// edit these to match whichever cvars are used for specific notification options
NOTIF_WRITE("\n// HARD CODED notification variables:\n");
NOTIF_WRITE_HARDCODED("allow_chatboxprint", "1", "Allow notifications to be printed to chat box by setting notification cvar to 2 (You can also set this cvar to 2 to force ALL notifications to be printed to the chatbox)");
+ NOTIF_WRITE_HARDCODED("ctf_capture_verbose", "0", "Show extra information when someone captures a flag");
+ NOTIF_WRITE_HARDCODED("ctf_pickup_enemy_verbose", "0", "Show extra information if an enemy picks up a flag");
+ NOTIF_WRITE_HARDCODED("ctf_pickup_team_verbose", "0", "Show extra information if a team mate picks up a flag");
+ NOTIF_WRITE_HARDCODED("errors_are_fatal", "1", "If a notification fails upon initialization, cause a Host_Error to stop the program");
+ NOTIF_WRITE_HARDCODED("frag_verbose", "1", "Show extra information when you frag someone (or when you are fragged");
+ NOTIF_WRITE_HARDCODED("item_centerprinttime", "1.5", "How long to show item information centerprint messages (like 'You got the Electro' or such)");
+ NOTIF_WRITE_HARDCODED("lifetime_mapload", "10", "Amount of time that notification entities last immediately at mapload (in seconds) to help prevent notifications from being lost on early init (like gamestart countdown)");
+ NOTIF_WRITE_HARDCODED("lifetime_runtime", "0.5", "Amount of time that notification entities last on the server during runtime (In seconds)");
+ NOTIF_WRITE_HARDCODED("server_allows_frag_verbose", "1", "Server side cvar for showing extra information in frag messages... 0 = no extra frag information, 1 = frag information only in warmup, 2 = frag information allowed all the time");
+ NOTIF_WRITE_HARDCODED("server_allows_location", "1", "Server side cvar for allowing death messages to show location information too");
NOTIF_WRITE_HARDCODED("show_location", "0", "Append location information to MSG_INFO death/kill messages");
NOTIF_WRITE_HARDCODED("show_location_string", "", "Replacement string piped into sprintf, so you can do different messages like this: ' at the %s' or ' (near %s)'");
NOTIF_WRITE_HARDCODED("show_sprees", "1", "Print information about sprees in death/kill messages");
NOTIF_WRITE_HARDCODED("show_sprees_info", "3", "Show spree information in MSG_INFO messages... 0 = off, 1 = target only, 2 = attacker only, 3 = target and attacker");
NOTIF_WRITE_HARDCODED("show_sprees_info_newline", "1", "Show attacker spree information for MSG_INFO messages on a separate line than the death notification itself");
NOTIF_WRITE_HARDCODED("show_sprees_info_specialonly", "1", "Don't show attacker spree information in MSG_INFO messages if it isn't an achievement");
- NOTIF_WRITE_HARDCODED("item_centerprinttime", "1.5", "How long to show item information centerprint messages (like 'You got the Electro' or such)");
- NOTIF_WRITE_HARDCODED("errors_are_fatal", "1", "If a notification fails upon initialization, cause a Host_Error to stop the program");
- NOTIF_WRITE_HARDCODED("ctf_pickup_team_verbose", "0", "Show extra information if a team mate picks up a flag");
- NOTIF_WRITE_HARDCODED("ctf_pickup_enemy_verbose", "0", "Show extra information if an enemy picks up a flag");
- NOTIF_WRITE_HARDCODED("ctf_capture_verbose", "0", "Show extra information when someone captures a flag");
- NOTIF_WRITE_HARDCODED("frag_verbose", "1", "Show extra information when you frag someone (or when you are fragged");
- NOTIF_WRITE_HARDCODED("lifetime_runtime", "0.5", "Amount of time that notification entities last on the server during runtime (In seconds)");
- NOTIF_WRITE_HARDCODED("lifetime_mapload", "10", "Amount of time that notification entities last immediately at mapload (in seconds) to help prevent notifications from being lost on early init (like gamestart countdown)");
#ifdef SVQC
void Notification_GetCvars(void);
+var float autocvar_notification_server_allows_frag_verbose = 1; // 0 = no, 1 = warmup only, 2 = all the time
+var float autocvar_notification_server_allows_location = 1; // 0 = no, 1 = yes
var float autocvar_notification_item_centerprinttime = 1.5;
ARG_CASE(ARG_CS_SV_HA, "s2", s2) \
ARG_CASE(ARG_CS_SV_HA, "s3", s3) \
ARG_CASE(ARG_CS_SV_HA, "s4", s4) \
- ARG_CASE(ARG_CS_SV, "s2loc", (autocvar_notification_show_location ? sprintf(( ((tmp_s = autocvar_notification_show_location_string) != "") ? tmp_s : _(" (near %s)") ), s2) : "")) \
- ARG_CASE(ARG_CS_SV, "s3loc", (autocvar_notification_show_location ? sprintf(( ((tmp_s = autocvar_notification_show_location_string) != "") ? tmp_s : _(" (near %s)") ), s3) : "")) \
+ ARG_CASE(ARG_CS_SV, "s2loc", ((autocvar_notification_show_location && (s2 != "")) ? sprintf(( ((tmp_s = autocvar_notification_show_location_string) != "") ? tmp_s : _(" (near %s)") ), s2) : "")) \
