-void CL_AllocDlight(entity_render_t *ent, matrix4x4_t *matrix, float radius, float red, float green, float blue, float decay, float lifetime, int cubemapnum, int style, int shadowenable, vec_t corona, vec_t coronasizescale, vec_t ambientscale, vec_t diffusescale, vec_t specularscale, int flags)
+void CL_AllocLightFlash(entity_render_t *ent, matrix4x4_t *matrix, float radius, float red, float green, float blue, float decay, float lifetime, int cubemapnum, int style, int shadowenable, vec_t corona, vec_t coronasizescale, vec_t ambientscale, vec_t diffusescale, vec_t specularscale, int flags)
int i;
dlight_t *dl;
Matrix4x4_OriginFromMatrix(&dl->matrix, dl->origin);
CL_FindNonSolidLocation(dl->origin, dl->origin, 6);
Matrix4x4_SetOrigin(&dl->matrix, dl->origin[0], dl->origin[1], dl->origin[2]);
+ Matrix4x4_Scale(&dl->matrix, radius, 1);
dl->radius = radius;
dl->color[0] = red;
dl->color[1] = green;
dl->die = cl.time + lifetime;
dl->die = 0;
- dl->cubemapnum = cubemapnum;
+ if (cubemapnum > 0)
+ dpsnprintf(dl->cubemapname, sizeof(dl->cubemapname), "cubemaps/%i", cubemapnum);
+ else
+ dl->cubemapname[0] = 0;
dl->style = style;
dl->shadow = shadowenable;
dl->corona = corona;
dl->specularscale = specularscale;
-// called before entity relinking
-void CL_DecayLights(void)
+void CL_DecayLightFlashes(void)
int i, oldmax;
dlight_t *dl;
-// called after entity relinking
-void CL_UpdateLights(void)
+// called before entity relinking
+void CL_RelinkLightFlashes(void)
int i, j, k, l;
dlight_t *dl;
float frac, f;
- r_refdef.numlights = 0;
if (r_dynamic.integer)
- {
- for (i = 0, dl = cl.dlights;i < cl.num_dlights;i++, dl++)
- {
+ for (i = 0, dl = cl.dlights;i < cl.num_dlights && r_refdef.numlights < MAX_DLIGHTS;i++, dl++)
if (dl->radius)
- {
- R_RTLight_Update(dl, false);
- r_refdef.lights[r_refdef.numlights++] = dl;
- }
- }
- }
+ R_RTLight_Update(&r_refdef.lights[r_refdef.numlights++], false, &dl->matrix, dl->color, dl->style, dl->cubemapname, dl->shadow, dl->corona, dl->coronasizescale, dl->ambientscale, dl->diffusescale, dl->specularscale, dl->flags);
// light animations
// 'm' is normal light, 'a' is no light, 'z' is double bright
//matrix4x4_t dlightmatrix;
int j, k, l;
effectnameindex_t trailtype;
- float origin[3], angles[3], delta[3], lerp, dlightcolor[3], dlightradius, v2[3], d;
+ float origin[3], angles[3], delta[3], lerp, d;
entity_t *t;
model_t *model;
- trace_t trace;
//entity_persistent_t *p = &e->persistent;
//entity_render_t *r = &e->render;
// skip inactive entities and world
// make the other useful stuff
- // handle effects now that we know where this entity is in the world...
+ // handle particle trails and such effects now that we know where this
+ // entity is in the world...
if (e->render.model && e->render.model->soundfromcenter)
// bmodels are treated specially since their origin is usually '0 0 0'
Matrix4x4_OriginFromMatrix(&e->render.matrix, origin);
trailtype = EFFECT_NONE;
- dlightradius = 0;
- dlightcolor[0] = 0;
- dlightcolor[1] = 0;
- dlightcolor[2] = 0;
// LordHavoc: if the entity has no effects, don't check each
if (e->render.effects)
- if (e->render.effects & EF_DIMLIGHT)
- {
- dlightradius = max(dlightradius, 200);
- dlightcolor[0] += 1.50f;
- dlightcolor[1] += 1.50f;
- dlightcolor[2] += 1.50f;
- }
- if (e->render.effects & EF_BRIGHTLIGHT)
- {
- dlightradius = max(dlightradius, 400);
- dlightcolor[0] += 3.00f;
- dlightcolor[1] += 3.00f;
- dlightcolor[2] += 3.00f;
- }
- // LordHavoc: more effects
- if (e->render.effects & EF_RED) // red
- {
- dlightradius = max(dlightradius, 200);
- dlightcolor[0] += 1.50f;
- dlightcolor[1] += 0.15f;
- dlightcolor[2] += 0.15f;
- }
- if (e->render.effects & EF_BLUE) // blue
- {
- dlightradius = max(dlightradius, 200);
- dlightcolor[0] += 0.15f;
- dlightcolor[1] += 0.15f;
- dlightcolor[2] += 1.50f;
- }
if (e->render.effects & EF_FLAME)
- CL_ParticleEffect(EFFECT_EF_FLAME, bound(0, cl.time - cl.oldtime, 0.1), origin, origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, NULL, 0);
+ CL_ParticleTrail(EFFECT_EF_FLAME, bound(0, cl.time - cl.oldtime, 0.1), origin, origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, NULL, 0, false, true);
if (e->render.effects & EF_STARDUST)
- CL_ParticleEffect(EFFECT_EF_STARDUST, bound(0, cl.time - cl.oldtime, 0.1), origin, origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, NULL, 0);
+ CL_ParticleTrail(EFFECT_EF_STARDUST, bound(0, cl.time - cl.oldtime, 0.1), origin, origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, NULL, 0, false, true);
if (e->render.effects & (EF_FLAG1QW | EF_FLAG2QW))
// these are only set on player entities
CL_AddQWCTFFlagModel(e, (e->render.effects & EF_FLAG2QW) != 0);
- // muzzleflash fades over time, and is offset a bit
+ // muzzleflash fades over time
if (e->persistent.muzzleflash > 0)
- {
- Matrix4x4_Transform(&e->render.matrix, muzzleflashorigin, v2);
- trace = CL_TraceBox(origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, v2, true, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_SKY, false);
- tempmatrix = e->render.matrix;
- Matrix4x4_SetOrigin(&tempmatrix, trace.endpos[0], trace.endpos[1], trace.endpos[2]);
- CL_AllocDlight(NULL, &tempmatrix, 150, e->persistent.muzzleflash * 4.0f, e->persistent.muzzleflash * 4.0f, e->persistent.muzzleflash * 4.0f, 0, 0, 0, -1, true, 0, 0.25, 0, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
e->persistent.muzzleflash -= bound(0, cl.time - cl.oldtime, 0.1) * 20;
- }
// LordHavoc: if the model has no flags, don't check each
if (e->render.model && e->render.model->flags && (!e->state_current.tagentity && !(e->render.flags & RENDER_VIEWMODEL)))
else if (e->render.model->flags & EF_TRACER3)
- // LordHavoc: customizable glow
- if (e->state_current.glowsize)
- {
- // * 4 for the expansion from 0-255 to 0-1023 range,
- // / 255 to scale down byte colors
- dlightradius = max(dlightradius, e->state_current.glowsize * 4);
- VectorMA(dlightcolor, (1.0f / 255.0f), (unsigned char *)&palette_complete[e->state_current.glowcolor], dlightcolor);
- }
- // make the glow dlight
- if (dlightradius > 0 && (dlightcolor[0] || dlightcolor[1] || dlightcolor[2]) && !(e->render.flags & RENDER_VIEWMODEL))
- {
- //dlightmatrix = e->render.matrix;
- // hack to make glowing player light shine on their gun
- //if (e->state_current.number == cl.viewentity/* && !chase_active.integer*/)
- // Matrix4x4_AdjustOrigin(&dlightmatrix, 0, 0, 30);
- CL_AllocDlight(&e->render, &e->render.matrix, dlightradius, dlightcolor[0], dlightcolor[1], dlightcolor[2], 0, 0, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 0.25, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
- }
- // custom rtlight
- if (e->state_current.lightpflags & PFLAGS_FULLDYNAMIC)
- {
- float light[4];
- VectorScale(e->state_current.light, (1.0f / 256.0f), light);
- light[3] = e->state_current.light[3];
- if (light[0] == 0 && light[1] == 0 && light[2] == 0)
- VectorSet(light, 1, 1, 1);
- if (light[3] == 0)
- light[3] = 350;
- // FIXME: add ambient/diffuse/specular scales as an extension ontop of TENEBRAE_GFX_DLIGHTS?
