### Windows
-By default, Windows has no real environment to handle the necessary scripting and compiling tools for building Xonotic. So, what we have to do is install something called [`MSYS2`](http://www.msys2.org) to allow us to have a similar environment as on Linux. Download msys2-x86_64-xxxxxx.exe and follow installation instructions.
+By default, Windows has no real environment to handle the necessary scripting and compiling tools for building Xonotic. So, what we have to do is install something called [MSYS2](http://www.msys2.org) to allow us to have a similar environment as on Linux. Download 64 bit version of MSYS2 (msys2-x86_64-xxxxxx.exe) and follow installation instructions.
Once you have completed the installation, launch the MSYS2 shell by running `mingw64.exe` (instead of the default msys2.exe) by default located at `C:\msys64` and install the needed **dependencies** with this command: