Mod_BuildTextureVectorsAndNormals(0, mesh->num_vertices, mesh->num_triangles, mesh->data_vertex3f, mesh->data_texcoordtexture2f, mesh->data_element3i, mesh->data_svector3f, mesh->data_tvector3f, mesh->data_normal3f, true);
-static void Mod_MDLMD2MD3_TraceBox(model_t *model, int frame, trace_t *trace, const vec3_t boxstartmins, const vec3_t boxstartmaxs, const vec3_t boxendmins, const vec3_t boxendmaxs, int hitsupercontentsmask)
+static void Mod_MDLMD2MD3_TraceBox(model_t *model, int frame, trace_t *trace, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t boxmins, const vec3_t boxmaxs, const vec3_t end, int hitsupercontentsmask)
- int i, linetrace;
+ int i;
float segmentmins[3], segmentmaxs[3];
frameblend_t frameblend[4];
msurface_t *surface;
surfmesh_t *mesh;
- colbrushf_t *thisbrush_start = NULL, *thisbrush_end = NULL;
- matrix4x4_t startmatrix, endmatrix;
memset(trace, 0, sizeof(*trace));
trace->fraction = 1;
trace->realfraction = 1;
trace->hitsupercontentsmask = hitsupercontentsmask;
- segmentmins[0] = min(boxstartmins[0], boxendmins[0]);
- segmentmins[1] = min(boxstartmins[1], boxendmins[1]);
- segmentmins[2] = min(boxstartmins[2], boxendmins[2]);
- segmentmaxs[0] = max(boxstartmaxs[0], boxendmaxs[0]);
- segmentmaxs[1] = max(boxstartmaxs[1], boxendmaxs[1]);
- segmentmaxs[2] = max(boxstartmaxs[2], boxendmaxs[2]);
- linetrace = VectorCompare(boxstartmins, boxstartmaxs) && VectorCompare(boxendmins, boxendmaxs);
- if (!linetrace)
- {
- // box trace, performed as brush trace
- startmatrix = identitymatrix;
- endmatrix = identitymatrix;
- thisbrush_start = Collision_BrushForBox(&startmatrix, boxstartmins, boxstartmaxs);
- thisbrush_end = Collision_BrushForBox(&endmatrix, boxendmins, boxendmaxs);
- }
memset(frameblend, 0, sizeof(frameblend));
frameblend[0].frame = frame;
frameblend[0].lerp = 1;
- for (i = 0, surface = model->data_surfaces;i < model->num_surfaces;i++, surface++)
+ if (VectorLength2(boxmins) + VectorLength2(boxmaxs) == 0)
+ {
+ // line trace
+ segmentmins[0] = min(start[0], end[0]) - 1;
+ segmentmins[1] = min(start[1], end[1]) - 1;
+ segmentmins[2] = min(start[2], end[2]) - 1;
+ segmentmaxs[0] = max(start[0], end[0]) + 1;
+ segmentmaxs[1] = max(start[1], end[1]) + 1;
+ segmentmaxs[2] = max(start[2], end[2]) + 1;
+ for (i = 0, surface = model->data_surfaces;i < model->num_surfaces;i++, surface++)
+ {
+ mesh = surface->groupmesh;
+ Mod_Alias_GetMesh_Vertex3f(model, frameblend, mesh, varray_vertex3f);
+ Collision_TraceLineTriangleMeshFloat(trace, start, end, mesh->num_triangles, mesh->data_element3i, varray_vertex3f, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
+ }
+ }
+ else
- mesh = surface->groupmesh;
- Mod_Alias_GetMesh_Vertex3f(model, frameblend, mesh, varray_vertex3f);
- if (linetrace)
- Collision_TraceLineTriangleMeshFloat(trace, boxstartmins, boxendmins, mesh->num_triangles, mesh->data_element3i, varray_vertex3f, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
- else
+ // box trace, performed as brush trace
+ colbrushf_t *thisbrush_start, *thisbrush_end;
+ vec3_t boxstartmins, boxstartmaxs, boxendmins, boxendmaxs;
+ segmentmins[0] = min(start[0], end[0]) + boxmins[0] - 1;
+ segmentmins[1] = min(start[1], end[1]) + boxmins[1] - 1;
+ segmentmins[2] = min(start[2], end[2]) + boxmins[2] - 1;
+ segmentmaxs[0] = max(start[0], end[0]) + boxmaxs[0] + 1;
+ segmentmaxs[1] = max(start[1], end[1]) + boxmaxs[1] + 1;
+ segmentmaxs[2] = max(start[2], end[2]) + boxmaxs[2] + 1;
+ VectorAdd(start, boxmins, boxstartmins);