+ ARG_CASE(ARG_CS_SV, "s3loc", ((autocvar_notification_show_location && (s3 != "")) ? sprintf(( ((tmp_s = autocvar_notification_show_location_string) != "") ? tmp_s : _(" (near %s)") ), s3) : "")) \
ARG_CASE(ARG_CS_SV_DC, "f1", ftos(f1)) \
ARG_CASE(ARG_CS_SV_DC, "f2", ftos(f2)) \
ARG_CASE(ARG_CS_SV, "f3", ftos(f3)) \
ARG_CASE(ARG_CS_SV, "race_diff", ((f2 > f3) ? sprintf(CCR("^1[+%s]"), mmssss(f2 - f3)) : sprintf(CCR("^2[-%s]"), mmssss(f3 - f2)))) \
ARG_CASE(ARG_CS, "kh_teams", notif_arg_kh_teams(f1, f2, f3, f4)) \
ARG_CASE(ARG_CS, "pass_key", ((((tmp_s = getcommandkey("pass", "+use")) != "pass") && !(strstrofs(tmp_s, "not bound", 0) >= 0)) ? sprintf(CCR(_(" ^F1(Press %s)")), tmp_s) : "")) \
- ARG_CASE(ARG_CS, "frag_ping", ((f2 != NO_MSG) ? sprintf(CCR(_("\n(Ping ^2%d^BG)")), f2) : "")) \
- ARG_CASE(ARG_CS, "frag_stats", sprintf(CCR(_("\n(Health ^1%d^BG / Armor ^2%d^BG)%s")), f2, f3, ((f4 != NO_MSG) ? sprintf(CCR(_(" (Ping ^2%d^BG)")), f4) : ""))) \
+ ARG_CASE(ARG_CS, "frag_ping", notif_arg_frag_ping(TRUE, f2)) \
+ ARG_CASE(ARG_CS, "frag_stats", notif_arg_frag_stats(f2, f3, f4)) \
/*ARG_CASE(ARG_CS, "frag_pos", ((Should_Print_Score_Pos(f1)) ? sprintf("\n^BG%s", Read_Score_Pos(f1)) : ""))*/ \
ARG_CASE(ARG_CS, "spree_cen", (autocvar_notification_show_sprees ? notif_arg_spree_cen(f1) : "")) \
ARG_CASE(ARG_CS_SV, "spree_inf", (autocvar_notification_show_sprees ? notif_arg_spree_inf(1, input, s2, f2) : "")) \
SPREE_ITEM(30, 30, _("ARMAGEDDON! "), _("%s^K1 unleashes ARMAGEDDON! %s^BG"), _("%s^K1 made THIRTY SCORES IN A ROW! %s^BG"))
#ifdef CSQC
+string notif_arg_frag_ping(float newline, float fping)
+ if(fping == NO_MSG)
+ return sprintf(CCR(_("%s(^F1Bot^BG)")), (newline ? "\n" : " "));
+ else
+ return sprintf(CCR(_("%s(Ping ^F1%d^BG)")), (newline ? "\n" : " "), fping);
+string notif_arg_frag_stats(float fhealth, float farmor, float fping)
+ if not(fhealth < 1)
+ return sprintf(CCR(_("\n(Health ^1%d^BG / Armor ^2%d^BG)%s")), fhealth, farmor, notif_arg_frag_ping(FALSE, fping));
+ else
+ return sprintf(CCR(_("\n(^F4Dead^BG)%s")), notif_arg_frag_ping(FALSE, fping));
string notif_arg_kh_teams(float f1, float f2, float f3, float f4)
return sprintf("%s%s%s%s",
- process_time(2, time - tmp_player.jointime),
+ process_time(1, time - tmp_player.jointime),
// Set final information for the death
targ.death_origin = targ.origin;
if(targ != attacker) { targ.killer_origin = attacker.origin; }
- string deathlocation = NearestLocation(targ.death_origin);
+ string deathlocation = (autocvar_notification_server_allows_location ? NearestLocation(targ.death_origin) : "");
kill_count_to_target = 0;
+ float verbose_allowed = (autocvar_notification_server_allows_frag_verbose && ((autocvar_notification_server_allows_frag_verbose == 2) || inWarmupStage));
- if(attacker.FRAG_VERBOSE)
+ if(attacker.FRAG_VERBOSE && verbose_allowed)
Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, attacker, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_DEATH_MURDER_TYPEFRAG_VERBOSE, targ.netname, kill_count_to_attacker, (IS_BOT_CLIENT(targ) ? NO_MSG : targ.ping));
Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, attacker, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_DEATH_MURDER_TYPEFRAG, targ.netname, kill_count_to_attacker);
- if(targ.FRAG_VERBOSE)
+ if(targ.FRAG_VERBOSE && verbose_allowed)
Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, targ, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_DEATH_MURDER_TYPEFRAGGED_VERBOSE, attacker.netname, kill_count_to_target, attacker.health, attacker.armorvalue, (IS_BOT_CLIENT(attacker) ? NO_MSG : attacker.ping));
Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, targ, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_DEATH_MURDER_TYPEFRAGGED, attacker.netname, kill_count_to_target);
- if(attacker.FRAG_VERBOSE)
+ if(attacker.FRAG_VERBOSE && verbose_allowed)
Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, attacker, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_DEATH_MURDER_FRAG_VERBOSE, targ.netname, kill_count_to_attacker, (IS_BOT_CLIENT(targ) ? NO_MSG : targ.ping));
Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, attacker, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_DEATH_MURDER_FRAG, targ.netname, kill_count_to_attacker);
- if(targ.FRAG_VERBOSE)
+ if(targ.FRAG_VERBOSE && verbose_allowed)
Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, targ, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_DEATH_MURDER_FRAGGED_VERBOSE, attacker.netname, kill_count_to_target, attacker.health, attacker.armorvalue, (IS_BOT_CLIENT(attacker) ? NO_MSG : attacker.ping));
Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, targ, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_DEATH_MURDER_FRAGGED, attacker.netname, kill_count_to_target);