size 1 1
tex 0 8
velocityjitter 5 5 5
+effect darkfield
+ type smoke
+ airfriction 1
+ alpha 256 256 50
+ bounce 1.500000
+ color 0x600089 0x000000
+ count 10
+ gravity -0.010000
+ originjitter 333 333 0
+ sizeincrease 10
+ size 1 1
+ tex 0 8
+ velocityjitter 5 5 30
+effect darkfield
+ type smoke
+ alpha 256 256 50
+ color 0x600089 0x000000
+ count 5
+ gravity -0.001000
+ originjitter 333 333 0
+ sizeincrease 10
+ size 1 1
+ tex 48 55
effect icefield
type smoke
airfriction 1
trailspacing 16
velocityjitter 16 16 16
+effect nade_green
+ type smoke
+ alpha 100 100 250
+ color 0x40ff9b 0x40ff9b
+ sizeincrease -1
+ size 3 3
+ tex 65 65
+ trailspacing 1
+effect nade_green
+ type smoke
+ alpha 30 30 150
+ color 0xff0000 0xffa2a2
+ notunderwater
+ sizeincrease -10
+ size 15 25
+ tex 65 65
+ trailspacing 8
+effect nade_green
+ type bubble
+ alpha 256 256 256
+ bounce 1.500000
+ color 0x40ff9b 0x40ff9b
+ gravity -0.125000
+ liquidfriction 4
+ size 1 1
+ tex 62 62
+ trailspacing 16
+ underwater
+ velocityjitter 16 16 16
+effect nade_brown
+ type smoke
+ alpha 100 100 250
+ color 0xa85400 0xa85400
+ sizeincrease -1
+ size 3 3
+ tex 65 65
+ trailspacing 1
+effect nade_brown
+ type smoke
+ alpha 30 30 150
+ color 0xff0000 0xffa2a2
+ notunderwater
+ sizeincrease -10
+ size 15 25
+ tex 65 65
+ trailspacing 8
+effect nade_brown
+ type bubble
+ alpha 256 256 256
+ bounce 1.500000
+ color 0xa85400 0xa85400
+ gravity -0.125000
+ liquidfriction 4
+ size 1 1
+ tex 62 62
+ trailspacing 16
+ underwater
+ velocityjitter 16 16 16
+effect nade_purple
+ type smoke
+ alpha 100 100 250
+ color 0x540054 0x540054
+ sizeincrease -1
+ size 3 3
+ tex 65 65
+ trailspacing 1
+effect nade_purple
+ type smoke
+ alpha 30 30 150
+ color 0xff0000 0xffa2a2
+ notunderwater
+ sizeincrease -10
+ size 15 25
+ tex 65 65
+ trailspacing 8
+effect nade_purple
+ type bubble
+ alpha 256 256 256
+ bounce 1.500000
+ color 0x540054 0x540054
+ gravity -0.125000
+ liquidfriction 4
+ size 1 1
+ tex 62 62
+ trailspacing 16
+ underwater
+ velocityjitter 16 16 16
effect nade_red_burn
type smoke
alpha 100 100 250
tex 71 73
trailspacing 16
velocityjitter 10 10 10
+effect nade_green_burn
+ type smoke
+ alpha 100 100 250
+ color 0x40ff9b 0xff3c00
+ sizeincrease -1
+ size 5 5
+ tex 65 65
+ trailspacing 1
+effect nade_green_burn
+ type smoke
+ alpha 200 200 1000
+ color 0xff0000 0xffa2a2
+ notunderwater
+ sizeincrease -30
+ size 45 25
+ tex 65 65
+ trailspacing 64
+effect nade_green_burn
+ type bubble
+ alpha 256 256 256
+ bounce 1.500000
+ color 0x40ff9b 0xff3c00
+ gravity -0.125000
+ liquidfriction 4
+ size 1 1
+ tex 62 62
+ trailspacing 16
+ underwater
+ velocityjitter 16 16 16
+effect nade_green_burn
+ type smoke
+ alpha 300 900 1500
+ color 0x40ff9b 0xff3c00
+ originjitter 2 2 2
+ rotate -180 180 20 -20
+ sizeincrease -40
+ size 15 25
+ tex 71 73
+ trailspacing 16
+ velocityjitter 10 10 10
+effect nade_brown_burn
+ type smoke
+ alpha 100 100 250
+ color 0xa85400 0xff3c00
+ sizeincrease -1
+ size 5 5
+ tex 65 65
+ trailspacing 1
+effect nade_brown_burn
+ type smoke
+ alpha 200 200 1000
+ color 0xff0000 0xffa2a2
