-The color codes are used in event messages to change the color. When of these appear anywhere in the text, the color of the text will be changed. The code itself will be invisible.
+Color codes are used in event messages to change text color (the code itself is invisible).
* Base colors:
| Code | Note |
| ------ | ------ |
-| `^1` | Red |
-| `^2` | Green |
-| `^3` | Yellow |
-| `^4` | Dark Blue |
-| `^5` | Light Blue |
-| `^6` | Pink |
-| `^7` | White |
-| `^8` | half transparent white|
-| `^9` | Light Gray |
-| `^0` | Black |
-| `^xRGB` | RGB color |
+| `^1` | `#F00` Red |
+| `^2` | `#0F0` Green |
+| `^3` | `#FF0` Yellow |
+| `^4` | `#00F` Blue |
+| `^5` | `#0FF` Cyan |
+| `^6` | `#F0F` Magenta |
+| `^7` | `#FFF` White |
+| `^8` | `#FFF8` Half transparent white|
+| `^9` | `#888` Light Gray |
+| `^0` | `#000` Black |
+| `^xRGB` | `#RGB` Custom color |
* Notification colors:
-| Code | Note |
-| ------ | ------ |
-| `^BG` | Default color |
-| `^TC` | Team color |
-| `^F1` | foreground/normal color 1 |
-| `^F2` | foreground/normal color 2 |
-| `^F3` | foreground/normal color 3 |
-| `^F4` | foreground/normal color 4 |
-| `^K1` | "kill" color 1 |
-| `^K2` | "kill" color 2 |
-| `^K3` | "kill" color 3 |
+| Code | Note | Corresponding cvar|
+| ------ | ------ | ------ |
+| `^TC` | Team color | - |
+| `^BG` | Default color | hud_colorset_background |
+| `^F1` | foreground/normal color 1 | hud_colorset_foreground_1 |
+| `^F2` | foreground/normal color 2 | hud_colorset_foreground_2 |
+| `^F3` | foreground/normal color 3 | hud_colorset_foreground_3 |
+| `^F4` | foreground/normal color 4 | hud_colorset_foreground_4 |
+| `^K1` | "kill" color 1 | hud_colorset_kill_1 |
+| `^K2` | "kill" color 2 | hud_colorset_kill_2 |
+| `^K3` | "kill" color 3 | hud_colorset_kill_3 |