- CL_AllocDlight(&e->render, &e->render.matrix, light[3], light[0], light[1], light[2], 0, 0, e->state_current.skin, e->state_current.lightstyle, !(e->state_current.lightpflags & PFLAGS_NOSHADOW), (e->state_current.lightpflags & PFLAGS_CORONA) != 0, 0.25, 0, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
- }
// do trails
if (e->render.flags & RENDER_GLOWTRAIL)
if (len > 0)
len = 1.0f / len;
VectorScale(vel, len, vel);
- CL_ParticleEffect(trailtype, 1, e->persistent.trail_origin, origin, vel, vel, e, e->state_current.glowcolor);
+ CL_ParticleTrail(trailtype, 1, e->persistent.trail_origin, origin, vel, vel, e, e->state_current.glowcolor, false, true);
VectorCopy(origin, e->persistent.trail_origin);
// tenebrae's sprites are all additive mode (weird)
entity_t *ent;
int i;
-// start on the entity after the world
+ // process network entities
+ // first link the player
+ CL_UpdateNetworkEntity(cl.entities + cl.viewentity);
+ // set up the view
+ V_CalcRefdef();
+ // start on the entity after the world
+ // skip the player entity because it was already processed
for (i = 1;i < cl.num_entities;i++)
- if (cl.entities_active[i])
+ if (cl.entities_active[i] && i != cl.viewentity)
ent = cl.entities + i;
if (ent->state_current.active)
// note this is a recursive function, but it can never get in a runaway loop (because of the delayedlink flags)
void CL_LinkNetworkEntity(entity_t *e)
+ effectnameindex_t trailtype;
+ vec3_t origin;
+ vec3_t dlightcolor;
+ vec_t dlightradius;
// skip inactive entities and world
if (!e->state_current.active || e == cl.entities)
+ // create entity dlights associated with this entity
+ if (e->render.model && e->render.model->soundfromcenter)
+ {
+ // bmodels are treated specially since their origin is usually '0 0 0'
+ vec3_t o;
+ VectorMAM(0.5f, e->render.model->normalmins, 0.5f, e->render.model->normalmaxs, o);
+ Matrix4x4_Transform(&e->render.matrix, o, origin);
+ }
+ else
+ Matrix4x4_OriginFromMatrix(&e->render.matrix, origin);
+ trailtype = EFFECT_NONE;
+ dlightradius = 0;
+ dlightcolor[0] = 0;
+ dlightcolor[1] = 0;
+ dlightcolor[2] = 0;
+ // LordHavoc: if the entity has no effects, don't check each
+ if (e->render.effects)
+ {
+ if (e->render.effects & EF_BRIGHTFIELD)
+ {
+ if (gamemode == GAME_NEXUIZ)
+ }
+ if (e->render.effects & EF_DIMLIGHT)
+ {
+ dlightradius = max(dlightradius, 200);
+ dlightcolor[0] += 1.50f;
+ dlightcolor[1] += 1.50f;
+ dlightcolor[2] += 1.50f;
+ }
+ if (e->render.effects & EF_BRIGHTLIGHT)
+ {
+ dlightradius = max(dlightradius, 400);
+ dlightcolor[0] += 3.00f;
+ dlightcolor[1] += 3.00f;
+ dlightcolor[2] += 3.00f;
+ }
+ // LordHavoc: more effects
+ if (e->render.effects & EF_RED) // red
+ {
+ dlightradius = max(dlightradius, 200);
+ dlightcolor[0] += 1.50f;
+ dlightcolor[1] += 0.15f;
+ dlightcolor[2] += 0.15f;
+ }
+ if (e->render.effects & EF_BLUE) // blue
+ {
+ dlightradius = max(dlightradius, 200);
+ dlightcolor[0] += 0.15f;
+ dlightcolor[1] += 0.15f;
+ dlightcolor[2] += 1.50f;
+ }
+ if (e->render.effects & EF_FLAME)
+ CL_ParticleTrail(EFFECT_EF_FLAME, 0, origin, origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, NULL, 0, true, false);
+ if (e->render.effects & EF_STARDUST)
+ CL_ParticleTrail(EFFECT_EF_STARDUST, 0, origin, origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, NULL, 0, true, false);
+ }
+ // muzzleflash fades over time, and is offset a bit
+ if (e->persistent.muzzleflash > 0 && r_refdef.numlights < MAX_DLIGHTS)
+ {
+ vec3_t v2;
+ vec3_t color;
+ trace_t trace;
+ matrix4x4_t tempmatrix;
+ Matrix4x4_Transform(&e->render.matrix, muzzleflashorigin, v2);
+ trace = CL_TraceBox(origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, v2, true, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_SKY, false);
+ Matrix4x4_Normalize(&tempmatrix, &e->render.matrix);
+ Matrix4x4_SetOrigin(&tempmatrix, trace.endpos[0], trace.endpos[1], trace.endpos[2]);
+ Matrix4x4_Scale(&tempmatrix, 150, 1);
+ VectorSet(color, e->persistent.muzzleflash * 4.0f, e->persistent.muzzleflash * 4.0f, e->persistent.muzzleflash * 4.0f);
+ R_RTLight_Update(&r_refdef.lights[r_refdef.numlights++], false, &tempmatrix, color, -1, NULL, true, 0, 0.25, 0, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
+ }
+ // LordHavoc: if the model has no flags, don't check each
+ if (e->render.model && e->render.model->flags && (!e->state_current.tagentity && !(e->render.flags & RENDER_VIEWMODEL)))
+ {
+ if (e->render.model->flags & EF_GIB)
+ trailtype = EFFECT_TR_BLOOD;
+ else if (e->render.model->flags & EF_ZOMGIB)
+ else if (e->render.model->flags & EF_TRACER)
+ trailtype = EFFECT_TR_WIZSPIKE;
+ else if (e->render.model->flags & EF_TRACER2)
+ else if (e->render.model->flags & EF_ROCKET)
+ trailtype = EFFECT_TR_ROCKET;
+ else if (e->render.model->flags & EF_GRENADE)
+ {
+ // LordHavoc: e->render.alpha == -1 is for Nehahra dem compatibility (cigar smoke)
+ trailtype = e->render.alpha == -1 ? EFFECT_TR_NEHAHRASMOKE : EFFECT_TR_GRENADE;
+ }
+ else if (e->render.model->flags & EF_TRACER3)
+ trailtype = EFFECT_TR_VORESPIKE;
+ }
+ // LordHavoc: customizable glow
+ if (e->state_current.glowsize)
+ {
+ // * 4 for the expansion from 0-255 to 0-1023 range,
+ // / 255 to scale down byte colors
+ dlightradius = max(dlightradius, e->state_current.glowsize * 4);
+ VectorMA(dlightcolor, (1.0f / 255.0f), (unsigned char *)&palette_complete[e->state_current.glowcolor], dlightcolor);
+ }
+ // make the glow dlight
+ if (dlightradius > 0 && (dlightcolor[0] || dlightcolor[1] || dlightcolor[2]) && !(e->render.flags & RENDER_VIEWMODEL) && r_refdef.numlights < MAX_DLIGHTS)
+ {
+ matrix4x4_t dlightmatrix;
+ Matrix4x4_Normalize(&dlightmatrix, &e->render.matrix);