+ notunderwater
+ sizeincrease -30
+ size 45 25
+ tex 65 65
+ trailspacing 64
+effect nade_brown_burn
+ type bubble
+ alpha 256 256 256
+ bounce 1.500000
+ color 0xa85400 0xff3c00
+ gravity -0.125000
+ liquidfriction 4
+ size 1 1
+ tex 62 62
+ trailspacing 16
+ underwater
+ velocityjitter 16 16 16
+effect nade_brown_burn
+ type smoke
+ alpha 300 900 1500
+ color 0xa85400 0xff3c00
+ originjitter 2 2 2
+ rotate -180 180 20 -20
+ sizeincrease -40
+ size 15 25
+ tex 71 73
+ trailspacing 16
+ velocityjitter 10 10 10
+effect nade_purple_burn
+ type smoke
+ alpha 100 100 250
+ color 0x540054 0xff3c00
+ sizeincrease -1
+ size 5 5
+ tex 65 65
+ trailspacing 1
+effect nade_purple_burn
+ type smoke
+ alpha 200 200 1000
+ color 0xff0000 0xffa2a2
+ notunderwater
+ sizeincrease -30
+ size 45 25
+ tex 65 65
+ trailspacing 64
+effect nade_purple_burn
+ type bubble
+ alpha 256 256 256
+ bounce 1.500000
+ color 0x540054 0xff3c00
+ gravity -0.125000
+ liquidfriction 4
+ size 1 1
+ tex 62 62
+ trailspacing 16
+ underwater
+ velocityjitter 16 16 16
+effect nade_purple_burn
+ type smoke
+ alpha 300 900 1500
+ color 0x540054 0xff3c00
+ originjitter 2 2 2
+ rotate -180 180 20 -20
+ sizeincrease -40
+ size 15 25
+ tex 71 73
+ trailspacing 16
+ velocityjitter 10 10 10
effect nade_blue_explode
type decal
alpha 256 256 0
size 20 40
tex 71 73
velocityjitter 324 324 324
+effect nade_green_explode
+ type decal
+ alpha 256 256 0
+ countabsolute 1
+ lightcolor 100 20 20
+ lightradiusfade 1500
+ lightradius 300
+ originjitter 26 26 26
+ size 88 88
+ tex 8 16
+effect nade_green_explode
+ type smoke
+ alpha 80 80 650
+ color 0xff0000 0xffa2a2
+ countabsolute 1
+ sizeincrease 1800
+ size 32 32
+ tex 33 33
+ velocitymultiplier 44
+effect nade_green_explode
+ type smoke
+ airfriction 30
+ alpha 400 656 2000
+ color 0x40ff9b 0xa647d3
+ count 16
+ notunderwater
+ originjitter 50 50 50
+ rotate -180 180 -9 9
+ sizeincrease 555
+ size 20 24
+ tex 48 55
+ velocityjitter 320 320 320
+effect nade_green_explode
+ type spark
+ airfriction -9
+ alpha 1500 3000 13000
+ color 0x40ff9b 0xff4200
+ count 8
+ sizeincrease 40
+ size 60 90
+ stretchfactor 80
+ tex 48 55
+ velocityjitter 30 30 30
+effect nade_green_explode
+ type smoke
+ airfriction 0.040000
+ alpha 128 328 390
+ blend alpha
+ color 0x222222 0x000000
+ count 32
+ gravity 0.400000
+ originjitter 50 50 10
+ rotate -180 180 2 -2
+ sizeincrease 50
+ size 60 30
+ tex 0 7
+ velocityjitter 200 200 200
+ velocityoffset 0 0 180
+effect nade_green_explode
+ type bubble
+ alpha 128 256 64
+ bounce 1.500000
+ color 0x404040 0x808080
+ count 32
+ gravity -0.125000
+ liquidfriction 0.250000
+ originjitter 16 16 16
+ size 3 6
+ tex 62 62
+ underwater
+ velocityjitter 196 196 196
+effect nade_green_explode
+ type spark
+ airfriction 1
+ alpha 644 956 484
+ bounce 1.600000
+ color 0xff0000 0xffa2a2
+ count 8
+ gravity 1
+ liquidfriction 0.800000
+ notunderwater
+ originjitter 16 16 16
+ size 1 2
+ tex 40 40
+ velocityjitter 424 424 624
+ velocityoffset 0 0 80
+effect nade_green_explode
+ type spark
+ airfriction 0.700000
+ alpha 644 956 684
