--- /dev/null
+from enum import Enum
+import logging
+import requests
+from typing import NamedTuple, TextIO
+# TODO: remove after testing
+import os
+import json
+# end remove after testing
+# value indicates prio, lower prio is prefered in RN if more than one topic is given
+# TODO: these topics are overlapping and also too specific
+TOPIC = Enum("TOPIC", {"Accessibility": 1,
+ "Audio": 2,
+ "Balance": 3,
+ "Bots": 4,
+ "Build": 5,
+ "Campaign": 6,
+ "Client": 7,
+ "Configuration": 8,
+ "Console": 9,
+ "Documentation": 10,
+ "Engine": 11,
+ "Gamelogic": 12,
+ "Gameplay": 13,
+ "HUD": 14,
+ "Input": 15,
+ "Mapping": 16,
+ "Menu": 17,
+ "Moderation": 18,
+ "Network": 19,
+ "Performance": 20,
+ "Physics": 21,
+ "Rendering": 22,
+ "Server": 23,
+ "Shaders & Textures": 24,
+ "Stats": 25,
+ "Turrets": 26,
+ "Tutorial": 27,
+ "Vehicles": 28,
+ "Weapons": 29,
+ "i18n (translations)": 30,
+ "NO_TOPIC": 9999})
+# TODO: use these instead
+SECTION = Enum("SECTION", {"Gameplay": 1,
+ "Balance": 2,
+ "Mapping": 3,
+ "Assets": 4,
+ "Menu": 5,
+ "Client": 6,
+ "Server": 7,
+ "Bots": 8,
+ "Stats": 9,
+ "Engine": 10,
+ "i18n (translations)": 11,
+ "Documentation": 12,
+ "Infrastructure": 13,
+ "NO_SECTION": 9999})
+MR_TYPE = Enum("MR_TYPE", {"Bug fix": 1,
+ "Refactor": 2,
+ "UNKNOWN_TYPE": 9999})
+# TODO: use these instead
+#MR_TYPE = Enum("MR_TYPE", {"Feature/Addition": 1,
+# "Change": 2,
+# "Bug fix for latest release": 3,
+# "Bug fix for git": 4,
+# "Refactor": 5,
+# "Misc": 6,
+# "UNKNOWN_TYPE": 9999})
+# for ordering
+MR_SIZE = Enum("MR_SIZE", {"Enormous": 1,
+ "Large": 2,
+ "Medium": 3,
+ "Small": 4,
+ "Tiny": 5,
+ "UNKNOWN": 6})
+TOPIC_PREFIX = "Topic: "
+CHANGELOG_PREFIX = "Changelog::"
+BUGFIX_REFERENCE_PREFIX = "Bug introduced in MR (for 'Bug fix for git' types only): "
+TARGET_BRANCHES = ["master", "develop", "pending-release"]
+GROUP_NAME = "xonotic"
+BASEURL = "https://gitlab.com/api/v4"
+class MergeRequestInfo(NamedTuple):
+ iid: int
+ mr_type: MR_TYPE
+ size: MR_SIZE
+ topic: TOPIC
+ section: SECTION
+ author: str
+ short_desc: str
+ web_url: str
+ reference: int
+def get_time_of_latest_release() -> str:
+ response = requests.get(MAIN_PROJECT_BASEURL + "/tags")
+ latest = response.json()[0]
+ return latest["commit"]["created_at"]
+def get_merge_requests(timestamp: str) -> list[dict]:
+ if os.path.isfile("testdata.json"):
+ with open("testdata.json") as f:
+ return json.load(f)
+ page_len = 10
+ MAX_PAGES = 1 # TODO: increase after testing
+ url = GROUP_BASEURL + f"/merge_requests?state=merged&updated_after=" +\
+ f"{timestamp}&per_page={page_len}&page="
+ current_page = 1
+ data = []
+ while True:
+ response = requests.get(url+str(current_page))
+ new_data = response.json()
+ if not new_data:
+ break
+ data.extend(new_data)
+ if len(new_data) < page_len:
+ break
+ if current_page == MAX_PAGES:
+ break
+ current_page += 1
+ return data
+def process_description(description: str, mr_type: MR_TYPE) -> tuple[str, int]:
+ if not description:
+ raise ValueError("Empty description")
+ lines = description.splitlines()
+ if not lines[0].strip() == "Summary for release notes:":
+ raise ValueError("Unexpected description format: Summary missing")
+ summary = ""
+ cursor = 0
+ for i, line in enumerate(lines[1:]):
+ if line.startswith("---"):
+ continue
+ if not line:
+ cursor = i
+ break
+ summary += line + " " # add space
+ if mr_type != MR_TYPE["Bug fix"]: # should be "Bug fix for git"
+ return summary.strip(), 0
+ reference = 0
+ for line in lines[cursor:]:
+ if line.startswith(BUGFIX_REFERENCE_PREFIX):
+ temp = line.removeprefix(BUGFIX_REFERENCE_PREFIX).strip().lstrip("!")