+ // hack to make glowing player light shine on their gun
+ //if (e->state_current.number == cl.viewentity/* && !chase_active.integer*/)
+ // Matrix4x4_AdjustOrigin(&dlightmatrix, 0, 0, 30);
+ Matrix4x4_Scale(&dlightmatrix, dlightradius, 1);
+ R_RTLight_Update(&r_refdef.lights[r_refdef.numlights++], false, &dlightmatrix, dlightcolor, -1, NULL, true, 1, 0.25, 0, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
+ }
+ // custom rtlight
+ if ((e->state_current.lightpflags & PFLAGS_FULLDYNAMIC) && r_refdef.numlights < MAX_DLIGHTS)
+ {
+ matrix4x4_t dlightmatrix;
+ float light[4];
+ VectorScale(e->state_current.light, (1.0f / 256.0f), light);
+ light[3] = e->state_current.light[3];
+ if (light[0] == 0 && light[1] == 0 && light[2] == 0)
+ VectorSet(light, 1, 1, 1);
+ if (light[3] == 0)
+ light[3] = 350;
+ // FIXME: add ambient/diffuse/specular scales as an extension ontop of TENEBRAE_GFX_DLIGHTS?
+ Matrix4x4_Normalize(&dlightmatrix, &e->render.matrix);
+ Matrix4x4_Scale(&dlightmatrix, light[3], 1);
+ R_RTLight_Update(&r_refdef.lights[r_refdef.numlights++], false, &dlightmatrix, light, e->state_current.lightstyle, e->state_current.skin > 0 ? va("cubemaps/%i", e->state_current.skin) : NULL, !(e->state_current.lightpflags & PFLAGS_NOSHADOW), (e->state_current.lightpflags & PFLAGS_CORONA) != 0, 0.25, 0, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
+ }
+ // do trail light
+ if (e->render.flags & RENDER_GLOWTRAIL)
+ trailtype = EFFECT_TR_GLOWTRAIL;
+ if (trailtype)
+ CL_ParticleTrail(trailtype, 0, origin, origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, NULL, e->state_current.glowcolor, true, false);
// don't show entities with no modelindex (note: this still shows
// entities which have a modelindex that resolved to a NULL model)
if (e->render.model && !(e->render.effects & EF_NODRAW) && r_refdef.numentities < r_refdef.maxentities)
if (b->lightning)
- if (cl_beams_lightatend.integer)
+ if (cl_beams_lightatend.integer && r_refdef.numlights < MAX_DLIGHTS)
// FIXME: create a matrix from the beam start/end orientation
- Matrix4x4_CreateTranslate(&tempmatrix, end[0], end[1], end[2]);
- CL_AllocDlight (NULL, &tempmatrix, 200, 0.3, 0.7, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 1, 0, 0, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
+ vec3_t dlightcolor;
+ VectorSet(dlightcolor, 0.3, 0.7, 1);
+ Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(&tempmatrix, end[0], end[1], end[2], 0, 0, 0, 200);
+ R_RTLight_Update(&r_refdef.lights[r_refdef.numlights++], false, &tempmatrix, dlightcolor, -1, NULL, true, 1, 0.25, 1, 0, 0, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
if (cl_beams_polygons.integer)
r_refdef.time = cl.time;
r_refdef.extraupdate = !r_speeds.integer;
r_refdef.numentities = 0;
+ r_refdef.numlights = 0;
r_view.matrix = identitymatrix;
+ cl.num_brushmodel_entities = 0;
if (cls.state == ca_connected && cls.signon == SIGNONS)
// prepare for a new frame
- CL_DecayLights();
+ CL_DecayLightFlashes();
- // move particles
- CL_MoveParticles();
- R_MoveExplosions();
- cl.num_brushmodel_entities = 0;
- // process network entities
- // first link the player
- CL_UpdateNetworkEntity(cl.entities + cl.viewentity);
- // set up the view
- V_CalcRefdef();
- if (!csqc_loaded)
- {
- // now link the rest of the network entities
- // (this is instead done in VM_R_RenderScene if csqc is loaded)
- CL_UpdateEntities();
- }
+ // now update all the network entities
+ CL_UpdateEntities();
+ CL_RelinkLightFlashes();
- CL_UpdateLights();
- // update the r_refdef time again because cl.time may have changed
+ // move particles
+ CL_MoveParticles();
+ R_MoveExplosions();
+ // update the r_refdef time again because cl.time may have changed in
+ // CL_LerpPoint()
r_refdef.time = cl.time;
color[2] = MSG_ReadCoord(cls.protocol) * (2.0f / 1.0f);
Matrix4x4_CreateTranslate(&tempmatrix, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
- CL_AllocDlight(NULL, &tempmatrix, 350, color[0], color[1], color[2], 700, 0.5, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 0.25, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
+ CL_AllocLightFlash(NULL, &tempmatrix, 350, color[0], color[1], color[2], 700, 0.5, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 0.25, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
S_StartSound(-1, 0, cl.sfx_r_exp3, pos, 1, 1);
color[1] = MSG_ReadByte() * (2.0f / 255.0f);
color[2] = MSG_ReadByte() * (2.0f / 255.0f);
Matrix4x4_CreateTranslate(&tempmatrix, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
- CL_AllocDlight(NULL, &tempmatrix, 350, color[0], color[1], color[2], 700, 0.5, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 0.25, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
+ CL_AllocLightFlash(NULL, &tempmatrix, 350, color[0], color[1], color[2], 700, 0.5, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 0.25, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
S_StartSound(-1, 0, cl.sfx_r_exp3, pos, 1, 1);
color[1] = MSG_ReadByte() * (2.0f / 255.0f);
color[2] = MSG_ReadByte() * (2.0f / 255.0f);
Matrix4x4_CreateTranslate(&tempmatrix, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
- CL_AllocDlight(NULL, &tempmatrix, radius, color[0], color[1], color[2], radius / velspeed, velspeed, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 1, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
+ CL_AllocLightFlash(NULL, &tempmatrix, radius, color[0], color[1], color[2], radius / velspeed, velspeed, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 1, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
color[1] = tempcolor[1] * (2.0f / 255.0f);
color[2] = tempcolor[2] * (2.0f / 255.0f);
Matrix4x4_CreateTranslate(&tempmatrix, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
- CL_AllocDlight(NULL, &tempmatrix, 350, color[0], color[1], color[2], 700, 0.5, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 0.25, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
+ CL_AllocLightFlash(NULL, &tempmatrix, 350, color[0], color[1], color[2], 700, 0.5, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 0.25, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
S_StartSound(-1, 0, cl.sfx_r_exp3, pos, 1, 1);
#include "cl_collision.h"
#include "image.h"
+#include "r_shadow.h"
// must match ptype_t values
particletype_t particletype[pt_total] =
static void CL_Sparks(const vec3_t originmins, const vec3_t originmaxs, const vec3_t velocitymins, const vec3_t velocitymaxs, float sparkcount, float smokecount);
-void CL_ParticleEffect_Fallback(int effectnameindex, float count, const vec3_t originmins, const vec3_t originmaxs, const vec3_t velocitymins, const vec3_t velocitymaxs, entity_t *ent, int palettecolor)
+void CL_ParticleEffect_Fallback(int effectnameindex, float count, const vec3_t originmins, const vec3_t originmaxs, const vec3_t velocitymins, const vec3_t velocitymaxs, entity_t *ent, int palettecolor, qboolean spawndlight, qboolean spawnparticles)
vec3_t center;
matrix4x4_t tempmatrix;
// bullet hole
if (cl_stainmaps.integer) R_Stain(center, 32, 96, 96, 96, 24, 128, 128, 128, 24);
CL_SpawnDecalParticleForPoint(center, 6, 3, 255, tex_bulletdecal[rand()&7], 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF);
- CL_AllocDlight(NULL, &tempmatrix, 100, 0.15f, 0.15f, 1.5f, 500, 0.2, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 1, 0, 0, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
+ CL_AllocLightFlash(NULL, &tempmatrix, 100, 0.15f, 0.15f, 1.5f, 500, 0.2, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 1, 0, 0, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
else if (effectnameindex == EFFECT_TE_SUPERSPIKE)
// bullet hole
if (cl_stainmaps.integer) R_Stain(center, 32, 96, 96, 96, 24, 128, 128, 128, 24);
CL_SpawnDecalParticleForPoint(center, 6, 3, 255, tex_bulletdecal[rand()&7], 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF);
- CL_AllocDlight(NULL, &tempmatrix, 100, 0.15f, 0.15f, 1.5f, 500, 0.2, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 1, 0, 0, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
+ CL_AllocLightFlash(NULL, &tempmatrix, 100, 0.15f, 0.15f, 1.5f, 500, 0.2, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 1, 0, 0, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
else if (effectnameindex == EFFECT_TE_BLOOD)
// plasma scorch mark
if (cl_stainmaps.integer) R_Stain(center, 48, 96, 96, 96, 32, 128, 128, 128, 32);
CL_SpawnDecalParticleForPoint(center, 6, 6, 255, tex_bulletdecal[rand()&7], 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF);
- CL_AllocDlight(NULL, &tempmatrix, 200, 1, 1, 1, 1000, 0.2, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 1, 0, 0, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
+ CL_AllocLightFlash(NULL, &tempmatrix, 200, 1, 1, 1, 1000, 0.2, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 1, 0, 0, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
else if (effectnameindex == EFFECT_TE_GUNSHOT)
// bullet hole
if (cl_stainmaps.integer) R_Stain(center, 32, 96, 96, 96, 24, 128, 128, 128, 24);
CL_SpawnDecalParticleForPoint(center, 6, 3, 255, tex_bulletdecal[rand()&7], 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF);
- CL_AllocDlight(NULL, &tempmatrix, 100, 0.15f, 0.15f, 1.5f, 500, 0.2, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 1, 0, 0, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
+ CL_AllocLightFlash(NULL, &tempmatrix, 100, 0.15f, 0.15f, 1.5f, 500, 0.2, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 1, 0, 0, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
else if (effectnameindex == EFFECT_TE_EXPLOSION)
- CL_AllocDlight(NULL, &tempmatrix, 350, 4.0f, 2.0f, 0.50f, 700, 0.5, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 0.25, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
+ CL_AllocLightFlash(NULL, &tempmatrix, 350, 4.0f, 2.0f, 0.50f, 700, 0.5, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 0.25, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
else if (effectnameindex == EFFECT_TE_EXPLOSIONQUAD)
- CL_AllocDlight(NULL, &tempmatrix, 350, 2.5f, 2.0f, 4.0f, 700, 0.5, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 0.25, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
+ CL_AllocLightFlash(NULL, &tempmatrix, 350, 2.5f, 2.0f, 4.0f, 700, 0.5, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 0.25, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
else if (effectnameindex == EFFECT_TE_TAREXPLOSION)
- CL_AllocDlight(NULL, &tempmatrix, 600, 1.6f, 0.8f, 2.0f, 1200, 0.5, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 0.25, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
+ CL_AllocLightFlash(NULL, &tempmatrix, 600, 1.6f, 0.8f, 2.0f, 1200, 0.5, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 0.25, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
else if (effectnameindex == EFFECT_TE_SMALLFLASH)
- CL_AllocDlight(NULL, &tempmatrix, 200, 2, 2, 2, 1000, 0.2, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 0.25, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
+ CL_AllocLightFlash(NULL, &tempmatrix, 200, 2, 2, 2, 1000, 0.2, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 0.25, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
else if (effectnameindex == EFFECT_TE_FLAMEJET)
count *= cl_particles_quality.value;