+ color 0xff0000 0xffa2a2
+ count 16
+ gravity 0.500000
+ liquidfriction 0.800000
+ originjitter 16 16 16
+ size 1 2
+ tex 40 40
+ velocityjitter 424 424 624
+ velocityoffset 0 0 80
+effect nade_green_explode
+ type smoke
+ alpha 644 956 2500
+ color 0xff0000 0xffa2a2
+ count 8
+ notunderwater
+ originjitter 64 64 64
+ rotate -180 180 -100 100
+ size 20 40
+ tex 71 73
+ velocityjitter 324 324 324
+effect nade_brown_explode
+ type decal
+ alpha 256 256 0
+ countabsolute 1
+ lightcolor 100 20 20
+ lightradiusfade 1500
+ lightradius 300
+ originjitter 26 26 26
+ size 88 88
+ tex 8 16
+effect nade_brown_explode
+ type smoke
+ alpha 80 80 650
+ color 0xff0000 0xffa2a2
+ countabsolute 1
+ sizeincrease 1800
+ size 32 32
+ tex 33 33
+ velocitymultiplier 44
+effect nade_brown_explode
+ type smoke
+ airfriction 30
+ alpha 400 656 2000
+ color 0xa85400 0xa647d3
+ count 16
+ notunderwater
+ originjitter 50 50 50
+ rotate -180 180 -9 9
+ sizeincrease 555
+ size 20 24
+ tex 48 55
+ velocityjitter 320 320 320
+effect nade_brown_explode
+ type spark
+ airfriction -9
+ alpha 1500 3000 13000
+ color 0xa85400 0xff4200
+ count 8
+ sizeincrease 40
+ size 60 90
+ stretchfactor 80
+ tex 48 55
+ velocityjitter 30 30 30
+effect nade_brown_explode
+ type smoke
+ airfriction 0.040000
+ alpha 128 328 390
+ blend alpha
+ color 0x222222 0x000000
+ count 32
+ gravity 0.400000
+ originjitter 50 50 10
+ rotate -180 180 2 -2
+ sizeincrease 50
+ size 60 30
+ tex 0 7
+ velocityjitter 200 200 200
+ velocityoffset 0 0 180
+effect nade_brown_explode
+ type bubble
+ alpha 128 256 64
+ bounce 1.500000
+ color 0x404040 0x808080
+ count 32
+ gravity -0.125000
+ liquidfriction 0.250000
+ originjitter 16 16 16
+ size 3 6
+ tex 62 62
+ underwater
+ velocityjitter 196 196 196
+effect nade_brown_explode
+ type spark
+ airfriction 1
+ alpha 644 956 484
+ bounce 1.600000
+ color 0xff0000 0xffa2a2
+ count 8
+ gravity 1
+ liquidfriction 0.800000
+ notunderwater
+ originjitter 16 16 16
+ size 1 2
+ tex 40 40
+ velocityjitter 424 424 624
+ velocityoffset 0 0 80
+effect nade_brown_explode
+ type spark
+ airfriction 0.700000
+ alpha 644 956 684
+ color 0xff0000 0xffa2a2
+ count 16
+ gravity 0.500000
+ liquidfriction 0.800000
+ originjitter 16 16 16
+ size 1 2
+ tex 40 40
+ velocityjitter 424 424 624
+ velocityoffset 0 0 80
+effect nade_brown_explode
+ type smoke
+ alpha 644 956 2500
+ color 0xff0000 0xffa2a2
+ count 8
+ notunderwater
+ originjitter 64 64 64
+ rotate -180 180 -100 100
+ size 20 40
+ tex 71 73
+ velocityjitter 324 324 324
+effect nade_purple_explode
+ type decal
+ alpha 256 256 0
+ countabsolute 1
+ lightcolor 100 20 20
+ lightradiusfade 1500
+ lightradius 300
+ originjitter 26 26 26
+ size 88 88
+ tex 8 16
+effect nade_purple_explode
+ type smoke
+ alpha 80 80 650
+ color 0xff0000 0xffa2a2
+ countabsolute 1
+ sizeincrease 1800
+ size 32 32
+ tex 33 33
+ velocitymultiplier 44
+effect nade_purple_explode
+ type smoke
+ airfriction 30
+ alpha 400 656 2000
+ color 0x540054 0xa647d3
+ count 16
+ notunderwater
+ originjitter 50 50 50
+ rotate -180 180 -9 9
+ sizeincrease 555
+ size 20 24
+ tex 48 55