+ if not temp.isdecimal():
+ logging.warning("Expected a number as MR reference, found "
+ f"'{temp}'")
+ reference = temp
+ else:
+ reference = int(temp)
+ break
+ return summary.strip(), reference
+def process(data: list[dict]) -> list[MergeRequestInfo]:
+ # extract type, size and topic from labels for easier filtering/ordering
+ # extract reference (for bugfix for git) and short description from description
+ # extract author->name
+ processed_data = []
+ for item in data:
+ if item["project_id"] in EXCLUDED_PROJECT_IDS:
+ continue
+ if item["target_branch"] not in TARGET_BRANCHES:
+ continue
+ topic = TOPIC.NO_TOPIC
+ for label in item["labels"]:
+ if label.startswith(MR_TYPE_PREFIX):
+ try:
+ new_mr_type = MR_TYPE[label.removeprefix(MR_TYPE_PREFIX)]
+ except KeyError as e:
+ logging.warning(f"Unexpected label: {label}, skipping")
+ continue
+ if new_mr_type.value < mr_type.value:
+ mr_type = new_mr_type
+ continue
+ if label.startswith(MR_SIZE_PREFIX):
+ try:
+ new_size = MR_SIZE[label.removeprefix(MR_SIZE_PREFIX)]
+ except KeyError as e:
+ logging.warning(f"Unexpected label: {label}, skipping")
+ continue
+ if new_size.value < size.value:
+ size = new_size
+ continue
+ if label.startswith(TOPIC_PREFIX):
+ try:
+ new_topic = TOPIC[label.removeprefix(TOPIC_PREFIX)]
+ except KeyError as e:
+ logging.warning(f"Unexpected label: {label}, skipping")
+ continue
+ if new_topic.value < topic.value:
+ topic = new_topic
+ continue
+ if label.startswith(CHANGELOG_PREFIX):
+ try:
+ new_section = SECTION[label.removeprefix(CHANGELOG_PREFIX)]
+ except KeyError as e:
+ logging.warning(f"Unexpected label: {label}, skipping")
+ continue
+ if new_section.value < section.value:
+ section = new_section
+ continue
+ # TODO: uncomment once new MR Type labels are used
+ #if mr_type == MR_TYPE.Misc:
+ # continue
+ try:
+ short_desc, referenced_mr = process_description(item["description"],
+ mr_type)
+ except ValueError as e:
+ logging.warning(f"Error processing the description for "
+ f"{item['iid']}: {e}")
+ short_desc = item["title"]
+ referenced_mr = 0
+ author = item["author"]["name"]
+ processed_data.append(MergeRequestInfo(iid=item["iid"],
+ mr_type=mr_type,
+ size=size,
+ topic=topic,
+ section=section,
+ author=author,
+ short_desc=short_desc,
+ web_url=item["web_url"],
+ reference=referenced_mr))
+ processed_data.sort(key=lambda x: x.size.value)
+ return processed_data
+def draft_releasenotes(fp: TextIO, data: list[MergeRequestInfo]) -> None:
+ fp.writelines(["Release Notes\n", "===\n", "\n"])
+ for mr_type in MR_TYPE:
+ type_written = False
+ #for section in SECTION:
+ for topic in TOPIC:
+ formatted_items = []
+ #filtered = filter(lambda x: x.mr_type==mr_type and x.section==section,
+ # data)
+ filtered = filter(lambda x: x.mr_type==mr_type and x.topic==topic,
+ data)
+ for item in filtered:
+ if item.reference != 0:
+ continue
+ authors = item.author
+ referenced_by = filter(lambda x: x.reference==item.iid, data)
+ fix_authors = set()
+ for other_mr in referenced_by:
+ fix_authors.append(other_mr.author)
+ if item.author in fix_authors:
+ fix_authors.remove(item.author)
+ if fix_authors:
+ authors += ", fixes by " + ", ".join(fix_authors)
+ formatted_items.append(f"- {item.short_desc} by {authors} "
+ f"([{item.iid}]({item.web_url}))\n")
+ if formatted_items:
+ if not type_written:
+ fp.writelines([f"{mr_type.name}\n", "---\n"])
+ type_written = True
+ #fp.writelines([f"### {section.name}\n", *formatted_items])
+ fp.writelines([f"### {topic.name}\n", *formatted_items])
+ fp.write("\n")
+def main() -> None:
+ release_timestamp = get_time_of_latest_release()
+ merge_requests = get_merge_requests(release_timestamp)
+ processed_data = process(merge_requests)
+ with open(f"RN_draft_since_{release_timestamp}.md", "w") as f:
+ draft_releasenotes(f, processed_data)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()