"+show_info" "Serverinfo anzeigen"
"toggleconsole" "Konsole öffnen"
"disconnect" "Verbindung trennen"
-"quit" "Beenden"
+"menu_showquitdialog" "Beenden"
"" ""
"" "Teamplay"
"messagemode2" "Nachricht ans Team"
"+show_info" "información del servidor"
"toggleconsole" "entrar en la consola"
"disconnect" "desconectar"
-"quit" "salir"
+"menu_showquitdialog" "salir"
"" ""
"" "Juego en equipo"
"messagemode2" "chat de equipo"
"+show_info" "information serveur"
"toggleconsole" "ouvrir la console"
"disconnect" "se déconnecter"
-"quit" "quitter"
+"menu_showquitdialog" "quitter"
"" ""
"" "Équipe"
"messagemode2" "chat d'équipe"
"+show_info" "kiszolgáló info"
"toggleconsole" "konzolba lépés"
"disconnect" "lekapcsolodás"
-"quit" "kilépés"
+"menu_showquitdialog" "kilépés"
"" ""
"" "Csapatjáték"
"messagemode2" "csapat beszélgetés"
"+show_info" "info del server"
"toggleconsole" "apri console"
"disconnect" "disconnetti"
-"quit" "esci"
+"menu_showquitdialog" "esci"
"" ""
"" "Teamplay"
"messagemode2" "chat di squadra"
"+show_info" "сведения о сервере"
"toggleconsole" "открыть консоль"
"disconnect" "отключиться"
-"quit" "выйти"
+"menu_showquitdialog" "выйти"
"" ""
"" "Командная игра"
"messagemode2" "чат команды"
"+show_info" "відомості про сервер"
"toggleconsole" "увійти в консоль"
"disconnect" "роз'єднатися"
-"quit" "вийти"
+"menu_showquitdialog" "вийти"
"" ""
"" "Командна гра"
"messagemode2" "командний чат"
\vid_bitsperpixel\How many bits per pixel (BPP) to render at, 32 is recommended
\vid_fullscreen\Enable fullscreen mode (default: enabled)
\vid_vsync\Enable vertical synchronization to prevent tearing, will cap your fps to the screen refresh rate (default: disabled)
+\gl_texture_anisotropy\Anisotropic filtering quality (default: 1x)
\r_glsl\Enable OpenGL 2.0 pixel shaders for lightning (default: enabled)
\gl_vbo\Make use of Vertex Buffer Objects to store static geometry in video memory for faster rendering (default: Vertex and Triangles)
\r_depthfirst\Eliminate overdraw by rendering a depth-only version of the scene before the normal rendering starts (default: disabled)
\cl_gentle\Replace blood and gibs with content that does not have any gore effects (default: disabled)
\cl_nogibs\Reduce the amount of gibs or remove them completely (default: lots)
\v_kicktime\How long a view kick from damage lasts (default: 0)
-\gl_texture_anisotropy\Anisotropic filtering quality (default: 1x)
\r_glsl_deluxemapping\Use per-pixel lighting effects (default: enabled)
\r_shadow_gloss\Enable the use of glossmaps on textures supporting it (default: enabled)
\gl_flashblend\Enable faster but uglier dynamic lights by rendering bright coronas instead of real dynamic lights (default: disabled)
\r_coronas_occlusionquery\Fade coronas according to visibility (default: enabled)
\r_bloom\Enable bloom effect, which brightens the neighboring pixels of very bright pixels. Has a big impact on performance. (default: disabled)
\r_hdr\Higher quality version of bloom, which has a huge impact on performance. (default: disabled)
-\r_motionblur\Motion blur strength - 0.5 recommended
-\r_damageblur\Amount of motion blur when hurt - 0.4 recommended
+\r_motionblur\Motion blur strength - 0.4 recommended
\XonoticSettingsDialog/Audio\Audio settings