+ velocityjitter 320 320 320
+effect nade_purple_explode
+ type spark
+ airfriction -9
+ alpha 1500 3000 13000
+ color 0x540054 0xff4200
+ count 8
+ sizeincrease 40
+ size 60 90
+ stretchfactor 80
+ tex 48 55
+ velocityjitter 30 30 30
+effect nade_purple_explode
+ type smoke
+ airfriction 0.040000
+ alpha 128 328 390
+ blend alpha
+ color 0x222222 0x000000
+ count 32
+ gravity 0.400000
+ originjitter 50 50 10
+ rotate -180 180 2 -2
+ sizeincrease 50
+ size 60 30
+ tex 0 7
+ velocityjitter 200 200 200
+ velocityoffset 0 0 180
+effect nade_purple_explode
+ type bubble
+ alpha 128 256 64
+ bounce 1.500000
+ color 0x404040 0x808080
+ count 32
+ gravity -0.125000
+ liquidfriction 0.250000
+ originjitter 16 16 16
+ size 3 6
+ tex 62 62
+ underwater
+ velocityjitter 196 196 196
+effect nade_purple_explode
+ type spark
+ airfriction 1
+ alpha 644 956 484
+ bounce 1.600000
+ color 0xff0000 0xffa2a2
+ count 8
+ gravity 1
+ liquidfriction 0.800000
+ notunderwater
+ originjitter 16 16 16
+ size 1 2
+ tex 40 40
+ velocityjitter 424 424 624
+ velocityoffset 0 0 80
+effect nade_purple_explode
+ type spark
+ airfriction 0.700000
+ alpha 644 956 684
+ color 0xff0000 0xffa2a2
+ count 16
+ gravity 0.500000
+ liquidfriction 0.800000
+ originjitter 16 16 16
+ size 1 2
+ tex 40 40
+ velocityjitter 424 424 624
+ velocityoffset 0 0 80
+effect nade_purple_explode
+ type smoke
+ alpha 644 956 2500
+ color 0xff0000 0xffa2a2
+ count 8
+ notunderwater
+ originjitter 64 64 64
+ rotate -180 180 -100 100
+ size 20 40
+ tex 71 73
+ velocityjitter 324 324 324
effect shockwave_attack
type spark
airfriction 1
set g_nades 0 "enable off-hand grenades - use the 'dropweapon' (second press throws) or '+hook' (release throws) binds"
set g_nades_spread 0.04 "random spread offset of throw direction"
set g_nades_throw_offset "0 -25 0" "nade throwing offset"
-set g_nades_spawn 1 "give nades right away when player spawns rather than delaying entire refire"
+set g_nades_onspawn 1 "give nades right away when player spawns rather than delaying entire refire"
set g_nades_client_select 0 "allow client side selection of nade type"
set g_nades_pickup 0 "allow picking up thrown nades (not your own)"
set g_nades_pickup_time 2 "time until picked up nade explodes"
set g_nades_nade_radius 300
set g_nades_nade_force 650
set g_nades_nade_newton_style 0 "nade velocity: 0 is absolute, 1 is relative (takes into account player velocity), 2 is something in between"
-set g_nades_nade_type 1 "Type of the off-hand grenade. 1:normal 2:napalm 3:ice 4:translocate 5:spawn 6:heal 7:pokenade 8:entrap 9:veil"
+set g_nades_nade_type 1 "Type of the off-hand grenade. 1:normal 2:napalm 3:ice 4:translocate 5:spawn 6:heal 7:pokenade 8:entrap 9:veil, 10:ammo, 11:darkness"
seta cl_nade_timer 1 "show a visual timer for nades, 1 = only circle, 2 = circle with text"
-seta cl_nade_type 3
-seta cl_pokenade_type "zombie"
+seta cl_nade_type 3 "selected type of the off-hand grenade. 1:normal 2:napalm 3:ice 4:translocate 5:spawn 6:heal 7:pokenade 8:entrap 9:veil 10:ammo 11:darkness"
+seta cl_pokenade_type "zombie" "monster to spawn"
// ------------
