlayerSoundSampleField_notFound = true;
- return playersound_taunt;
+ return _GetPlayerSoundSampleField(type, false);
string allvoicesamples;
if (!allvoicesamples)
- #define X(m) allvoicesamples = strcat(allvoicesamples, " ", #m);
- #undef X
+ FOREACH(PlayerSounds, it.instanceOfVoiceMessage, LAMBDA(
+ allvoicesamples = strcat(allvoicesamples, " ", it.m_playersoundstr)
+ ));
allvoicesamples = strzone(substring(allvoicesamples, 1, -1));
void ClearPlayerSounds(entity this)
- #define X(m) \
- if (this.playersound_##m) \
- { \
- strunzone(this.playersound_##m); \
- this.playersound_##m = string_null; \
+ FOREACH(PlayerSounds, true, LAMBDA(
+ .string fld = it.m_playersoundfld;
+ if (this.(fld))
+ {
+ strunzone(this.(fld));
+ this.(fld) = string_null;
- #undef X
+ ));
- bool LoadPlayerSounds(string f, bool strict)
+ bool LoadPlayerSounds(entity this, string f, bool strict)
int fh = fopen(f, FILE_READ);
if (fh < 0)
string file = argv(1);
string variants = argv(2);
- if (self.(field)) strunzone(self.(field));
- self.(field) = strzone(strcat(file, " ", variants));
+ if (this.(field)) strunzone(this.(field));
+ this.(field) = strzone(strcat(file, " ", variants));
return true;
this.modelindex_for_playersound = this.modelindex;
this.skin_for_playersound = this.skin;
- LoadPlayerSounds("sound/player/default.sounds", true);
+ LoadPlayerSounds(this, "sound/player/default.sounds", true);
if (autocvar_g_debug_defaultsounds) return;
- if (!LoadPlayerSounds(get_model_datafilename(this.model, this.skin, "sounds"), false))
- LoadPlayerSounds(get_model_datafilename(
+ if (!LoadPlayerSounds(this, get_model_datafilename(this.model, this.skin, "sounds"), false))
+ LoadPlayerSounds(this, get_model_datafilename(
this.model, 0,
- void _GlobalSound(entity gs, string sample, int chan, int voicetype, bool fake)
+ void _GlobalSound(entity gs, entity ps, string sample, int chan, int voicetype, bool fake)
- if (gs == NULL && sample == "") return;
+ if (gs == NULL && ps == NULL && sample == "") return;
float r = random();
+ if (ps) // TODO: remove
+ {
+ sample = this.(ps.m_playersoundfld);
+ ps = NULL;
+ }
if (sample != "") sample = GlobalSound_sample(sample, r);
switch (voicetype)
float atten = (msg_entity.cvar_cl_voice_directional == 1) ? ATTEN_MIN : ATTEN_NONE;
if (gs) globalsound(MSG_ONE, this, gs, r, chan, VOL_BASEVOICE, atten);
+ else if (ps) playersound(MSG_ONE, this, ps, r, chan, VOL_BASEVOICE, atten);
else soundto(MSG_ONE, this, chan, sample, VOL_BASEVOICE, atten);
if (IS_REAL_CLIENT(msg_entity))
if (gs) globalsound(MSG_ONE, this, gs, r, chan, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NONE);
+ else if (ps) playersound(MSG_ONE, this, ps, r, chan, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NONE);
else soundto(MSG_ONE, this, chan, sample, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NONE);
{ \
float atten = (msg_entity.cvar_cl_voice_directional == 1) ? ATTEN_MIN : ATTEN_NONE; \
if (gs) globalsound(MSG_ONE, this, gs, r, chan, VOL_BASEVOICE, atten); \
+ else if (ps) playersound(MSG_ONE, this, ps, r, chan, VOL_BASEVOICE, atten); \
else soundto(MSG_ONE, this, chan, sample, VOL_BASEVOICE, atten); \
} \
while (0)
if (gs) globalsound(MSG_ONE, this, gs, r, chan, VOL_BASEVOICE, atten); \
+ else if (ps) playersound(MSG_ONE, this, ps, r, chan, VOL_BASEVOICE, atten); \
else soundto(MSG_ONE, this, chan, sample, VOL_BASEVOICE, atten); \
} \
} \
if (fake)
if (gs) globalsound(MSG_ONE, this, gs, r, chan, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM);
+ else if (ps) playersound(MSG_ONE, this, ps, r, chan, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM);
else soundto(MSG_ONE, this, chan, sample, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM);
if (gs) globalsound(MSG_ALL, this, gs, r, chan, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM);
+ else if (ps) playersound(MSG_ALL, this, ps, r, chan, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM);
else _sound(this, chan, sample, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM);
