- Health - 100
-- Armor - 100, 50, 25
-- Shards - from dead enemies - important on maps without other pickups or duels
+- Armor comes in sizes of 100, 50, 25
+- Shards from dead enemies (5 armor) - most important on maps without other pickups
- There's not much to say here except take everything you get. If you think there's no reason to pick them up because you'll die quickly anyway, you're wrong. Remember without any pickups a single vortex hit will instantly kill you. Even that 5 armor shard will keep you alive and win you time to shoot back or get in cover. A fully equipped player (max health at 200 and max armor at 100) will sustain three vortex hits. If the hits don't come in quick succession even four, because you're healing shortly after being hit.
-Not much to say here except **don't ignore them**. If you think there is no reason to pick them up because you'll die quickly anyway, you're wrong! Even that 5 armor shard will keep you alive when hit by the vortex. They won't make you be invincible but you will have time to shoot back or get to cover. Big difference.
-On spawn you get 3 weapons and grenades with 2 additional weapons as pickups on some maps.
- - Vortex [Long distance weapon, precise]
- - main weapon - good enough in every situation - 100% accuracy
- - Use to shoot nades further
- - Shotgun [Close proximity weapon with large spread]
- - More dmg than nex, great at close range
- - Use to slow enemies down (eg. when jumping across on space-elevator)
- - Machine Gun [Mid-range weapon with a bit of spread]
- - spread increases gradually - best to use bursts in mid range
- - most dmg/s X last resort ( enemy can kill instantly you with nex/shotgun)
- - also slows enemies down
- - is supposed to penetrate thin walls X buggy
- - Super Weapons
- - only on some maps - shouldn't focus on them too much
- - Heavy Machine Gun [needs description]
- - Point at general direction of enemy, press fire, enemy dead
- - Really strong, huge magazine
- - (i think the dmg we have in our config is not in master yet, will try to fix that)
- - defense - get further away - too uch spread
- - Rocket Propelled Chainsaw Launcher [needs description]
- - huge shockwave, one hit kill in a small radius
- - defense - keep jumping into the air - impossible to aim with it
- - Nades
- - the longer you wait, the stronger throw
- - bounce around corner ( the only overkill weapon )
- - explosion can damage thru walls
- - crouch before "throwing" -> dropped on floor
- - use G (drop weapon) - not E - need free fingers - not keep holding a key like a moron for 5 seconds
++There's not much to say here except take everything you get. If you think there's no reason to pick them up because you'll die quickly anyway, you're wrong. Remember without any pickups a single vortex hit will instantly kill you. Even that 5 armor shard will keep you alive and win you time to shoot back or get in cover. A fully equipped player (max health at 200 and max armor at 100) will sustain three vortex hits. If the hits don't come in quick succession even four, because you're healing shortly after being hit.