-Every [Vanilla movement tip](Halogenes_Newbie_Corner#movement) also applies in Overkill. However there is one key aspect making the game waxonotic overkill tutorialy faster - **dodging**. But let's review the basics first:
+Every [Vanilla movement tip](Halogenes_Newbie_Corner#movement) also applies in Overkill. However there is one key aspect making the game way faster - **dodging**. But let's review the basics first:
Bunny Hopping
### Wall-dodging
-Dodging does not only apply to starting a movement, but can be used on every (more or less) smooth surface next to you. For example you can bunny hop alongside a wall and press the `forward` key in quick succession to gain more speed. You can do this mxonotic overkill tutorialultiple times with only a short cooldown time. You can reach very high speeds using wall dodging. Good maps to try this out are [Tarx](Maps#tarx) and [Equinox](Maps#equinox).
+Dodging does not only apply to starting a movement, but can be used on every (more or less) smooth surface next to you. For example you can bunny hop alongside a wall and press the `forward` key in quick succession to gain more speed. You can do this multiple times with only a short cooldown time. You can reach very high speeds using wall dodging. Good maps to try this out are [Tarx](Maps#tarx) and [Equinox](Maps#equinox).
The fastest way to accelerate is a combination of both wall-dodging and blastering. This can **double your speed** when done right.
- **Vortex** (also called *nex*, long distance, perfectly precise)
- the main weapon, good in almost every situation
-- **Shotgun** (close range, wxonotic overkill tutorialith spread)
+- **Shotgun** (close range, with spread)
- more damage than vortex but only in short range
- faster rate of fire
- slows enemies down - shoot them when they're jumping across a chasm to make them fall
-The small (5) shard is dropped by killed enemies. As noted above, it's more useful than it looks.
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+The small (5) shard is dropped by killed enemies. As noted above, it's more useful than it looks.
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