+ VectorAdd(start, boxmaxs, boxstartmaxs);
+ VectorAdd(end, boxmins, boxendmins);
+ VectorAdd(end, boxmaxs, boxendmaxs);
+ thisbrush_start = Collision_BrushForBox(&identitymatrix, boxstartmins, boxstartmaxs);
+ thisbrush_end = Collision_BrushForBox(&identitymatrix, boxendmins, boxendmaxs);
+ for (i = 0, surface = model->data_surfaces;i < model->num_surfaces;i++, surface++)
+ {
+ mesh = surface->groupmesh;
+ Mod_Alias_GetMesh_Vertex3f(model, frameblend, mesh, varray_vertex3f);
Collision_TraceBrushTriangleMeshFloat(trace, thisbrush_start, thisbrush_end, mesh->num_triangles, mesh->data_element3i, varray_vertex3f, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
+ }
-static void Mod_Q1BSP_TraceBox(struct model_s *model, int frame, trace_t *trace, const vec3_t boxstartmins, const vec3_t boxstartmaxs, const vec3_t boxendmins, const vec3_t boxendmaxs, int hitsupercontentsmask)
+static void Mod_Q1BSP_TraceBox(struct model_s *model, int frame, trace_t *trace, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t boxmins, const vec3_t boxmaxs, const vec3_t end, int hitsupercontentsmask)
// this function currently only supports same size start and end
double boxsize[3];
rhc.trace->fraction = 1;
rhc.trace->realfraction = 1;
rhc.trace->allsolid = true;
- VectorSubtract(boxstartmaxs, boxstartmins, boxsize);
+ VectorSubtract(boxmaxs, boxmins, boxsize);
if (boxsize[0] < 3)
rhc.hull = &model->brushq1.hulls[0]; // 0x0x0
else if (model->brush.ismcbsp)
rhc.hull = &model->brushq1.hulls[2]; // 64x64x88
- VectorSubtract(boxstartmins, rhc.hull->clip_mins, rhc.start);
- VectorSubtract(boxendmins, rhc.hull->clip_mins, rhc.end);
+ VectorMAMAM(1, start, 1, boxmins, -1, rhc.hull->clip_mins, rhc.start);
+ VectorMAMAM(1, end, 1, boxmins, -1, rhc.hull->clip_mins, rhc.end);
VectorSubtract(rhc.end, rhc.start, rhc.dist);
Con_Printf("t(%f %f %f,%f %f %f,%i %f %f %f)", rhc.start[0], rhc.start[1], rhc.start[2], rhc.end[0], rhc.end[1], rhc.end[2], rhc.hull - model->brushq1.hulls, rhc.hull->clip_mins[0], rhc.hull->clip_mins[1], rhc.hull->clip_mins[2]);
Mod_Q1BSP_RecursiveHullCheck(&rhc, rhc.hull->firstclipnode, 0, 1, rhc.start, rhc.end);
- if (DotProduct(rhc.dist, rhc.dist))
+ if (VectorLength2(rhc.dist))
Mod_Q1BSP_RecursiveHullCheck(&rhc, rhc.hull->firstclipnode, 0, 1, rhc.start, rhc.end);
Mod_Q1BSP_RecursiveHullCheckPoint(&rhc, rhc.hull->firstclipnode);
float dist1, dist2, midfrac, mid[3], nodesegmentmins[3], nodesegmentmaxs[3];
mleaf_t *leaf;
msurface_t *surface;
+ mplane_t *plane;
colbrushf_t *brush;
- if (startfrac > trace->realfraction)
- return;
- // note: all line fragments past first impact fraction are ignored
- if (VectorCompare(start, end))
- {
- // find which leaf the point is in
- while (node->plane)
- node = node->children[DotProduct(start, node->plane->normal) < node->plane->dist];
- }
- else
+ // walk the tree until we hit a leaf, recursing for any split cases
+ while (node->plane)
- // find which nodes the line is in and recurse for them
- while (node->plane)
+ plane = node->plane;
+ // axial planes are much more common than non-axial, so an optimized
+ // axial case pays off here
+ if (plane->type < 3)
- // recurse down node sides
- dist1 = PlaneDiff(start, node->plane);
- dist2 = PlaneDiff(end, node->plane);
- startside = dist1 < 0;
- endside = dist2 < 0;
- if (startside == endside)
- {
- // most of the time the line fragment is on one side of the plane
- node = node->children[startside];
- }
- else
- {
- // line crosses node plane, split the line
- dist1 = PlaneDiff(linestart, node->plane);
