alias printstats "qc_cmd_sv printstats ${* ?}" // Dump eventlog player stats and other score information
alias radarmap "qc_cmd_sv radarmap ${* ?}" // Generate a radar image of the map
alias reducematchtime "qc_cmd_sv reducematchtime ${* ?}" // Decrease the timelimit value incrementally
+alias reset "qc_cmd_sv reset ${* ?}" // Soft restart the map
alias setbots "qc_cmd_sv setbots ${* ?}" // Adjust how many bots are in the match
alias shuffleteams "qc_cmd_sv shuffleteams ${* ?}" // Randomly move players to different teams
alias stuffto "qc_cmd_sv stuffto ${* ?}" // Send a command to be executed on a client
set sv_vote_command_restriction_reducematchtime "0"
set sv_vote_command_restriction_extendmatchtime "0"
set sv_vote_command_restriction_allready "0"
+set sv_vote_command_restriction_reset "0"
set sv_vote_command_restriction_kick "1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;" // enough space for ban reason
set sv_vote_command_restriction_kickban "1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;" // enough space for ban reason
set sv_vote_command_restriction_cointoss "0"
// =================================
set sv_vote_call 1 "Allow users to call a vote for the commands in sv_vote_commands"
set sv_vote_change 1 "Allow voters to change their mind after already voting"
-set sv_vote_commands "restart fraglimit gotomap nextmap endmatch reducematchtime extendmatchtime allready kick cointoss movetoauto shuffleteams bots nobots" "these commands can be voted by players or used directly by masters (vdo) in addition to sv_vote_master_commands"
+set sv_vote_commands "restart fraglimit gotomap nextmap endmatch reducematchtime extendmatchtime allready reset kick cointoss movetoauto shuffleteams bots nobots" "these commands can be voted by players or used directly by masters (vdo) in addition to sv_vote_master_commands"
set sv_vote_only_commands ""
set sv_vote_limit 160 "Maximum allowed length of a vote command"
set sv_vote_master_commands "movetored movetoblue movetoyellow movetopink movetospec" "Extra commands which vote masters can execute by themselves, along with the normal sv_vote_commands." // maybe add kickban here (but then sv_vote_master 0)
// rcon server commands
// ======================
rcon_secure 1
-set rcon_restricted_commands "restart fraglimit chmap gotomap nextmap endmatch reducematchtime extendmatchtime allready kick cointoss movetoauto shuffleteams bots nobots movetored movetoblue movetoyellow movetopink movetospec kickban \"sv_cmd bans\" \"sv_cmd unban *\" status \"sv_cmd teamstatus\""
+set rcon_restricted_commands "restart fraglimit chmap gotomap nextmap endmatch reducematchtime extendmatchtime allready reset kick cointoss movetoauto shuffleteams bots nobots movetored movetoblue movetoyellow movetopink movetospec kickban \"sv_cmd bans\" \"sv_cmd unban *\" status \"sv_cmd teamstatus\""