particle(particletype + pt_static, particlepalette[14], particlepalette[14], tex_particle, 30, 0, 256, 512, 0, 0, center[0], center[1], center[2], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- CL_AllocDlight(NULL, &tempmatrix, 200, 2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f, 400, 99.0f, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 1, 0, 0, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
+ CL_AllocLightFlash(NULL, &tempmatrix, 200, 2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f, 400, 99.0f, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 1, 0, 0, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
else if (effectnameindex == EFFECT_TE_TEI_G3)
particle(particletype + pt_beam, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF, tex_beam, 8, 0, 256, 256, 0, 0, originmins[0], originmins[1], originmins[2], originmaxs[0], originmaxs[1], originmaxs[2], 0, 0, 0, 0);
else if (effectnameindex == EFFECT_TE_TEI_BIGEXPLOSION)
- CL_AllocDlight(NULL, &tempmatrix, 500, 2.5f, 2.0f, 1.0f, 500, 9999, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
+ CL_AllocLightFlash(NULL, &tempmatrix, 500, 2.5f, 2.0f, 1.0f, 500, 9999, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
else if (effectnameindex == EFFECT_TE_TEI_PLASMAHIT)
if (cl_particles_sparks.integer)
for (f = 0;f < count;f += 1.0f / cl_particles_quality.value)
particle(particletype + pt_spark, 0x2030FF, 0x80C0FF, tex_particle, 2.0f, 0, lhrandom(64, 255), 512, 0, 0, lhrandom(originmins[0], originmaxs[0]), lhrandom(originmins[1], originmaxs[1]), lhrandom(originmins[2], originmaxs[2]), lhrandom(velocitymins[0], velocitymaxs[0]), lhrandom(velocitymins[1], velocitymaxs[1]), lhrandom(velocitymins[2], velocitymaxs[2]), 0, 0, 0, 465);
- CL_AllocDlight(NULL, &tempmatrix, 500, 0.6f, 1.2f, 2.0f, 2000, 9999, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 0.25, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
+ CL_AllocLightFlash(NULL, &tempmatrix, 500, 0.6f, 1.2f, 2.0f, 2000, 9999, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 0.25, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
else if (effectnameindex == EFFECT_EF_FLAME)
count *= 300 * cl_particles_quality.value;
while (count-- > 0)
particle(particletype + pt_smoke, 0x6f0f00, 0xe3974f, tex_particle, 4, 0, lhrandom(64, 128), 384, -1, 0, lhrandom(originmins[0], originmaxs[0]), lhrandom(originmins[1], originmaxs[1]), lhrandom(originmins[2], originmaxs[2]), lhrandom(velocitymins[0], velocitymaxs[0]), lhrandom(velocitymins[1], velocitymaxs[1]), lhrandom(velocitymins[2], velocitymaxs[2]), 1, 4, 16, 128);
- CL_AllocDlight(NULL, &tempmatrix, 200, 2.0f, 1.5f, 0.5f, 0, 0, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 0.25, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
+ CL_AllocLightFlash(NULL, &tempmatrix, 200, 2.0f, 1.5f, 0.5f, 0, 0, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 0.25, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
else if (effectnameindex == EFFECT_EF_STARDUST)
count *= 200 * cl_particles_quality.value;
while (count-- > 0)
particle(particletype + pt_static, 0x903010, 0xFFD030, tex_particle, 4, 0, lhrandom(64, 128), 128, 1, 0, lhrandom(originmins[0], originmaxs[0]), lhrandom(originmins[1], originmaxs[1]), lhrandom(originmins[2], originmaxs[2]), lhrandom(velocitymins[0], velocitymaxs[0]), lhrandom(velocitymins[1], velocitymaxs[1]), lhrandom(velocitymins[2], velocitymaxs[2]), 0.2, 0.8, 16, 128);
- CL_AllocDlight(NULL, &tempmatrix, 200, 1.0f, 0.7f, 0.3f, 0, 0, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 0.25, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
+ CL_AllocLightFlash(NULL, &tempmatrix, 200, 1.0f, 0.7f, 0.3f, 0, 0, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 0.25, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
else if (!strncmp(particleeffectname[effectnameindex], "TR_", 3))
float len, dec, qd;
int smoke, blood, bubbles, r, color;
- if (effectnameindex == EFFECT_TR_ROCKET)
- CL_AllocDlight(&ent->render, &ent->render.matrix, 200, 3.0f, 1.5f, 0.5f, 0, 0, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 0.25, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
- else if (effectnameindex == EFFECT_TR_VORESPIKE)
+ if (spawndlight && r_refdef.numlights < MAX_DLIGHTS)
- if (gamemode == GAME_PRYDON && !cl_particles_quake.integer)
- CL_AllocDlight(&ent->render, &ent->render.matrix, 100, 0.3f, 0.6f, 1.2f, 0, 0, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 0.25, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
- else
- CL_AllocDlight(&ent->render, &ent->render.matrix, 200, 1.2f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 0, 0, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 0.25, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
+ vec4_t light;
+ Vector4Set(light, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ if (effectnameindex == EFFECT_TR_ROCKET)
+ Vector4Set(light, 3.0f, 1.5f, 0.5f, 200);
+ else if (effectnameindex == EFFECT_TR_VORESPIKE)
+ {
+ if (gamemode == GAME_PRYDON && !cl_particles_quake.integer)
+ Vector4Set(light, 0.3f, 0.6f, 1.2f, 100);
+ else
+ Vector4Set(light, 1.2f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 200);
+ }
+ else if (effectnameindex == EFFECT_TR_NEXUIZPLASMA)
+ Vector4Set(light, 0.75f, 1.5f, 3.0f, 200);
+ if (light[3])
+ {
+ matrix4x4_t tempmatrix;
+ Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(&tempmatrix, originmaxs[0], originmaxs[1], originmaxs[2], 0, 0, 0, light[3]);
+ R_RTLight_Update(&r_refdef.lights[r_refdef.numlights++], false, &tempmatrix, light, -1, NULL, true, 1, 0.25, 0, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