// Nade bonus
set g_nades_bonus 0 "Enable bonus grenades"
set g_nades_bonus_client_select 0 "Allow client side selection of bonus nade type"
-set g_nades_bonus_type 2 "Type of the bonus grenade. 1:normal 2:napalm 3:ice 4:translocate 5:spawn 6:heal 7:pokenade 8:entrap 9:veil"
+set g_nades_bonus_type 2 "Type of the bonus grenade. 1:normal 2:napalm 3:ice 4:translocate 5:spawn 6:heal 7:pokenade 8:entrap 9:veil 10:ammo 11:darkness"
set g_nades_bonus_onstrength 1 "Always give bonus grenades to players that have the strength powerup"
set g_nades_bonus_max 3 "Maximum number of bonus grenades"
set g_nades_bonus_only 0 "Disallow regular nades, only bonus nades can be used"
set g_nades_bonus_score_time_flagcarrier 2 "Bonus nade score given per second as flag carrier (negative to have the score decay)"
// Napalm (2)
+set g_nades_napalm 0 "Napalm nade: spreads fire balls around the fountain and burns for a while"
set g_nades_napalm_blast 1 "Whether the napalm grenades also give damage with the usual grenade explosion"
set g_nades_napalm_burntime 0.5 "Time that the fire from napalm will stick to the player"
set g_nades_napalm_selfdamage 1 "Whether the player that tossed the nade can be harmed by its fire"
// Napalm fireballs
set g_nades_napalm_ball_count 6 "Number of fireballs emitted during the explosion"
set g_nades_napalm_ball_spread 500 "Maximum force which the fireballs will have on explosion"
-set g_nades_napalm_ball_damageforcescale 4
-set g_nades_napalm_ball_damage 40
-set g_nades_napalm_ball_lifetime 7
+set g_nades_napalm_ball_damageforcescale 4 "How affected fireballs are by damage"
+set g_nades_napalm_ball_damage 40 "Damage caused by the fireball"
+set g_nades_napalm_ball_lifetime 7 "How long the fireball will last"
set g_nades_napalm_ball_radius 100 "Distance from the fireball within which you may get burned"
// Napalm Fire fountain
set g_nades_napalm_fountain_lifetime 3 "Time period during which extra fire mines are ejected"
set g_nades_napalm_fountain_delay 0.5 "Delay between emissions by the fountain"
set g_nades_napalm_fountain_damage 50 "Damage caused by the center of the fountain"
set g_nades_napalm_fountain_edgedamage 20 "Damage caused by the edge of the fountain"
-set g_nades_napalm_fountain_radius 130
+set g_nades_napalm_fountain_radius 130 "Distance from the fountain"
// Ice (3)
+set g_nades_ice 1 "Ice nade: freezes and reduces health"
set g_nades_ice_freeze_time 3 "How long the ice field will last"
set g_nades_ice_health 0 "How much health the player will have after being unfrozen"
set g_nades_ice_explode 0 "Whether the ice nade should explode again once the ice field dissipated"
-set g_nades_ice_teamcheck 0 "Don't freeze teammates"
+set g_nades_ice_teamcheck 2 "0: friendly fire, 1: nade owner isn't affected, 2: don't freeze teammates"
+// Translocate (4)
+set g_nades_translocate 1 "Translocate nade: teleports into explosion nade location"
+set g_nades_translocate_destroy_damage 25 "Damage caused when translocate nade is destroyed by some attacker"
// Spawn (5)
+set g_nades_spawn 1 "Spawn nade: respawns into nade explosion location after being fragged"
