self.nextthink = time; // think again next frame to handle it under TIMEOUT_ACTIVE code
+ return;
if(caller) { caller.allowed_timeouts -= 1; }
- bprint(GetCallerName(caller), " ^7called a timeout", (caller ? strcat(" (", ftos(caller.allowed_timeouts), " timeouts left)") : string_null), "!\n"); // write a bprint who started the timeout (and how many they have left)
+ bprint(GetCallerName(caller), " ^7called a timeout", (caller ? strcat(" (", ftos(caller.allowed_timeouts), " timeout(s) left)") : string_null), "!\n"); // write a bprint who started the timeout (and how many they have left)
timeout_status = TIMEOUT_LEADTIME;
timeout_caller = caller;