- dist2 = PlaneDiff(lineend, node->plane);
- midfrac = dist1 / (dist1 - dist2);
- VectorLerp(linestart, midfrac, lineend, mid);
- // take the near side first
- Mod_Q3BSP_TraceLine_RecursiveBSPNode(trace, model, node->children[startside], start, mid, startfrac, midfrac, linestart, lineend, markframe, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
- if (midfrac <= trace->realfraction)
- Mod_Q3BSP_TraceLine_RecursiveBSPNode(trace, model, node->children[endside], mid, end, midfrac, endfrac, linestart, lineend, markframe, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
- return;
- }
+ dist1 = start[plane->type] - plane->dist;
+ dist2 = end[plane->type] - plane->dist;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dist1 = DotProduct(start, plane->normal) - plane->dist;
+ dist2 = DotProduct(end, plane->normal) - plane->dist;
+ }
+ startside = dist1 < 0;
+ endside = dist2 < 0;
+ if (startside == endside)
+ {
+ // most of the time the line fragment is on one side of the plane
+ node = node->children[startside];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // line crosses node plane, split the line
+ dist1 = PlaneDiff(linestart, plane);
+ dist2 = PlaneDiff(lineend, plane);
+ midfrac = dist1 / (dist1 - dist2);
+ VectorLerp(linestart, midfrac, lineend, mid);
+ // take the near side first
+ Mod_Q3BSP_TraceLine_RecursiveBSPNode(trace, model, node->children[startside], start, mid, startfrac, midfrac, linestart, lineend, markframe, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
+ // if we found an impact on the front side, don't waste time
+ // exploring the far side
+ if (midfrac <= trace->realfraction)
+ Mod_Q3BSP_TraceLine_RecursiveBSPNode(trace, model, node->children[endside], mid, end, midfrac, endfrac, linestart, lineend, markframe, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
+ return;
// hit a leaf
- nodesegmentmins[0] = min(start[0], end[0]);
- nodesegmentmins[1] = min(start[1], end[1]);
- nodesegmentmins[2] = min(start[2], end[2]);
- nodesegmentmaxs[0] = max(start[0], end[0]);
- nodesegmentmaxs[1] = max(start[1], end[1]);
- nodesegmentmaxs[2] = max(start[2], end[2]);
+ nodesegmentmins[0] = min(start[0], end[0]) - 1;
+ nodesegmentmins[1] = min(start[1], end[1]) - 1;
+ nodesegmentmins[2] = min(start[2], end[2]) - 1;
+ nodesegmentmaxs[0] = max(start[0], end[0]) + 1;
+ nodesegmentmaxs[1] = max(start[1], end[1]) + 1;
+ nodesegmentmaxs[2] = max(start[2], end[2]) + 1;
// line trace the brushes
leaf = (mleaf_t *)node;
for (i = 0;i < leaf->numleafbrushes;i++)
brush->markframe = markframe;
Collision_TraceLineBrushFloat(trace, linestart, lineend, brush, brush);
- if (startfrac > trace->realfraction)
- return;
// can't do point traces on curves (they have no thickness)
surface->collisionmarkframe = markframe;
Collision_TraceLineTriangleMeshFloat(trace, linestart, lineend, surface->num_collisiontriangles, surface->data_collisionelement3i, surface->data_collisionvertex3f, surface->texture->supercontents, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
- if (startfrac > trace->realfraction)
- return;
msurface_t *surface;
mplane_t *plane;
float nodesegmentmins[3], nodesegmentmaxs[3];
-#if 1
- for (;;)
+ // walk the tree until we hit a leaf, recursing for any split cases
+ while (node->plane)
plane = node->plane;
- if (!plane)
- break;
// axial planes are much more common than non-axial, so an optimized
// axial case pays off here
- // we must handle sides == 0 because of NANs (crashing is far worse than recursing the entire tree!)
if (plane->type < 3)
// this is an axial plane, compare bounding box directly to it and
//sides = BoxOnPlaneSide(nodesegmentmins, nodesegmentmaxs, plane);
//sides = ((segmentmaxs[plane->type] >= plane->dist) | ((segmentmins[plane->type] < plane->dist) << 1));
sides = ((segmentmaxs[plane->type] >= plane->dist) + ((segmentmins[plane->type] < plane->dist) * 2));
- if (sides == 3)
- {
- // segment box crosses plane
- Mod_Q3BSP_TraceBrush_RecursiveBSPNode(trace, model, node->children[0], thisbrush_start, thisbrush_end, markframe, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
- sides = 2;
- }
- // this is a non-axial plane, entire trace bounding box
- // comparisons against it are likely to be very sloppy, so in if
- // the whole box is split by the plane we then test the start/end
- // boxes against it to be sure
- sides = BoxOnPlaneSide(segmentmins, segmentmaxs, plane);
- if (sides == 3)
- {
- // segment box crosses plane
- // now check start and end brush boxes to handle a lot of 'diagonal' cases more efficiently...
- sides = BoxOnPlaneSide(thisbrush_start->mins, thisbrush_start->maxs, plane) | BoxOnPlaneSide(thisbrush_end->mins, thisbrush_end->maxs, plane);
- if (sides == 3)
- {
- Mod_Q3BSP_TraceBrush_RecursiveBSPNode(trace, model, node->children[0], thisbrush_start, thisbrush_end, markframe, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
- sides = 2;
- }
- }
+ // this is a non-axial plane, so check if the start and end boxes
+ // are both on one side of the plane to handle 'diagonal' cases
+ sides = BoxOnPlaneSide(thisbrush_start->mins, thisbrush_start->maxs, plane) | BoxOnPlaneSide(thisbrush_end->mins, thisbrush_end->maxs, plane);
+ }
+ if (sides == 3)
+ {
+ // segment crosses plane
+ Mod_Q3BSP_TraceBrush_RecursiveBSPNode(trace, model, node->children[0], thisbrush_start, thisbrush_end, markframe, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
+ sides = 2;
+ // if sides == 0 then the trace itself is bogus (Not A Number values),
+ // in this case we simply pretend the trace hit nothing
if (sides == 0)
return; // ERROR: NAN bounding box!
// take whichever side the segment box is on
- //if (sides < 1 || sides > 2)
- // Sys_Error("Mod_Q3BSP_TraceBrush_RecursiveBSPNode: side > 2\n");
node = node->children[sides - 1];
- nodesegmentmins[0] = max(segmentmins[0], node->mins[0]);
- nodesegmentmins[1] = max(segmentmins[1], node->mins[1]);
- nodesegmentmins[2] = max(segmentmins[2], node->mins[2]);
- nodesegmentmaxs[0] = min(segmentmaxs[0], node->maxs[0]);
- nodesegmentmaxs[1] = min(segmentmaxs[1], node->maxs[1]);
- nodesegmentmaxs[2] = min(segmentmaxs[2], node->maxs[2]);
-#elif 1
- for (;;)
- {
- nodesegmentmins[0] = max(segmentmins[0], node->mins[0]);
- nodesegmentmins[1] = max(segmentmins[1], node->mins[1]);
- nodesegmentmins[2] = max(segmentmins[2], node->mins[2]);
- nodesegmentmaxs[0] = min(segmentmaxs[0], node->maxs[0]);
- nodesegmentmaxs[1] = min(segmentmaxs[1], node->maxs[1]);
- nodesegmentmaxs[2] = min(segmentmaxs[2], node->maxs[2]);
- if (nodesegmentmins[0] > nodesegmentmaxs[0] || nodesegmentmins[1] > nodesegmentmaxs[1] || nodesegmentmins[2] > nodesegmentmaxs[2])
- return;
- if (!node->plane)
- break;
- Mod_Q3BSP_TraceBrush_RecursiveBSPNode(trace, model, node->children[0], thisbrush_start, thisbrush_end, markframe, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
- node = node->children[1];
- }
-#elif 0
- // FIXME: could be made faster by copying TraceLine code and making it use
- // box plane distances... (variant on the BoxOnPlaneSide code)
- for (;;)
- {
