VectorCopy(r_refdef.fogcolor, clearcolor);
// clear depth is 1.0
- // LordHavoc: we use a stencil centered around 128 instead of 0,
- // to avoid clamping interfering with strange shadow volume
- // drawing orders
// clear the screen
- GL_Clear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT | (vid.stencil ? GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT : 0), clearcolor, 1.0f, 128);
+ GL_Clear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT | (vid.stencil ? GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT : 0), clearcolor, 1.0f, 0);
int r_stereo_side;
typedef struct rtlight_s
- // shadow volumes are done entirely in model space, so there are no matrices for dealing with them... they just use the origin
// note that the world to light matrices are inversely scaled (divided) by lightradius
// core properties
int flags;
// generated properties
- /// used only for shadow volumes
+ /// used only for casting shadows
vec3_t shadoworigin;
/// culling
vec3_t cullmins;
int shadowmapatlasposition[2];
/// size of one side of this light in the shadowmap atlas (for omnidirectional shadowmaps this is the min corner of a 2x3 arrangement, or a 4x3 arrangement in the case of noselfshadow entities being present)
int shadowmapatlassidesize;
- /// premade shadow volumes to render for world entity
- shadowmesh_t *static_meshchain_shadow_zpass;
- shadowmesh_t *static_meshchain_shadow_zfail;
+ /// optimized and culled mesh to render for world entity shadows
shadowmesh_t *static_meshchain_shadow_shadowmap;
/// used for visibility testing (more exact than bbox)
int static_numleafs;
// whether to draw world lights realtime, dlights realtime, and their shadows
float polygonfactor;
float polygonoffset;
- float shadowpolygonfactor;
- float shadowpolygonoffset;
// how long R_RenderView took on the previous frame
double lastdrawscreentime;
cvar_t collision_extendtracelinelength = {0, "collision_extendtracelinelength", "1", "internal bias for traceline() qc builtin to account for collision_impactnudge (this does not alter the final trace length)"};
cvar_t collision_debug_tracelineasbox = {0, "collision_debug_tracelineasbox", "0", "workaround for any bugs in Collision_TraceLineBrushFloat by using Collision_TraceBrushBrushFloat"};
cvar_t collision_cache = {0, "collision_cache", "1", "store results of collision traces for next frame to reuse if possible (optimization)"};
-//cvar_t collision_triangle_neighborsides = {0, "collision_triangle_neighborsides", "1", "override automatic side generation if triangle has neighbors with face planes that form a convex edge (perfect solution, but can not work for all edges)"};
cvar_t collision_triangle_bevelsides = {0, "collision_triangle_bevelsides", "0", "generate sloped edge planes on triangles - if 0, see axialedgeplanes"};
cvar_t collision_triangle_axialsides = {0, "collision_triangle_axialsides", "1", "generate axially-aligned edge planes on triangles - otherwise use perpendicular edge planes"};
cvar_t collision_bih_fullrecursion = { 0, "collision_bih_fullrecursion", "0", "debugging option to disable the bih recursion optimizations by iterating the entire tree" };
-// Cvar_RegisterVariable(&collision_triangle_neighborsides);
-void R_SetStencilSeparate(qboolean enable, int writemask, int frontfail, int frontzfail, int frontzpass, int backfail, int backzfail, int backzpass, int frontcompare, int backcompare, int comparereference, int comparemask)
- switch (vid.renderpath)
- {
- if (enable)
- {
- }
- else
- {
- }
- if (
- {
- qglStencilMask(writemask);CHECKGLERROR
- qglStencilOpSeparate(GL_FRONT, frontfail, frontzfail, frontzpass);CHECKGLERROR
- qglStencilOpSeparate(GL_BACK, backfail, backzfail, backzpass);CHECKGLERROR
- qglStencilFuncSeparate(GL_FRONT, frontcompare, comparereference, comparereference);CHECKGLERROR
- qglStencilFuncSeparate(GL_BACK, backcompare, comparereference, comparereference);CHECKGLERROR
- }
- else if (
- {
-#if defined(GL_STENCIL_TEST_TWO_SIDE_EXT) && !defined(USE_GLES2)
- qglStencilMask(writemask);CHECKGLERROR
- qglStencilOp(frontfail, frontzfail, frontzpass);CHECKGLERROR
- qglStencilFunc(frontcompare, comparereference, comparemask);CHECKGLERROR
- qglStencilMask(writemask);CHECKGLERROR
- qglStencilOp(backfail, backzfail, backzpass);CHECKGLERROR
- qglStencilFunc(backcompare, comparereference, comparemask);CHECKGLERROR
- }
- break;
- }
void R_SetStencil(qboolean enable, int writemask, int fail, int zfail, int zpass, int compare, int comparereference, int comparemask)
switch (vid.renderpath)
- if (
- {
- }
qglStencilOp(fail, zfail, zpass);CHECKGLERROR
qglStencilFunc(compare, comparereference, comparemask);CHECKGLERROR
void GL_DepthTest(int state);
void GL_DepthFunc(int state);
void GL_DepthRange(float nearfrac, float farfrac);
-void R_SetStencilSeparate(qboolean enable, int writemask, int frontfail, int frontzfail, int frontzpass, int backfail, int backzfail, int backzpass, int frontcompare, int backcompare, int comparereference, int comparemask);
void R_SetStencil(qboolean enable, int writemask, int fail, int zfail, int zpass, int compare, int comparereference, int comparemask);
void GL_PolygonOffset(float planeoffset, float depthoffset);
void GL_CullFace(int state);
cvar_t r_showtris = {0, "r_showtris", "0", "shows triangle outlines, value controls brightness (can be above 1)"};
cvar_t r_shownormals = {0, "r_shownormals", "0", "shows per-vertex surface normals and tangent vectors for bumpmapped lighting"};
cvar_t r_showlighting = {0, "r_showlighting", "0", "shows areas lit by lights, useful for finding out why some areas of a map render slowly (bright orange = lots of passes = slow), a value of 2 disables depth testing which can be interesting but not very useful"};
-cvar_t r_showshadowvolumes = {0, "r_showshadowvolumes", "0", "shows areas shadowed by lights, useful for finding out why some areas of a map render slowly (bright blue = lots of passes = slow), a value of 2 disables depth testing which can be interesting but not very useful"};
cvar_t r_showcollisionbrushes = {0, "r_showcollisionbrushes", "0", "draws collision brushes in quake3 maps (mode 1), mode 2 disables rendering of world (trippy!)"};
cvar_t r_showcollisionbrushes_polygonfactor = {0, "r_showcollisionbrushes_polygonfactor", "-1", "expands outward the brush polygons a little bit, used to make collision brushes appear infront of walls"};
cvar_t r_showcollisionbrushes_polygonoffset = {0, "r_showcollisionbrushes_polygonoffset", "0", "nudges brush polygon depth in hardware depth units, used to make collision brushes appear infront of walls"};
- Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_showshadowvolumes);
// clear to black (loading plaque will be seen over this)
- GL_Clear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, NULL, 1.0f, 128);
+ GL_Clear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, NULL, 1.0f, 0);
GL_PolygonOffset(0, 0);
- R_SetStencil(false, 255, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_ALWAYS, 128, 255);
GL_PolygonOffset(r_refdef.polygonfactor, r_refdef.polygonoffset);
- R_SetStencil(false, 255, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_ALWAYS, 128, 255);
x *= 2;
r = bound(0, r_bloom_colorexponent.value / x, 1); // always 0.5 to 1
if(x <= 2)
- GL_Clear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, NULL, 1.0f, 128);
+ GL_Clear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, NULL, 1.0f, 0);
GL_BlendFunc(GL_SRC_COLOR, GL_ZERO); // square it
GL_Color(1,1,1,1); // no fix factor supported here
R_Mesh_PrepareVertices_Generic_Arrays(4, r_screenvertex3f, NULL, prev->texcoord2f);
Cvar_SetValueQuick(&r_shadow_frontsidecasting, 1);
r_refdef.polygonfactor = 0;
r_refdef.polygonoffset = 0;
- r_refdef.shadowpolygonfactor = r_refdef.polygonfactor + r_shadow_polygonfactor.value * (r_shadow_frontsidecasting.integer ? 1 : -1);
- r_refdef.shadowpolygonoffset = r_refdef.polygonoffset + r_shadow_polygonoffset.value * (r_shadow_frontsidecasting.integer ? 1 : -1);
r_refdef.scene.rtworld = r_shadow_realtime_world.integer != 0;
r_refdef.scene.rtworldshadows = r_shadow_realtime_world_shadows.integer && vid.stencil;
if (r_refdef.scene.extraupdate)
S_ExtraUpdate ();
- if ((r_shadows.integer == 1 || (r_shadows.integer > 0 && !shadowmapping)) && !r_shadows_drawafterrtlighting.integer && r_refdef.scene.lightmapintensity > 0)
- {
- R_ResetViewRendering3D(viewfbo, viewdepthtexture, viewcolortexture, viewx, viewy, viewwidth, viewheight);
- R_Shadow_DrawModelShadows();
- R_ResetViewRendering3D(viewfbo, viewdepthtexture, viewcolortexture, viewx, viewy, viewwidth, viewheight);
- // don't let sound skip if going slow
- if (r_refdef.scene.extraupdate)
- S_ExtraUpdate ();
- }
if (!r_shadow_usingdeferredprepass)
if (r_refdef.scene.extraupdate)
S_ExtraUpdate ();
- if ((r_shadows.integer == 1 || (r_shadows.integer > 0 && !shadowmapping)) && r_shadows_drawafterrtlighting.integer && r_refdef.scene.lightmapintensity > 0)
- {
- R_ResetViewRendering3D(viewfbo, viewdepthtexture, viewcolortexture, viewx, viewy, viewwidth, viewheight);
- R_Shadow_DrawModelShadows();
- R_ResetViewRendering3D(viewfbo, viewdepthtexture, viewcolortexture, viewx, viewy, viewwidth, viewheight);
- // don't let sound skip if going slow
- if (r_refdef.scene.extraupdate)
- S_ExtraUpdate ();
- }
if (cl.csqc_vidvars.drawworld)
if (cl_decals_newsystem.integer)
qsort(info.outsurfacelist, info.outnumsurfaces, sizeof(*info.outsurfacelist), R_Q1BSP_GetLightInfo_comparefunc);
-void R_Q1BSP_CompileShadowVolume(entity_render_t *ent, vec3_t relativelightorigin, vec3_t relativelightdirection, float lightradius, int numsurfaces, const int *surfacelist)
- dp_model_t *model = ent->model;
- msurface_t *surface;
- int surfacelistindex;
- float projectdistance = relativelightdirection ? lightradius : lightradius + model->radius*2 + r_shadow_projectdistance.value;
- // if triangle neighbors are disabled, shadowvolumes are disabled
- if (!model->brush.shadowmesh->neighbor3i)
- return;
- r_shadow_compilingrtlight->static_meshchain_shadow_zfail = Mod_ShadowMesh_Begin(r_main_mempool, 32768, 32768, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, true);
- R_Shadow_PrepareShadowMark(model->brush.shadowmesh->numtriangles);
- for (surfacelistindex = 0;surfacelistindex < numsurfaces;surfacelistindex++)
- {
- surface = model->data_surfaces + surfacelist[surfacelistindex];
- if (surface->texture->basematerialflags & MATERIALFLAG_NOSHADOW)
- continue;
- R_Shadow_MarkVolumeFromBox(surface->num_firstshadowmeshtriangle, surface->num_triangles, model->brush.shadowmesh->vertex3f, model->brush.shadowmesh->element3i, relativelightorigin, relativelightdirection, r_shadow_compilingrtlight->cullmins, r_shadow_compilingrtlight->cullmaxs, surface->mins, surface->maxs);
- }
- R_Shadow_VolumeFromList(model->brush.shadowmesh->numverts, model->brush.shadowmesh->numtriangles, model->brush.shadowmesh->vertex3f, model->brush.shadowmesh->element3i, model->brush.shadowmesh->neighbor3i, relativelightorigin, relativelightdirection, projectdistance, numshadowmark, shadowmarklist, ent->mins, ent->maxs);
- r_shadow_compilingrtlight->static_meshchain_shadow_zfail = Mod_ShadowMesh_Finish(r_main_mempool, r_shadow_compilingrtlight->static_meshchain_shadow_zfail, false, false, true);
-extern cvar_t r_polygonoffset_submodel_factor;
-extern cvar_t r_polygonoffset_submodel_offset;
-void R_Q1BSP_DrawShadowVolume(entity_render_t *ent, const vec3_t relativelightorigin, const vec3_t relativelightdirection, float lightradius, int modelnumsurfaces, const int *modelsurfacelist, const vec3_t lightmins, const vec3_t lightmaxs)
- dp_model_t *model = ent->model;
- const msurface_t *surface;
- int modelsurfacelistindex;
- float projectdistance = relativelightdirection ? lightradius : lightradius + model->radius*2 + r_shadow_projectdistance.value;
- // check the box in modelspace, it was already checked in worldspace
- if (!BoxesOverlap(model->normalmins, model->normalmaxs, lightmins, lightmaxs))
- return;
- R_FrameData_SetMark();
- if (ent->model->brush.submodel)
- GL_PolygonOffset(r_refdef.shadowpolygonfactor + r_polygonoffset_submodel_factor.value, r_refdef.shadowpolygonoffset + r_polygonoffset_submodel_offset.value);
- if (model->brush.shadowmesh)
- {
- // if triangle neighbors are disabled, shadowvolumes are disabled
- if (!model->brush.shadowmesh->neighbor3i)
- return;
- R_Shadow_PrepareShadowMark(model->brush.shadowmesh->numtriangles);
- for (modelsurfacelistindex = 0;modelsurfacelistindex < modelnumsurfaces;modelsurfacelistindex++)
- {
- surface = model->data_surfaces + modelsurfacelist[modelsurfacelistindex];
- if (R_GetCurrentTexture(surface->texture)->currentmaterialflags & MATERIALFLAG_NOSHADOW)
- continue;
- R_Shadow_MarkVolumeFromBox(surface->num_firstshadowmeshtriangle, surface->num_triangles, model->brush.shadowmesh->vertex3f, model->brush.shadowmesh->element3i, relativelightorigin, relativelightdirection, lightmins, lightmaxs, surface->mins, surface->maxs);
- }
- R_Shadow_VolumeFromList(model->brush.shadowmesh->numverts, model->brush.shadowmesh->numtriangles, model->brush.shadowmesh->vertex3f, model->brush.shadowmesh->element3i, model->brush.shadowmesh->neighbor3i, relativelightorigin, relativelightdirection, projectdistance, numshadowmark, shadowmarklist, ent->mins, ent->maxs);
- }
- else
- {
- // if triangle neighbors are disabled, shadowvolumes are disabled
- if (!model->surfmesh.data_neighbor3i)
- return;
- projectdistance = lightradius + model->radius*2;
- R_Shadow_PrepareShadowMark(model->surfmesh.num_triangles);
- // identify lit faces within the bounding box
- for (modelsurfacelistindex = 0;modelsurfacelistindex < modelnumsurfaces;modelsurfacelistindex++)
- {
- surface = model->data_surfaces + modelsurfacelist[modelsurfacelistindex];
- rsurface.texture = R_GetCurrentTexture(surface->texture);
- if (rsurface.texture->currentmaterialflags & MATERIALFLAG_NOSHADOW)
- continue;
- R_Shadow_MarkVolumeFromBox(surface->num_firsttriangle, surface->num_triangles, rsurface.modelvertex3f, rsurface.modelelement3i, relativelightorigin, relativelightdirection, lightmins, lightmaxs, surface->mins, surface->maxs);
- }
- R_Shadow_VolumeFromList(model->surfmesh.num_vertices, model->surfmesh.num_triangles, rsurface.modelvertex3f, model->surfmesh.data_element3i, model->surfmesh.data_neighbor3i, relativelightorigin, relativelightdirection, projectdistance, numshadowmark, shadowmarklist, ent->mins, ent->maxs);
- }
- if (ent->model->brush.submodel)
- GL_PolygonOffset(r_refdef.shadowpolygonfactor, r_refdef.shadowpolygonoffset);
- R_FrameData_ReturnToMark();
void R_Q1BSP_CompileShadowMap(entity_render_t *ent, vec3_t relativelightorigin, vec3_t relativelightdirection, float lightradius, int numsurfaces, const int *surfacelist)
dp_model_t *model = ent->model;
// exceeding the number of triangles in a single mesh) we have to make sure
// that we make only a single mesh - so over-estimate the size of the mesh
// to match the model.
- r_shadow_compilingrtlight->static_meshchain_shadow_shadowmap = Mod_ShadowMesh_Begin(r_main_mempool, model->surfmesh.num_vertices, model->surfmesh.num_triangles, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, true);
+ r_shadow_compilingrtlight->static_meshchain_shadow_shadowmap = Mod_ShadowMesh_Begin(r_main_mempool, model->surfmesh.num_vertices, model->surfmesh.num_triangles, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, true);
for (surfacelistindex = 0;surfacelistindex < numsurfaces;surfacelistindex++)
sidemasks |= R_Shadow_ChooseSidesFromBox(surface->num_firstshadowmeshtriangle, surface->num_triangles, model->brush.shadowmesh->vertex3f, model->brush.shadowmesh->element3i, &r_shadow_compilingrtlight->matrix_worldtolight, relativelightorigin, relativelightdirection, r_shadow_compilingrtlight->cullmins, r_shadow_compilingrtlight->cullmaxs, surface->mins, surface->maxs, surface->texture->basematerialflags & MATERIALFLAG_NOSHADOW ? NULL : sidetotals);
R_Shadow_ShadowMapFromList(model->brush.shadowmesh->numverts, model->brush.shadowmesh->numtriangles, model->brush.shadowmesh->vertex3f, model->brush.shadowmesh->element3i, numshadowsides, sidetotals, shadowsides, shadowsideslist);
- r_shadow_compilingrtlight->static_meshchain_shadow_shadowmap = Mod_ShadowMesh_Finish(r_main_mempool, r_shadow_compilingrtlight->static_meshchain_shadow_shadowmap, false, false, true);
+ r_shadow_compilingrtlight->static_meshchain_shadow_shadowmap = Mod_ShadowMesh_Finish(r_main_mempool, r_shadow_compilingrtlight->static_meshchain_shadow_shadowmap, false, true);
r_shadow_compilingrtlight->static_shadowmap_receivers &= sidemasks;
for(i = 0;i<6;i++)
// note: in practice this never actually receives batches
- R_Shadow_RenderMode_Lighting(false, true, rtlight->shadowmapatlassidesize != 0, (ent->flags & RENDER_NOSELFSHADOW) != 0);
+ R_Shadow_RenderMode_Lighting(true, rtlight->shadowmapatlassidesize != 0, (ent->flags & RENDER_NOSELFSHADOW) != 0);
for (i = 0;i < numsurfaces;i = j)
#define GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE 0x812F
-#define GL_STENCIL_BACK_FUNC 0x8800
-#define GL_STENCIL_BACK_FAIL 0x8801
-extern void (GLAPIENTRY *qglStencilOpSeparate)(GLenum, GLenum, GLenum, GLenum);
-extern void (GLAPIENTRY *qglStencilFuncSeparate)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint, GLuint);
-extern void (GLAPIENTRY *qglActiveStencilFaceEXT)(GLenum);
#ifndef GL_FUNC_ADD
#define GL_FUNC_ADD 0x8006 // also supplied by GL_blend_subtract
loadmodel->DrawPrepass = R_Q1BSP_DrawPrepass;
loadmodel->CompileShadowMap = R_Q1BSP_CompileShadowMap;
loadmodel->DrawShadowMap = R_Q1BSP_DrawShadowMap;
- loadmodel->CompileShadowVolume = R_Q1BSP_CompileShadowVolume;
- loadmodel->DrawShadowVolume = R_Q1BSP_DrawShadowVolume;
loadmodel->DrawLight = R_Q1BSP_DrawLight;
loadmodel->TraceBox = Mod_MDLMD2MD3_TraceBox;
loadmodel->TraceLine = Mod_MDLMD2MD3_TraceLine;
// load the frames
loadmodel->animscenes = (animscene_t *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, sizeof(animscene_t) * loadmodel->numframes);
loadmodel->surfmesh.data_morphmdlvertex = (trivertx_t *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, sizeof(trivertx_t) * loadmodel->surfmesh.num_morphframes * loadmodel->surfmesh.num_vertices);
- if (r_enableshadowvolumes.integer)
- {
- loadmodel->surfmesh.data_neighbor3i = (int *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles * sizeof(int[3]));
- }
Mod_MDL_LoadFrames (startframes, numverts, vertremap);
- if (loadmodel->surfmesh.data_neighbor3i)
- Mod_BuildTriangleNeighbors(loadmodel->surfmesh.data_neighbor3i, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3i, loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles);
loadmodel->surfmesh.isanimated = Mod_Alias_CalculateBoundingBox();
loadmodel->DrawPrepass = R_Q1BSP_DrawPrepass;
loadmodel->CompileShadowMap = R_Q1BSP_CompileShadowMap;
loadmodel->DrawShadowMap = R_Q1BSP_DrawShadowMap;
- loadmodel->CompileShadowVolume = R_Q1BSP_CompileShadowVolume;
- loadmodel->DrawShadowVolume = R_Q1BSP_DrawShadowVolume;
loadmodel->DrawLight = R_Q1BSP_DrawLight;
loadmodel->TraceBox = Mod_MDLMD2MD3_TraceBox;
loadmodel->TraceLine = Mod_MDLMD2MD3_TraceLine;
loadmodel->num_surfaces = 1;
loadmodel->nummodelsurfaces = loadmodel->num_surfaces;
- data = (unsigned char *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, loadmodel->num_surfaces * sizeof(msurface_t) + loadmodel->num_surfaces * sizeof(int) + loadmodel->numframes * sizeof(animscene_t) + loadmodel->numframes * sizeof(float[6]) + loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles * sizeof(int[3]) + (r_enableshadowvolumes.integer ? loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles * sizeof(int[3]) : 0));
+ data = (unsigned char *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, loadmodel->num_surfaces * sizeof(msurface_t) + loadmodel->num_surfaces * sizeof(int) + loadmodel->numframes * sizeof(animscene_t) + loadmodel->numframes * sizeof(float[6]) + loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles * sizeof(int[3]));
loadmodel->data_surfaces = (msurface_t *)data;data += loadmodel->num_surfaces * sizeof(msurface_t);
loadmodel->sortedmodelsurfaces = (int *)data;data += loadmodel->num_surfaces * sizeof(int);
loadmodel->sortedmodelsurfaces[0] = 0;
loadmodel->animscenes = (animscene_t *)data;data += loadmodel->numframes * sizeof(animscene_t);
loadmodel->surfmesh.data_morphmd2framesize6f = (float *)data;data += loadmodel->numframes * sizeof(float[6]);
loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3i = (int *)data;data += loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles * sizeof(int[3]);
- if (r_enableshadowvolumes.integer)
- {
- loadmodel->surfmesh.data_neighbor3i = (int *)data;data += loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles * sizeof(int[3]);
- }
loadmodel->synctype = ST_RAND;
- if (loadmodel->surfmesh.data_neighbor3i)
- Mod_BuildTriangleNeighbors(loadmodel->surfmesh.data_neighbor3i, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3i, loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles);
loadmodel->surfmesh.isanimated = Mod_Alias_CalculateBoundingBox();
loadmodel->DrawPrepass = R_Q1BSP_DrawPrepass;
loadmodel->CompileShadowMap = R_Q1BSP_CompileShadowMap;
loadmodel->DrawShadowMap = R_Q1BSP_DrawShadowMap;
- loadmodel->CompileShadowVolume = R_Q1BSP_CompileShadowVolume;
- loadmodel->DrawShadowVolume = R_Q1BSP_DrawShadowVolume;
loadmodel->DrawLight = R_Q1BSP_DrawLight;
loadmodel->TraceBox = Mod_MDLMD2MD3_TraceBox;
loadmodel->TraceLine = Mod_MDLMD2MD3_TraceLine;
loadmodel->nummodelsurfaces = loadmodel->num_surfaces;
loadmodel->num_textures = loadmodel->num_surfaces * loadmodel->numskins;
loadmodel->num_texturesperskin = loadmodel->num_surfaces;
- data = (unsigned char *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, loadmodel->num_surfaces * sizeof(msurface_t) + loadmodel->num_surfaces * sizeof(int) + loadmodel->num_surfaces * loadmodel->numskins * sizeof(texture_t) + meshtriangles * sizeof(int[3]) + (r_enableshadowvolumes.integer ? meshtriangles * sizeof(int[3]) : 0) + (meshvertices <= 65536 ? meshtriangles * sizeof(unsigned short[3]) : 0) + meshvertices * sizeof(float[2]) + meshvertices * loadmodel->numframes * sizeof(md3vertex_t));
+ data = (unsigned char *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, loadmodel->num_surfaces * sizeof(msurface_t) + loadmodel->num_surfaces * sizeof(int) + loadmodel->num_surfaces * loadmodel->numskins * sizeof(texture_t) + meshtriangles * sizeof(int[3]) + (meshvertices <= 65536 ? meshtriangles * sizeof(unsigned short[3]) : 0) + meshvertices * sizeof(float[2]) + meshvertices * loadmodel->numframes * sizeof(md3vertex_t));
loadmodel->data_surfaces = (msurface_t *)data;data += loadmodel->num_surfaces * sizeof(msurface_t);
loadmodel->sortedmodelsurfaces = (int *)data;data += loadmodel->num_surfaces * sizeof(int);
loadmodel->data_textures = (texture_t *)data;data += loadmodel->num_surfaces * loadmodel->numskins * sizeof(texture_t);
loadmodel->surfmesh.num_morphframes = loadmodel->numframes; // TODO: remove?
loadmodel->num_poses = loadmodel->surfmesh.num_morphframes;
loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3i = (int *)data;data += meshtriangles * sizeof(int[3]);
- if (r_enableshadowvolumes.integer)
- {
- loadmodel->surfmesh.data_neighbor3i = (int *)data;data += meshtriangles * sizeof(int[3]);
- }
loadmodel->surfmesh.data_texcoordtexture2f = (float *)data;data += meshvertices * sizeof(float[2]);
loadmodel->surfmesh.data_morphmd3vertex = (md3vertex_t *)data;data += meshvertices * loadmodel->numframes * sizeof(md3vertex_t);
if (meshvertices <= 65536)
if (loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3s)
for (i = 0;i < loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles*3;i++)
loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3s[i] = loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3i[i];
- if (loadmodel->surfmesh.data_neighbor3i)
- Mod_BuildTriangleNeighbors(loadmodel->surfmesh.data_neighbor3i, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3i, loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles);
loadmodel->surfmesh.isanimated = Mod_Alias_CalculateBoundingBox();
loadmodel->DrawPrepass = R_Q1BSP_DrawPrepass;
loadmodel->CompileShadowMap = R_Q1BSP_CompileShadowMap;
loadmodel->DrawShadowMap = R_Q1BSP_DrawShadowMap;
- loadmodel->CompileShadowVolume = R_Q1BSP_CompileShadowVolume;
- loadmodel->DrawShadowVolume = R_Q1BSP_DrawShadowVolume;
loadmodel->DrawLight = R_Q1BSP_DrawLight;
loadmodel->TraceBox = Mod_MDLMD2MD3_TraceBox;
loadmodel->TraceLine = Mod_MDLMD2MD3_TraceLine;
loadmodel->nummodelsurfaces = loadmodel->num_surfaces;
loadmodel->num_textures = loadmodel->num_surfaces * loadmodel->numskins;
loadmodel->num_texturesperskin = loadmodel->num_surfaces;
- data = (unsigned char *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, loadmodel->num_surfaces * sizeof(msurface_t) + loadmodel->num_surfaces * sizeof(int) + loadmodel->num_surfaces * loadmodel->numskins * sizeof(texture_t) + meshtriangles * sizeof(int[3]) + (r_enableshadowvolumes.integer ? meshtriangles * sizeof(int[3]) : 0) + (meshvertices <= 65536 ? meshtriangles * sizeof(unsigned short[3]) : 0) + meshvertices * (sizeof(float[14]) + sizeof(unsigned short) + sizeof(unsigned char[2][4])) + loadmodel->num_poses * loadmodel->num_bones * sizeof(short[7]) + loadmodel->num_bones * sizeof(float[12]));
+ data = (unsigned char *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, loadmodel->num_surfaces * sizeof(msurface_t) + loadmodel->num_surfaces * sizeof(int) + loadmodel->num_surfaces * loadmodel->numskins * sizeof(texture_t) + meshtriangles * sizeof(int[3]) + (meshvertices <= 65536 ? meshtriangles * sizeof(unsigned short[3]) : 0) + meshvertices * (sizeof(float[14]) + sizeof(unsigned short) + sizeof(unsigned char[2][4])) + loadmodel->num_poses * loadmodel->num_bones * sizeof(short[7]) + loadmodel->num_bones * sizeof(float[12]));
loadmodel->data_surfaces = (msurface_t *)data;data += loadmodel->num_surfaces * sizeof(msurface_t);
loadmodel->sortedmodelsurfaces = (int *)data;data += loadmodel->num_surfaces * sizeof(int);
loadmodel->data_textures = (texture_t *)data;data += loadmodel->num_surfaces * loadmodel->numskins * sizeof(texture_t);
loadmodel->surfmesh.num_vertices = meshvertices;
loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles = meshtriangles;
loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3i = (int *)data;data += meshtriangles * sizeof(int[3]);
- if (r_enableshadowvolumes.integer)
- {
- loadmodel->surfmesh.data_neighbor3i = (int *)data;data += meshtriangles * sizeof(int[3]);
- }
loadmodel->surfmesh.data_vertex3f = (float *)data;data += meshvertices * sizeof(float[3]);
loadmodel->surfmesh.data_svector3f = (float *)data;data += meshvertices * sizeof(float[3]);
loadmodel->surfmesh.data_tvector3f = (float *)data;data += meshvertices * sizeof(float[3]);
Mod_BuildNormals(0, loadmodel->surfmesh.num_vertices, loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_vertex3f, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3i, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_normal3f, r_smoothnormals_areaweighting.integer != 0);
Mod_BuildTextureVectorsFromNormals(0, loadmodel->surfmesh.num_vertices, loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_vertex3f, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_texcoordtexture2f, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_normal3f, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3i, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_svector3f, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_tvector3f, r_smoothnormals_areaweighting.integer != 0);
- if (loadmodel->surfmesh.data_neighbor3i)
- Mod_BuildTriangleNeighbors(loadmodel->surfmesh.data_neighbor3i, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3i, loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles);
loadmodel->surfmesh.isanimated = Mod_Alias_CalculateBoundingBox();
loadmodel->surfmesh.isanimated = mod_alias_force_animated.integer != 0;
loadmodel->DrawPrepass = R_Q1BSP_DrawPrepass;
loadmodel->CompileShadowMap = R_Q1BSP_CompileShadowMap;
loadmodel->DrawShadowMap = R_Q1BSP_DrawShadowMap;
- loadmodel->CompileShadowVolume = R_Q1BSP_CompileShadowVolume;
- loadmodel->DrawShadowVolume = R_Q1BSP_DrawShadowVolume;
loadmodel->DrawLight = R_Q1BSP_DrawLight;
loadmodel->TraceBox = Mod_MDLMD2MD3_TraceBox;
loadmodel->TraceLine = Mod_MDLMD2MD3_TraceLine;
loadmodel->num_textures = loadmodel->num_surfaces * loadmodel->numskins;
loadmodel->num_texturesperskin = loadmodel->num_surfaces;
// do most allocations as one merged chunk
- data = (unsigned char *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, loadmodel->num_surfaces * sizeof(msurface_t) + loadmodel->num_surfaces * sizeof(int) + loadmodel->num_surfaces * loadmodel->numskins * sizeof(texture_t) + meshtriangles * sizeof(int[3]) + (meshvertices <= 65536 ? meshtriangles * sizeof(unsigned short[3]) : 0) + (r_enableshadowvolumes.integer ? meshtriangles * sizeof(int[3]) : 0) + meshvertices * (sizeof(float[14]) + sizeof(unsigned short) + sizeof(unsigned char[2][4])) + loadmodel->num_poses * loadmodel->num_bones * sizeof(short[7]) + loadmodel->num_bones * sizeof(float[12]) + loadmodel->numskins * sizeof(animscene_t) + loadmodel->num_bones * sizeof(aliasbone_t) + loadmodel->numframes * sizeof(animscene_t));
+ data = (unsigned char *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, loadmodel->num_surfaces * sizeof(msurface_t) + loadmodel->num_surfaces * sizeof(int) + loadmodel->num_surfaces * loadmodel->numskins * sizeof(texture_t) + meshtriangles * sizeof(int[3]) + (meshvertices <= 65536 ? meshtriangles * sizeof(unsigned short[3]) : 0) + meshvertices * (sizeof(float[14]) + sizeof(unsigned short) + sizeof(unsigned char[2][4])) + loadmodel->num_poses * loadmodel->num_bones * sizeof(short[7]) + loadmodel->num_bones * sizeof(float[12]) + loadmodel->numskins * sizeof(animscene_t) + loadmodel->num_bones * sizeof(aliasbone_t) + loadmodel->numframes * sizeof(animscene_t));
loadmodel->data_surfaces = (msurface_t *)data;data += loadmodel->num_surfaces * sizeof(msurface_t);
loadmodel->sortedmodelsurfaces = (int *)data;data += loadmodel->num_surfaces * sizeof(int);
loadmodel->data_textures = (texture_t *)data;data += loadmodel->num_surfaces * loadmodel->numskins * sizeof(texture_t);
loadmodel->surfmesh.num_vertices = meshvertices;
loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles = meshtriangles;
loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3i = (int *)data;data += meshtriangles * sizeof(int[3]);
- if (r_enableshadowvolumes.integer)
- {
- loadmodel->surfmesh.data_neighbor3i = (int *)data;data += meshtriangles * sizeof(int[3]);
- }
loadmodel->surfmesh.data_vertex3f = (float *)data;data += meshvertices * sizeof(float[3]);
loadmodel->surfmesh.data_svector3f = (float *)data;data += meshvertices * sizeof(float[3]);
loadmodel->surfmesh.data_tvector3f = (float *)data;data += meshvertices * sizeof(float[3]);
loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3s[i] = loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3i[i];
Mod_BuildTextureVectorsFromNormals(0, loadmodel->surfmesh.num_vertices, loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_vertex3f, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_texcoordtexture2f, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_normal3f, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3i, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_svector3f, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_tvector3f, r_smoothnormals_areaweighting.integer != 0);
- if (loadmodel->surfmesh.data_neighbor3i)
- Mod_BuildTriangleNeighbors(loadmodel->surfmesh.data_neighbor3i, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3i, loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles);
loadmodel->surfmesh.isanimated = Mod_Alias_CalculateBoundingBox();
loadmodel->surfmesh.isanimated = mod_alias_force_animated.integer != 0;
loadmodel->DrawPrepass = R_Q1BSP_DrawPrepass;
loadmodel->CompileShadowMap = R_Q1BSP_CompileShadowMap;
loadmodel->DrawShadowMap = R_Q1BSP_DrawShadowMap;
- loadmodel->CompileShadowVolume = R_Q1BSP_CompileShadowVolume;
- loadmodel->DrawShadowVolume = R_Q1BSP_DrawShadowVolume;
loadmodel->DrawLight = R_Q1BSP_DrawLight;
loadmodel->TraceBox = Mod_MDLMD2MD3_TraceBox;
loadmodel->TraceLine = Mod_MDLMD2MD3_TraceLine;
loadmodel->surfmesh.num_vertices = meshvertices;
loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles = meshtriangles;
// do most allocations as one merged chunk
- size = loadmodel->num_surfaces * sizeof(msurface_t) + loadmodel->num_surfaces * sizeof(int) + loadmodel->num_surfaces * loadmodel->numskins * sizeof(texture_t) + loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles * sizeof(int[3]) + (r_enableshadowvolumes.integer ? loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles * sizeof(int[3]) : 0) + loadmodel->surfmesh.num_vertices * sizeof(float[3]) + loadmodel->surfmesh.num_vertices * sizeof(float[3]) + loadmodel->surfmesh.num_vertices * sizeof(float[3]) + loadmodel->surfmesh.num_vertices * sizeof(float[3]) + loadmodel->surfmesh.num_vertices * sizeof(float[2]) + loadmodel->surfmesh.num_vertices * sizeof(unsigned char[4]) + loadmodel->surfmesh.num_vertices * sizeof(unsigned char[4]) + loadmodel->surfmesh.num_vertices * sizeof(unsigned short) + loadmodel->num_poses * loadmodel->num_bones * sizeof(short[7]) + loadmodel->num_bones * sizeof(float[12]) + loadmodel->numskins * sizeof(animscene_t) + loadmodel->num_bones * sizeof(aliasbone_t) + loadmodel->numframes * sizeof(animscene_t) + ((loadmodel->surfmesh.num_vertices <= 65536) ? (loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles * sizeof(unsigned short[3])) : 0);
+ size = loadmodel->num_surfaces * sizeof(msurface_t) + loadmodel->num_surfaces * sizeof(int) + loadmodel->num_surfaces * loadmodel->numskins * sizeof(texture_t) + loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles * sizeof(int[3]) + loadmodel->surfmesh.num_vertices * sizeof(float[3]) + loadmodel->surfmesh.num_vertices * sizeof(float[3]) + loadmodel->surfmesh.num_vertices * sizeof(float[3]) + loadmodel->surfmesh.num_vertices * sizeof(float[3]) + loadmodel->surfmesh.num_vertices * sizeof(float[2]) + loadmodel->surfmesh.num_vertices * sizeof(unsigned char[4]) + loadmodel->surfmesh.num_vertices * sizeof(unsigned char[4]) + loadmodel->surfmesh.num_vertices * sizeof(unsigned short) + loadmodel->num_poses * loadmodel->num_bones * sizeof(short[7]) + loadmodel->num_bones * sizeof(float[12]) + loadmodel->numskins * sizeof(animscene_t) + loadmodel->num_bones * sizeof(aliasbone_t) + loadmodel->numframes * sizeof(animscene_t) + ((loadmodel->surfmesh.num_vertices <= 65536) ? (loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles * sizeof(unsigned short[3])) : 0);
data = (unsigned char *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, size);
loadmodel->data_surfaces = (msurface_t *)data;data += loadmodel->num_surfaces * sizeof(msurface_t);
loadmodel->sortedmodelsurfaces = (int *)data;data += loadmodel->num_surfaces * sizeof(int);
loadmodel->data_textures = (texture_t *)data;data += loadmodel->num_surfaces * loadmodel->numskins * sizeof(texture_t);
loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3i = (int *)data;data += loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles * sizeof(int[3]);
- if (r_enableshadowvolumes.integer)
- {
- loadmodel->surfmesh.data_neighbor3i = (int *)data;data += loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles * sizeof(int[3]);
- }
loadmodel->surfmesh.data_vertex3f = (float *)data;data += loadmodel->surfmesh.num_vertices * sizeof(float[3]);
loadmodel->surfmesh.data_svector3f = (float *)data;data += loadmodel->surfmesh.num_vertices * sizeof(float[3]);
loadmodel->surfmesh.data_tvector3f = (float *)data;data += loadmodel->surfmesh.num_vertices * sizeof(float[3]);
Mod_ValidateElements(loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3i, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3s, loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles, 0, loadmodel->surfmesh.num_vertices, __FILE__, __LINE__);
Mod_BuildNormals(0, loadmodel->surfmesh.num_vertices, loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_vertex3f, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3i, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_normal3f, r_smoothnormals_areaweighting.integer != 0);
Mod_BuildTextureVectorsFromNormals(0, loadmodel->surfmesh.num_vertices, loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_vertex3f, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_texcoordtexture2f, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_normal3f, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3i, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_svector3f, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_tvector3f, r_smoothnormals_areaweighting.integer != 0);
- if (loadmodel->surfmesh.data_neighbor3i)
- Mod_BuildTriangleNeighbors(loadmodel->surfmesh.data_neighbor3i, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3i, loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles);
loadmodel->surfmesh.isanimated = Mod_Alias_CalculateBoundingBox();
loadmodel->surfmesh.isanimated = mod_alias_force_animated.integer != 0;
float biggestorigin;
const unsigned int *inelements;
int *outelements;
- const int *inneighbors;
- int *outneighbors;
float *outvertex, *outnormal, *outtexcoord, *outsvector, *outtvector, *outcolor;
// this pointers into the file data are read only through Little* functions so they can be unaligned memory
const float *vnormal = NULL;
loadmodel->DrawPrepass = R_Q1BSP_DrawPrepass;
loadmodel->CompileShadowMap = R_Q1BSP_CompileShadowMap;
loadmodel->DrawShadowMap = R_Q1BSP_DrawShadowMap;
- loadmodel->CompileShadowVolume = R_Q1BSP_CompileShadowVolume;
- loadmodel->DrawShadowVolume = R_Q1BSP_DrawShadowVolume;
loadmodel->DrawLight = R_Q1BSP_DrawLight;
loadmodel->TraceBox = Mod_MDLMD2MD3_TraceBox;
loadmodel->TraceLine = Mod_MDLMD2MD3_TraceLine;
meshtriangles = header.num_triangles;
// do most allocations as one merged chunk
- data = (unsigned char *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, loadmodel->num_surfaces * sizeof(msurface_t) + loadmodel->num_surfaces * sizeof(int) + loadmodel->num_surfaces * loadmodel->numskins * sizeof(texture_t) + meshtriangles * sizeof(int[3]) + (meshvertices <= 65536 ? meshtriangles * sizeof(unsigned short[3]) : 0) + (r_enableshadowvolumes.integer ? meshtriangles * sizeof(int[3]) : 0) + meshvertices * (sizeof(float[14]) + (vcolor4f || vcolor4ub ? sizeof(float[4]) : 0)) + (vblendindexes && vblendweights ? meshvertices * (sizeof(unsigned short) + sizeof(unsigned char[2][4])) : 0) + loadmodel->num_poses * loadmodel->num_bones * sizeof(short[7]) + loadmodel->num_bones * sizeof(float[12]) + loadmodel->numskins * sizeof(animscene_t) + loadmodel->num_bones * sizeof(aliasbone_t) + loadmodel->numframes * sizeof(animscene_t));
+ data = (unsigned char *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, loadmodel->num_surfaces * sizeof(msurface_t) + loadmodel->num_surfaces * sizeof(int) + loadmodel->num_surfaces * loadmodel->numskins * sizeof(texture_t) + meshtriangles * sizeof(int[3]) + (meshvertices <= 65536 ? meshtriangles * sizeof(unsigned short[3]) : 0) + meshvertices * (sizeof(float[14]) + (vcolor4f || vcolor4ub ? sizeof(float[4]) : 0)) + (vblendindexes && vblendweights ? meshvertices * (sizeof(unsigned short) + sizeof(unsigned char[2][4])) : 0) + loadmodel->num_poses * loadmodel->num_bones * sizeof(short[7]) + loadmodel->num_bones * sizeof(float[12]) + loadmodel->numskins * sizeof(animscene_t) + loadmodel->num_bones * sizeof(aliasbone_t) + loadmodel->numframes * sizeof(animscene_t));
loadmodel->data_surfaces = (msurface_t *)data;data += loadmodel->num_surfaces * sizeof(msurface_t);
loadmodel->sortedmodelsurfaces = (int *)data;data += loadmodel->num_surfaces * sizeof(int);
loadmodel->data_textures = (texture_t *)data;data += loadmodel->num_surfaces * loadmodel->numskins * sizeof(texture_t);
loadmodel->surfmesh.num_vertices = meshvertices;
loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles = meshtriangles;
loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3i = (int *)data;data += meshtriangles * sizeof(int[3]);
- if (r_enableshadowvolumes.integer)
- {
- loadmodel->surfmesh.data_neighbor3i = (int *)data;data += meshtriangles * sizeof(int[3]);
- }
loadmodel->surfmesh.data_vertex3f = (float *)data;data += meshvertices * sizeof(float[3]);
loadmodel->surfmesh.data_svector3f = (float *)data;data += meshvertices * sizeof(float[3]);
loadmodel->surfmesh.data_tvector3f = (float *)data;data += meshvertices * sizeof(float[3]);
Mod_ValidateElements(loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3i, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3s, loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles, 0, header.num_vertexes, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (header.ofs_neighbors && loadmodel->surfmesh.data_neighbor3i)
- {
- // this unaligned memory access is safe (LittleLong reads as bytes)
- inneighbors = (const int *)(pbase + header.ofs_neighbors);
- outneighbors = loadmodel->surfmesh.data_neighbor3i;
- for (i = 0;i < (int)header.num_triangles;i++)
- {
- outneighbors[0] = LittleLong(inneighbors[0]);
- outneighbors[1] = LittleLong(inneighbors[1]);
- outneighbors[2] = LittleLong(inneighbors[2]);
- outneighbors += 3;
- inneighbors += 3;
- }
- }
// load vertex data
// this unaligned memory access is safe (LittleFloat reads as bytes)
outvertex = loadmodel->surfmesh.data_vertex3f;
Mod_BuildNormals(0, loadmodel->surfmesh.num_vertices, loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_vertex3f, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3i, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_normal3f, r_smoothnormals_areaweighting.integer != 0);
if (!vnormal || !vtangent)
Mod_BuildTextureVectorsFromNormals(0, loadmodel->surfmesh.num_vertices, loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_vertex3f, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_texcoordtexture2f, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_normal3f, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3i, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_svector3f, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_tvector3f, r_smoothnormals_areaweighting.integer != 0);
- if (!header.ofs_neighbors && loadmodel->surfmesh.data_neighbor3i)
- Mod_BuildTriangleNeighbors(loadmodel->surfmesh.data_neighbor3i, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3i, loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles);
if (!header.ofs_bounds)
totaltris += numedges - 2;
- Mod_AllocSurfMesh(loadmodel->mempool, totalverts, totaltris, true, false, false);
+ Mod_AllocSurfMesh(loadmodel->mempool, totalverts, totaltris, true, false);
lightmaptexture = NULL;
deluxemaptexture = r_texture_blanknormalmap;
surface->num_firstshadowmeshtriangle = numshadowmeshtriangles;
numshadowmeshtriangles += surface->num_triangles;
- mod->brush.shadowmesh = Mod_ShadowMesh_Begin(mod->mempool, numshadowmeshtriangles * 3, numshadowmeshtriangles, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, true);
+ mod->brush.shadowmesh = Mod_ShadowMesh_Begin(mod->mempool, numshadowmeshtriangles * 3, numshadowmeshtriangles, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, true);
for (j = 0, surface = mod->data_surfaces;j < mod->num_surfaces;j++, surface++)
if (surface->num_triangles > 0)
Mod_ShadowMesh_AddMesh(mod->mempool, mod->brush.shadowmesh, NULL, NULL, NULL, mod->surfmesh.data_vertex3f, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, surface->num_triangles, (mod->surfmesh.data_element3i + 3 * surface->num_firsttriangle));
- mod->brush.shadowmesh = Mod_ShadowMesh_Finish(mod->mempool, mod->brush.shadowmesh, false, r_enableshadowvolumes.integer != 0, false);
- if (mod->brush.shadowmesh && mod->brush.shadowmesh->neighbor3i)
- Mod_BuildTriangleNeighbors(mod->brush.shadowmesh->neighbor3i, mod->brush.shadowmesh->element3i, mod->brush.shadowmesh->numtriangles);
+ mod->brush.shadowmesh = Mod_ShadowMesh_Finish(mod->mempool, mod->brush.shadowmesh, false, false);
return numshadowmeshtriangles;
mod->GetLightInfo = R_Q1BSP_GetLightInfo;
mod->CompileShadowMap = R_Q1BSP_CompileShadowMap;
mod->DrawShadowMap = R_Q1BSP_DrawShadowMap;
- mod->CompileShadowVolume = R_Q1BSP_CompileShadowVolume;
- mod->DrawShadowVolume = R_Q1BSP_DrawShadowVolume;
mod->DrawLight = R_Q1BSP_DrawLight;
// load into heap
mod->GetLightInfo = R_Q1BSP_GetLightInfo;
mod->CompileShadowMap = R_Q1BSP_CompileShadowMap;
mod->DrawShadowMap = R_Q1BSP_DrawShadowMap;
- mod->CompileShadowVolume = R_Q1BSP_CompileShadowVolume;
- mod->DrawShadowVolume = R_Q1BSP_DrawShadowVolume;
mod->DrawLight = R_Q1BSP_DrawLight;
// load into heap
int i, oldi, j, n, count, invalidelements, patchsize[2], finalwidth, finalheight, xtess, ytess, finalvertices, finaltriangles, firstvertex, firstelement, type, oldnumtriangles, oldnumtriangles2, meshvertices, meshtriangles, collisionvertices, collisiontriangles, numvertices, numtriangles, cxtess, cytess;
float lightmaptcbase[2], lightmaptcscale[2];
//int *originalelement3i;
- //int *originalneighbor3i;
float *originalvertex3f;
//float *originalsvector3f;
//float *originaltvector3f;
i = oldi;
in = oldin;
out = oldout;
- Mod_AllocSurfMesh(loadmodel->mempool, meshvertices, meshtriangles, false, true, false);
+ Mod_AllocSurfMesh(loadmodel->mempool, meshvertices, meshtriangles, false, true);
if (collisiontriangles)
loadmodel->brush.data_collisionvertex3f = (float *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, collisionvertices * sizeof(float[3]));
mod->GetLightInfo = R_Q1BSP_GetLightInfo;
mod->CompileShadowMap = R_Q1BSP_CompileShadowMap;
mod->DrawShadowMap = R_Q1BSP_DrawShadowMap;
- mod->CompileShadowVolume = R_Q1BSP_CompileShadowVolume;
- mod->DrawShadowVolume = R_Q1BSP_DrawShadowVolume;
mod->DrawLight = R_Q1BSP_DrawLight;
mod_base = (unsigned char *)header;
loadmodel->GetLightInfo = R_Q1BSP_GetLightInfo;
loadmodel->CompileShadowMap = R_Q1BSP_CompileShadowMap;
loadmodel->DrawShadowMap = R_Q1BSP_DrawShadowMap;
- loadmodel->CompileShadowVolume = R_Q1BSP_CompileShadowVolume;
- loadmodel->DrawShadowVolume = R_Q1BSP_DrawShadowVolume;
loadmodel->DrawLight = R_Q1BSP_DrawLight;
skinfiles = Mod_LoadSkinFiles();
// allocate storage for final mesh data
loadmodel->num_textures = numtextures * loadmodel->numskins;
loadmodel->num_texturesperskin = numtextures;
- data = (unsigned char *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, loadmodel->num_surfaces * sizeof(int) + loadmodel->num_surfaces * loadmodel->numskins * sizeof(texture_t) + numtriangles * sizeof(int[3]) + (numvertices <= 65536 ? numtriangles * sizeof(unsigned short[3]) : 0) + (r_enableshadowvolumes.integer ? numtriangles * sizeof(int[3]) : 0) + numvertices * sizeof(float[14]) + loadmodel->brush.numsubmodels * sizeof(dp_model_t *));
+ data = (unsigned char *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, loadmodel->num_surfaces * sizeof(int) + loadmodel->num_surfaces * loadmodel->numskins * sizeof(texture_t) + numtriangles * sizeof(int[3]) + (numvertices <= 65536 ? numtriangles * sizeof(unsigned short[3]) : 0) + numvertices * sizeof(float[14]) + loadmodel->brush.numsubmodels * sizeof(dp_model_t *));
loadmodel->brush.submodels = (dp_model_t **)data;data += loadmodel->brush.numsubmodels * sizeof(dp_model_t *);
loadmodel->sortedmodelsurfaces = (int *)data;data += loadmodel->num_surfaces * sizeof(int);
loadmodel->data_textures = (texture_t *)data;data += loadmodel->num_surfaces * loadmodel->numskins * sizeof(texture_t);
loadmodel->surfmesh.num_vertices = numvertices;
loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles = numtriangles;
- if (r_enableshadowvolumes.integer)
- loadmodel->surfmesh.data_neighbor3i = (int *)data;data += numtriangles * sizeof(int[3]);
loadmodel->surfmesh.data_vertex3f = (float *)data;data += numvertices * sizeof(float[3]);
loadmodel->surfmesh.data_svector3f = (float *)data;data += numvertices * sizeof(float[3]);
loadmodel->surfmesh.data_tvector3f = (float *)data;data += numvertices * sizeof(float[3]);
if (!VectorLength2(loadmodel->surfmesh.data_normal3f))
Mod_BuildNormals(0, loadmodel->surfmesh.num_vertices, loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_vertex3f, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3i, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_normal3f, r_smoothnormals_areaweighting.integer != 0);
Mod_BuildTextureVectorsFromNormals(0, loadmodel->surfmesh.num_vertices, loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_vertex3f, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_texcoordtexture2f, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_normal3f, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3i, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_svector3f, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_tvector3f, r_smoothnormals_areaweighting.integer != 0);
- if (loadmodel->surfmesh.data_neighbor3i)
- Mod_BuildTriangleNeighbors(loadmodel->surfmesh.data_neighbor3i, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3i, loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles);
// if this is a worldmodel and has no BSP tree, create a fake one for the purpose
loadmodel->brush.num_visleafs = 1;
#include "r_shadow.h"
#include "polygon.h"
-cvar_t r_enableshadowvolumes = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_enableshadowvolumes", "1", "Enables use of Stencil Shadow Volume shadowing methods, saves some memory if turned off"};
cvar_t r_mipskins = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_mipskins", "0", "mipmaps model skins so they render faster in the distance and do not display noise artifacts, can cause discoloration of skins if they contain undesirable border colors"};
cvar_t r_mipnormalmaps = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_mipnormalmaps", "1", "mipmaps normalmaps (turning it off looks sharper but may have aliasing)"};
cvar_t mod_generatelightmaps_unitspersample = {CVAR_SAVE, "mod_generatelightmaps_unitspersample", "8", "lightmap resolution"};
- Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_enableshadowvolumes);
return count;
-#if 1
-// fast way, using an edge hash
-void Mod_BuildTriangleNeighbors(int *neighbors, const int *elements, int numtriangles)
- int i, j, p, e1, e2, *n, hashindex, count, match;
- const int *e;
- typedef struct edgehashentry_s
- {
- struct edgehashentry_s *next;
- int triangle;
- int element[2];
- }
- edgehashentry_t;
- static edgehashentry_t **edgehash;
- edgehashentry_t *edgehashentries, *hash;
- if (!numtriangles)
- return;
- edgehash = (edgehashentry_t **)Mem_Alloc(tempmempool, TRIANGLEEDGEHASH * sizeof(*edgehash));
- // if there are too many triangles for the stack array, allocate larger buffer
- edgehashentries = (edgehashentry_t *)Mem_Alloc(tempmempool, numtriangles * 3 * sizeof(edgehashentry_t));
- // find neighboring triangles
- for (i = 0, e = elements, n = neighbors;i < numtriangles;i++, e += 3, n += 3)
- {
- for (j = 0, p = 2;j < 3;p = j, j++)
- {
- e1 = e[p];
- e2 = e[j];
- // this hash index works for both forward and backward edges
- hashindex = (unsigned int)(e1 + e2) % TRIANGLEEDGEHASH;
- hash = edgehashentries + i * 3 + j;
- hash->next = edgehash[hashindex];
- edgehash[hashindex] = hash;
- hash->triangle = i;
- hash->element[0] = e1;
- hash->element[1] = e2;
- }
- }
- for (i = 0, e = elements, n = neighbors;i < numtriangles;i++, e += 3, n += 3)
- {
- for (j = 0, p = 2;j < 3;p = j, j++)
- {
- e1 = e[p];
- e2 = e[j];
- // this hash index works for both forward and backward edges
- hashindex = (unsigned int)(e1 + e2) % TRIANGLEEDGEHASH;
- count = 0;
- match = -1;
- for (hash = edgehash[hashindex];hash;hash = hash->next)
- {
- if (hash->element[0] == e2 && hash->element[1] == e1)
- {
- if (hash->triangle != i)
- match = hash->triangle;
- count++;
- }
- else if ((hash->element[0] == e1 && hash->element[1] == e2))
- count++;
- }
- // detect edges shared by three triangles and make them seams
- if (count > 2)
- match = -1;
- n[p] = match;
- }
- // also send a keepalive here (this can take a while too!)
- CL_KeepaliveMessage(false);
- }
- // free the allocated buffer
- Mem_Free(edgehashentries);
- Mem_Free(edgehash);
-// very slow but simple way
-static int Mod_FindTriangleWithEdge(const int *elements, int numtriangles, int start, int end, int ignore)
- int i, match, count;
- count = 0;
- match = -1;
- for (i = 0;i < numtriangles;i++, elements += 3)
- {
- if ((elements[0] == start && elements[1] == end)
- || (elements[1] == start && elements[2] == end)
- || (elements[2] == start && elements[0] == end))
- {
- if (i != ignore)
- match = i;
- count++;
- }
- else if ((elements[1] == start && elements[0] == end)
- || (elements[2] == start && elements[1] == end)
- || (elements[0] == start && elements[2] == end))
- count++;
- }
- // detect edges shared by three triangles and make them seams
- if (count > 2)
- match = -1;
- return match;
-void Mod_BuildTriangleNeighbors(int *neighbors, const int *elements, int numtriangles)
- int i, *n;
- const int *e;
- for (i = 0, e = elements, n = neighbors;i < numtriangles;i++, e += 3, n += 3)
- {
- n[0] = Mod_FindTriangleWithEdge(elements, numtriangles, e[1], e[0], i);
- n[1] = Mod_FindTriangleWithEdge(elements, numtriangles, e[2], e[1], i);
- n[2] = Mod_FindTriangleWithEdge(elements, numtriangles, e[0], e[2], i);
- }
qboolean Mod_ValidateElements(int *element3i, unsigned short *element3s, int numtriangles, int firstvertex, int numvertices, const char *filename, int fileline)
int first = firstvertex, last = first + numvertices - 1, numelements = numtriangles * 3;
-void Mod_AllocSurfMesh(mempool_t *mempool, int numvertices, int numtriangles, qboolean lightmapoffsets, qboolean vertexcolors, qboolean neighbors)
+void Mod_AllocSurfMesh(mempool_t *mempool, int numvertices, int numtriangles, qboolean lightmapoffsets, qboolean vertexcolors)
unsigned char *data;
- data = (unsigned char *)Mem_Alloc(mempool, numvertices * (3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 2 + (vertexcolors ? 4 : 0)) * sizeof(float) + numvertices * (lightmapoffsets ? 1 : 0) * sizeof(int) + numtriangles * (3 + (neighbors ? 3 : 0)) * sizeof(int) + (numvertices <= 65536 ? numtriangles * sizeof(unsigned short[3]) : 0));
+ data = (unsigned char *)Mem_Alloc(mempool, numvertices * (3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 2 + (vertexcolors ? 4 : 0)) * sizeof(float) + numvertices * (lightmapoffsets ? 1 : 0) * sizeof(int) + numtriangles * sizeof(int[3]) + (numvertices <= 65536 ? numtriangles * sizeof(unsigned short[3]) : 0));
loadmodel->surfmesh.num_vertices = numvertices;
loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles = numtriangles;
if (loadmodel->surfmesh.num_vertices)
if (loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles)
loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3i = (int *)data, data += sizeof(int[3]) * loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles;
- if (neighbors)
- loadmodel->surfmesh.data_neighbor3i = (int *)data, data += sizeof(int[3]) * loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles;
if (loadmodel->surfmesh.num_vertices <= 65536)
loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3s = (unsigned short *)data, data += sizeof(unsigned short[3]) * loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles;
-shadowmesh_t *Mod_ShadowMesh_Alloc(mempool_t *mempool, int maxverts, int maxtriangles, rtexture_t *map_diffuse, rtexture_t *map_specular, rtexture_t *map_normal, int light, int neighbors, int expandable)
+shadowmesh_t *Mod_ShadowMesh_Alloc(mempool_t *mempool, int maxverts, int maxtriangles, rtexture_t *map_diffuse, rtexture_t *map_specular, rtexture_t *map_normal, int light, int expandable)
shadowmesh_t *newmesh;
unsigned char *data;
size += maxtriangles * sizeof(int[3]);
if (maxverts <= 65536)
size += maxtriangles * sizeof(unsigned short[3]);
- if (neighbors)
- size += maxtriangles * sizeof(int[3]);
if (expandable)
size += SHADOWMESHVERTEXHASH * sizeof(shadowmeshvertexhash_t *) + maxverts * sizeof(shadowmeshvertexhash_t);
data = (unsigned char *)Mem_Alloc(mempool, size);
newmesh->texcoord2f = (float *)data;data += maxverts * sizeof(float[2]);
newmesh->element3i = (int *)data;data += maxtriangles * sizeof(int[3]);
- if (neighbors)
- {
- newmesh->neighbor3i = (int *)data;data += maxtriangles * sizeof(int[3]);
- }
if (expandable)
newmesh->vertexhashtable = (shadowmeshvertexhash_t **)data;data += SHADOWMESHVERTEXHASH * sizeof(shadowmeshvertexhash_t *);
return newmesh;
-shadowmesh_t *Mod_ShadowMesh_ReAlloc(mempool_t *mempool, shadowmesh_t *oldmesh, int light, int neighbors)
+shadowmesh_t *Mod_ShadowMesh_ReAlloc(mempool_t *mempool, shadowmesh_t *oldmesh, int light)
shadowmesh_t *newmesh;
- newmesh = Mod_ShadowMesh_Alloc(mempool, oldmesh->numverts, oldmesh->numtriangles, oldmesh->map_diffuse, oldmesh->map_specular, oldmesh->map_normal, light, neighbors, false);
+ newmesh = Mod_ShadowMesh_Alloc(mempool, oldmesh->numverts, oldmesh->numtriangles, oldmesh->map_diffuse, oldmesh->map_specular, oldmesh->map_normal, light, false);
newmesh->numverts = oldmesh->numverts;
newmesh->numtriangles = oldmesh->numtriangles;
memcpy(newmesh->sideoffsets, oldmesh->sideoffsets, sizeof(oldmesh->sideoffsets));
memcpy(newmesh->texcoord2f, oldmesh->texcoord2f, oldmesh->numverts * sizeof(float[2]));
memcpy(newmesh->element3i, oldmesh->element3i, oldmesh->numtriangles * sizeof(int[3]));
- if (newmesh->neighbor3i && oldmesh->neighbor3i)
- memcpy(newmesh->neighbor3i, oldmesh->neighbor3i, oldmesh->numtriangles * sizeof(int[3]));
return newmesh;
while (mesh->map_diffuse != map_diffuse || mesh->map_specular != map_specular || mesh->map_normal != map_normal || mesh->numverts + 3 > mesh->maxverts || mesh->numtriangles + 1 > mesh->maxtriangles)
if (mesh->next == NULL)
- mesh->next = Mod_ShadowMesh_Alloc(mempool, max(mesh->maxverts, 300), max(mesh->maxtriangles, 100), map_diffuse, map_specular, map_normal, mesh->svector3f != NULL, mesh->neighbor3i != NULL, true);
+ mesh->next = Mod_ShadowMesh_Alloc(mempool, max(mesh->maxverts, 300), max(mesh->maxtriangles, 100), map_diffuse, map_specular, map_normal, mesh->svector3f != NULL, true);
mesh = mesh->next;
mesh->element3i[mesh->numtriangles * 3 + 0] = Mod_ShadowMesh_AddVertex(mesh, vertex14f + 14 * 0);
-shadowmesh_t *Mod_ShadowMesh_Begin(mempool_t *mempool, int maxverts, int maxtriangles, rtexture_t *map_diffuse, rtexture_t *map_specular, rtexture_t *map_normal, int light, int neighbors, int expandable)
+shadowmesh_t *Mod_ShadowMesh_Begin(mempool_t *mempool, int maxverts, int maxtriangles, rtexture_t *map_diffuse, rtexture_t *map_specular, rtexture_t *map_normal, int light, int expandable)
// the preparation before shadow mesh initialization can take a while, so let's do a keepalive here
- return Mod_ShadowMesh_Alloc(mempool, maxverts, maxtriangles, map_diffuse, map_specular, map_normal, light, neighbors, expandable);
+ return Mod_ShadowMesh_Alloc(mempool, maxverts, maxtriangles, map_diffuse, map_specular, map_normal, light, expandable);
static void Mod_ShadowMesh_CreateVBOs(shadowmesh_t *mesh, mempool_t *mempool)
-shadowmesh_t *Mod_ShadowMesh_Finish(mempool_t *mempool, shadowmesh_t *firstmesh, qboolean light, qboolean neighbors, qboolean createvbo)
+shadowmesh_t *Mod_ShadowMesh_Finish(mempool_t *mempool, shadowmesh_t *firstmesh, qboolean light, qboolean createvbo)
shadowmesh_t *mesh, *newmesh, *nextmesh;
// reallocate meshs to conserve space
nextmesh = mesh->next;
if (mesh->numverts >= 3 && mesh->numtriangles >= 1)
- newmesh = Mod_ShadowMesh_ReAlloc(mempool, mesh, light, neighbors);
+ newmesh = Mod_ShadowMesh_ReAlloc(mempool, mesh, light);
newmesh->next = firstmesh;
firstmesh = newmesh;
if (newmesh->element3s)
numcollisionmeshtriangles += surface->num_triangles;
- mod->brush.collisionmesh = Mod_ShadowMesh_Begin(mempool, numcollisionmeshtriangles * 3, numcollisionmeshtriangles, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, true);
+ mod->brush.collisionmesh = Mod_ShadowMesh_Begin(mempool, numcollisionmeshtriangles * 3, numcollisionmeshtriangles, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, true);
if (usesinglecollisionmesh)
Mod_ShadowMesh_AddMesh(mempool, mod->brush.collisionmesh, NULL, NULL, NULL, mod->surfmesh.data_vertex3f, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, surface->num_triangles, (mod->surfmesh.data_element3i + 3 * surface->num_firsttriangle));
Mod_ShadowMesh_AddMesh(mempool, mod->brush.collisionmesh, NULL, NULL, NULL, mod->surfmesh.data_vertex3f, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, surface->num_triangles, (mod->surfmesh.data_element3i + 3 * surface->num_firsttriangle));
- mod->brush.collisionmesh = Mod_ShadowMesh_Finish(mempool, mod->brush.collisionmesh, false, false, false);
+ mod->brush.collisionmesh = Mod_ShadowMesh_Finish(mempool, mod->brush.collisionmesh, false, false);
#if 0
VectorAdd(normal3f, nl, normal3f);
-static void Mod_ConstructTerrainPatchFromBGRA(const unsigned char *imagepixels, int imagewidth, int imageheight, int x1, int y1, int width, int height, int *element3i, int *neighbor3i, float *vertex3f, float *svector3f, float *tvector3f, float *normal3f, float *texcoord2f, matrix4x4_t *pixelstepmatrix, matrix4x4_t *pixeltexturestepmatrix)
+static void Mod_ConstructTerrainPatchFromBGRA(const unsigned char *imagepixels, int imagewidth, int imageheight, int x1, int y1, int width, int height, int *element3i, float *vertex3f, float *svector3f, float *tvector3f, float *normal3f, float *texcoord2f, matrix4x4_t *pixelstepmatrix, matrix4x4_t *pixeltexturestepmatrix)
int x, y, ix, iy, *e;
e = element3i;
e += 6;
- Mod_BuildTriangleNeighbors(neighbor3i, element3i, width*height*2);
for (y = 0, iy = y1;y < height + 1;y++, iy++)
for (x = 0, ix = x1;x < width + 1;x++, ix++, vertex3f += 3, texcoord2f += 2, svector3f += 3, tvector3f += 3, normal3f += 3)
Mod_GetTerrainVertexFromBGRA(imagepixels, imagewidth, imageheight, ix, iy, vertex3f, texcoord2f, svector3f, tvector3f, normal3f, pixelstepmatrix, pixeltexturestepmatrix);
// lightmap coordinates here are in pixels
// lightmap projections are snapped to pixel grid explicitly, such
// that two neighboring triangles sharing an edge and projection
- // axis will have identical sampl espacing along their shared edge
+ // axis will have identical sample spacing along their shared edge
k = 0;
for (j = 0;j < 3;j++)
mod->DrawPrepass = R_Q1BSP_DrawPrepass;
mod->GetLightInfo = R_Q1BSP_GetLightInfo;
mod->DrawShadowMap = R_Q1BSP_DrawShadowMap;
- mod->DrawShadowVolume = R_Q1BSP_DrawShadowVolume;
mod->DrawLight = R_Q1BSP_DrawLight;
unsigned short *data_element3s; // unsigned short[tris*3] triangles of the mesh in unsigned short format (NULL if num_vertices > 65536)
r_meshbuffer_t *data_element3s_indexbuffer;
int data_element3s_bufferoffset;
- int *data_neighbor3i; // int[tris*3] neighboring triangle on each edge (-1 if none)
// vertex data in system memory
int num_vertices; // number of vertices in the mesh
float *data_vertex3f; // float[verts*3] vertex locations
r_vertexmesh_t *vertexmesh; // usually NULL
// used for shadow mapping cubemap side partitioning
int sideoffsets[6], sidetotals[6];
- // used for shadow mesh (NULL on light mesh)
- int *neighbor3i;
// these are NULL after Mod_ShadowMesh_Finish is performed, only used
// while building meshes
shadowmeshvertexhash_t **vertexhashtable, *vertexhashentries;
void(*DrawShadowMap)(int side, struct entity_render_s *ent, const vec3_t relativelightorigin, const vec3_t relativelightdirection, float lightradius, int numsurfaces, const int *surfacelist, const unsigned char *surfacesides, const vec3_t lightmins, const vec3_t lightmaxs);
// gathers info on which clusters and surfaces are lit by light, as well as calculating a bounding box
void(*GetLightInfo)(struct entity_render_s *ent, vec3_t relativelightorigin, float lightradius, vec3_t outmins, vec3_t outmaxs, int *outleaflist, unsigned char *outleafpvs, int *outnumleafspointer, int *outsurfacelist, unsigned char *outsurfacepvs, int *outnumsurfacespointer, unsigned char *outshadowtrispvs, unsigned char *outlighttrispvs, unsigned char *visitingleafpvs, int numfrustumplanes, const mplane_t *frustumplanes, qboolean noocclusion);
- // compile a shadow volume for the model based on light source
- void(*CompileShadowVolume)(struct entity_render_s *ent, vec3_t relativelightorigin, vec3_t relativelightdirection, float lightradius, int numsurfaces, const int *surfacelist);
- // draw a shadow volume for the model based on light source
- void(*DrawShadowVolume)(struct entity_render_s *ent, const vec3_t relativelightorigin, const vec3_t relativelightdirection, float lightradius, int numsurfaces, const int *surfacelist, const vec3_t lightmins, const vec3_t lightmaxs);
// draw the lighting on a model (through stencil)
void(*DrawLight)(struct entity_render_s *ent, int numsurfaces, const int *surfacelist, const unsigned char *trispvs);
// trace a box against this model
//extern cvar_t gl_subdivide_size;
// texture fullbrights
extern cvar_t r_fullbrights;
-extern cvar_t r_enableshadowvolumes;
void Mod_Init (void);
void Mod_Reload (void);
extern char loadname[32]; // for hunk tags
int Mod_BuildVertexRemapTableFromElements(int numelements, const int *elements, int numvertices, int *remapvertices);
-void Mod_BuildTriangleNeighbors(int *neighbors, const int *elements, int numtriangles);
void Mod_BuildNormals(int firstvertex, int numvertices, int numtriangles, const float *vertex3f, const int *elements, float *normal3f, qboolean areaweighting);
void Mod_BuildTextureVectorsFromNormals(int firstvertex, int numvertices, int numtriangles, const float *vertex3f, const float *texcoord2f, const float *normal3f, const int *elements, float *svector3f, float *tvector3f, qboolean areaweighting);
qboolean Mod_ValidateElements(int *element3i, unsigned short *element3s, int numtriangles, int firstvertex, int numvertices, const char *filename, int fileline);
-void Mod_AllocSurfMesh(mempool_t *mempool, int numvertices, int numtriangles, qboolean lightmapoffsets, qboolean vertexcolors, qboolean neighbors);
+void Mod_AllocSurfMesh(mempool_t *mempool, int numvertices, int numtriangles, qboolean lightmapoffsets, qboolean vertexcolors);
void Mod_MakeSortedSurfaces(dp_model_t *mod);
// called specially by brush model loaders before generating submodels
// automatically called after model loader returns
void Mod_BuildVBOs(void);
-shadowmesh_t *Mod_ShadowMesh_Alloc(mempool_t *mempool, int maxverts, int maxtriangles, rtexture_t *map_diffuse, rtexture_t *map_specular, rtexture_t *map_normal, int light, int neighbors, int expandable);
-shadowmesh_t *Mod_ShadowMesh_ReAlloc(mempool_t *mempool, shadowmesh_t *oldmesh, int light, int neighbors);
+shadowmesh_t *Mod_ShadowMesh_Alloc(mempool_t *mempool, int maxverts, int maxtriangles, rtexture_t *map_diffuse, rtexture_t *map_specular, rtexture_t *map_normal, int light, int expandable);
+shadowmesh_t *Mod_ShadowMesh_ReAlloc(mempool_t *mempool, shadowmesh_t *oldmesh, int light);
int Mod_ShadowMesh_AddVertex(shadowmesh_t *mesh, float *vertex14f);
void Mod_ShadowMesh_AddTriangle(mempool_t *mempool, shadowmesh_t *mesh, rtexture_t *map_diffuse, rtexture_t *map_specular, rtexture_t *map_normal, float *vertex14f);
void Mod_ShadowMesh_AddMesh(mempool_t *mempool, shadowmesh_t *mesh, rtexture_t *map_diffuse, rtexture_t *map_specular, rtexture_t *map_normal, const float *vertex3f, const float *svector3f, const float *tvector3f, const float *normal3f, const float *texcoord2f, int numtris, const int *element3i);
-shadowmesh_t *Mod_ShadowMesh_Begin(mempool_t *mempool, int maxverts, int maxtriangles, rtexture_t *map_diffuse, rtexture_t *map_specular, rtexture_t *map_normal, int light, int neighbors, int expandable);
-shadowmesh_t *Mod_ShadowMesh_Finish(mempool_t *mempool, shadowmesh_t *firstmesh, qboolean light, qboolean neighbors, qboolean createvbo);
+shadowmesh_t *Mod_ShadowMesh_Begin(mempool_t *mempool, int maxverts, int maxtriangles, rtexture_t *map_diffuse, rtexture_t *map_specular, rtexture_t *map_normal, int light, int expandable);
+shadowmesh_t *Mod_ShadowMesh_Finish(mempool_t *mempool, shadowmesh_t *firstmesh, qboolean light, qboolean createvbo);
void Mod_ShadowMesh_CalcBBox(shadowmesh_t *firstmesh, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, vec3_t center, float *radius);
void Mod_ShadowMesh_Free(shadowmesh_t *mesh);
void R_Q1BSP_GetLightInfo(struct entity_render_s *ent, vec3_t relativelightorigin, float lightradius, vec3_t outmins, vec3_t outmaxs, int *outleaflist, unsigned char *outleafpvs, int *outnumleafspointer, int *outsurfacelist, unsigned char *outsurfacepvs, int *outnumsurfacespointer, unsigned char *outshadowtrispvs, unsigned char *outlighttrispvs, unsigned char *visitingleafpvs, int numfrustumplanes, const mplane_t *frustumplanes, qboolean noocclusion);
void R_Q1BSP_CompileShadowMap(struct entity_render_s *ent, vec3_t relativelightorigin, vec3_t relativelightdirection, float lightradius, int numsurfaces, const int *surfacelist);
void R_Q1BSP_DrawShadowMap(int side, struct entity_render_s *ent, const vec3_t relativelightorigin, const vec3_t relativelightdirection, float lightradius, int modelnumsurfaces, const int *modelsurfacelist, const unsigned char *surfacesides, const vec3_t lightmins, const vec3_t lightmaxs);
-void R_Q1BSP_CompileShadowVolume(struct entity_render_s *ent, vec3_t relativelightorigin, vec3_t relativelightdirection, float lightradius, int numsurfaces, const int *surfacelist);
-void R_Q1BSP_DrawShadowVolume(struct entity_render_s *ent, const vec3_t relativelightorigin, const vec3_t relativelightdirection, float lightradius, int numsurfaces, const int *surfacelist, const vec3_t lightmins, const vec3_t lightmaxs);
void R_Q1BSP_DrawLight(struct entity_render_s *ent, int numsurfaces, const int *surfacelist, const unsigned char *trispvs);
// dynamic mesh building (every frame) for debugging and other uses
loadmodel->DrawSky = NULL;
loadmodel->Draw = R_Model_Sprite_Draw;
loadmodel->DrawDepth = NULL;
- loadmodel->CompileShadowVolume = NULL;
- loadmodel->DrawShadowVolume = NULL;
loadmodel->DrawLight = NULL;
loadmodel->DrawAddWaterPlanes = NULL;
loadmodel->DrawSky = NULL;
loadmodel->Draw = R_Model_Sprite_Draw;
loadmodel->DrawDepth = NULL;
- loadmodel->CompileShadowVolume = NULL;
- loadmodel->DrawShadowVolume = NULL;
loadmodel->DrawLight = NULL;
loadmodel->DrawAddWaterPlanes = NULL;
-Terminology: Stencil Shadow Volume (sometimes called Stencil Shadows)
-An extrusion of the lit faces, beginning at the original geometry and ending
-further from the light source than the original geometry (presumably at least
-as far as the light's radius, if the light has a radius at all), capped at
-both front and back to avoid any problems (extrusion from dark faces also
-works but has a different set of problems)
-This is normally rendered using Carmack's Reverse technique, in which
-backfaces behind zbuffer (zfail) increment the stencil, and frontfaces behind
-zbuffer (zfail) decrement the stencil, the result is a stencil value of zero
-where shadows did not intersect the visible geometry, suitable as a stencil
-mask for rendering lighting everywhere but shadow.
-In our case to hopefully avoid the Creative Labs patent, we draw the backfaces
-as decrement and the frontfaces as increment, and we redefine the DepthFunc to
-GL_LESS (the patent uses GL_GEQUAL) which causes zfail when behind surfaces
-and zpass when infront (the patent draws where zpass with a GL_GEQUAL test),
-additionally we clear stencil to 128 to avoid the need for the unclamped
-incr/decr extension (not related to patent).
-Patent warning:
-This algorithm may be covered by Creative's patent (US Patent #6384822),
-however that patent is quite specific about increment on backfaces and
-decrement on frontfaces where zpass with GL_GEQUAL depth test, which is
-opposite this implementation and partially opposite Carmack's Reverse paper
-(which uses GL_LESS, but increments on backfaces and decrements on frontfaces).
-Terminology: Stencil Light Volume (sometimes called Light Volumes)
-Similar to a Stencil Shadow Volume, but inverted; rather than containing the
-areas in shadow it contains the areas in light, this can only be built
-quickly for certain limited cases (such as portal visibility from a point),
-but is quite useful for some effects (sunlight coming from sky polygons is
-one possible example, translucent occluders is another example).
-Terminology: Optimized Stencil Shadow Volume
-A Stencil Shadow Volume that has been processed sufficiently to ensure it has
-no duplicate coverage of areas (no need to shadow an area twice), often this
-greatly improves performance but is an operation too costly to use on moving
-lights (however completely optimal Stencil Light Volumes can be constructed
-in some ideal cases).
-Terminology: Per Pixel Lighting (sometimes abbreviated PPL)
-Per pixel evaluation of lighting equations, at a bare minimum this involves
-DOT3 shading of diffuse lighting (per pixel dotproduct of negated incidence
-vector and surface normal, using a texture of the surface bumps, called a
-NormalMap) if supported by hardware; in our case there is support for cards
-which are incapable of DOT3, the quality is quite poor however. Additionally
-it is desirable to have specular evaluation per pixel, per vertex
-normalization of specular halfangle vectors causes noticable distortion but
-is unavoidable on hardware without GL_ARB_fragment_program or
-Terminology: Normalization CubeMap
-A cubemap containing normalized dot3-encoded (vectors of length 1 or less
-encoded as RGB colors) for any possible direction, this technique allows per
-pixel calculation of incidence vector for per pixel lighting purposes, which
-would not otherwise be possible per pixel without GL_ARB_fragment_program or
-Terminology: 2D+1D Attenuation Texturing
-A very crude approximation of light attenuation with distance which results
-in cylindrical light shapes which fade vertically as a streak (some games
-such as Doom3 allow this to be rotated to be less noticable in specific
-cases), the technique is simply modulating lighting by two 2D textures (which
-can be the same) on different axes of projection (XY and Z, typically), this
-is the second best technique available without 3D Attenuation Texturing,
-GL_ARB_fragment_program or GL_ARB_fragment_shader technology.
-Terminology: 2D+1D Inverse Attenuation Texturing
-A clever method described in papers on the Abducted engine, this has a squared
-distance texture (bright on the outside, black in the middle), which is used
-twice using GL_ADD blending, the result of this is used in an inverse modulate
-(GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA, GL_ZERO) to implement the equation
-lighting*=(1-((X*X+Y*Y)+(Z*Z))) which is spherical (unlike 2D+1D attenuation
-Terminology: 3D Attenuation Texturing
-A slightly crude approximation of light attenuation with distance, its flaws
-are limited radius and resolution (performance tradeoffs).
-Terminology: 3D Attenuation-Normalization Texturing
-A 3D Attenuation Texture merged with a Normalization CubeMap, by making the
-vectors shorter the lighting becomes darker, a very effective optimization of
-diffuse lighting if 3D Attenuation Textures are already used.
-Terminology: Light Cubemap Filtering
-A technique for modeling non-uniform light distribution according to
-direction, for example a lantern may use a cubemap to describe the light
-emission pattern of the cage around the lantern (as well as soot buildup
-discoloring the light in certain areas), often also used for softened grate
-shadows and light shining through a stained glass window (done crudely by
-texturing the lighting with a cubemap), another good example would be a disco
-light. This technique is used heavily in many games (Doom3 does not support
-this however).
-Terminology: Light Projection Filtering
-A technique for modeling shadowing of light passing through translucent
-surfaces, allowing stained glass windows and other effects to be done more
-elegantly than possible with Light Cubemap Filtering by applying an occluder
-texture to the lighting combined with a stencil light volume to limit the lit
-area, this technique is used by Doom3 for spotlights and flashlights, among
-other things, this can also be used more generally to render light passing
-through multiple translucent occluders in a scene (using a light volume to
-describe the area beyond the occluder, and thus mask off rendering of all
-other areas).
-Terminology: Doom3 Lighting
-A combination of Stencil Shadow Volume, Per Pixel Lighting, Normalization
-CubeMap, 2D+1D Attenuation Texturing, and Light Projection Filtering, as
-demonstrated by the game Doom3.
#include "quakedef.h"
#include "r_shadow.h"
#include "cl_collision.h"
r_shadow_rendermode_t r_shadow_rendermode = R_SHADOW_RENDERMODE_NONE;
r_shadow_rendermode_t r_shadow_lightingrendermode = R_SHADOW_RENDERMODE_NONE;
-r_shadow_rendermode_t r_shadow_shadowingrendermode_zpass = R_SHADOW_RENDERMODE_NONE;
-r_shadow_rendermode_t r_shadow_shadowingrendermode_zfail = R_SHADOW_RENDERMODE_NONE;
int r_shadow_scenemaxlights;
int r_shadow_scenenumlights;
rtlight_t **r_shadow_scenelightlist; // includes both static lights and dlights, as filtered by appropriate flags
cvar_t r_shadow_realtime_world_compilesvbsp = {0, "r_shadow_realtime_world_compilesvbsp", "1", "enables svbsp optimization during compilation (slower than compileportalculling but more exact)"};
cvar_t r_shadow_realtime_world_compileportalculling = {0, "r_shadow_realtime_world_compileportalculling", "1", "enables portal-based culling optimization during compilation (overrides compilesvbsp)"};
cvar_t r_shadow_scissor = {0, "r_shadow_scissor", "1", "use scissor optimization of light rendering (restricts rendering to the portion of the screen affected by the light)"};
-cvar_t r_shadow_shadowmapping = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_shadowmapping", "1", "enables use of shadowmapping (depth texture sampling) instead of stencil shadow volumes"};
+cvar_t r_shadow_shadowmapping = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_shadowmapping", "1", "enables use of shadowmapping (shadow rendering by depth texture sampling)"};
cvar_t r_shadow_shadowmapping_filterquality = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_shadowmapping_filterquality", "-1", "shadowmap filter modes: -1 = auto-select, 0 = no filtering, 1 = bilinear, 2 = bilinear 2x2 blur (fast), 3 = 3x3 blur (moderate), 4 = 4x4 blur (slow)"};
cvar_t r_shadow_shadowmapping_useshadowsampler = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_shadowmapping_useshadowsampler", "1", "whether to use sampler2DShadow if available"};
cvar_t r_shadow_shadowmapping_depthbits = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_shadowmapping_depthbits", "24", "requested minimum shadowmap texture depth bits"};
cvar_t r_shadow_shadowmapping_polygonfactor = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_shadowmapping_polygonfactor", "2", "slope-dependent shadowmapping bias"};
cvar_t r_shadow_shadowmapping_polygonoffset = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_shadowmapping_polygonoffset", "0", "constant shadowmapping bias"};
cvar_t r_shadow_sortsurfaces = {0, "r_shadow_sortsurfaces", "1", "improve performance by sorting illuminated surfaces by texture"};
-cvar_t r_shadow_polygonfactor = {0, "r_shadow_polygonfactor", "0", "how much to enlarge shadow volume polygons when rendering (should be 0!)"};
-cvar_t r_shadow_polygonoffset = {0, "r_shadow_polygonoffset", "1", "how much to push shadow volumes into the distance when rendering, to reduce chances of zfighting artifacts (should not be less than 0)"};
cvar_t r_shadow_texture3d = {0, "r_shadow_texture3d", "1", "use 3D voxel textures for spherical attenuation rather than cylindrical (does not affect OpenGL 2.0 render path)"};
cvar_t r_shadow_culllights_pvs = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_culllights_pvs", "1", "check if light overlaps any visible bsp leafs when determining if the light is visible"};
cvar_t r_shadow_culllights_trace = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_culllights_trace", "1", "use raytraces from the eye to random places within light bounds to determine if the light is visible"};
cvar_t r_coronas_occlusionsizescale = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_coronas_occlusionsizescale", "0.1", "size of light source for corona occlusion checksum the proportion of hidden pixels controls corona intensity"};
cvar_t r_coronas_occlusionquery = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_coronas_occlusionquery", "0", "use GL_ARB_occlusion_query extension if supported (fades coronas according to visibility) - bad performance (synchronous rendering) - worse on multi-gpu!"};
cvar_t gl_flashblend = {CVAR_SAVE, "gl_flashblend", "0", "render bright coronas for dynamic lights instead of actual lighting, fast but ugly"};
-cvar_t gl_ext_separatestencil = {0, "gl_ext_separatestencil", "1", "make use of OpenGL 2.0 glStencilOpSeparate or GL_ATI_separate_stencil extension"};
-cvar_t gl_ext_stenciltwoside = {0, "gl_ext_stenciltwoside", "1", "make use of GL_EXT_stenciltwoside extension (NVIDIA only)"};
cvar_t r_editlights = {0, "r_editlights", "0", "enables .rtlights file editing mode"};
cvar_t r_editlights_cursordistance = {0, "r_editlights_cursordistance", "1024", "maximum distance of cursor from eye"};
cvar_t r_editlights_cursorpushback = {0, "r_editlights_cursorpushback", "0", "how far to pull the cursor back toward the eye"};
- Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_shadow_polygonfactor);
- Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_shadow_polygonoffset);
- Cvar_RegisterVariable(&gl_ext_separatestencil);
- Cvar_RegisterVariable(&gl_ext_stenciltwoside);
Mem_ExpandableArray_NewArray(&r_shadow_worldlightsarray, r_main_mempool, sizeof(dlight_t), 128);
r_shadow_scenemaxlights = 0;
numshadowsides = 0;
-static int R_Shadow_ConstructShadowVolume_ZFail(int innumvertices, int innumtris, const int *inelement3i, const int *inneighbor3i, const float *invertex3f, int *outnumvertices, int *outelement3i, float *outvertex3f, const float *projectorigin, const float *projectdirection, float projectdistance, int numshadowmarktris, const int *shadowmarktris)
- int i, j;
- int outtriangles = 0, outvertices = 0;
- const int *element;
- const float *vertex;
- float ratio, direction[3], projectvector[3];
- if (projectdirection)
- VectorScale(projectdirection, projectdistance, projectvector);
- else
- VectorClear(projectvector);
- // create the vertices
- if (projectdirection)
- {
- for (i = 0;i < numshadowmarktris;i++)
- {
- element = inelement3i + shadowmarktris[i] * 3;
- for (j = 0;j < 3;j++)
- {
- if (vertexupdate[element[j]] != vertexupdatenum)
- {
- vertexupdate[element[j]] = vertexupdatenum;
- vertexremap[element[j]] = outvertices;
- vertex = invertex3f + element[j] * 3;
- // project one copy of the vertex according to projectvector
- VectorCopy(vertex, outvertex3f);
- VectorAdd(vertex, projectvector, (outvertex3f + 3));
- outvertex3f += 6;
- outvertices += 2;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (i = 0;i < numshadowmarktris;i++)
- {
- element = inelement3i + shadowmarktris[i] * 3;
- for (j = 0;j < 3;j++)
- {
- if (vertexupdate[element[j]] != vertexupdatenum)
- {
- vertexupdate[element[j]] = vertexupdatenum;
- vertexremap[element[j]] = outvertices;
- vertex = invertex3f + element[j] * 3;
- // project one copy of the vertex to the sphere radius of the light
- // (FIXME: would projecting it to the light box be better?)
- VectorSubtract(vertex, projectorigin, direction);
- ratio = projectdistance / VectorLength(direction);
- VectorCopy(vertex, outvertex3f);
- VectorMA(projectorigin, ratio, direction, (outvertex3f + 3));
- outvertex3f += 6;
- outvertices += 2;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (r_shadow_frontsidecasting.integer)
- {
- for (i = 0;i < numshadowmarktris;i++)
- {
- int remappedelement[3];
- int markindex;
- const int *neighbortriangle;
- markindex = shadowmarktris[i] * 3;
- element = inelement3i + markindex;
- neighbortriangle = inneighbor3i + markindex;
- // output the front and back triangles
- outelement3i[0] = vertexremap[element[0]];
- outelement3i[1] = vertexremap[element[1]];
- outelement3i[2] = vertexremap[element[2]];
- outelement3i[3] = vertexremap[element[2]] + 1;
- outelement3i[4] = vertexremap[element[1]] + 1;
- outelement3i[5] = vertexremap[element[0]] + 1;
- outelement3i += 6;
- outtriangles += 2;
- // output the sides (facing outward from this triangle)
- if (shadowmark[neighbortriangle[0]] != shadowmarkcount)
- {
- remappedelement[0] = vertexremap[element[0]];
- remappedelement[1] = vertexremap[element[1]];
- outelement3i[0] = remappedelement[1];
- outelement3i[1] = remappedelement[0];
- outelement3i[2] = remappedelement[0] + 1;
- outelement3i[3] = remappedelement[1];
- outelement3i[4] = remappedelement[0] + 1;
- outelement3i[5] = remappedelement[1] + 1;
- outelement3i += 6;
- outtriangles += 2;
- }
- if (shadowmark[neighbortriangle[1]] != shadowmarkcount)
- {
- remappedelement[1] = vertexremap[element[1]];
- remappedelement[2] = vertexremap[element[2]];
- outelement3i[0] = remappedelement[2];
- outelement3i[1] = remappedelement[1];
- outelement3i[2] = remappedelement[1] + 1;
- outelement3i[3] = remappedelement[2];
- outelement3i[4] = remappedelement[1] + 1;
- outelement3i[5] = remappedelement[2] + 1;
- outelement3i += 6;
- outtriangles += 2;
- }
- if (shadowmark[neighbortriangle[2]] != shadowmarkcount)
- {
- remappedelement[0] = vertexremap[element[0]];
- remappedelement[2] = vertexremap[element[2]];
- outelement3i[0] = remappedelement[0];
- outelement3i[1] = remappedelement[2];
- outelement3i[2] = remappedelement[2] + 1;
- outelement3i[3] = remappedelement[0];
- outelement3i[4] = remappedelement[2] + 1;
- outelement3i[5] = remappedelement[0] + 1;
- outelement3i += 6;
- outtriangles += 2;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (i = 0;i < numshadowmarktris;i++)
- {
- int remappedelement[3];
- int markindex;
- const int *neighbortriangle;
- markindex = shadowmarktris[i] * 3;
- element = inelement3i + markindex;
- neighbortriangle = inneighbor3i + markindex;
- // output the front and back triangles
- outelement3i[0] = vertexremap[element[2]];
- outelement3i[1] = vertexremap[element[1]];
- outelement3i[2] = vertexremap[element[0]];
- outelement3i[3] = vertexremap[element[0]] + 1;
- outelement3i[4] = vertexremap[element[1]] + 1;
- outelement3i[5] = vertexremap[element[2]] + 1;
- outelement3i += 6;
- outtriangles += 2;
- // output the sides (facing outward from this triangle)
- if (shadowmark[neighbortriangle[0]] != shadowmarkcount)
- {
- remappedelement[0] = vertexremap[element[0]];
- remappedelement[1] = vertexremap[element[1]];
- outelement3i[0] = remappedelement[0];
- outelement3i[1] = remappedelement[1];
- outelement3i[2] = remappedelement[1] + 1;
- outelement3i[3] = remappedelement[0];
- outelement3i[4] = remappedelement[1] + 1;
- outelement3i[5] = remappedelement[0] + 1;
- outelement3i += 6;
- outtriangles += 2;
- }
- if (shadowmark[neighbortriangle[1]] != shadowmarkcount)
- {
- remappedelement[1] = vertexremap[element[1]];
- remappedelement[2] = vertexremap[element[2]];
- outelement3i[0] = remappedelement[1];
- outelement3i[1] = remappedelement[2];
- outelement3i[2] = remappedelement[2] + 1;
- outelement3i[3] = remappedelement[1];
- outelement3i[4] = remappedelement[2] + 1;
- outelement3i[5] = remappedelement[1] + 1;
- outelement3i += 6;
- outtriangles += 2;
- }
- if (shadowmark[neighbortriangle[2]] != shadowmarkcount)
- {
- remappedelement[0] = vertexremap[element[0]];
- remappedelement[2] = vertexremap[element[2]];
- outelement3i[0] = remappedelement[2];
- outelement3i[1] = remappedelement[0];
- outelement3i[2] = remappedelement[0] + 1;
- outelement3i[3] = remappedelement[2];
- outelement3i[4] = remappedelement[0] + 1;
- outelement3i[5] = remappedelement[2] + 1;
- outelement3i += 6;
- outtriangles += 2;
- }
- }
- }
- if (outnumvertices)
- *outnumvertices = outvertices;
- return outtriangles;
-static int R_Shadow_ConstructShadowVolume_ZPass(int innumvertices, int innumtris, const int *inelement3i, const int *inneighbor3i, const float *invertex3f, int *outnumvertices, int *outelement3i, float *outvertex3f, const float *projectorigin, const float *projectdirection, float projectdistance, int numshadowmarktris, const int *shadowmarktris)
- int i, j, k;
- int outtriangles = 0, outvertices = 0;
- const int *element;
- const float *vertex;
- float ratio, direction[3], projectvector[3];
- qboolean side[4];
- if (projectdirection)
- VectorScale(projectdirection, projectdistance, projectvector);
- else
- VectorClear(projectvector);
- for (i = 0;i < numshadowmarktris;i++)
- {
- int remappedelement[3];
- int markindex;
- const int *neighbortriangle;
- markindex = shadowmarktris[i] * 3;
- neighbortriangle = inneighbor3i + markindex;
- side[0] = shadowmark[neighbortriangle[0]] == shadowmarkcount;
- side[1] = shadowmark[neighbortriangle[1]] == shadowmarkcount;
- side[2] = shadowmark[neighbortriangle[2]] == shadowmarkcount;
- if (side[0] + side[1] + side[2] == 0)
- continue;
- side[3] = side[0];
- element = inelement3i + markindex;
- // create the vertices
- for (j = 0;j < 3;j++)
- {
- if (side[j] + side[j+1] == 0)
- continue;
- k = element[j];
- if (vertexupdate[k] != vertexupdatenum)
- {
- vertexupdate[k] = vertexupdatenum;
- vertexremap[k] = outvertices;
- vertex = invertex3f + k * 3;
- VectorCopy(vertex, outvertex3f);
- if (projectdirection)
- {
- // project one copy of the vertex according to projectvector
- VectorAdd(vertex, projectvector, (outvertex3f + 3));
- }
- else
- {
- // project one copy of the vertex to the sphere radius of the light
- // (FIXME: would projecting it to the light box be better?)
- VectorSubtract(vertex, projectorigin, direction);
- ratio = projectdistance / VectorLength(direction);
- VectorMA(projectorigin, ratio, direction, (outvertex3f + 3));
- }
- outvertex3f += 6;
- outvertices += 2;
- }
- }
- // output the sides (facing outward from this triangle)
- if (!side[0])
- {
- remappedelement[0] = vertexremap[element[0]];
- remappedelement[1] = vertexremap[element[1]];
- outelement3i[0] = remappedelement[1];
- outelement3i[1] = remappedelement[0];
- outelement3i[2] = remappedelement[0] + 1;
- outelement3i[3] = remappedelement[1];
- outelement3i[4] = remappedelement[0] + 1;
- outelement3i[5] = remappedelement[1] + 1;
- outelement3i += 6;
- outtriangles += 2;
- }
- if (!side[1])
- {
- remappedelement[1] = vertexremap[element[1]];
- remappedelement[2] = vertexremap[element[2]];
- outelement3i[0] = remappedelement[2];
- outelement3i[1] = remappedelement[1];
- outelement3i[2] = remappedelement[1] + 1;
- outelement3i[3] = remappedelement[2];
- outelement3i[4] = remappedelement[1] + 1;
- outelement3i[5] = remappedelement[2] + 1;
- outelement3i += 6;
- outtriangles += 2;
- }
- if (!side[2])
- {
- remappedelement[0] = vertexremap[element[0]];
- remappedelement[2] = vertexremap[element[2]];
- outelement3i[0] = remappedelement[0];
- outelement3i[1] = remappedelement[2];
- outelement3i[2] = remappedelement[2] + 1;
- outelement3i[3] = remappedelement[0];
- outelement3i[4] = remappedelement[2] + 1;
- outelement3i[5] = remappedelement[0] + 1;
- outelement3i += 6;
- outtriangles += 2;
- }
- }
- if (outnumvertices)
- *outnumvertices = outvertices;
- return outtriangles;
-void R_Shadow_MarkVolumeFromBox(int firsttriangle, int numtris, const float *invertex3f, const int *elements, const vec3_t projectorigin, const vec3_t projectdirection, const vec3_t lightmins, const vec3_t lightmaxs, const vec3_t surfacemins, const vec3_t surfacemaxs)
- int t, tend;
- const int *e;
- const float *v[3];
- float normal[3];
- if (!BoxesOverlap(lightmins, lightmaxs, surfacemins, surfacemaxs))
- return;
- tend = firsttriangle + numtris;
- if (BoxInsideBox(surfacemins, surfacemaxs, lightmins, lightmaxs))
- {
- // surface box entirely inside light box, no box cull
- if (projectdirection)
- {
- for (t = firsttriangle, e = elements + t * 3;t < tend;t++, e += 3)
- {
- TriangleNormal(invertex3f + e[0] * 3, invertex3f + e[1] * 3, invertex3f + e[2] * 3, normal);
- if (r_shadow_frontsidecasting.integer == (DotProduct(normal, projectdirection) < 0))
- shadowmarklist[numshadowmark++] = t;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (t = firsttriangle, e = elements + t * 3;t < tend;t++, e += 3)
- if (r_shadow_frontsidecasting.integer == PointInfrontOfTriangle(projectorigin, invertex3f + e[0] * 3, invertex3f + e[1] * 3, invertex3f + e[2] * 3))
- shadowmarklist[numshadowmark++] = t;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // surface box not entirely inside light box, cull each triangle
- if (projectdirection)
- {
- for (t = firsttriangle, e = elements + t * 3;t < tend;t++, e += 3)
- {
- v[0] = invertex3f + e[0] * 3;
- v[1] = invertex3f + e[1] * 3;
- v[2] = invertex3f + e[2] * 3;
- TriangleNormal(v[0], v[1], v[2], normal);
- if (r_shadow_frontsidecasting.integer == (DotProduct(normal, projectdirection) < 0)
- && TriangleBBoxOverlapsBox(v[0], v[1], v[2], lightmins, lightmaxs))
- shadowmarklist[numshadowmark++] = t;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (t = firsttriangle, e = elements + t * 3;t < tend;t++, e += 3)
- {
- v[0] = invertex3f + e[0] * 3;
- v[1] = invertex3f + e[1] * 3;
- v[2] = invertex3f + e[2] * 3;
- if (r_shadow_frontsidecasting.integer == PointInfrontOfTriangle(projectorigin, v[0], v[1], v[2])
- && TriangleBBoxOverlapsBox(v[0], v[1], v[2], lightmins, lightmaxs))
- shadowmarklist[numshadowmark++] = t;
- }
- }
- }
-static qboolean R_Shadow_UseZPass(vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs)
-#if 1
- return false;
- if (r_shadow_compilingrtlight || !r_shadow_frontsidecasting.integer || !r_shadow_usezpassifpossible.integer)
- return false;
- // check if the shadow volume intersects the near plane
- //
- // a ray between the eye and light origin may intersect the caster,
- // indicating that the shadow may touch the eye location, however we must
- // test the near plane (a polygon), not merely the eye location, so it is
- // easiest to enlarge the caster bounding shape slightly for this.
- // TODO
- return true;
-void R_Shadow_VolumeFromList(int numverts, int numtris, const float *invertex3f, const int *elements, const int *neighbors, const vec3_t projectorigin, const vec3_t projectdirection, float projectdistance, int nummarktris, const int *marktris, vec3_t trismins, vec3_t trismaxs)
- int i, tris, outverts;
- if (projectdistance < 0.1)
- {
- Con_Printf("R_Shadow_Volume: projectdistance %f\n", projectdistance);
- return;
- }
- if (!numverts || !nummarktris)
- return;
- // make sure shadowelements is big enough for this volume
- if (maxshadowtriangles < nummarktris*8 || maxshadowvertices < numverts*2)
- R_Shadow_ResizeShadowArrays(numverts, nummarktris, 2, 8);
- if (maxvertexupdate < numverts)
- {
- maxvertexupdate = numverts;
- if (vertexupdate)
- Mem_Free(vertexupdate);
- if (vertexremap)
- Mem_Free(vertexremap);
- vertexupdate = (int *)Mem_Alloc(r_main_mempool, maxvertexupdate * sizeof(int));
- vertexremap = (int *)Mem_Alloc(r_main_mempool, maxvertexupdate * sizeof(int));
- vertexupdatenum = 0;
- }
- vertexupdatenum++;
- if (vertexupdatenum == 0)
- {
- vertexupdatenum = 1;
- memset(vertexupdate, 0, maxvertexupdate * sizeof(int));
- memset(vertexremap, 0, maxvertexupdate * sizeof(int));
- }
- for (i = 0;i < nummarktris;i++)
- shadowmark[marktris[i]] = shadowmarkcount;
- if (r_shadow_compilingrtlight)
- {
- // if we're compiling an rtlight, capture the mesh
- //tris = R_Shadow_ConstructShadowVolume_ZPass(numverts, numtris, elements, neighbors, invertex3f, &outverts, shadowelements, shadowvertex3f, projectorigin, projectdirection, projectdistance, nummarktris, marktris);
- //Mod_ShadowMesh_AddMesh(r_main_mempool, r_shadow_compilingrtlight->static_meshchain_shadow_zpass, NULL, NULL, NULL, shadowvertex3f, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, tris, shadowelements);
- tris = R_Shadow_ConstructShadowVolume_ZFail(numverts, numtris, elements, neighbors, invertex3f, &outverts, shadowelements, shadowvertex3f, projectorigin, projectdirection, projectdistance, nummarktris, marktris);
- Mod_ShadowMesh_AddMesh(r_main_mempool, r_shadow_compilingrtlight->static_meshchain_shadow_zfail, NULL, NULL, NULL, shadowvertex3f, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, tris, shadowelements);
- }
- else if (r_shadow_rendermode == R_SHADOW_RENDERMODE_VISIBLEVOLUMES)
- {
- tris = R_Shadow_ConstructShadowVolume_ZFail(numverts, numtris, elements, neighbors, invertex3f, &outverts, shadowelements, shadowvertex3f, projectorigin, projectdirection, projectdistance, nummarktris, marktris);
- R_Mesh_PrepareVertices_Vertex3f(outverts, shadowvertex3f, NULL, 0);
- R_Mesh_Draw(0, outverts, 0, tris, shadowelements, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- // decide which type of shadow to generate and set stencil mode
- R_Shadow_RenderMode_StencilShadowVolumes(R_Shadow_UseZPass(trismins, trismaxs));
- // generate the sides or a solid volume, depending on type
- if (r_shadow_rendermode >= R_SHADOW_RENDERMODE_ZPASS_STENCIL && r_shadow_rendermode <= R_SHADOW_RENDERMODE_ZPASS_STENCILTWOSIDE)
- tris = R_Shadow_ConstructShadowVolume_ZPass(numverts, numtris, elements, neighbors, invertex3f, &outverts, shadowelements, shadowvertex3f, projectorigin, projectdirection, projectdistance, nummarktris, marktris);
- else
- tris = R_Shadow_ConstructShadowVolume_ZFail(numverts, numtris, elements, neighbors, invertex3f, &outverts, shadowelements, shadowvertex3f, projectorigin, projectdirection, projectdistance, nummarktris, marktris);
- r_refdef.stats[r_stat_lights_dynamicshadowtriangles] += tris;
- r_refdef.stats[r_stat_lights_shadowtriangles] += tris;
- if (r_shadow_rendermode == R_SHADOW_RENDERMODE_ZPASS_STENCIL)
- {
- // increment stencil if frontface is infront of depthbuffer
- GL_CullFace(r_refdef.view.cullface_front);
- R_SetStencil(true, 255, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_DECR, GL_ALWAYS, 128, 255);
- R_Mesh_Draw(0, outverts, 0, tris, shadowelements, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0);
- // decrement stencil if backface is infront of depthbuffer
- GL_CullFace(r_refdef.view.cullface_back);
- R_SetStencil(true, 255, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_INCR, GL_ALWAYS, 128, 255);
- }
- else if (r_shadow_rendermode == R_SHADOW_RENDERMODE_ZFAIL_STENCIL)
- {
- // decrement stencil if backface is behind depthbuffer
- GL_CullFace(r_refdef.view.cullface_front);
- R_SetStencil(true, 255, GL_KEEP, GL_DECR, GL_KEEP, GL_ALWAYS, 128, 255);
- R_Mesh_Draw(0, outverts, 0, tris, shadowelements, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0);
- // increment stencil if frontface is behind depthbuffer
- GL_CullFace(r_refdef.view.cullface_back);
- R_SetStencil(true, 255, GL_KEEP, GL_INCR, GL_KEEP, GL_ALWAYS, 128, 255);
- }
- R_Mesh_PrepareVertices_Vertex3f(outverts, shadowvertex3f, NULL, 0);
- R_Mesh_Draw(0, outverts, 0, tris, shadowelements, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0);
- }
int R_Shadow_CalcTriangleSideMask(const vec3_t p1, const vec3_t p2, const vec3_t p3, float bias)
// p1, p2, p3 are in the cubemap's local coordinate system
if (r_shadow_texture3d.integer && !
Cvar_SetValueQuick(&r_shadow_texture3d, 0);
- if (gl_ext_separatestencil.integer && !
- Cvar_SetValueQuick(&gl_ext_separatestencil, 0);
- if (gl_ext_stenciltwoside.integer && !
- Cvar_SetValueQuick(&gl_ext_stenciltwoside, 0);
void R_Shadow_RenderMode_Begin(void)
GL_Scissor(r_refdef.view.viewport.x, r_refdef.view.viewport.y, r_refdef.view.viewport.width, r_refdef.view.viewport.height);
r_shadow_rendermode = R_SHADOW_RENDERMODE_NONE;
- if (gl_ext_separatestencil.integer &&
- {
- r_shadow_shadowingrendermode_zpass = R_SHADOW_RENDERMODE_ZPASS_SEPARATESTENCIL;
- r_shadow_shadowingrendermode_zfail = R_SHADOW_RENDERMODE_ZFAIL_SEPARATESTENCIL;
- }
- else if (gl_ext_stenciltwoside.integer &&
- {
- r_shadow_shadowingrendermode_zpass = R_SHADOW_RENDERMODE_ZPASS_STENCILTWOSIDE;
- r_shadow_shadowingrendermode_zfail = R_SHADOW_RENDERMODE_ZFAIL_STENCILTWOSIDE;
- }
- else
- {
- r_shadow_shadowingrendermode_zpass = R_SHADOW_RENDERMODE_ZPASS_STENCIL;
- r_shadow_shadowingrendermode_zfail = R_SHADOW_RENDERMODE_ZFAIL_STENCIL;
- }
r_shadow_lightingrendermode = R_SHADOW_RENDERMODE_LIGHT_GLSL;
GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
R_SetupShader_Generic_NoTexture(false, false);
r_shadow_usingshadowmap2d = false;
- R_SetStencil(false, 255, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_ALWAYS, 128, 255);
void R_Shadow_ClearStencil(void)
- GL_Clear(GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT, NULL, 1.0f, 128);
-void R_Shadow_RenderMode_StencilShadowVolumes(qboolean zpass)
- r_shadow_rendermode_t mode = zpass ? r_shadow_shadowingrendermode_zpass : r_shadow_shadowingrendermode_zfail;
- if (r_shadow_rendermode == mode)
- return;
- R_Shadow_RenderMode_Reset();
- GL_DepthFunc(GL_LESS);
- GL_ColorMask(0, 0, 0, 0);
- GL_PolygonOffset(r_refdef.shadowpolygonfactor, r_refdef.shadowpolygonoffset);CHECKGLERROR
- GL_CullFace(GL_NONE);
- R_SetupShader_DepthOrShadow(false, false, false); // FIXME test if we have a skeletal model?
- r_shadow_rendermode = mode;
- switch(mode)
- {
- default:
- break;
- R_SetStencilSeparate(true, 255, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_INCR, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_DECR, GL_ALWAYS, GL_ALWAYS, 128, 255);
- break;
- R_SetStencilSeparate(true, 255, GL_KEEP, GL_INCR, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_DECR, GL_KEEP, GL_ALWAYS, GL_ALWAYS, 128, 255);
- break;
- }
static void R_Shadow_MakeVSDCT(void)
// maps to a 2x3 texture rectangle with normalized coordinates
r_shadow_shadowmapside = side;
-void R_Shadow_RenderMode_Lighting(qboolean stenciltest, qboolean transparent, qboolean shadowmapping, qboolean noselfshadowpass)
+void R_Shadow_RenderMode_Lighting(qboolean transparent, qboolean shadowmapping, qboolean noselfshadowpass)
if (transparent)
GL_ColorMask(r_refdef.view.colormask[0], r_refdef.view.colormask[1], r_refdef.view.colormask[2], 0);
r_shadow_usingshadowmap2d = shadowmapping;
r_shadow_rendermode = r_shadow_lightingrendermode;
- // only draw light where this geometry was already rendered AND the
- // stencil is 128 (values other than this mean shadow)
- if (stenciltest)
- R_SetStencil(true, 255, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_EQUAL, 128, 255);
- else
- R_SetStencil(false, 255, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_ALWAYS, 128, 255);
static const unsigned short bboxelements[36] =
r_shadow_rendermode = r_shadow_lightingrendermode;
- R_SetStencil(false, 255, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_EQUAL, 128, 255);
if (rsurface.rtlight->specularscale > 0 && r_shadow_gloss.integer > 0)
R_Mesh_SetRenderTargets(r_shadow_prepasslightingdiffusespecularfbo, r_shadow_prepassgeometrydepthbuffer, r_shadow_prepasslightingdiffusetexture, r_shadow_prepasslightingspeculartexture, NULL, NULL);
-void R_Shadow_RenderMode_VisibleShadowVolumes(void)
- R_Shadow_RenderMode_Reset();
- GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE);
- GL_DepthRange(0, 1);
- GL_DepthTest(r_showshadowvolumes.integer < 2);
- GL_Color(0.0, 0.0125 * r_refdef.view.colorscale, 0.1 * r_refdef.view.colorscale, 1);
- GL_PolygonOffset(r_refdef.shadowpolygonfactor, r_refdef.shadowpolygonoffset);CHECKGLERROR
- GL_CullFace(GL_NONE);
-void R_Shadow_RenderMode_VisibleLighting(qboolean stenciltest, qboolean transparent)
+void R_Shadow_RenderMode_VisibleLighting(qboolean transparent)
GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE);
GL_Color(0.1 * r_refdef.view.colorscale, 0.0125 * r_refdef.view.colorscale, 0, 1);
if (!transparent)
- R_SetStencil(stenciltest, 255, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_EQUAL, 128, 255);
int i;
int numsurfaces, numleafs, numleafpvsbytes, numshadowtrispvsbytes, numlighttrispvsbytes;
- int lighttris, shadowtris, shadowzpasstris, shadowzfailtris;
+ int lighttris, shadowtris;
entity_render_t *ent = r_refdef.scene.worldentity;
dp_model_t *model = r_refdef.scene.worldmodel;
unsigned char *data;
- shadowmesh_t *mesh;
// compile the light
rtlight->compiled = true;
if (model && model->GetLightInfo)
- // this variable must be set for the CompileShadowVolume/CompileShadowMap code
+ // this variable must be set for the CompileShadowMap code
r_shadow_compilingrtlight = rtlight;
model->GetLightInfo(ent, rtlight->shadoworigin, rtlight->radius, rtlight->cullmins, rtlight->cullmaxs, r_shadow_buffer_leaflist, r_shadow_buffer_leafpvs, &numleafs, r_shadow_buffer_surfacelist, r_shadow_buffer_surfacepvs, &numsurfaces, r_shadow_buffer_shadowtrispvs, r_shadow_buffer_lighttrispvs, r_shadow_buffer_visitingleafpvs, 0, NULL, rtlight->shadow == 0);
if (rtlight->static_numlighttrispvsbytes)
memcpy(rtlight->static_lighttrispvs, r_shadow_buffer_lighttrispvs, rtlight->static_numlighttrispvsbytes);
- switch (rtlight->shadowmode)
- {
- if (model->CompileShadowMap && rtlight->shadow)
- model->CompileShadowMap(ent, rtlight->shadoworigin, NULL, rtlight->radius, numsurfaces, r_shadow_buffer_surfacelist);
- break;
- default:
- if (model->CompileShadowVolume && rtlight->shadow)
- model->CompileShadowVolume(ent, rtlight->shadoworigin, NULL, rtlight->radius, numsurfaces, r_shadow_buffer_surfacelist);
- break;
- }
+ if (model->CompileShadowMap && rtlight->shadow)
+ model->CompileShadowMap(ent, rtlight->shadoworigin, NULL, rtlight->radius, numsurfaces, r_shadow_buffer_surfacelist);
// now we're done compiling the rtlight
r_shadow_compilingrtlight = NULL;
//rtlight->cullradius = RadiusFromBoundsAndOrigin(rtlight->cullmins, rtlight->cullmaxs, rtlight->shadoworigin);
//rtlight->cullradius = min(rtlight->cullradius, rtlight->radius);
- shadowzpasstris = 0;
- if (rtlight->static_meshchain_shadow_zpass)
- for (mesh = rtlight->static_meshchain_shadow_zpass;mesh;mesh = mesh->next)
- shadowzpasstris += mesh->numtriangles;
- shadowzfailtris = 0;
- if (rtlight->static_meshchain_shadow_zfail)
- for (mesh = rtlight->static_meshchain_shadow_zfail;mesh;mesh = mesh->next)
- shadowzfailtris += mesh->numtriangles;
lighttris = 0;
if (rtlight->static_numlighttrispvsbytes)
for (i = 0;i < rtlight->static_numlighttrispvsbytes*8;i++)
if (developer_extra.integer)
- Con_DPrintf("static light built: %f %f %f : %f %f %f box, %i light triangles, %i shadow triangles, %i zpass/%i zfail compiled shadow volume triangles\n", rtlight->cullmins[0], rtlight->cullmins[1], rtlight->cullmins[2], rtlight->cullmaxs[0], rtlight->cullmaxs[1], rtlight->cullmaxs[2], lighttris, shadowtris, shadowzpasstris, shadowzfailtris);
+ Con_DPrintf("static light built: %f %f %f : %f %f %f box, %i light triangles, %i shadow triangles\n", rtlight->cullmins[0], rtlight->cullmins[1], rtlight->cullmins[2], rtlight->cullmaxs[0], rtlight->cullmaxs[1], rtlight->cullmaxs[2], lighttris, shadowtris);
void R_RTLight_Uncompile(rtlight_t *rtlight)
if (rtlight->compiled)
- if (rtlight->static_meshchain_shadow_zpass)
- Mod_ShadowMesh_Free(rtlight->static_meshchain_shadow_zpass);
- rtlight->static_meshchain_shadow_zpass = NULL;
- if (rtlight->static_meshchain_shadow_zfail)
- Mod_ShadowMesh_Free(rtlight->static_meshchain_shadow_zfail);
- rtlight->static_meshchain_shadow_zfail = NULL;
if (rtlight->static_meshchain_shadow_shadowmap)
rtlight->static_meshchain_shadow_shadowmap = NULL;
rsurface.entity = NULL; // used only by R_GetCurrentTexture and RSurf_ActiveModelEntity
-static void R_Shadow_DrawWorldShadow_ShadowVolume(int numsurfaces, int *surfacelist, const unsigned char *trispvs)
- qboolean zpass = false;
- shadowmesh_t *mesh;
- int t, tend;
- int surfacelistindex;
- msurface_t *surface;
- // if triangle neighbors are disabled, shadowvolumes are disabled
- if (r_refdef.scene.worldmodel->brush.shadowmesh ? !r_refdef.scene.worldmodel->brush.shadowmesh->neighbor3i : !r_refdef.scene.worldmodel->surfmesh.data_neighbor3i)
- return;
- RSurf_ActiveModelEntity(r_refdef.scene.worldentity, false, false, false);
- if (rsurface.rtlight->compiled && r_shadow_realtime_world_compile.integer && r_shadow_realtime_world_compileshadow.integer)
- {
- if (r_shadow_rendermode != R_SHADOW_RENDERMODE_VISIBLEVOLUMES)
- {
- zpass = R_Shadow_UseZPass(r_refdef.scene.worldmodel->normalmins, r_refdef.scene.worldmodel->normalmaxs);
- R_Shadow_RenderMode_StencilShadowVolumes(zpass);
- }
- mesh = zpass ? rsurface.rtlight->static_meshchain_shadow_zpass : rsurface.rtlight->static_meshchain_shadow_zfail;
- for (;mesh;mesh = mesh->next)
- {
- r_refdef.stats[r_stat_lights_shadowtriangles] += mesh->numtriangles;
- R_Mesh_PrepareVertices_Vertex3f(mesh->numverts, mesh->vertex3f, mesh->vbo_vertexbuffer, mesh->vbooffset_vertex3f);
- if (r_shadow_rendermode == R_SHADOW_RENDERMODE_ZPASS_STENCIL)
- {
- // increment stencil if frontface is infront of depthbuffer
- GL_CullFace(r_refdef.view.cullface_back);
- R_SetStencil(true, 255, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_INCR, GL_ALWAYS, 128, 255);
- R_Mesh_Draw(0, mesh->numverts, 0, mesh->numtriangles, mesh->element3i, mesh->element3i_indexbuffer, mesh->element3i_bufferoffset, mesh->element3s, mesh->element3s_indexbuffer, mesh->element3s_bufferoffset);
- // decrement stencil if backface is infront of depthbuffer
- GL_CullFace(r_refdef.view.cullface_front);
- R_SetStencil(true, 255, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_DECR, GL_ALWAYS, 128, 255);
- }
- else if (r_shadow_rendermode == R_SHADOW_RENDERMODE_ZFAIL_STENCIL)
- {
- // decrement stencil if backface is behind depthbuffer
- GL_CullFace(r_refdef.view.cullface_front);
- R_SetStencil(true, 255, GL_KEEP, GL_DECR, GL_KEEP, GL_ALWAYS, 128, 255);
- R_Mesh_Draw(0, mesh->numverts, 0, mesh->numtriangles, mesh->element3i, mesh->element3i_indexbuffer, mesh->element3i_bufferoffset, mesh->element3s, mesh->element3s_indexbuffer, mesh->element3s_bufferoffset);
- // increment stencil if frontface is behind depthbuffer
- GL_CullFace(r_refdef.view.cullface_back);
- R_SetStencil(true, 255, GL_KEEP, GL_INCR, GL_KEEP, GL_ALWAYS, 128, 255);
- }
- R_Mesh_Draw(0, mesh->numverts, 0, mesh->numtriangles, mesh->element3i, mesh->element3i_indexbuffer, mesh->element3i_bufferoffset, mesh->element3s, mesh->element3s_indexbuffer, mesh->element3s_bufferoffset);
- }
- }
- else if (numsurfaces && r_refdef.scene.worldmodel->brush.shadowmesh)
- {
- // use the shadow trispvs calculated earlier by GetLightInfo to cull world triangles on this dynamic light
- R_Shadow_PrepareShadowMark(r_refdef.scene.worldmodel->brush.shadowmesh->numtriangles);
- for (surfacelistindex = 0;surfacelistindex < numsurfaces;surfacelistindex++)
- {
- surface = r_refdef.scene.worldmodel->data_surfaces + surfacelist[surfacelistindex];
- for (t = surface->num_firstshadowmeshtriangle, tend = t + surface->num_triangles;t < tend;t++)
- if (CHECKPVSBIT(trispvs, t))
- shadowmarklist[numshadowmark++] = t;
- }
- R_Shadow_VolumeFromList(r_refdef.scene.worldmodel->brush.shadowmesh->numverts, r_refdef.scene.worldmodel->brush.shadowmesh->numtriangles, r_refdef.scene.worldmodel->brush.shadowmesh->vertex3f, r_refdef.scene.worldmodel->brush.shadowmesh->element3i, r_refdef.scene.worldmodel->brush.shadowmesh->neighbor3i, rsurface.rtlight->shadoworigin, NULL, rsurface.rtlight->radius + r_refdef.scene.worldmodel->radius*2 + r_shadow_projectdistance.value, numshadowmark, shadowmarklist, r_refdef.scene.worldmodel->normalmins, r_refdef.scene.worldmodel->normalmaxs);
- }
- else if (numsurfaces)
- {
- r_refdef.scene.worldmodel->DrawShadowVolume(r_refdef.scene.worldentity, rsurface.rtlight->shadoworigin, NULL, rsurface.rtlight->radius, numsurfaces, surfacelist, rsurface.rtlight->cached_cullmins, rsurface.rtlight->cached_cullmaxs);
- }
- rsurface.entity = NULL; // used only by R_GetCurrentTexture and RSurf_ActiveModelEntity
static void R_Shadow_DrawEntityShadow(entity_render_t *ent)
vec3_t relativeshadoworigin, relativeshadowmins, relativeshadowmaxs;
relativeshadowmaxs[0] = relativeshadoworigin[0] + relativeshadowradius;
relativeshadowmaxs[1] = relativeshadoworigin[1] + relativeshadowradius;
relativeshadowmaxs[2] = relativeshadoworigin[2] + relativeshadowradius;
- switch (r_shadow_rendermode)
- {
- ent->model->DrawShadowMap(r_shadow_shadowmapside, ent, relativeshadoworigin, NULL, relativeshadowradius, ent->model->nummodelsurfaces, ent->model->sortedmodelsurfaces, NULL, relativeshadowmins, relativeshadowmaxs);
- break;
- default:
- ent->model->DrawShadowVolume(ent, relativeshadoworigin, NULL, relativeshadowradius, ent->model->nummodelsurfaces, ent->model->sortedmodelsurfaces, relativeshadowmins, relativeshadowmaxs);
- break;
- }
+ ent->model->DrawShadowMap(r_shadow_shadowmapside, ent, relativeshadoworigin, NULL, relativeshadowradius, ent->model->nummodelsurfaces, ent->model->sortedmodelsurfaces, NULL, relativeshadowmins, relativeshadowmaxs);
rsurface.entity = NULL; // used only by R_GetCurrentTexture and RSurf_ActiveModelEntity
// since it is lit, it probably also casts a shadow...
// about the VectorDistance2 - light emitting entities should not cast their own shadow
Matrix4x4_OriginFromMatrix(&ent->matrix, org);
- if ((ent->flags & RENDER_SHADOW) && model->DrawShadowVolume && VectorDistance2(org, rtlight->shadoworigin) > 0.1)
+ if ((ent->flags & RENDER_SHADOW) && model->DrawShadowMap && VectorDistance2(org, rtlight->shadoworigin) > 0.1)
// note: exterior models without the RENDER_NOSELFSHADOW
// flag still create a RENDER_NOSELFSHADOW shadow but
// about the VectorDistance2 - light emitting entities should not cast their own shadow
Matrix4x4_OriginFromMatrix(&ent->matrix, org);
- if ((ent->flags & RENDER_SHADOW) && model->DrawShadowVolume && VectorDistance2(org, rtlight->shadoworigin) > 0.1)
+ if ((ent->flags & RENDER_SHADOW) && model->DrawShadowMap && VectorDistance2(org, rtlight->shadoworigin) > 0.1)
shadowentities_noselfshadow[numshadowentities_noselfshadow++] = ent;
// make this the active rtlight for rendering purposes
- if (r_showshadowvolumes.integer && r_refdef.view.showdebug && numsurfaces + numshadowentities + numshadowentities_noselfshadow && rtlight->shadow && (rtlight->isstatic ? r_refdef.scene.rtworldshadows : r_refdef.scene.rtdlightshadows))
- {
- // optionally draw visible shape of the shadow volumes
- // for performance analysis by level designers
- R_Shadow_RenderMode_VisibleShadowVolumes();
- if (numsurfaces)
- R_Shadow_DrawWorldShadow_ShadowVolume(numsurfaces, surfacelist, shadowtrispvs);
- for (i = 0;i < numshadowentities;i++)
- R_Shadow_DrawEntityShadow(shadowentities[i]);
- for (i = 0;i < numshadowentities_noselfshadow;i++)
- R_Shadow_DrawEntityShadow(shadowentities_noselfshadow[i]);
- R_Shadow_RenderMode_VisibleLighting(false, false);
- }
if (r_showlighting.integer && r_refdef.view.showdebug && numsurfaces + numlightentities + numlightentities_noselfshadow)
// optionally draw the illuminated areas
// for performance analysis by level designers
- R_Shadow_RenderMode_VisibleLighting(false, false);
+ R_Shadow_RenderMode_VisibleLighting(false);
if (numsurfaces)
R_Shadow_DrawWorldLight(numsurfaces, surfacelist, lighttrispvs);
for (i = 0;i < numlightentities;i++)
// draw lighting in the unmasked areas
if (numsurfaces + numlightentities)
- R_Shadow_RenderMode_Lighting(false, false, true, false);
+ R_Shadow_RenderMode_Lighting(false, true, false);
// draw lighting in the unmasked areas
if (numsurfaces)
R_Shadow_DrawWorldLight(numsurfaces, surfacelist, lighttrispvs);
// offset to the noselfshadow part of the atlas and draw those too
if (numlightentities_noselfshadow)
- R_Shadow_RenderMode_Lighting(false, false, true, true);
+ R_Shadow_RenderMode_Lighting(false, true, true);
for (i = 0; i < numlightentities_noselfshadow; i++)
if (r_shadow_usingdeferredprepass)
- else if (castshadows && vid.stencil)
- {
- // draw stencil shadow volumes to mask off pixels that are in shadow
- // so that they won't receive lighting
- GL_Scissor(r_shadow_lightscissor[0], r_shadow_lightscissor[1], r_shadow_lightscissor[2], r_shadow_lightscissor[3]);
- R_Shadow_ClearStencil();
- if (numsurfaces)
- R_Shadow_DrawWorldShadow_ShadowVolume(numsurfaces, surfacelist, shadowtrispvs);
- for (i = 0;i < numshadowentities;i++)
- R_Shadow_DrawEntityShadow(shadowentities[i]);
- // draw lighting in the unmasked areas
- R_Shadow_RenderMode_Lighting(true, false, false, false);
- for (i = 0;i < numlightentities_noselfshadow;i++)
- R_Shadow_DrawEntityLight(lightentities_noselfshadow[i]);
- for (i = 0;i < numshadowentities_noselfshadow;i++)
- R_Shadow_DrawEntityShadow(shadowentities_noselfshadow[i]);
- // draw lighting in the unmasked areas
- R_Shadow_RenderMode_Lighting(true, false, false, false);
- if (numsurfaces)
- R_Shadow_DrawWorldLight(numsurfaces, surfacelist, lighttrispvs);
- for (i = 0;i < numlightentities;i++)
- R_Shadow_DrawEntityLight(lightentities[i]);
- // rasterize the box when rendering deferred lighting - the regular surface lighting only applies to transparent surfaces
- if (r_shadow_usingdeferredprepass)
- R_Shadow_RenderMode_DrawDeferredLight(false);
- }
// draw lighting in the unmasked areas
- R_Shadow_RenderMode_Lighting(false, false, false, false);
+ R_Shadow_RenderMode_Lighting(false, false, false);
if (numsurfaces)
R_Shadow_DrawWorldLight(numsurfaces, surfacelist, lighttrispvs);
for (i = 0;i < numlightentities;i++)
if (!r_refdef.scene.numentities || r_refdef.scene.lightmapintensity <= 0.0f || r_shadows.integer <= 0)
- switch (r_shadow_shadowmode)
- {
- if (r_shadows.integer >= 2)
- break;
- // fall through
- if (!vid.stencil)
- return;
- for (i = 0; i < r_refdef.scene.numentities; i++)
- {
- ent = r_refdef.scene.entities[i];
- if (ent->model && ent->model->DrawShadowVolume != NULL && (!ent->model->brush.submodel || r_shadows_castfrombmodels.integer) && (ent->flags & RENDER_SHADOW))
- {
- if (r_shadow_nummodelshadows >= MAX_MODELSHADOWS)
- break;
- r_shadow_modelshadows[r_shadow_nummodelshadows++] = ent;
- R_AnimCache_GetEntity(ent, false, false);
- }
- }
- return;
- default:
- return;
- }
size = r_shadow_shadowmaptexturesize / 4;
scale = r_shadow_shadowmapping_precision.value * r_shadows_shadowmapscale.value;
radius = 0.5f * size / scale;
Matrix4x4_Concat(&r_shadow_shadowmapmatrix, &texmatrix, &invmvpmatrix);
-void R_Shadow_DrawModelShadows(void)
- int i;
- float relativethrowdistance;
- entity_render_t *ent;
- vec3_t relativelightorigin;
- vec3_t relativelightdirection;
- vec3_t relativeshadowmins, relativeshadowmaxs;
- vec3_t tmp, shadowdir;
- prvm_vec3_t prvmshadowdir;
- if (!r_shadow_nummodelshadows || (r_shadow_shadowmode != R_SHADOW_SHADOWMODE_STENCIL && r_shadows.integer != 1))
- return;
- R_ResetViewRendering3D(r_shadow_viewfbo, r_shadow_viewdepthtexture, r_shadow_viewcolortexture, r_shadow_viewx, r_shadow_viewy, r_shadow_viewwidth, r_shadow_viewheight);
- //GL_Scissor(r_refdef.view.viewport.x, r_refdef.view.viewport.y, r_refdef.view.viewport.width, r_refdef.view.viewport.height);
- //GL_Scissor(r_refdef.view.x, vid.height - r_refdef.view.height - r_refdef.view.y, r_refdef.view.width, r_refdef.view.height);
- R_Shadow_RenderMode_Begin();
- R_Shadow_RenderMode_ActiveLight(NULL);
- r_shadow_lightscissor[0] = r_shadow_viewx;
- r_shadow_lightscissor[1] = (r_shadow_viewfbo ? r_shadow_viewheight : vid.height) - r_shadow_viewy - r_shadow_viewheight;
- r_shadow_lightscissor[2] = r_shadow_viewwidth;
- r_shadow_lightscissor[3] = r_shadow_viewheight;
- R_Shadow_RenderMode_StencilShadowVolumes(false);
- // get shadow dir
- if (r_shadows.integer == 2)
- {
- Math_atov(r_shadows_throwdirection.string, prvmshadowdir);
- VectorCopy(prvmshadowdir, shadowdir);
- VectorNormalize(shadowdir);
- }
- R_Shadow_ClearStencil();
- for (i = 0;i < r_shadow_nummodelshadows;i++)
- {
- ent = r_shadow_modelshadows[i];
- // cast shadows from anything of the map (submodels are optional)
- relativethrowdistance = r_shadows_throwdistance.value * Matrix4x4_ScaleFromMatrix(&ent->inversematrix);
- VectorSet(relativeshadowmins, -relativethrowdistance, -relativethrowdistance, -relativethrowdistance);
- VectorSet(relativeshadowmaxs, relativethrowdistance, relativethrowdistance, relativethrowdistance);
- if (r_shadows.integer == 2) // 2: simpler mode, throw shadows always in same direction
- Matrix4x4_Transform3x3(&ent->inversematrix, shadowdir, relativelightdirection);
- else
- {
- VectorNegate(ent->render_modellight_lightdir, tmp);
- Matrix4x4_Transform3x3(&ent->inversematrix, tmp, relativelightdirection);
- }
- VectorScale(relativelightdirection, -relativethrowdistance, relativelightorigin);
- RSurf_ActiveModelEntity(ent, false, false, false);
- ent->model->DrawShadowVolume(ent, relativelightorigin, relativelightdirection, relativethrowdistance, ent->model->nummodelsurfaces, ent->model->sortedmodelsurfaces, relativeshadowmins, relativeshadowmaxs);
- rsurface.entity = NULL; // used only by R_GetCurrentTexture and RSurf_ActiveModelEntity
- }
- // not really the right mode, but this will disable any silly stencil features
- R_Shadow_RenderMode_End();
- // set up ortho view for rendering this pass
- //GL_Scissor(r_refdef.view.x, vid.height - r_refdef.view.height - r_refdef.view.y, r_refdef.view.width, r_refdef.view.height);
- //GL_ColorMask(r_refdef.view.colormask[0], r_refdef.view.colormask[1], r_refdef.view.colormask[2], 1);
- //GL_ScissorTest(true);
- //R_EntityMatrix(&identitymatrix);
- //R_Mesh_ResetTextureState();
- R_ResetViewRendering2D(r_shadow_viewfbo, r_shadow_viewdepthtexture, r_shadow_viewcolortexture, r_shadow_viewx, r_shadow_viewy, r_shadow_viewwidth, r_shadow_viewheight);
- // set up a darkening blend on shadowed areas
- //GL_DepthRange(0, 1);
- //GL_DepthTest(false);
- //GL_DepthMask(false);
- //GL_PolygonOffset(0, 0);CHECKGLERROR
- GL_Color(0, 0, 0, r_shadows_darken.value);
- //GL_ColorMask(r_refdef.view.colormask[0], r_refdef.view.colormask[1], r_refdef.view.colormask[2], 1);
- //GL_DepthFunc(GL_ALWAYS);
- R_SetStencil(true, 255, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_NOTEQUAL, 128, 255);
- // apply the blend to the shadowed areas
- R_Mesh_PrepareVertices_Generic_Arrays(4, r_screenvertex3f, NULL, NULL);
- R_SetupShader_Generic_NoTexture(false, true);
- R_Mesh_Draw(0, 4, 0, 2, polygonelement3i, NULL, 0, polygonelement3s, NULL, 0);
- // restore the viewport
- R_SetViewport(&r_refdef.view.viewport);
- // restore other state to normal
- //R_Shadow_RenderMode_End();
static void R_BeginCoronaQuery(rtlight_t *rtlight, float scale, qboolean usequery)
float zdist;
extern cvar_t r_shadow_realtime_world_compilesvbsp;
extern cvar_t r_shadow_realtime_world_compileportalculling;
extern cvar_t r_shadow_scissor;
-extern cvar_t r_shadow_polygonfactor;
-extern cvar_t r_shadow_polygonoffset;
extern cvar_t r_shadow_texture3d;
-extern cvar_t gl_ext_separatestencil;
-extern cvar_t gl_ext_stenciltwoside;
// used by shader for bouncegrid feature
typedef struct r_shadow_bouncegrid_settings_s
void R_Shadow_Init(void);
qboolean R_Shadow_ShadowMappingEnabled(void);
-void R_Shadow_VolumeFromList(int numverts, int numtris, const float *invertex3f, const int *elements, const int *neighbors, const vec3_t projectorigin, const vec3_t projectdirection, float projectdistance, int nummarktris, const int *marktris, vec3_t trismins, vec3_t trismaxs);
void R_Shadow_ShadowMapFromList(int numverts, int numtris, const float *vertex3f, const int *elements, int numsidetris, const int *sidetotals, const unsigned char *sides, const int *sidetris);
-void R_Shadow_MarkVolumeFromBox(int firsttriangle, int numtris, const float *invertex3f, const int *elements, const vec3_t projectorigin, const vec3_t projectdirection, const vec3_t lightmins, const vec3_t lightmaxs, const vec3_t surfacemins, const vec3_t surfacemaxs);
int R_Shadow_CalcTriangleSideMask(const vec3_t p1, const vec3_t p2, const vec3_t p3, float bias);
int R_Shadow_CalcSphereSideMask(const vec3_t p1, float radius, float bias);
int R_Shadow_ChooseSidesFromBox(int firsttriangle, int numtris, const float *invertex3f, const int *elements, const matrix4x4_t *worldtolight, const vec3_t projectorigin, const vec3_t projectdirection, const vec3_t lightmins, const vec3_t lightmaxs, const vec3_t surfacemins, const vec3_t surfacemaxs, int *totals);
void R_Shadow_RenderMode_Begin(void);
void R_Shadow_RenderMode_ActiveLight(const rtlight_t *rtlight);
void R_Shadow_RenderMode_Reset(void);
-void R_Shadow_RenderMode_StencilShadowVolumes(qboolean zpass);
-void R_Shadow_RenderMode_Lighting(qboolean stenciltest, qboolean transparent, qboolean shadowmapping, qboolean noselfshadowpass);
+void R_Shadow_RenderMode_Lighting(qboolean transparent, qboolean shadowmapping, qboolean noselfshadowpass);
void R_Shadow_RenderMode_DrawDeferredLight(qboolean shadowmapping);
-void R_Shadow_RenderMode_VisibleShadowVolumes(void);
-void R_Shadow_RenderMode_VisibleLighting(qboolean stenciltest, qboolean transparent);
+void R_Shadow_RenderMode_VisibleLighting(qboolean transparent);
void R_Shadow_RenderMode_End(void);
void R_Shadow_ClearStencil(void);
void R_Shadow_SetupEntityLight(const entity_render_t *ent);
void R_CompleteLightPoint(float *ambient, float *diffuse, float *lightdir, const vec3_t p, const int flags, float lightmapintensity, float ambientintensity);
void R_Shadow_DrawShadowMaps(void);
-void R_Shadow_DrawModelShadows(void);
int maxtriangles;
int numtriangles;
int *element3i;
- int *neighbor3i;
// snapping epsilon
float epsilon2;
extern cvar_t r_showtris;
extern cvar_t r_shownormals;
extern cvar_t r_showlighting;
-extern cvar_t r_showshadowvolumes;
extern cvar_t r_showcollisionbrushes;
extern cvar_t r_showcollisionbrushes_polygonfactor;
extern cvar_t r_showcollisionbrushes_polygonoffset;
qboolean arb_texture_non_power_of_two;
qboolean arb_vertex_buffer_object;
qboolean arb_uniform_buffer_object;
- qboolean ati_separate_stencil;
qboolean ext_blend_minmax;
qboolean ext_blend_subtract;
qboolean ext_blend_func_separate;
qboolean ext_draw_range_elements;
qboolean ext_framebuffer_object;
qboolean ext_packed_depth_stencil;
- qboolean ext_stencil_two_side;
qboolean ext_texture_3d;
qboolean ext_texture_compression_s3tc;
qboolean ext_texture_edge_clamp; = false; = strstr(gl_extensions, "GL_OES_texture_npot") != NULL; = true; // GLES2 core
- = false; = false; = true; // GLES2 core = true; // GLES2 core = true; = false;
- = false; = SDL_GL_ExtensionSupported("GL_OES_texture_3D") != 0; = SDL_GL_ExtensionSupported("GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc") != 0; = true; // GLES2 core
-static dllfunction_t atiseparatestencilfuncs[] =
- {"glStencilOpSeparateATI", (void **) &qglStencilOpSeparate},
- {"glStencilFuncSeparateATI", (void **) &qglStencilFuncSeparate},
-static dllfunction_t gl2separatestencilfuncs[] =
- {"glStencilOpSeparate", (void **) &qglStencilOpSeparate},
- {"glStencilFuncSeparate", (void **) &qglStencilFuncSeparate},
-static dllfunction_t stenciltwosidefuncs[] =
- {"glActiveStencilFaceEXT", (void **) &qglActiveStencilFaceEXT},
static dllfunction_t blendequationfuncs[] =
{"glBlendEquationEXT", (void **) &qglBlendEquationEXT}, = GL_CheckExtension("GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two", NULL, "-notexturenonpoweroftwo", false); = GL_CheckExtension("GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object", vbofuncs, "-novbo", false); = GL_CheckExtension("GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object", ubofuncs, "-noubo", false);
- = GL_CheckExtension("separatestencil", gl2separatestencilfuncs, "-noseparatestencil", true) || GL_CheckExtension("GL_ATI_separate_stencil", atiseparatestencilfuncs, "-noseparatestencil", false); = GL_CheckExtension("GL_EXT_blend_minmax", blendequationfuncs, "-noblendminmax", false); = GL_CheckExtension("GL_EXT_blend_subtract", blendequationfuncs, "-noblendsubtract", false); = GL_CheckExtension("GL_EXT_blend_func_separate", blendfuncseparatefuncs, "-noblendfuncseparate", false); = GL_CheckExtension("GL_EXT_framebuffer_object", extfbofuncs, "-nofbo", false); = GL_CheckExtension("GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil", NULL, "-nopackeddepthstencil", false);
- = GL_CheckExtension("GL_EXT_stencil_two_side", stenciltwosidefuncs, "-nostenciltwoside", false); = GL_CheckExtension("GL_EXT_texture3D", texture3dextfuncs, "-notexture3d", false); = GL_CheckExtension("GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc", NULL, "-nos3tc", false); = GL_CheckExtension("GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp", NULL, "-noedgeclamp", false) || GL_CheckExtension("GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp", NULL, "-noedgeclamp", false);
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -noocclusionquery disables GL_ARB_occlusion_query (which allows coronas to fade according to visibility, and potentially used for rendering optimizations)
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -noquerybuffer disables GL_ARB_query_buffer_object (which allows corona fading without synchronous rendering)
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -nos3tc disables GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc (which allows use of .dds texture caching)
-// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -noseparatestencil disables use of OpenGL2.0 glStencilOpSeparate and GL_ATI_separate_stencil extensions (which accelerate shadow rendering)
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -noshadow disables use of GL_ARB_shadow (required for hardware shadowmap filtering)
-// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -nostenciltwoside disables GL_EXT_stencil_two_side (which accelerate shadow rendering)
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -notexture3d disables GL_EXT_texture3D (required for spherical lights, otherwise they render as a column)
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -notexture4 disables GL_AMD_texture_texture4 (which provides fetch4 sampling)
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -notexturecompression disables GL_ARB_texture_compression (which saves video memory if it is supported, but can also degrade image quality, see gl_texturecompression cvar documentation for more information)