## List of MUTATOR functions
+You can look the MUTATOR functions in:
-- **`MakePlayerObserver`**
+**`qcsrc/common/mutators/events.qh`** :
-Called when a player becomes observer, after shared setup.
-#define EV_MakePlayerObserver(i, o) \
- /** player */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \
- /**/
-MUTATOR_HOOKABLE(MakePlayerObserver, EV_MakePlayerObserver)
-- **`PutClientInServer`**
-Called when client spawns in server. (Not sure described)
-#define EV_PutClientInServer(i, o) \
- /** client wanting to spawn */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \
- /**/
-MUTATOR_HOOKABLE(PutClientInServer, EV_PutClientInServer);
-- **`ForbidSpawn`**
-Returns true to prevent a spectator/observer to spawn as player.
- #define EV_ForbidSpawn(i, o) \
- /** player */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \
- /**/
-MUTATOR_HOOKABLE(ForbidSpawn, EV_ForbidSpawn);
-- **`AutoJoinOnConnection`**
-Returns true if client should be put as player on connection.
-#define EV_AutoJoinOnConnection(i, o) \
- /** player */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \
- /**/
-MUTATOR_HOOKABLE(AutoJoinOnConnection, EV_AutoJoinOnConnection);
-- **`ForbidRandomStartWeapons`**
-Called when player spawns to determine whether to give them random start weapons. Return true to forbid giving them.
-#define EV_ForbidRandomStartWeapons(i, o) \
- /** player */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \
- /**/
-MUTATOR_HOOKABLE(ForbidRandomStartWeapons, EV_ForbidRandomStartWeapons);
-- **`PlayerSpawn`**
-Called when a player spawns as player, after shared setup, before his weapon is chosen (so items may be changed in here)
-#define EV_PlayerSpawn(i, o) \
- /** player spawning */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \
- /** spot that was used, or NULL */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_1_entity) \
- /**/
-MUTATOR_HOOKABLE(PlayerSpawn, EV_PlayerSpawn);
-- **`PlayerWeaponSelect`**
-Called after a player's weapon is chosen so it can be overriden here.
-#define EV_PlayerWeaponSelect(i, o) \
- /** player spawning */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \
- /**/
-MUTATOR_HOOKABLE(PlayerWeaponSelect, EV_PlayerWeaponSelect);
-- **`reset_map_global`**
-Called in reset_map.
-#define EV_reset_map_global(i, o) \
- /**/
-MUTATOR_HOOKABLE(reset_map_global, EV_reset_map_global);
-- **`reset_map_players`**
-Called in reset_map.
-#define EV_reset_map_players(i, o) \
- /**/
-MUTATOR_HOOKABLE(reset_map_players, EV_reset_map_players);
-- **`ForbidPlayerScore_Clear`**
-Returns 1 if clearing player score shall not be allowed.
-#define EV_ForbidPlayerScore_Clear(i, o) \
- /**/
-MUTATOR_HOOKABLE(ForbidPlayerScore_Clear, EV_ForbidPlayerScore_Clear);
-- **`ClientDisconnect`**
-Called when a player disconnects.
-#define EV_ClientDisconnect(i, o) \
- /** player */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \
- /**/
-MUTATOR_HOOKABLE(ClientDisconnect, EV_ClientDisconnect);
-- **`PlayerDies`**
-Called when a player dies to e.g. remove stuff he was carrying.
-#define EV_PlayerDies(i, o) \
- /** inflictor */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \
- /** attacker */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_1_entity) \
- /** target */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_2_entity) \
- /** deathtype */ i(float, MUTATOR_ARGV_3_float) \
- /** damage */ i(float, MUTATOR_ARGV_4_float) \
- /** damage */ o(float, MUTATOR_ARGV_4_float) \
- /**/
-MUTATOR_HOOKABLE(PlayerDies, EV_PlayerDies);
-- **`PlayerDied`**
-Called after a player died.
-#define EV_PlayerDied(i, o) \
- /** player */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \
- /**/
-MUTATOR_HOOKABLE(PlayerDied, EV_PlayerDied);
+**`qcsrc/server/mutators/events.qh`** :
-- **`ClientObituary`**
-Called when showing an obituary for the player. Returns true to show nothing (workarounds may be needed).