- nodesegmentmins[0] = max(segmentmins[0], node->mins[0]);
- nodesegmentmins[1] = max(segmentmins[1], node->mins[1]);
- nodesegmentmins[2] = max(segmentmins[2], node->mins[2]);
- nodesegmentmaxs[0] = min(segmentmaxs[0], node->maxs[0]);
- nodesegmentmaxs[1] = min(segmentmaxs[1], node->maxs[1]);
- nodesegmentmaxs[2] = min(segmentmaxs[2], node->maxs[2]);
- if (nodesegmentmins[0] > nodesegmentmaxs[0] || nodesegmentmins[1] > nodesegmentmaxs[1] || nodesegmentmins[2] > nodesegmentmaxs[2])
- return;
- if (!node->plane)
- break;
- if (mod_q3bsp_debugtracebrush.integer == 2)
- {
- Mod_Q3BSP_TraceBrush_RecursiveBSPNode(trace, node->children[0], thisbrush_start, thisbrush_end, markframe, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
- node = node->children[1];
- continue;
- }
- else if (mod_q3bsp_debugtracebrush.integer == 1)
- {
- // recurse down node sides
- sides = BoxOnPlaneSide(nodesegmentmins, nodesegmentmaxs, node->plane);
- if (sides == 3)
- {
- // segment box crosses plane
- Mod_Q3BSP_TraceBrush_RecursiveBSPNode(trace, node->children[0], thisbrush_start, thisbrush_end, markframe, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
- node = node->children[1];
- continue;
- }
- if (sides == 0)
- return; // ERROR: NAN bounding box!
- // take whichever side the segment box is on
- node = node->children[sides - 1];
- continue;
- }
- else
- {
- // recurse down node sides
- sides = BoxOnPlaneSide(nodesegmentmins, nodesegmentmaxs, node->plane);
- if (sides == 3)
- {
- // segment box crosses plane
- // now check start and end brush boxes to handle a lot of 'diagonal' cases more efficiently...
- sides = BoxOnPlaneSide(thisbrush_start->mins, thisbrush_start->maxs, node->plane) | BoxOnPlaneSide(thisbrush_end->mins, thisbrush_end->maxs, node->plane);
- if (sides == 3)
- {
- Mod_Q3BSP_TraceBrush_RecursiveBSPNode(trace, node->children[0], thisbrush_start, thisbrush_end, markframe, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
- node = node->children[1];
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (sides == 0)
- return; // ERROR: NAN bounding box!
- // take whichever side the segment box is on
- node = node->children[sides - 1];
- continue;
- }
- return;
- }
- // FIXME: could be made faster by copying TraceLine code and making it use
- // box plane distances... (variant on the BoxOnPlaneSide code)
- for (;;)
- {
- nodesegmentmins[0] = max(segmentmins[0], node->mins[0]);
- nodesegmentmins[1] = max(segmentmins[1], node->mins[1]);
- nodesegmentmins[2] = max(segmentmins[2], node->mins[2]);
- nodesegmentmaxs[0] = min(segmentmaxs[0], node->maxs[0]);
- nodesegmentmaxs[1] = min(segmentmaxs[1], node->maxs[1]);
- nodesegmentmaxs[2] = min(segmentmaxs[2], node->maxs[2]);
- if (nodesegmentmins[0] > nodesegmentmaxs[0] || nodesegmentmins[1] > nodesegmentmaxs[1] || nodesegmentmins[2] > nodesegmentmaxs[2])
- return;
- if (!node->plane)
- break;
- if (mod_q3bsp_debugtracebrush.integer == 2)
- {
- Mod_Q3BSP_TraceBrush_RecursiveBSPNode(trace, node->children[0], thisbrush_start, thisbrush_end, markframe, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
- node = node->children[1];
- }
- else if (mod_q3bsp_debugtracebrush.integer == 1)
- {
- // recurse down node sides
- sides = BoxOnPlaneSide(nodesegmentmins, nodesegmentmaxs, node->plane);
- if (sides == 3)
- {
- // segment box crosses plane
- Mod_Q3BSP_TraceBrush_RecursiveBSPNode(trace, node->children[0], thisbrush_start, thisbrush_end, markframe, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
- node = node->children[1];
- }
- else
- {
- if (sides == 0)
- return; // ERROR: NAN bounding box!
