void ctf_Handle_Dropped_Capture(entity flag, entity enemy_flag)
- /*
// declarations
float cap_time, cap_record, success;
string cap_message, refername;
entity player = enemy_flag.ctf_dropper;
+ if not(player) { return; } // without someone to give the reward to, we can't possibly cap
// records
if((autocvar_g_ctf_captimerecord_always) || (player_count - currentbots)) {
cap_record = ctf_captimerecord;
- cap_time = (time - player.flagcarried.ctf_pickuptime);
+ cap_time = (time - enemy_flag.ctf_pickuptime);
refername = db_get(ServerProgsDB, strcat(GetMapname(), "/captimerecord/netname"));
refername = ((refername == player.netname) ? "their" : strcat(refername, "^7's"));
write_recordmarker(player, (time - cap_time), cap_time); } }
// messages and sounds
- Send_KillNotification(player.netname, player.flagcarried.netname, cap_message, INFO_CAPTUREFLAG, MSG_INFO);
+ Send_KillNotification(player.netname, enemy_flag.netname, cap_message, INFO_CAPTUREFLAG, MSG_INFO);
sound(player, CH_TRIGGER, flag.snd_flag_capture, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE); // "ctf/*_capture.wav"
- ctf_EventLog("capture", player.flagcarried.team, player);
+ ctf_EventLog("droppedcapture", enemy_flag.team, player);
// scoring
PlayerTeamScore_AddScore(player, ctf_ReadScore("score_capture"));
pointparticles(particleeffectnum((player.team == COLOR_TEAM1) ? "red_ground_quake" : "blue_ground_quake"), flag.origin, '0 0 0', 1);
//shockwave_spawn("models/ctf/shockwavetransring.md3", flag.origin - '0 0 15', -0.8, 0, 1);
- // waypointsprites
- WaypointSprite_Kill(player.wps_flagcarrier);
- // reset the flag
- if(flag.speedrunning) { ctf_FakeTimeLimit(player, -1); }
- */
- sound(flag, CH_TRIGGER, flag.snd_flag_capture, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE);
- print("dropped capture! :D\n");
+ // reset the flag