unsigned char *data;
data = (unsigned char *)Mem_Alloc(tempmempool, DITHERSIZE*DITHERSIZE*4);
- data[i]=lhrandom(0,512);
+ data[i]=lhrandom(0,255);
if (r_glsl_permutation->loc_Color_Ambient >= 0) qglUniform3f(r_glsl_permutation->loc_Color_Ambient, colormod[0] * ambientscale, colormod[1] * ambientscale, colormod[2] * ambientscale);
if (r_glsl_permutation->loc_Color_Diffuse >= 0) qglUniform3f(r_glsl_permutation->loc_Color_Diffuse, colormod[0] * diffusescale, colormod[1] * diffusescale, colormod[2] * diffusescale);
if (r_glsl_permutation->loc_Color_Specular >= 0) qglUniform3f(r_glsl_permutation->loc_Color_Specular, r_refdef.view.colorscale * specularscale, r_refdef.view.colorscale * specularscale, r_refdef.view.colorscale * specularscale);
// additive passes are only darkened by fog, not tinted
if (r_glsl_permutation->loc_FogColor >= 0)
qglUniform3f(r_glsl_permutation->loc_FogColor, 0, 0, 0);
r_refdef.view.usecustompvs = true;
r_refdef.scene.worldmodel->brush.FatPVS(r_refdef.scene.worldmodel, visorigin, 2, r_refdef.viewcache.world_pvsbits, (r_refdef.viewcache.world_numclusters+7)>>3, false);
// camera needs no clipplane
r_refdef.view.useclipplane = false;
if(!R_Stereo_Active() && (r_motionblur.value > 0 || r_damageblur.value > 0) && r_fb.ghosttexture)
- // declare variables
- // Note: f(t)=e^-Lt
- // In his code we are working the L to change the blending speed, NOT the e !
- float blur_factor, blur_mouseaccel, blur_velocity;
- static float blur_average;
- static vec3_t oldviewforward; // used to see how quickly the mouse is moving
- float dt; //Delta Time (time passed)
- static double oldrealtime=0;
- float old_target_fps=60;
- float view_arclength; //The distance that would have been traveled on a sphere after rotating view
- //float temp_alpha_blend; //Temp var to use in local code
- //Calc the delta-time
- if (r_motionblur_slowmo.value>0){
- dt = (cl.time-cl.oldtime) * slowmo.value;
- }else{
- dt = realtime - oldrealtime;
- oldrealtime = realtime;
- }
- // set a goal for the factoring
- // r_refdef.view.forward
- // 1800/PI / OrgTarget_FPS
+ float motionblur_factor, motionblur_mouseaccel, motionblur_velocity;
+ static float motionblur_average; // FIXME move to cl.
+ static vec3_t oldviewforward; // FIXME move to cl.
+ static double oldrealtime = 0; // FIXME move to cl.
+ float blur_strength;
+ float dt;
+ const float old_target_fps = 125;
+ float view_arclength;
+ float motionblur_newweight = 1;
+ // Calc the delta-time
+ dt = realtime - oldrealtime;
+ oldrealtime = realtime;
+ // no time back-steps
+ if(dt < 0)
+ dt = 0;
+ // if slowmo, apply it
+ if(r_motionblur_slowmo.value > 0)
+ dt *= slowmo.value;
+ // calculate the arc length of the view vector change
view_arclength = asin(VectorDistance(oldviewforward, r_refdef.view.forward) / 2) * 2;
- view_arclength *= 1800/(M_PI*dt*old_target_fps);
- VectorCopy( r_refdef.view.forward, oldviewforward );
+ view_arclength *= 1800 / (M_PI * dt * old_target_fps); // 5
+ VectorCopy(r_refdef.view.forward, oldviewforward);
- blur_velocity = bound(0, (VectorLength(cl.movement_velocity) - r_motionblur_velocityfactor_minspeed.value)
+ // calculate velocities
+ motionblur_velocity = bound(0, (VectorLength(cl.movement_velocity) - r_motionblur_velocityfactor_minspeed.value)
/ max(1, r_motionblur_velocityfactor_maxspeed.value - r_motionblur_velocityfactor_minspeed.value), 1);
- blur_mouseaccel = bound(0, (view_arclength - r_motionblur_mousefactor_minspeed.value)
+ motionblur_mouseaccel = bound(0, (view_arclength - r_motionblur_mousefactor_minspeed.value)
/ max(1, r_motionblur_mousefactor_maxspeed.value - r_motionblur_mousefactor_minspeed.value), 1);
- blur_factor = ((blur_velocity * r_motionblur_velocityfactor.value)
- + (blur_mouseaccel * r_motionblur_mousefactor.value));
+ // calculate new blur factor
+ motionblur_factor =
+ (motionblur_velocity * r_motionblur_velocityfactor.value) +
+ (motionblur_mouseaccel * r_motionblur_mousefactor.value);
// from the goal, pick an averaged value between goal and last value
- cl.motionbluralpha = bound(0, dt / max(0.001, r_motionblur_averaging.value), 1);
- blur_average = blur_average * (1 - cl.motionbluralpha) + blur_factor * cl.motionbluralpha;
- //@Div: Replace with below ?
- //cl.motionbluralpha = bound(0, dt / max(0.001, r_motionblur_averaging.value), 1);
- //temp_alpha_blend = exp(-cl.motionbluralpha);
- //blur_average = blur_average * temp_alpha_blend + blur_factor * (1 - temp_alpha_blend);
+ if(r_motionblur_averaging.value > 0)
+ motionblur_newweight = 1 - exp(-dt / max(0.001, r_motionblur_averaging.value));
+ motionblur_average = motionblur_average * (1 - motionblur_newweight) + motionblur_factor * motionblur_newweight;
// enforce minimum amount of blur
- blur_factor = blur_average * (1 - r_motionblur_minblur.value) + r_motionblur_minblur.value;
- //Con_Printf("motionblur: direct factor: %f, averaged factor: %f, velocity: %f, mouse accel: %f \n", blur_factor, blur_average, blur_velocity, blur_mouseaccel);
- // calculate values into a standard alpha
- cl.motionbluralpha = 1 - exp(-
- (
- (r_motionblur.value * blur_factor / 80)
- +
- (r_damageblur.value * (cl.cshifts[CSHIFT_DAMAGE].percent / 1600))
- )
- /
- max(0.0001, cl.time - cl.oldtime) // fps independent
- );
- //@Div: Replace with ???
- //cl.motionbluralpha = 1 - exp(-
- // (
- // (r_motionblur.value * blur_factor / 80)
- // +
- // (r_damageblur.value * (cl.cshifts[CSHIFT_DAMAGE].percent / 1600))
- // )
- // *
- // dt // fps independent
- // * old_target_fps * old_target_fps //FPSFIX fps^2 to offset old bug -> Calc into 80 and 1600
- // );
+ motionblur_factor = motionblur_average * (1 - r_motionblur_minblur.value) + r_motionblur_minblur.value;
+ // mix the blurs
+ // OLD: blur_strength =
+ // OLD: (r_motionblur.value * motionblur_factor / 80) +
+ // OLD: (r_damageblur.value * cl.cshifts[CSHIFT_DAMAGE].percent / 1600);
+ // at 125fps, r_motionblur 0.5, motionblur_factor == 0.5: 0.003125
+ // OLD: cl.motionbluralpha = 1 - exp(-blur_strength / dt);
+ // at 125fps, r_motionblur 0.5, motionblur_factor == 0.5: 0.323366
+ blur_strength =
+ (r_motionblur.value * motionblur_factor / 32) +
+ (r_damageblur.value * cl.cshifts[CSHIFT_DAMAGE].percent / 768);
+ // at 125fps, r_motionblur 0.5, motionblur_factor == 0.5: 0.0078125
+ // calculate motionblur from this
+ if(blur_strength > 0)
+ cl.motionbluralpha = exp(-dt / blur_strength);
+ // at 125fps, r_motionblur 0.5, motionblur_factor == 0.5: 0.3591554413294046
+ else
+ cl.motionbluralpha = 0;
// Only apply max_blur, random is nolonger needed
cl.motionbluralpha = bound(0, cl.motionbluralpha, r_motionblur_maxblur.value);
- // apply the blur
+ // prepare for applying the blur
R_ResetViewRendering2D(fbo, depthtexture, colortexture);
- //0.0 = Instant fading: no need to mix
- if (cl.motionbluralpha > 0 && !r_refdef.envmap && r_fb.ghosttexture_valid)
+ // if blur amount is very small, we don't need the old frame
+ if (cl.motionbluralpha > 1 / 256.0 && !r_refdef.envmap && r_fb.ghosttexture_valid)
GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
r_refdef.stats.bloom_drawpixels += r_refdef.view.viewport.width * r_refdef.view.viewport.height;
- //1.0 = Forever fading blur: no need to ghost texture, it's identical
- if(cl.motionbluralpha<1.0){
+ // only if the ghost texture changed
+ if(cl.motionbluralpha < 1.0)
+ {
// copy view into the ghost texture
R_Mesh_CopyToTexture(r_fb.ghosttexture, 0, 0, r_refdef.view.viewport.x, r_refdef.view.viewport.y, r_refdef.view.viewport.width, r_refdef.view.viewport.height);
r_fb.ghosttexture_valid = true;
+ r_refdef.stats.bloom_copypixels += r_refdef.view.viewport.width * r_refdef.view.viewport.height;
- r_refdef.stats.bloom_copypixels += r_refdef.view.viewport.width * r_refdef.view.viewport.height;