alias allready "sv_cmd allready"
-// note: these cvars use weapon NUMBERS. Use the menu to edit this cvar, or look the numbers up in qcsrc/common/constants.qh.
seta cl_weaponpriority "minstanex rocketlauncher nex grenadelauncher fireball hlac hagar seeker crylink campingrifle uzi electro tuba shotgun laser hook porto" "weapon priority list"
seta cl_weaponpriority_useforcycling 0 "when set, weapon cycling by the mouse wheel makes use of the weapon priority list (the special value 2 uses the weapon ID list for cycling)"
seta cl_weaponpriority0 "rocketlauncher grenadelauncher hagar seeker fireball" "use impulse 200 for prev gun from this list, 210 for best gun, 220 for next gun. Default value: explosives"