- // take whichever side the segment box is on
- node = node->children[sides - 1];
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // recurse down node sides
- sides = BoxOnPlaneSide(nodesegmentmins, nodesegmentmaxs, node->plane);
- if (sides == 3)
- {
- // segment box crosses plane
- // now check start and end brush boxes to handle a lot of 'diagonal' cases more efficiently...
- sides = BoxOnPlaneSide(thisbrush_start->mins, thisbrush_start->maxs, node->plane) | BoxOnPlaneSide(thisbrush_end->mins, thisbrush_end->maxs, node->plane);
- if (sides == 3)
- {
- Mod_Q3BSP_TraceBrush_RecursiveBSPNode(trace, node->children[0], thisbrush_start, thisbrush_end, markframe, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
- sides = 2;
- }
- }
- if (sides == 0)
- return; // ERROR: NAN bounding box!
- // take whichever side the segment box is on
- node = node->children[sides - 1];
- }
- }
+ nodesegmentmins[0] = max(segmentmins[0], node->mins[0] - 1);
+ nodesegmentmins[1] = max(segmentmins[1], node->mins[1] - 1);
+ nodesegmentmins[2] = max(segmentmins[2], node->mins[2] - 1);
+ nodesegmentmaxs[0] = min(segmentmaxs[0], node->maxs[0] + 1);
+ nodesegmentmaxs[1] = min(segmentmaxs[1], node->maxs[1] + 1);
+ nodesegmentmaxs[2] = min(segmentmaxs[2], node->maxs[2] + 1);
// hit a leaf
leaf = (mleaf_t *)node;
for (i = 0;i < leaf->numleafbrushes;i++)
-static void Mod_Q3BSP_TraceBox(model_t *model, int frame, trace_t *trace, const vec3_t boxstartmins, const vec3_t boxstartmaxs, const vec3_t boxendmins, const vec3_t boxendmaxs, int hitsupercontentsmask)
+static void Mod_Q3BSP_TraceBox(model_t *model, int frame, trace_t *trace, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t boxmins, const vec3_t boxmaxs, const vec3_t end, int hitsupercontentsmask)
int i;
float segmentmins[3], segmentmaxs[3];
- colbrushf_t *thisbrush_start, *thisbrush_end;
- matrix4x4_t startmatrix, endmatrix;
static int markframe = 0;
msurface_t *surface;
q3mbrush_t *brush;
trace->fraction = 1;
trace->realfraction = 1;
trace->hitsupercontentsmask = hitsupercontentsmask;
- startmatrix = identitymatrix;
- endmatrix = identitymatrix;
- segmentmins[0] = min(boxstartmins[0], boxendmins[0]);
- segmentmins[1] = min(boxstartmins[1], boxendmins[1]);
- segmentmins[2] = min(boxstartmins[2], boxendmins[2]);
- segmentmaxs[0] = max(boxstartmaxs[0], boxendmaxs[0]);
- segmentmaxs[1] = max(boxstartmaxs[1], boxendmaxs[1]);
- segmentmaxs[2] = max(boxstartmaxs[2], boxendmaxs[2]);
- if (mod_q3bsp_optimizedtraceline.integer && VectorCompare(boxstartmins, boxstartmaxs) && VectorCompare(boxendmins, boxendmaxs))
- {
- if (VectorCompare(boxstartmins, boxendmins))
+ if (mod_q3bsp_optimizedtraceline.integer && VectorLength2(boxmins) + VectorLength2(boxmaxs) == 0)
+ {
+ if (VectorCompare(start, end))
// point trace
if (model->brush.submodel)
for (i = 0, brush = model->brush.data_brushes + model->firstmodelbrush;i < model->nummodelbrushes;i++, brush++)
if (brush->colbrushf)
- Collision_TracePointBrushFloat(trace, boxstartmins, brush->colbrushf);
+ Collision_TracePointBrushFloat(trace, start, brush->colbrushf);
