cvar_t cl_followmodel_side = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_followmodel_side", "1", "enables gun following sideways"};
cvar_t cl_followmodel_side_speed = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_followmodel_side_speed", "0.015", "gun following sideways speed"};
cvar_t cl_followmodel_side_limit = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_followmodel_side_limit", "2", "gun following sideways limit"};
+cvar_t cl_followmodel_side_highpass = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_followmodel_side_highpass", "2", "gun following sideways highpass"};
cvar_t cl_followmodel_up = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_followmodel_up", "1", "enables gun following upward"};
cvar_t cl_followmodel_up_speed = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_followmodel_up_speed", "0.01", "gun following upward speed"};
cvar_t cl_followmodel_up_limit = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_followmodel_up_limit", "1.5", "gun following upward limit"};
+cvar_t cl_followmodel_up_highpass = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_followmodel_up_highpass", "2", "gun following upward highpass"};
cvar_t cl_viewmodel_scale = {0, "cl_viewmodel_scale", "1", "changes size of gun model, lower values prevent poking into walls but cause strange artifacts on lighting and especially r_stereo/vid_stereobuffer options where the size of the gun becomes visible"};
cvar_t chase_pitchangle = {CVAR_SAVE, "chase_pitchangle", "55", "chase cam pitch angle"};
float v_dmg_time, v_dmg_roll, v_dmg_pitch;
-float gunorg[3], gunangles[3];
static vec3_t eyeboxmins = {-16, -16, -24};
static vec3_t eyeboxmaxs = { 16, 16, 32};
+static vec_t lowpass(vec_t value, vec_t frac, vec_t *store)
+ frac = bound(0, frac, 1);
+ return (*store = *store * (1 - frac) + value * frac);
+static vec_t highpass(vec_t value, vec_t frac, vec_t *store)
+ return value - lowpass(value, frac, store);
void V_CalcRefdef (void)
entity_t *ent;
float vieworg[3], viewangles[3], smoothtime;
+ float gunorg[3], gunangles[3];
#if 0
// begin of chase camera bounding box size for proper collisions by Alexander Zubov
vec3_t camboxmins = {-3, -3, -3};
if (cl.stats[STAT_HEALTH] > 0)
double xyspeed, bob;
- vec_t d;
- // gun model leaning code
- vec_t lean_speed_up = cl_leanmodel_up_speed.value * cl.realframetime * cl.movevars_timescale;
- if(cl_leanmodel_up.value && lean_speed_up >= 0 && lean_speed_up < 1) // bad things happen if this goes out of range, so prevent the effect
- {
- // prevent the gun from doing a 360* rotation when going around the 0 <-> 360 border
- if(cl.viewangles[PITCH] - gunangles[PITCH] >= 180)
- gunangles[PITCH] += 360;
- if(gunangles[PITCH] - cl.viewangles[PITCH] >= 180)
- gunangles[PITCH] -= 360;
- d = cl.viewangles[PITCH] - gunangles[PITCH];
- gunangles[PITCH] = bound(cl.viewangles[PITCH] - cl_leanmodel_up_limit.value, gunangles[PITCH] * (1 - lean_speed_up) + cl.viewangles[PITCH] * lean_speed_up, cl.viewangles[PITCH] + cl_leanmodel_up_limit.value);
- }
- else
- gunangles[PITCH] = cl.viewangles[PITCH];
- vec_t lean_speed_side = cl_leanmodel_side_speed.value * cl.realframetime * cl.movevars_timescale;
- if(cl_leanmodel_side.value && lean_speed_side >= 0 && lean_speed_side < 1) // bad things happen if this goes out of range, so prevent the effect
+ vec_t f;
+ // lowpass the view angles to the gun angles
+ if(cl.viewangles[PITCH] - cl.gunangles_lowpass[PITCH] >= 180)
+ cl.gunangles_lowpass[PITCH] += 360;
+ if(cl.gunangles_lowpass[PITCH] - cl.viewangles[PITCH] >= 180)
+ cl.gunangles_lowpass[PITCH] -= 360;
+ gunangles[PITCH] = bound(cl.viewangles[PITCH] - cl_leanmodel_up_limit.value, lowpass(cl.viewangles[PITCH], cl_leanmodel_up_speed.value * cl.realframetime * cl.movevars_timescale, &cl.gunangles_lowpass[PITCH]), cl.viewangles[PITCH] + cl_leanmodel_up_limit.value);
+ if(cl.viewangles[YAW] - cl.gunangles_lowpass[YAW] >= 180)
+ cl.gunangles_lowpass[YAW] += 360;
+ if(cl.gunangles_lowpass[YAW] - cl.viewangles[YAW] >= 180)
+ cl.gunangles_lowpass[YAW] -= 360;
+ gunangles[YAW] = bound(cl.viewangles[YAW] - cl_leanmodel_side_limit.value, lowpass(cl.viewangles[YAW], cl_leanmodel_side_speed.value * cl.realframetime * cl.movevars_timescale, &cl.gunangles_lowpass[YAW]), cl.viewangles[YAW] + cl_leanmodel_side_limit.value);
+ // no need to adjust these
+ gunangles[ROLL] = cl.viewangles[ROLL];
+ // the gun origin be the current origin minus highpass of the velocity
+ gunorg[0] = highpass(cl.movement_velocity[0] * cl_followmodel_side_speed.value, cl.realframetime * cl.movevars_timescale * cl_followmodel_side_highpass.value, &cl.gunorg_minus_vieworg_diff_highpass[0]);
+ gunorg[1] = highpass(cl.movement_velocity[1] * cl_followmodel_side_speed.value, cl.realframetime * cl.movevars_timescale * cl_followmodel_side_highpass.value, &cl.gunorg_minus_vieworg_diff_highpass[1]);
+ gunorg[2] = highpass(cl.movement_velocity[2] * cl_followmodel_up_speed.value, cl.realframetime * cl.movevars_timescale * cl_followmodel_up_highpass.value, &cl.gunorg_minus_vieworg_diff_highpass[2]);
+ // limit the gun origin
+ f = sqrt(gunorg[0]*gunorg[0] + gunorg[1]*gunorg[1]);
+ if(f > cl_followmodel_side_limit.value)
- // prevent the gun from doing a 360* rotation when going around the 0 <-> 360 border
- if(cl.viewangles[YAW] - gunangles[YAW] >= 180)
- gunangles[YAW] += 360;
- if(gunangles[YAW] - cl.viewangles[YAW] >= 180)
- gunangles[YAW] -= 360;
- d = cl.viewangles[YAW] - gunangles[YAW];
- gunangles[YAW] = bound(cl.viewangles[YAW] - cl_leanmodel_side_limit.value, gunangles[YAW] * (1 - lean_speed_side) + cl.viewangles[YAW] * lean_speed_side, cl.viewangles[YAW] + cl_leanmodel_side_limit.value);
+ gunorg[0] = gunorg[0] * cl_followmodel_side_limit.value / f;
+ gunorg[1] = gunorg[1] * cl_followmodel_side_limit.value / f;
- else
- gunangles[YAW] = cl.viewangles[YAW];
+ gunorg[2] = bound(-cl_followmodel_up_limit.value, gunorg[2], cl_followmodel_up_limit.value);
- gunangles[ROLL] = viewangles[2];
- // gun model following code
- if(cl_followmodel_side.value)
- {
- gunorg[0] = vieworg[0] - bound(-cl_followmodel_side_limit.value, cl.movement_velocity[0] * cl_followmodel_side_speed.value, cl_followmodel_side_limit.value);
- gunorg[1] = vieworg[1] - bound(-cl_followmodel_side_limit.value, cl.movement_velocity[1] * cl_followmodel_side_speed.value, cl_followmodel_side_limit.value);
- }
- else
- {
- gunorg[0] = vieworg[0];
- gunorg[1] = vieworg[1];
- }
- if(cl_followmodel_up.value)
- {
- gunorg[2] = vieworg[2] - bound(-cl_followmodel_up_limit.value, cl.movement_velocity[2] * cl_followmodel_up_speed.value, cl_followmodel_up_limit.value);
- }
- else
- {
- gunorg[2] = vieworg[2];
- }
+ VectorSubtract(vieworg, gunorg, gunorg);
// view bobbing code
xyspeed = sqrt(cl.movement_velocity[0]*cl.movement_velocity[0] + cl.movement_velocity[1]*cl.movement_velocity[1]);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_followmodel_side);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_followmodel_side_speed);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_followmodel_side_limit);
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_followmodel_side_highpass);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_followmodel_up);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_followmodel_up_speed);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_followmodel_up_limit);
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_followmodel_up_highpass);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_viewmodel_scale);