+ }
- else if (effectnameindex == EFFECT_TR_NEXUIZPLASMA)
- CL_AllocDlight(&ent->render, &ent->render.matrix, 200, 0.75f, 1.5f, 3.0f, 0, 0, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 0.25, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
+ if (!spawnparticles)
+ return;
if (originmaxs[0] == originmins[0] && originmaxs[1] == originmins[1] && originmaxs[2] == originmins[2])
Con_Printf("CL_ParticleEffect_Fallback: no fallback found for effect %s\n", particleeffectname[effectnameindex]);
-void CL_ParticleEffect(int effectnameindex, float pcount, const vec3_t originmins, const vec3_t originmaxs, const vec3_t velocitymins, const vec3_t velocitymaxs, entity_t *ent, int palettecolor)
+// this is also called on point effects with spawndlight = true and
+// spawnparticles = true
+// it is called CL_ParticleTrail because most code does not want to supply
+// these parameters, only trail handling does
+void CL_ParticleTrail(int effectnameindex, float pcount, const vec3_t originmins, const vec3_t originmaxs, const vec3_t velocitymins, const vec3_t velocitymaxs, entity_t *ent, int palettecolor, qboolean spawndlight, qboolean spawnparticles)
vec3_t center;
qboolean found = false;
// spawn a dlight if requested
- if (info->lightradiusstart > 0)
+ if (info->lightradiusstart > 0 && spawndlight)
matrix4x4_t tempmatrix;
if (info->trailspacing > 0)
Matrix4x4_CreateTranslate(&tempmatrix, originmaxs[0], originmaxs[1], originmaxs[2]);
Matrix4x4_CreateTranslate(&tempmatrix, center[0], center[1], center[2]);
- CL_AllocDlight(NULL, &tempmatrix, info->lightradiusstart, info->lightcolor[0], info->lightcolor[1], info->lightcolor[2], info->lightradiusfade, info->lighttime, info->lightcubemapnum, -1, info->lightshadow, 1, 0.25, 0, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
+ if (info->lighttime > 0 && info->lightradiusfade > 0)
+ {
+ // light flash (explosion, etc)
+ // called when effect starts
+ CL_AllocLightFlash(NULL, &tempmatrix, info->lightradiusstart, info->lightcolor[0], info->lightcolor[1], info->lightcolor[2], info->lightradiusfade, info->lighttime, info->lightcubemapnum, -1, info->lightshadow, 1, 0.25, 0, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // glowing entity
+ // called by CL_LinkNetworkEntity
+ Matrix4x4_Scale(&tempmatrix, info->lightradiusstart, 1);
+ R_RTLight_Update(&r_refdef.lights[r_refdef.numlights++], false, &tempmatrix, info->lightcolor, -1, info->lightcubemapnum > 0 ? va("cubemaps/%i", info->lightcubemapnum) : NULL, info->lightshadow, 1, 0.25, 0, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
+ }
+ if (!spawnparticles)
+ continue;
// spawn particles
tex = info->tex[0];
if (info->tex[1] > info->tex[0])
if (!found)
- CL_ParticleEffect_Fallback(effectnameindex, pcount, originmins, originmaxs, velocitymins, velocitymaxs, ent, palettecolor);
+ CL_ParticleEffect_Fallback(effectnameindex, pcount, originmins, originmaxs, velocitymins, velocitymaxs, ent, palettecolor, spawndlight, spawnparticles);
+void CL_ParticleEffect(int effectnameindex, float pcount, const vec3_t originmins, const vec3_t originmaxs, const vec3_t velocitymins, const vec3_t velocitymaxs, entity_t *ent, int palettecolor)
+ CL_ParticleTrail(effectnameindex, pcount, originmins, originmaxs, velocitymins, velocitymaxs, ent, palettecolor, true, true);
// color of light
// (worldlight: saved to .rtlights file)
vec3_t color;
- // cubemap number to use on this light
- // (dlight only)
- int cubemapnum;
// cubemap name to use on this light
- // (worldlight only)
// (worldlight: saved to .rtlights file)
char cubemapname[64];
// make light flash while selected
// (worldlight only)
struct dlight_s *next;
// embedded rtlight struct for renderer
- // (renderer only)
+ // (worldlight only)
rtlight_t rtlight;
extern client_state_t cl;
-extern void CL_AllocDlight (entity_render_t *ent, matrix4x4_t *matrix, float radius, float red, float green, float blue, float decay, float lifetime, int cubemapnum, int style, int shadowenable, vec_t corona, vec_t coronasizescale, vec_t ambientscale, vec_t diffusescale, vec_t specularscale, int flags);
+extern void CL_AllocLightFlash (entity_render_t *ent, matrix4x4_t *matrix, float radius, float red, float green, float blue, float decay, float lifetime, int cubemapnum, int style, int shadowenable, vec_t corona, vec_t coronasizescale, vec_t ambientscale, vec_t diffusescale, vec_t specularscale, int flags);
int CL_ParticleEffectIndexForName(const char *name);
const char *CL_ParticleEffectNameForIndex(int i);
void CL_ParticleEffect(int effectindex, float pcount, const vec3_t originmins, const vec3_t originmaxs, const vec3_t velocitymins, const vec3_t velocitymaxs, entity_t *ent, int palettecolor);
+void CL_ParticleTrail(int effectindex, float pcount, const vec3_t originmins, const vec3_t originmaxs, const vec3_t velocitymins, const vec3_t velocitymaxs, entity_t *ent, int palettecolor, qboolean spawndlight, qboolean spawnparticles);
void CL_ParseParticleEffect (void);
void CL_ParticleCube (const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t dir, int count, int colorbase, vec_t gravity, vec_t randomvel);
void CL_ParticleRain (const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t dir, int count, int colorbase, int type);
int maxentities;
// renderable dynamic lights
- dlight_t *lights[MAX_DLIGHTS];
+ rtlight_t lights[MAX_DLIGHTS];
int numlights;
// 8.8bit fixed point intensities for light styles
#include "prvm_cmds.h"
#include "csprogs.h"
#include "cl_collision.h"
+#include "r_shadow.h"
// Client
//[515]: unsolved PROBLEMS
//- finish player physics code (cs_runplayerphysics)
-//- fix R_AddDynamicLight
//- EntWasFreed ?