- void PlayerSound(.string samplefield, int chan, float voicetype)
- {
- _GlobalSound(NULL, this.(samplefield), chan, voicetype, false);
- }
- void VoiceMessage(string type, string msg)
- {
- var.string sample = GetVoiceMessageSampleField(type);
- if (GetPlayerSoundSampleField_notFound)
- {
- sprint(this, sprintf("Invalid voice. Use one of: %s\n", allvoicesamples));
- return;
- }
- int voicetype = GetVoiceMessageVoiceType(type);
- bool ownteam = (voicetype == VOICETYPE_TEAMRADIO);
- int flood = Say(this, ownteam, world, msg, true);
- bool fake;
- if (IS_SPEC(this) || IS_OBSERVER(this) || flood < 0) fake = true;
- else if (flood > 0) fake = false;
- else return;
- _GlobalSound(NULL, this.(sample), CH_VOICE, voicetype, fake);
- }
// player sounds, voice messages
-// TODO implemented fall and falling
- X(death) \
- X(drown) \
- X(fall) \
- X(falling) \
- X(gasp) \
- X(jump) \
- X(pain100) \
- X(pain25) \
- X(pain50) \
- X(pain75)
-#define ALLVOICEMSGS(X) \
- X(attack) \
- X(attackinfive) \
- X(coverme) \
- X(defend) \
- X(freelance) \
- X(incoming) \
- X(meet) \
- X(needhelp) \
- X(seenflag) \
- X(taunt) \
- X(teamshoot)
+.string m_playersoundstr;
+..string m_playersoundfld;
+REGISTRY(PlayerSounds, BITS(8) - 1)
+#define PlayerSounds_from(i) _PlayerSounds_from(i, NULL)
+ .string _playersound_##id; \
+ REGISTER(RegisterPlayerSounds, playersound, PlayerSounds, id, m_id, new(PlayerSound)) \
+ { \
+ make_pure(this); \
+ this.m_playersoundstr = #id; \
+ this.m_playersoundfld = _playersound_##id; \
+ }
+REGISTRY_SORT(PlayerSounds, 0)
+STATIC_INIT(PlayerSounds_renumber) { FOREACH(PlayerSounds, true, LAMBDA(it.m_id = i)); }
+// TODO implement fall and falling
+.bool instanceOfVoiceMessage;
+.int m_playersoundvt;
+#define REGISTER_VOICEMSG(id, vt) \
+ .string _playersound_##id; \
+ REGISTER(RegisterPlayerSounds, playersound, PlayerSounds, id, m_id, new(VoiceMessage)) \
+ { \
+ make_pure(this); \
+ this.instanceOfVoiceMessage = true; \
+ this.m_playersoundstr = #id; \
+ this.m_playersoundfld = _playersound_##id; \
+ this.m_playersoundvt = vt; \
+ }
+const int VOICETYPE_TEAMRADIO = 11;
+const int VOICETYPE_AUTOTAUNT = 14;
+const int VOICETYPE_TAUNT = 15;
// reserved sound names for the future (some models lack sounds for them):
// _VOICEMSG(flagcarriertakingdamage)
#ifdef SVQC
- #define X(m) .string playersound_##m;
- #undef X
bool GetPlayerSoundSampleField_notFound;
- float GetVoiceMessageVoiceType(string type);
.string GetVoiceMessageSampleField(string type);
.string GetPlayerSoundSampleField(string type);
void PrecachePlayerSounds(string f);
void ClearPlayerSounds(entity this);
- float LoadPlayerSounds(string f, bool strict);
+ float LoadPlayerSounds(entity this, string f, bool strict);
void UpdatePlayerSounds(entity this);
- #define FakeGlobalSound(sample, chan, voicetype) _GlobalSound(NULL, sample, chan, voicetype, true)
- void _GlobalSound(entity gs, string sample, float chan, float voicetype, bool fake);
- #define GlobalSound(def, chan, voicetype) _GlobalSound(def, string_null, chan, voicetype, false)
- void PlayerSound(.string samplefield, float chan, float voicetype);
- void VoiceMessage(string type, string msg);
+ void _GlobalSound(entity gs, entity ps, string sample, float chan, float voicetype, bool fake);
+ #define GlobalSound(def, chan, voicetype) _GlobalSound(def, NULL, string_null, chan, voicetype, false)
+ #define GlobalSound_string(def, chan, voicetype) _GlobalSound(NULL, NULL, def, chan, voicetype, false)
+ #define PlayerSound(def, chan, voicetype) _GlobalSound(NULL, def, string_null, chan, voicetype, false)
+ #define VoiceMessage(def, msg) \
+ do \
+ { \
+ entity VM = def; \
+ int voicetype = VM.m_playersoundvt; \
+ bool ownteam = (voicetype == VOICETYPE_TEAMRADIO); \
+ int flood = Say(this, ownteam, world, msg, true); \
+ bool fake; \
+ if (IS_SPEC(this) || IS_OBSERVER(this) || flood < 0) fake = true; \
+ else if (flood > 0) fake = false; \
+ else break; \
+ _GlobalSound(NULL, VM, string_null, CH_VOICE, voicetype, fake); \
+ } \
+ while (0)