int basepixels_width;
int basepixels_height;
skinframe_t *skinframe;
- double avgcolor[4], w, wsum;
+ double avgcolor[5], w, wsum;
*has_alpha = false;
avgcolor[1] = 0;
avgcolor[2] = 0;
avgcolor[3] = 0;
+ avgcolor[4] = 0;
wsum = 0;
for(j = 0; j < basepixels_width * basepixels_height * 4; j += 4)
avgcolor[1] += basepixels[j + 1] * w;
avgcolor[0] += basepixels[j + 2] * w;
avgcolor[3] += basepixels[j + 3] * w;
+ avgcolor[4] += basepixels[j + 3];
wsum += w;
if(avgcolor[3] == 0) // just fully transparent pixels seen? bad luck...
skinframe->avgcolor[0] = avgcolor[0];
skinframe->avgcolor[1] = avgcolor[1];
skinframe->avgcolor[2] = avgcolor[2];
- skinframe->avgcolor[3] = avgcolor[3];
+ skinframe->avgcolor[3] = avgcolor[4] / (basepixels_width * 255.0 * basepixels_height);
// _norm is the name used by tenebrae and has been adopted as standard
if (loadnormalmap)
int i;
unsigned char *temp1, *temp2;
skinframe_t *skinframe;
- double avgcolor[4], w, wsum;
+ double avgcolor[5], w, wsum;
int j;
if (cls.state == ca_dedicated)
avgcolor[1] = 0;
avgcolor[2] = 0;
avgcolor[3] = 0;
+ avgcolor[4] = 0;
wsum = 0;
for(j = 0; j < width * height * 4; j += 4)
avgcolor[1] += skindata[j + 1] * w;
avgcolor[0] += skindata[j + 2] * w;
avgcolor[3] += skindata[j + 3] * w;
+ avgcolor[4] += skindata[j + 3];
wsum += w;
if(avgcolor[3] == 0) // just fully transparent pixels seen? bad luck...
skinframe->avgcolor[0] = avgcolor[0];
skinframe->avgcolor[1] = avgcolor[1];
skinframe->avgcolor[2] = avgcolor[2];
- skinframe->avgcolor[3] = avgcolor[3];
+ skinframe->avgcolor[3] = avgcolor[4] / (width * 255.0 * height);
return skinframe;
int i;
unsigned char *temp1, *temp2;
skinframe_t *skinframe;
- double avgcolor[4], w, wsum;
+ double avgcolor[5], w, wsum;
int j;
if (cls.state == ca_dedicated)
avgcolor[1] = 0;
avgcolor[2] = 0;
avgcolor[3] = 0;
+ avgcolor[4] = 0;
wsum = 0;
for(j = 0; j < width * height; ++j)
avgcolor[1] += temp1[1] * w;
avgcolor[0] += temp1[2] * w;
avgcolor[3] += temp1[3] * w;
+ avgcolor[4] += temp1[3];
wsum += w;
if(avgcolor[3] == 0) // just fully transparent pixels seen? bad luck...
skinframe->avgcolor[0] = avgcolor[0];
skinframe->avgcolor[1] = avgcolor[1];
skinframe->avgcolor[2] = avgcolor[2];
- skinframe->avgcolor[3] = avgcolor[3];
+ skinframe->avgcolor[3] = avgcolor[4] / (width * 255.0 * height);
return skinframe;
RSurf_PrepareVerticesForBatch(false, false, texturenumsurfaces, texturesurfacelist);
RSurf_DrawBatch_Simple(texturenumsurfaces, texturesurfacelist);
- else if (r_showsurfaces.integer)
+ else if (r_showsurfaces.integer && !(r_showsurfaces.integer == 3 && (rsurface.texture->currentmaterialflags & MATERIALFLAG_SKY)))
- GL_DepthTest(true);
- GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
- GL_DepthMask(true);
R_Mesh_ColorPointer(NULL, 0, 0);
if (!r_refdef.view.showdebug)
GL_Color(0, 0, 0, 1);
+ GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
+ GL_DepthTest(writedepth);
+ GL_DepthMask(true);
RSurf_DrawBatch_Simple(texturenumsurfaces, texturesurfacelist);
else if (r_showsurfaces.integer == 3)
c[2] = rsurface.colormap_pantscolor[2] * 0.3 + rsurface.colormap_shirtcolor[2] * 0.7;
- GL_Color(c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]);
+ if(rsurface.texture->currentmaterialflags & MATERIALFLAG_WATERALPHA)
+ c[3] *= r_wateralpha.value;
+ if(rsurface.texture->currentmaterialflags & MATERIALFLAG_ALPHA && c[3] != 1)
+ {
+ GL_DepthMask(false);
+ }
+ else if(rsurface.texture->currentmaterialflags & MATERIALFLAG_ADD)
+ {
+ GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE);
+ GL_DepthMask(false);
+ }
+ else if(rsurface.texture->currentmaterialflags & MATERIALFLAG_ALPHATEST)
+ {
+ GL_BlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); // can't do alpha test without texture, so let's blend instead
+ GL_DepthMask(false);
+ }
+ else if(rsurface.texture->currentmaterialflags & MATERIALFLAG_CUSTOMBLEND)
+ {
+ GL_BlendFunc(rsurface.texture->customblendfunc[0], rsurface.texture->customblendfunc[1]);
+ GL_DepthMask(false);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
+ GL_DepthMask(writedepth);
+ }
rsurface.lightmapcolor4f = rsurface.modellightmapcolor4f;
rsurface.lightmapcolor4f_bufferobject = rsurface.modellightmapcolor4f_bufferobject;
rsurface.lightmapcolor4f_bufferoffset = rsurface.modellightmapcolor4f_bufferoffset;
+ GL_Color(c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]);
+ RSurf_DrawBatch_GL11_ApplyColor(texturenumsurfaces, texturesurfacelist, c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]);
if (rsurface.texture->currentmaterialflags & MATERIALFLAG_MODELLIGHT)
- GL_Color(c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]);
R_Mesh_ColorPointer(rsurface.lightmapcolor4f, rsurface.lightmapcolor4f_bufferobject, rsurface.lightmapcolor4f_bufferoffset);
RSurf_DrawBatch_Simple(texturenumsurfaces, texturesurfacelist);
+ {
+ GL_DepthTest(true);
+ GL_DepthMask(true);
+ GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
RSurf_DrawBatch_ShowSurfaces(texturenumsurfaces, texturesurfacelist);
+ }
else if (rsurface.texture->currentmaterialflags & MATERIALFLAG_SKY)
R_DrawTextureSurfaceList_Sky(texturenumsurfaces, texturesurfacelist);