- Copyright (C) 2001-2006, William Joseph.
- All Rights Reserved.
+#include "xorrectangle.h"
- This file is part of GtkRadiant.
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
- GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
++#include "gtkutil/glwidget.h"
++#include "igl.h"
- GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
++#include <gtk/gtkglwidget.h>
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- */
++//#include "stream/stringstream.h"
-#include "xorrectangle.h"
+bool XORRectangle::initialised() const
+ return !!cr;
+void XORRectangle::lazy_init()
+ if (!initialised()) {
+ cr = gdk_cairo_create(gtk_widget_get_window(m_widget));
+ }
+void XORRectangle::draw() const
+ const int x = float_to_integer(m_rectangle.x);
+ const int y = float_to_integer(m_rectangle.y);
+ const int w = float_to_integer(m_rectangle.w);
+ const int h = float_to_integer(m_rectangle.h);
+ GtkAllocation allocation;
+ gtk_widget_get_allocation(m_widget, &allocation);
+ cairo_rectangle(cr, x, -(h) - (y - allocation.height), w, h);
+ cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, 1, 1, 1);
+ cairo_set_operator(cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_DIFFERENCE);
+ cairo_stroke(cr);
+XORRectangle::XORRectangle(ui::GLArea widget) : m_widget(widget), cr(0)
+ if (initialised()) {
+ cairo_destroy(cr);
+ }
+void XORRectangle::set(rectangle_t rectangle)
+ if (gtk_widget_get_realized(m_widget)) {
- lazy_init();
- draw();
- m_rectangle = rectangle;
- draw();
++ if( m_rectangle.w != rectangle.w || m_rectangle.h != rectangle.h ){
++ //if( !(m_rectangle.w == 0 && m_rectangle.h == 0 && rectangle.w == 0 && rectangle.h == 0) ){
++ //globalOutputStream() << "m_x" << m_rectangle.x << " m_y" << m_rectangle.y << " m_w" << m_rectangle.w << " m_h" << m_rectangle.h << "\n";
++ //globalOutputStream() << "__x" << rectangle.x << " __y" << rectangle.y << " __w" << rectangle.w << " __h" << rectangle.h << "\n";
++ if ( glwidget_make_current( m_widget ) != FALSE ) {
++ GlobalOpenGL_debugAssertNoErrors();
++ gint width, height;
++ gdk_gl_drawable_get_size( gtk_widget_get_gl_drawable( m_widget ), &width, &height );
++ glViewport( 0, 0, width, height );
++ glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
++ glLoadIdentity();
++ glOrtho( 0, width, 0, height, -100, 100 );
++ glPolygonMode( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL );
++ glDisable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
++ glDrawBuffer( GL_FRONT );
++ glEnable( GL_BLEND );
++ glLineWidth( 2 );
++ glColor3f( 1, 1, 1 );
++ glDisable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
++ glBegin( GL_LINE_LOOP );
++ glVertex2f( m_rectangle.x, m_rectangle.y + m_rectangle.h );
++ glVertex2f( m_rectangle.x + m_rectangle.w, m_rectangle.y + m_rectangle.h );
++ glVertex2f( m_rectangle.x + m_rectangle.w, m_rectangle.y );
++ glVertex2f( m_rectangle.x, m_rectangle.y );
++ glEnd();
++ glBegin( GL_LINE_LOOP );
++ glVertex2f( rectangle.x, rectangle.y + rectangle.h );
++ glVertex2f( rectangle.x + rectangle.w, rectangle.y + rectangle.h );
++ glVertex2f( rectangle.x + rectangle.w, rectangle.y );
++ glVertex2f( rectangle.x, rectangle.y );
++ glEnd();
++ glDrawBuffer( GL_BACK );
++ GlobalOpenGL_debugAssertNoErrors();
++ //glwidget_swap_buffers( m_widget );
++ glwidget_make_current( m_widget );
++ }
++ }
++ m_rectangle = rectangle;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+find_package(OpenGL REQUIRED)
+ autosave.cpp autosave.h
+ brush.cpp brush.h
+ brush_primit.cpp brush_primit.h
+ brushmanip.cpp brushmanip.h
+ brushmodule.cpp brushmodule.h
+ brushnode.cpp brushnode.h
+ brushtokens.cpp brushtokens.h
+ brushxml.cpp brushxml.h
+ build.cpp build.h
+ camwindow.cpp camwindow.h
+ clippertool.cpp clippertool.h
+ commands.cpp commands.h
+ console.cpp console.h
+ csg.cpp csg.h
+ dialog.cpp dialog.h
+ eclass.cpp eclass.h
+ eclass_def.cpp eclass_def.h
+ eclass_doom3.cpp eclass_doom3.h
+ eclass_fgd.cpp eclass_fgd.h
+ eclass_xml.cpp eclass_xml.h
+ entity.cpp entity.h
+ entityinspector.cpp entityinspector.h
+ entitylist.cpp entitylist.h
+ environment.cpp environment.h
+ error.cpp error.h
+ feedback.cpp feedback.h
+ filetypes.cpp filetypes.h
+ filterbar.cpp filterbar.h
+ filters.cpp filters.h
+ findtexturedialog.cpp findtexturedialog.h
+ glwidget.cpp glwidget.h
+ grid.cpp grid.h
+ groupdialog.cpp groupdialog.h
+ gtkdlgs.cpp gtkdlgs.h
+ gtkmisc.cpp gtkmisc.h
++ gtktheme.cpp gtktheme.h
+ help.cpp help.h
+ image.cpp image.h
+ main.cpp main.h
+ mainframe.cpp mainframe.h
+ map.cpp map.h
+ mru.cpp mru.h
+ nullmodel.cpp nullmodel.h
+ parse.cpp parse.h
+ patch.cpp patch.h
+ patchdialog.cpp patchdialog.h
+ patchmanip.cpp patchmanip.h
+ patchmodule.cpp patchmodule.h
+ plugin.cpp plugin.h
+ pluginapi.cpp pluginapi.h
+ pluginmanager.cpp pluginmanager.h
+ pluginmenu.cpp pluginmenu.h
+ plugintoolbar.cpp plugintoolbar.h
+ points.cpp points.h
+ preferencedictionary.cpp preferencedictionary.h
+ preferences.cpp preferences.h
+ qe3.cpp qe3.h
+ qgl.cpp qgl.h
+ referencecache.cpp referencecache.h
+ renderer.cpp renderer.h
+ renderstate.cpp renderstate.h
+ resource.h
+ scenegraph.cpp scenegraph.h
+ select.cpp select.h
+ selection.cpp selection.h
+ server.cpp server.h
+ shaders.cpp shaders.h
+ sockets.cpp sockets.h
+ stacktrace.cpp stacktrace.h
+ surfacedialog.cpp surfacedialog.h
+ texmanip.cpp texmanip.h
+ textureentry.cpp textureentry.h
+ textures.cpp textures.h
+ texwindow.cpp texwindow.h
+ timer.cpp timer.h
+ treemodel.cpp treemodel.h
+ undo.cpp undo.h
+ url.cpp url.h
+ view.cpp view.h
+ watchbsp.cpp watchbsp.h
+ winding.cpp winding.h
+ windowobservers.cpp windowobservers.h
+ xmlstuff.cpp xmlstuff.h
+ xywindow.cpp xywindow.h
+if (WIN32)
+ list(APPEND RADIANTLIST multimon.cpp multimon.h)
+radiant_tool(radiant WIN32 radiant.rc ${RADIANTLIST})
+add_dependencies(radiant modules)
+ includes
+ cmdlib
+ container
+ ddslib
+ debugging
+ etclib
+ filematch
+ generic
+ l_net
+ math
+ mathlib
+ memory
+ modulesystem
+ os
+ picomodel
+ profile
+ script
+ signal
+ splines
+ stream
+ string
+ uilib
+ xmllib
+ target_link_libraries(radiant ${X11_LIBRARIES})
+endif ()
SaveCommandMap( path.c_str() );
++/* FIXME: HACK: not GTK3 compatible
++ https://developer.gnome.org/gtk2/stable/gtk2-Resource-Files.html#gtk-rc-add-default-file
++ https://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/stable/gtk3-Resource-Files.html#gtk-rc-add-default-file
++ > gtk_rc_add_default_file has been deprecated since version 3.0 and should not be used in newly-written code.
++ > Use GtkStyleContext with a custom GtkStyleProvider instead
++void gtk_rc_add_default_file (const gchar *filename);
+ void add_local_rc_files(){
+ {
+ StringOutputStream path( 512 );
+ path << AppPath_get() << ".gtkrc-2.0.radiant";
+ gtk_rc_add_default_file( path.c_str() );
+ }
+ #ifdef WIN32
+ {
+ StringOutputStream path( 512 );
+ path << AppPath_get() << ".gtkrc-2.0.win";
+ gtk_rc_add_default_file( path.c_str() );
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
int main( int argc, char* argv[] ){
#include "renderstate.h"
#include "feedback.h"
#include "referencecache.h"
+#include "texwindow.h"
#include "filterbar.h"
+ #include "gtktheme.h"
struct layout_globals_t
#include "stringio.h"
void MainFrame_Construct(){
- GlobalCommands_insert( "OpenManual", FreeCaller<OpenHelpURL>(), Accelerator( GDK_F1 ) );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "Sleep", FreeCaller<thunk_OnSleep>(), Accelerator( 'P', (GdkModifierType)( GDK_SHIFT_MASK | GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) ) );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "NewMap", FreeCaller<NewMap>() );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "OpenMap", FreeCaller<OpenMap>(), Accelerator( 'O', (GdkModifierType)GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "ImportMap", FreeCaller<ImportMap>() );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "SaveMap", FreeCaller<SaveMap>(), Accelerator( 'S', (GdkModifierType)GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "SaveMapAs", FreeCaller<SaveMapAs>() );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "SaveSelected", FreeCaller<ExportMap>() );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "SaveRegion", FreeCaller<SaveRegion>() );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "RefreshReferences", FreeCaller<RefreshReferences>() );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "ProjectSettings", FreeCaller<DoProjectSettings>() );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "CheckForUpdate", FreeCaller<OpenUpdateURL>() );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "Exit", FreeCaller<Exit>() );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "Undo", FreeCaller<Undo>(), Accelerator( 'Z', (GdkModifierType)GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "Redo", FreeCaller<Redo>(), Accelerator( 'Y', (GdkModifierType)GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "Copy", FreeCaller<Copy>(), Accelerator( 'C', (GdkModifierType)GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "Paste", FreeCaller<Paste>(), Accelerator( 'V', (GdkModifierType)GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "PasteToCamera", FreeCaller<PasteToCamera>(), Accelerator( 'V', (GdkModifierType)GDK_SHIFT_MASK ) );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "CloneSelection", FreeCaller<Selection_Clone>(), Accelerator( GDK_space ) );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "CloneSelectionAndMakeUnique", FreeCaller<Selection_Clone_MakeUnique>(), Accelerator( GDK_space, (GdkModifierType)GDK_SHIFT_MASK ) );
-// GlobalCommands_insert( "DeleteSelection", FreeCaller<deleteSelection>(), Accelerator( GDK_BackSpace ) );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "DeleteSelection2", FreeCaller<deleteSelection>(), Accelerator( GDK_BackSpace ) );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "DeleteSelection", FreeCaller<deleteSelection>(), Accelerator( 'Z' ) );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "ParentSelection", FreeCaller<Scene_parentSelected>() );
-// GlobalCommands_insert( "UnSelectSelection", FreeCaller<Selection_Deselect>(), Accelerator( GDK_Escape ) );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "UnSelectSelection2", FreeCaller<Selection_Deselect>(), Accelerator( GDK_Escape ) );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "UnSelectSelection", FreeCaller<Selection_Deselect>(), Accelerator( 'C' ) );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "InvertSelection", FreeCaller<Select_Invert>(), Accelerator( 'I' ) );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "SelectInside", FreeCaller<Select_Inside>() );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "SelectTouching", FreeCaller<Select_Touching>() );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "ExpandSelectionToEntities", FreeCaller<Scene_ExpandSelectionToEntities>(), Accelerator( 'E', (GdkModifierType)GDK_SHIFT_MASK ) );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "Preferences", FreeCaller<PreferencesDialog_showDialog>(), Accelerator( 'P' ) );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "ToggleConsole", FreeCaller<Console_ToggleShow>(), Accelerator( 'O' ) );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "ToggleEntityInspector", FreeCaller<EntityInspector_ToggleShow>(), Accelerator( 'N' ) );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "EntityList", FreeCaller<EntityList_toggleShown>(), Accelerator( 'L' ) );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "ShowHidden", FreeCaller<Select_ShowAllHidden>(), Accelerator( 'H', (GdkModifierType)GDK_SHIFT_MASK ) );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "HideSelected", FreeCaller<HideSelected>(), Accelerator( 'H' ) );
- GlobalToggles_insert( "DragVertices", FreeCaller<SelectVertexMode>(), ToggleItem::AddCallbackCaller( g_vertexMode_button ), Accelerator( 'V' ) );
- GlobalToggles_insert( "DragEdges", FreeCaller<SelectEdgeMode>(), ToggleItem::AddCallbackCaller( g_edgeMode_button ), Accelerator( 'E' ) );
- GlobalToggles_insert( "DragFaces", FreeCaller<SelectFaceMode>(), ToggleItem::AddCallbackCaller( g_faceMode_button ), Accelerator( 'F' ) );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "MirrorSelectionX", FreeCaller<Selection_Flipx>() );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "RotateSelectionX", FreeCaller<Selection_Rotatex>() );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "MirrorSelectionY", FreeCaller<Selection_Flipy>() );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "RotateSelectionY", FreeCaller<Selection_Rotatey>() );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "MirrorSelectionZ", FreeCaller<Selection_Flipz>() );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "RotateSelectionZ", FreeCaller<Selection_Rotatez>() );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "ArbitraryRotation", FreeCaller<DoRotateDlg>(), Accelerator( 'R', (GdkModifierType)GDK_SHIFT_MASK ) );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "ArbitraryScale", FreeCaller<DoScaleDlg>(), Accelerator( 'S', (GdkModifierType)( GDK_SHIFT_MASK | GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) ) );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "BuildMenuCustomize", FreeCaller<DoBuildMenu>() );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "FindBrush", FreeCaller<DoFind>() );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "MapInfo", FreeCaller<DoMapInfo>(), Accelerator( 'M' ) );
- GlobalToggles_insert( "ToggleClipper", FreeCaller<ClipperMode>(), ToggleItem::AddCallbackCaller( g_clipper_button ), Accelerator( 'X' ) );
- GlobalToggles_insert( "MouseTranslate", FreeCaller<TranslateMode>(), ToggleItem::AddCallbackCaller( g_translatemode_button ), Accelerator( 'W' ) );
- GlobalToggles_insert( "MouseRotate", FreeCaller<RotateMode>(), ToggleItem::AddCallbackCaller( g_rotatemode_button ), Accelerator( 'R' ) );
- GlobalToggles_insert( "MouseScale", FreeCaller<ScaleMode>(), ToggleItem::AddCallbackCaller( g_scalemode_button ) );
- GlobalToggles_insert( "MouseDrag", FreeCaller<DragMode>(), ToggleItem::AddCallbackCaller( g_dragmode_button ), Accelerator( 'Q' ) );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "gtkThemeDlg", FreeCaller<gtkThemeDlg>() );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "ColorSchemeOriginal", FreeCaller<ColorScheme_Original>() );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "ColorSchemeQER", FreeCaller<ColorScheme_QER>() );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "ColorSchemeBlackAndGreen", FreeCaller<ColorScheme_Black>() );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "ColorSchemeYdnar", FreeCaller<ColorScheme_Ydnar>() );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "OpenManual", makeCallbackF(OpenHelpURL), Accelerator( GDK_KEY_F1 ) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "Sleep", makeCallbackF(thunk_OnSleep), Accelerator( 'P', (GdkModifierType)( GDK_SHIFT_MASK | GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) ) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "NewMap", makeCallbackF(NewMap) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "OpenMap", makeCallbackF(OpenMap), Accelerator( 'O', (GdkModifierType)GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "ImportMap", makeCallbackF(ImportMap) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "SaveMap", makeCallbackF(SaveMap), Accelerator( 'S', (GdkModifierType)GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "SaveMapAs", makeCallbackF(SaveMapAs) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "ExportSelected", makeCallbackF(ExportMap) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "SaveRegion", makeCallbackF(SaveRegion) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "RefreshReferences", makeCallbackF(VFS_Refresh) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "ProjectSettings", makeCallbackF(DoProjectSettings) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "Exit", makeCallbackF(Exit) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "Undo", makeCallbackF(Undo), Accelerator( 'Z', (GdkModifierType)GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "Redo", makeCallbackF(Redo), Accelerator( 'Y', (GdkModifierType)GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "Copy", makeCallbackF(Copy), Accelerator( 'C', (GdkModifierType)GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "Paste", makeCallbackF(Paste), Accelerator( 'V', (GdkModifierType)GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "PasteToCamera", makeCallbackF(PasteToCamera), Accelerator( 'V', (GdkModifierType)GDK_MOD1_MASK ) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "CloneSelection", makeCallbackF(Selection_Clone), Accelerator( GDK_KEY_space ) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "CloneSelectionAndMakeUnique", makeCallbackF(Selection_Clone_MakeUnique), Accelerator( GDK_KEY_space, (GdkModifierType)GDK_SHIFT_MASK ) );
+// GlobalCommands_insert( "DeleteSelection", makeCallbackF(deleteSelection), Accelerator( GDK_KEY_BackSpace ) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "DeleteSelection2", makeCallbackF(deleteSelection), Accelerator( GDK_KEY_BackSpace ) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "DeleteSelection", makeCallbackF(deleteSelection), Accelerator( 'Z' ) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "ParentSelection", makeCallbackF(Scene_parentSelected) );
+// GlobalCommands_insert( "UnSelectSelection", makeCallbackF(Selection_Deselect), Accelerator( GDK_KEY_Escape ) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "UnSelectSelection2", makeCallbackF(Selection_Deselect), Accelerator( GDK_KEY_Escape ) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "UnSelectSelection", makeCallbackF(Selection_Deselect), Accelerator( 'C' ) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "InvertSelection", makeCallbackF(Select_Invert), Accelerator( 'I' ) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "SelectInside", makeCallbackF(Select_Inside) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "SelectTouching", makeCallbackF(Select_Touching) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "ExpandSelectionToEntities", makeCallbackF(Scene_ExpandSelectionToEntities), Accelerator( 'E', (GdkModifierType)( GDK_MOD1_MASK | GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) ) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "Preferences", makeCallbackF(PreferencesDialog_showDialog), Accelerator( 'P' ) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "ToggleConsole", makeCallbackF(Console_ToggleShow), Accelerator( 'O' ) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "ToggleEntityInspector", makeCallbackF(EntityInspector_ToggleShow), Accelerator( 'N' ) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "EntityList", makeCallbackF(EntityList_toggleShown), Accelerator( 'L' ) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "ShowHidden", makeCallbackF(Select_ShowAllHidden), Accelerator( 'H', (GdkModifierType)GDK_SHIFT_MASK ) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "HideSelected", makeCallbackF(HideSelected), Accelerator( 'H' ) );
