--- /dev/null
+/* this is the WIP test for the parser...
+ * constantly adding stuff here to see if things break
+ */
+void(string) print = #1;
+void(string,string) print2 = #1;
+void(string,string,string) print3 = #1;
+string(float) ftos = #2;
+entity() spawn = #3;
+void(entity) kill = #4;
+$frame stand1 stand2 standX
+.float frame;
+.float nextthink;
+.void() think;
+entity self;
+float time;
+void() stand2;
+void() stand1 = [ 0, stand2 ] {
+ /* expands to:
+ self.frame = 0;
+ self.nextthink = time + 0.1;
+ self.think = stand2
+ */
+ print("In stand 1...\n");
+ print3("--> self.frame should be 0, is ", ftos(self.frame), "\n");
+void() stand2 = [ 1, stand1 ] {
+ print("In stand 2...\n");
+ print3("--> self.frame should be 1, is ", ftos(self.frame), "\n");
+void() main = {
+ self = spawn();
+ time = 10;
+ self.nextthink = stand1;
+ self.nextthink();
+ self.nextthink();
+ self.nextthink();