Consolidate the logic for the header, which was being neglected.
Now it has the full header present without an h2 which essentially
duplicated the same header. I removed the h2 and left the header.
<%namespace file="navlinks.mako" import="navlinks" />
<%block name="title">
-Rank Index - ${parent.title()}
-% if not ranks:
-<h2>Sorry, no ranks yet. Get some buddies together and start playing!</h2>
-% else:
% if game_type_cd == 'dm':
+Deathmatch Rank Index
% elif game_type_cd == 'duel':
+Duel Rank Index
% elif game_type_cd == 'tdm':
-Team Deathmatch
+Team Deathmatch Rank Index
% elif game_type_cd == 'ctf':
-Capture The Flag
+Capture The Flag Rank Index
% endif
-Rank Index</h2>
+% if not ranks:
+<h2>Sorry, no ranks yet. Get some buddies together and start playing!</h2>
+% else:
<table id="rank-index-table" border="1">