seta hud_panel_engineinfo_framecounter_exponentialmovingaverage_new_weight 0.1 "weight of latest data point"
seta hud_panel_engineinfo_framecounter_exponentialmovingaverage_instantupdate_change_threshold 0.5 "threshold for fps change when to update instantly, to make big fps changes update faster"
-seta hud_showbinds 1 "the way to show the keys to press in HUD messages: 0 displays only actions, 1 only bound keys, 2 both"
-seta hud_showbinds_limit 2 "maximum number of bound keys to show for an action. 0 for unlimited"
+seta hud_showbinds 1 "the way to show the keys to press in HUD messages: 0 displays commands, 1 bound keys, 2 both"
+seta hud_showbinds_limit 2 "maximum number of bound keys to show for a command. 0 for unlimited"
// scoreboard
seta scoreboard_columns default
drawcolorcodedstring_aspect(pos + eY * (2/8) * mySize_y, s, eX * mySize_x + eY * (1.75/8) * mySize_y, a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
// print the yes/no counts
- s = strcat("Yes (", getcommandkey("not bound", "vyes"), "): ", ftos(vote_yescount));
+ s = strcat("Yes (", getcommandkey("vyes", "vyes"), "): ", ftos(vote_yescount));
drawstring_aspect(pos + eY * (4/8) * mySize_y, s, eX * 0.5 * mySize_x + eY * (1.5/8) * mySize_y, '0 1 0', a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- s = strcat("No (", getcommandkey("not bound", "vno"), "): ", ftos(vote_nocount));
+ s = strcat("No (", getcommandkey("vno", "vno"), "): ", ftos(vote_nocount));
drawstring_aspect(pos + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x + eY * (4/8) * mySize_y, s, eX * 0.5 * mySize_x + eY * (1.5/8) * mySize_y, '1 0 0', a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
// draw the progress bar backgrounds