C:\MinGW, make sure there is no space in the path".
git-svn-id: svn://svn.icculus.org/gtkradiant/GtkRadiant/trunk@412
<h3>Step B: Extract</h3>
Extract the zip file you just downloaded to <tt>C:\MinGW</tt> . I would use that exact location; I will be referring to
- that location in the rest of the instructions. After extraction, double check that there exists a file
+ that location in the rest of the instructions. <font color="#ff0000">If you choose a different location, make sure that there is no space in
+ the path.</font> After extraction, double check that there exists a file
<tt>C:\MinGW\bin\mingw-get.exe</tt> . If such a file does not exist, you extracted at an incorrect level or you downloaded
the wrong zip archive.