-#define EV_ClientObituary(i, o) \
- /** inflictor */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \
- /** attacker */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_1_entity) \
- /** target */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_2_entity) \
- /** deathtype */ i(float, MUTATOR_ARGV_3_float) \
- /** wep entity */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_4_entity) \
- /** anonymous killer*/ o(bool, MUTATOR_ARGV_5_bool) \
- /**/
-MUTATOR_HOOKABLE(ClientObituary, EV_ClientObituary);
-- **`FragCenterMessage`**
-Allows overriding the frag centerprint messages.
-#define EV_FragCenterMessage(i, o) \
- /** attacker */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \
- /** target */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_1_entity) \
- /** deathtype */ i(float, MUTATOR_ARGV_2_float) \
- /** attacker kcount*/ i(int, MUTATOR_ARGV_3_int) \
- /** targ killcount */ i(int, MUTATOR_ARGV_4_int) \
- /**/
-MUTATOR_HOOKABLE(FragCenterMessage, EV_FragCenterMessage);
-- **`PlayHitsound`**
-Called when a player dies to e.g. remove stuff he was carrying.
-#define EV_PlayHitsound(i, o) \
- /** victim */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \
- /** attacker */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_1_entity) \
- /**/
-MUTATOR_HOOKABLE(PlayHitsound, EV_PlayHitsound);
-- **`ItemModel`**
-Called when an item model is about to be set, allows custom paths etc.
-#define EV_ItemModel(i, o) \
- /** model */ i(string, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_string) \
- /** output */ i(string, MUTATOR_ARGV_1_string) \
- /**/ o(string, MUTATOR_ARGV_1_string) \
- /**/
-MUTATOR_HOOKABLE(ItemModel, EV_ItemModel);
-- **`ItemSound`**
-Called when an item sound is about to be played, allows custom paths etc.
-#define EV_ItemSound(i, o) \
- /** sound */ i(string, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_string) \
- /** output */ i(string, MUTATOR_ARGV_1_string) \
- /**/ o(string, MUTATOR_ARGV_1_string) \
- /**/
-MUTATOR_HOOKABLE(ItemSound, EV_ItemSound);
-- **`GiveFragsForKill`**
-Called when someone was fragged by "self", and is expected to change frag_score to adjust scoring for the kill.
-#define EV_GiveFragsForKill(i, o) \
- /** attacker */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \
- /** target */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_1_entity) \
- /** frag score */ i(float, MUTATOR_ARGV_2_float) \
- /** */ o(float, MUTATOR_ARGV_2_float) \
- /** deathtype */ i(float, MUTATOR_ARGV_3_float) \
- /** wep entity */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_4_entity) \
- /**/
-MUTATOR_HOOKABLE(GiveFragsForKill, EV_GiveFragsForKill);
-- **`MatchEnd`**
-Called when the match ends.
-- **`TeamBalance_CheckAllowedTeams`**
-Allows adjusting allowed teams. Return true to use the bitmask value and set non-empty string to use team entity name. Both behaviors can be active at the same time and will stack allowed teams.
-#define EV_TeamBalance_CheckAllowedTeams(i, o) \
- /** mask of teams */ i(float, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_float) \
- /**/ o(float, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_float) \
- /** team entity name */ i(string, MUTATOR_ARGV_1_string) \
- /**/ o(string, MUTATOR_ARGV_1_string) \
- /** player checked */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_2_entity) \
- /**/
-MUTATOR_HOOKABLE(TeamBalance_CheckAllowedTeams, EV_TeamBalance_CheckAllowedTeams);
-- **`TeamBalance_GetTeamCounts`**
-Returns true to manually override team counts.
-MUTATOR_HOOKABLE(TeamBalance_GetTeamCounts, EV_NO_ARGS);
-- **`TeamBalance_GetTeamCount`**
-Allows overriding of team counts.
-#define EV_TeamBalance_GetTeamCount(i, o) \
- /** team index to count */ i(float, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_float) \
- /** player to ignore */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_1_entity) \
- /** number of players in a team */ o(float, MUTATOR_ARGV_2_float) \
- /** number of bots in a team */ o(float, MUTATOR_ARGV_3_float) \
- /**/
-MUTATOR_HOOKABLE(TeamBalance_GetTeamCount, EV_TeamBalance_GetTeamCount);
-- **`TeamBalance_FindBestTeams`**
-Allows overriding the teams that will make the game most balanced if the player joins any of them.
-#define EV_TeamBalance_FindBestTeams(i, o) \
- /** player checked */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \
- /** bitmask of teams */ o(float, MUTATOR_ARGV_1_float) \
- /**/
-MUTATOR_HOOKABLE(TeamBalance_FindBestTeams, EV_TeamBalance_FindBestTeams);
-- **`TeamBalance_GetPlayerForTeamSwitch`**
-Called during autobalance. Returns true to override the player that will be switched.
-#define EV_TeamBalance_GetPlayerForTeamSwitch(i, o) \
- /** source team index */ i(int, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_int) \
- /** destination team index */ i(int, MUTATOR_ARGV_1_int) \
- /** is looking for bot */ i(bool, MUTATOR_ARGV_2_bool) \
- /** player to switch */ o(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_3_entity) \
- /**/
-MUTATOR_HOOKABLE(TeamBalance_GetPlayerForTeamSwitch, EV_TeamBalance_GetPlayerForTeamSwitch);
-- **`SpectateCopy`**
-Copies variables for spectating "spectatee" to "this".
-#define EV_SpectateCopy(i, o) \
- /** spectatee */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \
- /** client */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_1_entity) \
- /**/
-MUTATOR_HOOKABLE(SpectateCopy, EV_SpectateCopy);
-- **`FormatMessage`**
-Called when formatting a chat message to replace fancy functions.
-#define EV_FormatMessage(i, o) \
- /** player */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \
- /** escape */ i(string, MUTATOR_ARGV_1_string) \
- /** replacement */ i(string, MUTATOR_ARGV_2_string) \
- /**/ o(string, MUTATOR_ARGV_2_string) \
- /** message */ i(string, MUTATOR_ARGV_3_string) \
- /**/
-MUTATOR_HOOKABLE(FormatMessage, EV_FormatMessage);
-- **`PreFormatMessage`**
-Called before any formatting is applied, handy for tweaking the message before scripts get ahold of it.
-#define EV_PreFormatMessage(i, o) \
- /** player */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \
- /** message */ i(string, MUTATOR_ARGV_1_string) \
- /**/ o(string, MUTATOR_ARGV_1_string) \
- /**/
-MUTATOR_HOOKABLE(PreFormatMessage, EV_PreFormatMessage);
-- **`ForbidThrowCurrentWeapon`**
-Returns true if throwing the current weapon shall not be allowed.
-#define EV_ForbidThrowCurrentWeapon(i, o) \
- /** player */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \
- /** weapon entity */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_1_entity) \
- /**/
-MUTATOR_HOOKABLE(ForbidThrowCurrentWeapon, EV_ForbidThrowCurrentWeapon);
-- **`ForbidDropCurrentWeapon`**
-Returns true if dropping the current weapon shall not be allowed at any time including death */
-#define EV_ForbidDropCurrentWeapon(i, o) \
- /** player */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \
- /** weapon id */ i(int, MUTATOR_ARGV_1_int) \
- /**/
-MUTATOR_HOOKABLE(ForbidDropCurrentWeapon, EV_ForbidDropCurrentWeapon);
-- **`SetDefaultAlpha`**
-Sets alpha value by default. (Not sure described)
-<br />
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-- **`Damage_Calculate`**
-Called to adjust damage and force values which are applied to the player, used for e.g. strength damage/force multiplier, I'm not sure if I should change this around slightly (Naming of the entities, and also how they're done in g_damage).
-#define EV_Damage_Calculate(i, o) \
- /** inflictor */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \
- /** attacker */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_1_entity) \
- /** target */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_2_entity) \
- /** deathtype */ i(float, MUTATOR_ARGV_3_float) \
- /** damage */ i(float, MUTATOR_ARGV_4_float) \
- /** damage */ o(float, MUTATOR_ARGV_4_float) \
- /** mirrordamage */ i(float, MUTATOR_ARGV_5_float) \
- /** mirrordamage */ o(float, MUTATOR_ARGV_5_float) \
- /** force */ i(vector, MUTATOR_ARGV_6_vector) \
- /** force */ o(vector, MUTATOR_ARGV_6_vector) \
- /** weapon entity */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_7_entity) \
- /**/
-MUTATOR_HOOKABLE(Damage_Calculate, EV_Damage_Calculate);
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