//- RF_DEPTHHACK is not like it should be
//- add builtin that sets cl.viewangles instead of reading "input_angles" global
Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(&viewmodelmatrix, csqc_origin[0], csqc_origin[1], csqc_origin[2], csqc_angles[0], csqc_angles[1], csqc_angles[2], cl_viewmodel_scale.value);
+void CL_RelinkLightFlashes(void);
//#300 void() clearscene (EXT_CSQC)
void VM_R_ClearScene (void)
+ // clear renderable entity and light lists
r_refdef.numentities = 0;
+ r_refdef.numlights = 0;
//#301 void(float mask) addentities (EXT_CSQC)
drawmask = (int)PRVM_G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0);
+ CL_RelinkLightFlashes();
*prog->time = cl.time;
void VM_R_RenderScene (void) //#134
- // update all renderable network entities
- CL_UpdateEntities();
void VM_R_AddDynamicLight (void)
float *pos, *col;
- matrix4x4_t tempmatrix;
+ matrix4x4_t matrix;
VM_SAFEPARMCOUNT(3, VM_R_AddDynamicLight);
+ // if we've run out of dlights, just return
+ if (r_refdef.numlights >= MAX_DLIGHTS)
+ return;
- Matrix4x4_CreateTranslate(&tempmatrix, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
- CL_AllocDlight(NULL, &tempmatrix, PRVM_G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1), col[0], col[1], col[2], 500, 0, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 0.25, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
- //CL_AllocDlight(NULL, &tempmatrix, PRVM_G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1), col[0], col[1], col[2], 500, 0.2, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 1, 0, 0, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
+ Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(&matrix, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], 0, 0, 0, PRVM_G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1));
+ R_RTLight_Update(&r_refdef.lights[r_refdef.numlights++], false, &matrix, col, -1, NULL, true, 1, 0.25, 0, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
CL_FindNonSolidLocation(pos, pos2, 10);
Matrix4x4_CreateTranslate(&tempmatrix, pos2[0], pos2[1], pos2[2]);
- CL_AllocDlight(NULL, &tempmatrix, 350, PRVM_G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1)[0], PRVM_G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1)[1], PRVM_G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1)[2], 700, 0.5, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 0.25, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
+ CL_AllocLightFlash(NULL, &tempmatrix, 350, PRVM_G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1)[0], PRVM_G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1)[1], PRVM_G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM1)[2], 700, 0.5, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 0.25, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
// #408 void(vector mincorner, vector maxcorner, vector vel, float howmany, float color, float gravityflag, float randomveljitter) te_particlecube (DP_TE_PARTICLECUBE)
CL_FindNonSolidLocation(pos, pos2, 4);
Matrix4x4_CreateTranslate(&tempmatrix, pos2[0], pos2[1], pos2[2]);
// #418 void(vector org) te_gunshot (DP_TE_STANDARDEFFECTBUILTINS)
color[1] = tempcolor[1] * (2.0f / 255.0f);
color[2] = tempcolor[2] * (2.0f / 255.0f);
Matrix4x4_CreateTranslate(&tempmatrix, pos2[0], pos2[1], pos2[2]);
- CL_AllocDlight(NULL, &tempmatrix, 350, color[0], color[1], color[2], 700, 0.5, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 0.25, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
+ CL_AllocLightFlash(NULL, &tempmatrix, 350, color[0], color[1], color[2], 700, 0.5, 0, -1, true, 1, 0.25, 0.25, 1, 1, LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE | LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE);
S_StartSound(-1, 0, cl.sfx_r_exp3, pos2, 1, 1);
//VectorCopy(cl.viewangles, oldangles);
*prog->time = cl.time;
+ // clear renderable entity and light lists to prevent crashes if the
+ // CSQC_UpdateView function does not call R_ClearScene as it should
r_refdef.numentities = 0;
+ r_refdef.numlights = 0;
PRVM_ExecuteProgram (prog->globals.client->CSQC_UpdateView, CL_F_UPDATEVIEW);
//VectorCopy(oldangles, cl.viewangles);
int i, lnum, flag;
float cscale, scale, viewdist, dist;
dlight_t *light;
+ rtlight_t *rtlight;
if (r_coronas.value < 0.01)
for (i = 0;i < r_refdef.numlights;i++)
- light = r_refdef.lights[i];
- if ((light->flags & flag) && light->corona * r_coronas.value > 0 && (dist = (DotProduct(light->origin, r_view.forward) - viewdist)) >= 24.0f && CL_TraceBox(light->origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, r_view.origin, true, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID, false).fraction == 1)
+ rtlight = &r_refdef.lights[i];
+ if ((rtlight->flags & flag) && rtlight->corona * r_coronas.value > 0 && (dist = (DotProduct(rtlight->shadoworigin, r_view.forward) - viewdist)) >= 24.0f && CL_TraceBox(rtlight->shadoworigin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, r_view.origin, true, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID, false).fraction == 1)
- cscale = light->corona * r_coronas.value * 0.25f;
- scale = light->rtlight.radius * light->rtlight.coronasizescale;
+ cscale = rtlight->corona * r_coronas.value * 0.25f;
+ scale = rtlight->radius * rtlight->coronasizescale;
if (gl_flashblend.integer)
cscale *= 4.0f;
scale *= 2.0f;
- R_DrawSprite(GL_ONE, GL_ONE, lightcorona, NULL, true, light->origin, r_view.right, r_view.up, scale, -scale, -scale, scale, light->color[0] * cscale, light->color[1] * cscale, light->color[2] * cscale, 1);
+ R_DrawSprite(GL_ONE, GL_ONE, lightcorona, NULL, true, rtlight->shadoworigin, r_view.right, r_view.up, scale, -scale, -scale, scale, rtlight->color[0] * cscale, rtlight->color[1] * cscale, rtlight->color[2] * cscale, 1);
int i;
float f, v[3];
- dlight_t *light;
+ rtlight_t *light;
for (i = 0;i < r_refdef.numlights;i++)
- light = r_refdef.lights[i];
- Matrix4x4_Transform(&light->rtlight.matrix_worldtolight, p, v);
+ light = &r_refdef.lights[i];
+ Matrix4x4_Transform(&light->matrix_worldtolight, p, v);
f = 1 - VectorLength2(v);
- if (f > 0 && CL_TraceBox(p, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, light->origin, false, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID, false).fraction == 1)
- VectorMA(ambientcolor, f, light->rtlight.currentcolor, ambientcolor);
+ if (f > 0 && CL_TraceBox(p, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, light->shadoworigin, false, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID, false).fraction == 1)
+ VectorMA(ambientcolor, f, light->currentcolor, ambientcolor);
-void R_RTLight_Update(dlight_t *light, int isstatic)
+void R_RTLight_Update(rtlight_t *rtlight, int isstatic, matrix4x4_t *matrix, vec3_t color, int style, const char *cubemapname, qboolean shadow, vec_t corona, vec_t coronasizescale, vec_t ambientscale, vec_t diffusescale, vec_t specularscale, int flags)
- double scale;
- rtlight_t *rtlight = &light->rtlight;
+ // if this light has been compiled before, free the associated data
+ // clear it completely to avoid any lingering data
memset(rtlight, 0, sizeof(*rtlight));
- VectorCopy(light->origin, rtlight->shadoworigin);
- VectorCopy(light->color, rtlight->color);
- rtlight->radius = light->radius;
+ // copy the properties
+ Matrix4x4_Invert_Simple(&rtlight->matrix_worldtolight, matrix);
+ Matrix4x4_OriginFromMatrix(matrix, rtlight->shadoworigin);
+ rtlight->radius = Matrix4x4_ScaleFromMatrix(matrix);
+ VectorCopy(color, rtlight->color);
+ rtlight->cubemapname[0] = 0;
+ if (cubemapname && cubemapname[0])
+ strlcpy(rtlight->cubemapname, cubemapname, sizeof(rtlight->cubemapname));
+ rtlight->shadow = shadow;
+ rtlight->corona = corona;
+ rtlight->style = style;
+ rtlight->isstatic = isstatic;
+ rtlight->coronasizescale = coronasizescale;
+ rtlight->ambientscale = ambientscale;
+ rtlight->diffusescale = diffusescale;
+ rtlight->specularscale = specularscale;
+ rtlight->flags = flags;
+ // compute derived data
//rtlight->cullradius = rtlight->radius;
//rtlight->cullradius2 = rtlight->radius * rtlight->radius;
rtlight->cullmins[0] = rtlight->shadoworigin[0] - rtlight->radius;
rtlight->cullmaxs[0] = rtlight->shadoworigin[0] + rtlight->radius;
rtlight->cullmaxs[1] = rtlight->shadoworigin[1] + rtlight->radius;
rtlight->cullmaxs[2] = rtlight->shadoworigin[2] + rtlight->radius;
- rtlight->cubemapname[0] = 0;
- if (light->cubemapname[0])
- strlcpy(rtlight->cubemapname, light->cubemapname, sizeof(rtlight->cubemapname));
- else if (light->cubemapnum > 0)
- sprintf(rtlight->cubemapname, "cubemaps/%i", light->cubemapnum);
- rtlight->shadow = light->shadow;
- rtlight->corona = light->corona;
- rtlight->style = light->style;
- rtlight->isstatic = isstatic;
- rtlight->coronasizescale = light->coronasizescale;
- rtlight->ambientscale = light->ambientscale;
- rtlight->diffusescale = light->diffusescale;
- rtlight->specularscale = light->specularscale;
- rtlight->flags = light->flags;
- Matrix4x4_Invert_Simple(&rtlight->matrix_worldtolight, &light->matrix);
- // this has to scale both rotate and translate because this is an already
- // inverted matrix (it transforms from world to light space, not the other
- // way around)
- scale = 1.0 / rtlight->radius;
- Matrix4x4_Scale(&rtlight->matrix_worldtolight, scale, scale);
// compiles rtlight geometry
R_DrawRTLight(&light->rtlight, visible);
if (r_refdef.rtdlight)
for (lnum = 0;lnum < r_refdef.numlights;lnum++)
- R_DrawRTLight(&r_refdef.lights[lnum]->rtlight, visible);
+ R_DrawRTLight(&r_refdef.lights[lnum], visible);
void R_Shadow_UpdateWorldLight(dlight_t *light, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles, vec3_t color, vec_t radius, vec_t corona, int style, int shadowenable, const char *cubemapname, vec_t coronasizescale, vec_t ambientscale, vec_t diffusescale, vec_t specularscale, int flags)
+ matrix4x4_t matrix;
+ // validate parameters
+ if (style < 0 || style >= MAX_LIGHTSTYLES)
+ {
+ Con_Printf("R_Shadow_NewWorldLight: invalid light style number %i, must be >= 0 and < %i\n", light->style, MAX_LIGHTSTYLES);
+ style = 0;
+ }
+ if (!cubemapname)
+ cubemapname = "";
+ // copy to light properties
VectorCopy(origin, light->origin);
light->angles[0] = angles[0] - 360 * floor(angles[0] / 360);
light->angles[1] = angles[1] - 360 * floor(angles[1] / 360);
light->color[2] = max(color[2], 0);
light->radius = max(radius, 0);
light->style = style;
- if (light->style < 0 || light->style >= MAX_LIGHTSTYLES)
- {
- Con_Printf("R_Shadow_NewWorldLight: invalid light style number %i, must be >= 0 and < %i\n", light->style, MAX_LIGHTSTYLES);
- light->style = 0;
- }
light->shadow = shadowenable;
light->corona = corona;
- if (!cubemapname)
- cubemapname = "";
strlcpy(light->cubemapname, cubemapname, sizeof(light->cubemapname));
light->coronasizescale = coronasizescale;
light->ambientscale = ambientscale;
light->diffusescale = diffusescale;
light->specularscale = specularscale;
light->flags = flags;
- Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(&light->matrix, light->origin[0], light->origin[1], light->origin[2], light->angles[0], light->angles[1], light->angles[2], 1);
- R_RTLight_Update(light, true);
+ // update renderable light data
+ Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(&matrix, light->origin[0], light->origin[1], light->origin[2], light->angles[0], light->angles[1], light->angles[2], light->radius);
+ R_RTLight_Update(&light->rtlight, true, &matrix, light->color, light->style, light->cubemapname[0] ? light->cubemapname : NULL, light->shadow, light->corona, light->coronasizescale, light->ambientscale, light->diffusescale, light->specularscale, light->flags);
void R_Shadow_FreeWorldLight(dlight_t *light)
extern rtlight_t *r_shadow_compilingrtlight;
-void R_RTLight_Update(dlight_t *light, int isstatic);
+void R_RTLight_Update(rtlight_t *rtlight, int isstatic, matrix4x4_t *matrix, vec3_t color, int style, const char *cubemapname, qboolean shadow, vec_t corona, vec_t coronasizescale, vec_t ambientscale, vec_t diffusescale, vec_t specularscale, int flags);
void R_RTLight_Compile(rtlight_t *rtlight);
void R_RTLight_Uncompile(rtlight_t *rtlight);