+ GlobalToggles_insert( "DragVertices", makeCallbackF(SelectVertexMode), ToggleItem::AddCallbackCaller( g_vertexMode_button ), Accelerator( 'V' ) );
+ GlobalToggles_insert( "DragEdges", makeCallbackF(SelectEdgeMode), ToggleItem::AddCallbackCaller( g_edgeMode_button ), Accelerator( 'E' ) );
+ GlobalToggles_insert( "DragFaces", makeCallbackF(SelectFaceMode), ToggleItem::AddCallbackCaller( g_faceMode_button ), Accelerator( 'F' ) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "MirrorSelectionX", makeCallbackF(Selection_Flipx) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "RotateSelectionX", makeCallbackF(Selection_Rotatex) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "MirrorSelectionY", makeCallbackF(Selection_Flipy) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "RotateSelectionY", makeCallbackF(Selection_Rotatey) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "MirrorSelectionZ", makeCallbackF(Selection_Flipz) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "RotateSelectionZ", makeCallbackF(Selection_Rotatez) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "ArbitraryRotation", makeCallbackF(DoRotateDlg) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "ArbitraryScale", makeCallbackF(DoScaleDlg) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "BuildMenuCustomize", makeCallbackF(DoBuildMenu) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "FindBrush", makeCallbackF(DoFind) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "MapInfo", makeCallbackF(DoMapInfo), Accelerator( 'M' ) );
+ GlobalToggles_insert( "ToggleClipper", makeCallbackF(ClipperMode), ToggleItem::AddCallbackCaller( g_clipper_button ), Accelerator( 'X' ) );
+ GlobalToggles_insert( "MouseTranslate", makeCallbackF(TranslateMode), ToggleItem::AddCallbackCaller( g_translatemode_button ), Accelerator( 'W' ) );
+ GlobalToggles_insert( "MouseRotate", makeCallbackF(RotateMode), ToggleItem::AddCallbackCaller( g_rotatemode_button ), Accelerator( 'R' ) );
+ GlobalToggles_insert( "MouseScale", makeCallbackF(ScaleMode), ToggleItem::AddCallbackCaller( g_scalemode_button ) );
+ GlobalToggles_insert( "MouseDrag", makeCallbackF(DragMode), ToggleItem::AddCallbackCaller( g_dragmode_button ), Accelerator( 'Q' ) );
++ GlobalCommands_insert( "gtkThemeDlg", makeCallbackF(gtkThemeDlg) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "ColorSchemeOriginal", makeCallbackF(ColorScheme_Original) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "ColorSchemeQER", makeCallbackF(ColorScheme_QER) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "ColorSchemeBlackAndGreen", makeCallbackF(ColorScheme_Black) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "ColorSchemeYdnar", makeCallbackF(ColorScheme_Ydnar) );
GlobalCommands_insert( "ChooseTextureBackgroundColor", makeCallback( g_ColoursMenu.m_textureback ) );
GlobalCommands_insert( "ChooseGridBackgroundColor", makeCallback( g_ColoursMenu.m_xyback ) );
GlobalCommands_insert( "ChooseGridMajorColor", makeCallback( g_ColoursMenu.m_gridmajor ) );
g_TextureBrowser.m_parent = toplevel;
- GtkWidget* table = gtk_table_new( 3, 3, FALSE );
- GtkWidget* frame_table = NULL;
- GtkWidget* vbox = gtk_vbox_new( FALSE, 0 );
- gtk_table_attach( GTK_TABLE( table ), vbox, 0, 1, 0, 3, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 0, 0 );
- gtk_widget_show( vbox );
+ auto table = ui::Table(3, 3, FALSE);
+ auto vbox = ui::VBox(FALSE, 0);
+ table.attach(vbox, {0, 1, 1, 3}, {GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL});
+ vbox.show();
- //GtkWidget* menu_bar;
- GtkToolbar* toolbar;
+ // ui::Widget menu_bar{ui::null};
+ auto toolbar = ui::Toolbar::from( gtk_toolbar_new() );
{ // menu bar
- //menu_bar = gtk_menu_bar_new();
- GtkWidget* menu_view = gtk_menu_new();
- //GtkWidget* view_item = (GtkWidget*)
- TextureBrowser_constructViewMenu( GTK_MENU( menu_view ) );
- gtk_menu_set_title( GTK_MENU( menu_view ), "View" );
- //gtk_menu_item_set_submenu( GTK_MENU_ITEM( view_item ), menu_view );
- //gtk_menu_bar_append( GTK_MENU_BAR( menu_bar ), view_item );
+ // menu_bar = ui::Widget::from(gtk_menu_bar_new());
+ auto menu_view = ui::Menu(ui::New);
+ // auto view_item = TextureBrowser_constructViewMenu( menu_view );
+ TextureBrowser_constructViewMenu( menu_view );
++ gtk_menu_set_title( menu_view, "View" );
+ // gtk_menu_item_set_submenu( GTK_MENU_ITEM( view_item ), menu_view );
+ // gtk_menu_shell_append( GTK_MENU_SHELL( menu_bar ), view_item );
- toolbar = GTK_TOOLBAR( gtk_toolbar_new() );
//gtk_table_attach( GTK_TABLE( table ), GTK_WIDGET( toolbar ), 0, 1, 0, 1, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 0, 0 );
gtk_box_pack_start( GTK_BOX( vbox ), GTK_WIDGET( toolbar ), FALSE, FALSE, 0 );
//view menu button
- GtkButton* button = GTK_BUTTON( gtk_button_new() );
- button_set_icon( button, "texbro_view.png" );
- gtk_widget_show( GTK_WIDGET( button ) );
- gtk_button_set_relief( button, GTK_RELIEF_NONE );
- gtk_widget_set_size_request( GTK_WIDGET( button ), 24, 24 );
- gtk_toolbar_append_element( toolbar, GTK_TOOLBAR_CHILD_WIDGET, GTK_WIDGET( button ), "", "View", "", 0, 0, 0 );
- g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT( button ), "clicked", G_CALLBACK( Popup_View_Menu ), menu_view );
- //to show detached menu over floating tex bro
- gtk_menu_attach_to_widget( GTK_MENU( menu_view ), GTK_WIDGET( button ), NULL );
- button = toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "Find / Replace...", "texbro_gtk-find-and-replace.png", "FindReplaceTextures" );
- gtk_widget_set_size_request( GTK_WIDGET( button ), 22, 22 );
+ {
+ auto button = toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "View", "texbro_view.png" );
+ button.dimensions( 22, 22 );
+ button.connect( "clicked", G_CALLBACK( Popup_View_Menu ), menu_view );
- button = toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "Flush & Reload Shaders", "texbro_refresh.png", "RefreshShaders" );
- gtk_widget_set_size_request( GTK_WIDGET( button ), 22, 22 );
- gtk_widget_show( GTK_WIDGET( toolbar ) );
++ //to show detached menu over floating tex bro
++ gtk_menu_attach_to_widget( GTK_MENU( menu_view ), GTK_WIDGET( button ), NULL );
+ }
+ {
+ auto button = toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "Find / Replace...", "texbro_gtk-find-and-replace.png", "FindReplaceTextures" );
+ button.dimensions( 22, 22 );
+ }
+ {
+ auto button = toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "Flush & Reload Shaders", "texbro_refresh.png", "RefreshShaders" );
+ button.dimensions( 22, 22 );
+ }
+ toolbar.show();
- GtkWidget* menu_tools = gtk_menu_new();
- GtkWidget* tools_item = (GtkWidget*)TextureBrowser_constructToolsMenu( GTK_MENU( menu_tools ) );
+ auto menu_tools = ui::Menu(ui::New);
+ auto tools_item = TextureBrowser_constructToolsMenu( menu_tools );
gtk_menu_item_set_submenu( GTK_MENU_ITEM( tools_item ), menu_tools );
- gtk_menu_bar_append( GTK_MENU_BAR( menu_bar ), tools_item );
+ gtk_menu_shell_append( GTK_MENU_SHELL( menu_bar ), tools_item );
- //gtk_table_attach( GTK_TABLE( table ), menu_bar, 0, 3, 0, 1, GTK_FILL, GTK_SHRINK, 0, 0 );
- //gtk_widget_show( menu_bar );
+ // table.attach(menu_bar, {0, 3, 0, 1}, {GTK_FILL, GTK_SHRINK});
+ // menu_bar.show();
{ // Texture TreeView
- g_TextureBrowser.m_scr_win_tree = gtk_scrolled_window_new( NULL, NULL );
+ g_TextureBrowser.m_scr_win_tree = ui::ScrolledWindow(ui::New);
gtk_container_set_border_width( GTK_CONTAINER( g_TextureBrowser.m_scr_win_tree ), 0 );
// vertical only scrolling for treeview
Shader* XYWnd::m_state_selected = 0;
void xy_update_xor_rectangle( XYWnd& self, rect_t area ){
- if ( GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE( self.GetWidget() ) ) {
+ if ( self.GetWidget().visible() ) {
- self.m_XORRectangle.set( rectangle_from_area( area.min, area.max, self.Width(), self.Height() ) );
+ rectangle_t rect = rectangle_from_area( area.min, area.max, self.Width(), self.Height() );
+ int nDim1 = ( self.GetViewType() == YZ ) ? 1 : 0;
+ int nDim2 = ( self.GetViewType() == XY ) ? 1 : 2;
+ rect.x /= self.Scale();
+ rect.y /= self.Scale();
+ rect.w /= self.Scale();
+ rect.h /= self.Scale();
+ rect.x += self.GetOrigin()[nDim1];
+ rect.y += self.GetOrigin()[nDim2];
+ self.m_XORRectangle.set( rect );