- Mod_Q3BSP_TracePoint_RecursiveBSPNode(trace, model, model->brush.data_nodes, boxstartmins, ++markframe);
+ Mod_Q3BSP_TracePoint_RecursiveBSPNode(trace, model, model->brush.data_nodes, start, ++markframe);
// line trace
+ segmentmins[0] = min(start[0], end[0]) - 1;
+ segmentmins[1] = min(start[1], end[1]) - 1;
+ segmentmins[2] = min(start[2], end[2]) - 1;
+ segmentmaxs[0] = max(start[0], end[0]) + 1;
+ segmentmaxs[1] = max(start[1], end[1]) + 1;
+ segmentmaxs[2] = max(start[2], end[2]) + 1;
if (model->brush.submodel)
for (i = 0, brush = model->brush.data_brushes + model->firstmodelbrush;i < model->nummodelbrushes;i++, brush++)
if (brush->colbrushf)
- Collision_TraceLineBrushFloat(trace, boxstartmins, boxendmins, brush->colbrushf, brush->colbrushf);
+ Collision_TraceLineBrushFloat(trace, start, end, brush->colbrushf, brush->colbrushf);
if (mod_q3bsp_curves_collisions.integer)
for (i = 0, surface = model->data_surfaces + model->firstmodelsurface;i < model->nummodelsurfaces;i++, surface++)
if (surface->num_collisiontriangles)
- Collision_TraceLineTriangleMeshFloat(trace, boxstartmins, boxendmins, surface->num_collisiontriangles, surface->data_collisionelement3i, surface->data_collisionvertex3f, surface->texture->supercontents, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
+ Collision_TraceLineTriangleMeshFloat(trace, start, end, surface->num_collisiontriangles, surface->data_collisionelement3i, surface->data_collisionvertex3f, surface->texture->supercontents, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
- Mod_Q3BSP_TraceLine_RecursiveBSPNode(trace, model, model->brush.data_nodes, boxstartmins, boxendmins, 0, 1, boxstartmins, boxendmins, ++markframe, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
+ Mod_Q3BSP_TraceLine_RecursiveBSPNode(trace, model, model->brush.data_nodes, start, end, 0, 1, start, end, ++markframe, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
// box trace, performed as brush trace
- thisbrush_start = Collision_BrushForBox(&startmatrix, boxstartmins, boxstartmaxs);
- thisbrush_end = Collision_BrushForBox(&endmatrix, boxendmins, boxendmaxs);
+ colbrushf_t *thisbrush_start, *thisbrush_end;
+ vec3_t boxstartmins, boxstartmaxs, boxendmins, boxendmaxs;
+ segmentmins[0] = min(start[0], end[0]) + boxmins[0] - 1;
+ segmentmins[1] = min(start[1], end[1]) + boxmins[1] - 1;
+ segmentmins[2] = min(start[2], end[2]) + boxmins[2] - 1;
+ segmentmaxs[0] = max(start[0], end[0]) + boxmaxs[0] + 1;
+ segmentmaxs[1] = max(start[1], end[1]) + boxmaxs[1] + 1;
+ segmentmaxs[2] = max(start[2], end[2]) + boxmaxs[2] + 1;
+ VectorAdd(start, boxmins, boxstartmins);
+ VectorAdd(start, boxmaxs, boxstartmaxs);
+ VectorAdd(end, boxmins, boxendmins);
+ VectorAdd(end, boxmaxs, boxendmaxs);
+ thisbrush_start = Collision_BrushForBox(&identitymatrix, boxstartmins, boxstartmaxs);
+ thisbrush_end = Collision_BrushForBox(&identitymatrix, boxendmins, boxendmaxs);
if (model->brush.submodel)
for (i = 0, brush = model->brush.data_brushes + model->firstmodelbrush;i < model->nummodelbrushes;i++, brush++)