+++ /dev/null
-// ANNOY people with the BALANCE
-alias annoy "sv_cmd adminmsg 0 \"${* q}\" 70"
- // show message for 70 sec, clear previous one
-alias annoy_s "annoy $*; echo \ 1SERVER^7: $*"
- // annoy_s goes to rcon2irc (this echo fakes a chat message's output)
-alias printbalance "annoy NOTE: Current balance is ^1$curbalance"
- // refresh the balance status bar (call this every 60 sec)
-alias printbalance_s "annoy_s NOTE: Next match will run ^1$curbalance"
- // announce the balance for next match
-alias switchbalance_samual "exec balanceXonotic.cfg; set curbalance fruit; printbalance_s"
-alias switchbalance_fruit "exec balanceSamual.cfg; set curbalance samual; printbalance_s"
-alias switchbalance "switchbalance_$curbalance"
- // toggle between the balances
-alias sv_hook_gameend "switchbalance"
- // do this at the end of each match
-set curbalance fruit
-alias annoybalance "printbalance; defer 60 annoybalance"
- // our timer
\ No newline at end of file
-http://www.alientrap.org/devwiki/index.php?n=Xonotic.Todo (and get this Todo actually updated :P)
+also: Maybe actually decide upon what to do with this todo file? No one uses it :P Just use the development tracker.
\ No newline at end of file