cvar_t gl_texturecompression_lightcubemaps = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "gl_texturecompression_lightcubemaps", "1", "whether to compress light cubemaps (spotlights and other light projection images)"};
cvar_t gl_texturecompression_reflectmask = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "gl_texturecompression_reflectmask", "1", "whether to compress reflection cubemap masks (mask of which areas of the texture should reflect the generic shiny cubemap)"};
cvar_t gl_texturecompression_sprites = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "gl_texturecompression_sprites", "1", "whether to compress sprites"};
-cvar_t gl_nopartialtextureupdates = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "gl_nopartialtextureupdates", "0", "use alternate path for dynamic lightmap updates that avoids a possibly slow code path in the driver"};
+cvar_t gl_nopartialtextureupdates = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "gl_nopartialtextureupdates", "1", "use alternate path for dynamic lightmap updates that avoids a possibly slow code path in the driver"};
cvar_t r_texture_dds_load_alphamode = {CF_CLIENT, "r_texture_dds_load_alphamode", "1", "0: trust DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS flag, 1: texture format and brute force search if ambiguous, 2: texture format only"};
cvar_t r_texture_dds_load_logfailure = {CF_CLIENT, "r_texture_dds_load_logfailure", "0", "log missing DDS textures to ddstexturefailures.log, 0: done log, 1: log with no optional textures (_norm, glow etc.). 2: log all"};
cvar_t r_texture_dds_swdecode = {CF_CLIENT, "r_texture_dds_swdecode", "0", "0: don't software decode DDS, 1: software decode DDS if unsupported, 2: always software decode DDS"};