> ## Table of Contents
> 1. [Notes for developers](#notes-for-developers)
-> 2. [Chat sounds](#chat-sounds)
-> 3. [References](#references)
+> 2. [HUD configuration](#hud-configuration)
+> 3. [Chat sounds](#chat-sounds)
+> 4. [References](#references)
[**Mod**](https://gitlab.com/xonotic/xonotic-data.pk3dir/-/tree/z411/bai-server) developed by [**z411**](https://gitlab.com/z411) for the BaI Xonotic server. Most of these are features ported from Quake 3/Quake Live and some might be undesirable for some Xonotic players, here is the content in case Xonotic players want any of them in the main game.
- Icons of country flags, medals and scoreboard logo:
- Soundtrack of when a match is over and the players are in pause voting to select gamemodes/maps:
Remember look the [**repository guide**](https://gitlab.com/xonotic/xonotic/-/wikis/Repository_Access) to use this code.
+# HUD configuration
+`hud_spectatorteamdisplay 1 //sets team spectator display HUD`
+`hud_spectatorplayernamedisplay 1 //sets player name spectator display HUD`
+<img src="uploads/2dc395d83ac793aa20f502a1bfd5bb12/SpectatorHUD.jpg" alt="SpectatorHUD" width="500"/>
+`cl_attackertext 1 //sets attacker text to know who is attacking`
+<img src="uploads/19d0104a69a9bf92aa0b65c111ab0488/attackername.jpg" alt="attackername" width="200"/>
+`hud_itempickupdisplay 1 //sets item pickup display HUD`
+<img src="uploads/3d3d116722312d471408c7d178595e6d/items.jpg" alt="items" width="200"/>
# Chat sounds
To activate chat sounds, you can add sounds as you want: