// use default physics
set sv_friction_on_land 0
-exec physicsNoQWBunny-xpmbased.cfg
set sv_player_viewoffset "0 0 42" "view offset of the player model"
set sv_player_mins "-16 -16 -24" "playermodel mins"
set g_ctf_flag_capture_effects 1
set g_ctf_captimerecord_always 0 "if enabled, assisted CTF records (with other players on the server) are recorded too"
-exec ctfscoring-ai.cfg
// runematch
set g_runematch 0 "Runematch: pick up and hold the runes, special items that give you points, a special power (rune) and a disadvantage (curse)"
set g_runematch_pointrate 5
set g_nexball_radar_showallplayers 1 "1: show every player and the ball on the radar 0: only show teammates and the ball on the radar"
-// server game balance settings
-// powerup balance settings
-// weapon balance settings follow
-exec balanceXonotic.cfg
set g_bloodloss 0 "amount of health below which blood loss occurs"
set g_footsteps 1 "serverside footstep sounds"
r_glsl_offsetmapping_scale 0.02
// execute effects-normal.cfg to make sure that all effect settings are reset
alias menu_sync "" // will be re-aliased later
-exec effects-normal.cfg
// misc
fs_empty_files_in_pack_mark_deletions 1 // makes patches able to delete files
seta sbar_info_pos 0 "Y-axis distance from lower right corner for engine info prints"
-// hud cvar descriptions
-exec _hud_descriptions.cfg
-// exec the default skin config
-// please add any new cvars into the hud_save script in qcsrc/client/hud.qc for consistency
-exec hud_luminos.cfg
// user preference cvars (i.e. shouldn't be adjusted by a skin config)
seta hud_panel_weapons_label 1 "1 = show number of weapon, 2 = show bound key of weapon"
seta hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_time 1 "time that a new entry stays until it fades out"
set cl_handicap 1 "the higher, the more damage you will receive (client setting)"
-exec turrets.cfg
// must be at the bottom of this file:
// alias for switching the teamselect menu
alias menu_showteamselect "menu_cmd directmenu TeamSelect"
// this is mainly for _decal entities (their shaders should use "polygonoffset" shader parameter) - this is "good enough" as it seems, but smaller than the decals one so these don't zfight decals
mod_q3shader_default_polygonoffset -50
mod_q3shader_default_polygonfactor 0
+// other config files
+exec balanceXonotic.cfg
+exec ctfscoring-ai.cfg
+exec effects-normal.cfg
+exec physicsNoQWBunny-xpmbased.cfg
+exec turrets.cfg
+// hud cvar descriptions
+exec _hud_descriptions.cfg
+// exec the default skin config
+// please add any new cvars into the hud_save script in qcsrc/client/hud.qc for consistency
+exec hud_luminos.cfg