"lms","drain","6","6","5",,,"Last Man Standing: Drain","You will have 5 lives in this gamemode and the goal is not to run out of lives before the others do!\n= The last man standing"
"tdm","afterslime","5","7","20",,"sv_gravity 200","[Special] Team Deathmatch: Afterslime","Another TDM match.\nThough, we lowered the gravity a little bit."
"ka","runningman","6","7","15",,,"Keepaway: Running Man","Pick up the ball and frag everything that moves!\nHint: You can shoot through warpzones!"
-"nexball","nexballarena","5","7","5",,,"Nexball: Nexball Arena","This is similar to football now. You move the ball if you hit it, so try to push it into the enemies goal. First team who can score 5 goals wins!"
+"nb","nexballarena","5","7","5",,,"Nexball: Nexball Arena","This is similar to football now. You move the ball if you hit it, so try to push it into the enemies goal. First team who can score 5 goals wins!"
"kh","silentsiege","8","8","600",,,"Key Hunt: Silent Siege","Key Hunt one more time! Get 600 points to win."
"ctf","implosion","7","8","5",,"g_jetpack 1","[Special] Capture the Flag: Implosion","Jetpack: Press Jump (default key 'space') while already in the air to use the Jetpack and enjoy flying around!"
"as","techassault","7","8","30",,"g_campaign_forceteam 1","Assault: Techassault","You are in the attacking team and you have to destroy all objects. There will be new rooms/ways if you destroy an object."