set g_nades_spawn_count 3 "Number of times player will spawn at their spawn nade explosion location"
+set g_nades_spawn_health_respawn 0 "How much health the player will have when being respawned, if 0, normal health respawn"
+set g_nades_spawn_destroy_damage 25 "Damage caused when spawn nade is destroyed by some attacker"
// Heal (6)
+set g_nades_heal 1 "Heal nade: spawns a orb to recover health inside, enemies take the reverse effect when being inside orb"
set g_nades_heal_time 5 "How long the healing field will last"
set g_nades_heal_rate 30 "Health given per second"
set g_nades_heal_friend 1 "Multiplier of health given to team mates"
set g_nades_heal_foe -2 "Multiplier of health given to enemies"
// Pokenade (7)
+set g_nades_pokenade 0 "Pokenade: spawns a monster into the explosion nade location"
set g_nades_pokenade_monster_lifetime 150 "How long pokenade monster will survive"
set g_nades_pokenade_monster_type "zombie" "Monster to spawn"
// Entrap (8)
+set g_nades_entrap 0 "Entrap nade: spawns a orb to slow down movements inside"
set g_nades_entrap_strength 0.01 "Strength of the orb's movement slowing powers"
set g_nades_entrap_speed 0.5 "Running speed while entrapped"
set g_nades_entrap_time 10 "Life time of the orb"
-set g_nades_entrap_radius 500
+set g_nades_entrap_radius 500 "Distance from the entrap orb"
// Veil (9)
+set g_nades_veil 0 "Veil nade: spawns a orb to turn invisible inside"
set g_nades_veil_time 8 "Life time of the orb"
-set g_nades_veil_radius 200
+set g_nades_veil_radius 200 "Distance from the veil orb"
+// Ammo (10)
+set g_nades_ammo 0 "Ammo nade: spawns a orb to recover ammo inside, enemies take the reverse effect when being inside orb"
+set g_nades_ammo_time 4 "Life time of the orb"
+set g_nades_ammo_rate 30 "Ammo given per second"
+set g_nades_ammo_friend 1 "Multiplier of ammo given to team mates"
+set g_nades_ammo_foe -2 "Multiplier of ammo given to enemies"
+// Darkness (11)
+set g_nades_dark 0 "Darkness nade: blinds enemies"
+set g_nades_dark_time 4 "How long the dark field will last"
+set g_nades_dark_explode 0 "Whether the darkness nade should explode again once the dark field dissipated"
+set g_nades_dark_teamcheck 2 "0: friendly fire, 1: nade owner isn't affected, 2: don't blind teammates"
// ============
// camp check
#ifdef CSQC
+#include <client/draw.qh>
+#include <client/hud/hud.qh>
+float dark_appeartime;
+float dark_fadetime;
+bool darkblink;
+void HUD_DarkBlinking()
+ vector bottomright = vec2(vid_conwidth, vid_conheight);
+ drawfill('0 0 0', bottomright, NADE_TYPE_DARK.m_color, 0.986, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
REGISTER_MUTATOR(cl_nades, true);
+MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(cl_nades, HUD_Draw_overlay)
+ if (STAT(NADE_DARK_TIME) > time)
+ {
+ M_ARGV(0, vector) = NADE_TYPE_DARK.m_color;
+ HUD_DarkBlinking();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ return = true;
+ if(darkblink) return;
+ localcmd("play2 sound/misc/blind\n");
+ darkblink = true;
+ dark_appeartime = time;
+ dark_fadetime = STAT(NADE_DARK_TIME);
MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(cl_nades, Ent_Projectile)
entity proj = M_ARGV(0, entity);
#include <common/gamemodes/_mod.qh>
#include <common/monsters/sv_spawn.qh>
#include <common/monsters/sv_monsters.qh>
+#include <server/command/common.qh>
.float nade_time_primed;
.float nade_lifetime;
CSQCProjectile(_nade, true, REGISTRY_GET(Nades, STAT(NADE_BONUS_TYPE, _nade)).m_projectile[false], true);
+void normal_nade_boom(entity this)
+ RadiusDamage(this, this.realowner, autocvar_g_nades_nade_damage, autocvar_g_nades_nade_edgedamage,
+ autocvar_g_nades_nade_radius, this, NULL, autocvar_g_nades_nade_force, this.projectiledeathtype, DMG_NOWEP, this.enemy);
+ Damage_DamageInfo(this.origin, autocvar_g_nades_nade_damage, autocvar_g_nades_nade_edgedamage,
+ autocvar_g_nades_nade_radius, '1 1 1' * autocvar_g_nades_nade_force, this.projectiledeathtype, 0, this);
void napalm_damage(entity this, float dist, float damage, float edgedamage, float burntime)
entity e;
Send_Effect(expef, this.origin + '0 0 1', '0 0 0', 1);
- RadiusDamage(this, this.realowner, autocvar_g_nades_nade_damage, autocvar_g_nades_nade_edgedamage,
- autocvar_g_nades_nade_radius, this, NULL, autocvar_g_nades_nade_force, this.projectiledeathtype, DMG_NOWEP, this.enemy);
- Damage_DamageInfo(this.origin, autocvar_g_nades_nade_damage, autocvar_g_nades_nade_edgedamage,
- autocvar_g_nades_nade_radius, '1 1 1' * autocvar_g_nades_nade_force, this.projectiledeathtype, 0, this);
+ normal_nade_boom(this);
- this.nextthink = time+0.1;
+ this.nextthink = time + 0.1;
// gaussian
float randomr;
randomr = random();
- randomr = exp(-5*randomr*randomr)*autocvar_g_nades_nade_radius;
+ randomr = exp(-5 * randomr * randomr) * autocvar_g_nades_nade_radius;
float randomw;
- randomw = random()*M_PI*2;
+ randomw = random() * M_PI * 2;
vector randomp;
- randomp.x = randomr*cos(randomw);
- randomp.y = randomr*sin(randomw);
+ randomp.x = randomr * cos(randomw);
+ randomp.y = randomr * sin(randomw);
randomp.z = 1;
Send_Effect(EFFECT_ELECTRO_MUZZLEFLASH, this.origin + randomp, '0 0 0', 1);
if(time >= this.nade_special_time)
- this.nade_special_time = time+0.7;
+ this.nade_special_time = time + 0.7;
Send_Effect(EFFECT_ELECTRO_IMPACT, this.origin, '0 0 0', 1);
Send_Effect(EFFECT_ICEFIELD, this.origin, '0 0 0', 1);
float current_freeze_time = this.ltime - time - 0.1;
+#define ICE_NADE_RADIUS_TEAMCHECK(checked) \
+ if (checked) \
+ if (!it.revival_time || ((time - it.revival_time) >= 1.5)) \
+ if (!STAT(FROZEN, it)) \
+ nade_ice_freeze(this, it, current_freeze_time); \
+ break;
FOREACH_ENTITY_RADIUS(this.origin, autocvar_g_nades_nade_radius, it != this && it.takedamage && !IS_DEAD(it) && GetResource(it, RES_HEALTH) > 0 && current_freeze_time > 0,
- if(!autocvar_g_nades_ice_teamcheck || (DIFF_TEAM(it, this.realowner) || it == this.realowner))
- if(!it.revival_time || ((time - it.revival_time) >= 1.5))
- if(!STAT(FROZEN, it))
- nade_ice_freeze(this, it, current_freeze_time);
+ switch (autocvar_g_nades_ice_teamcheck)
+ {
+ // 1: nade owner isn't affected; 2: no teammate is affected; any other number than 1 and 2: friendly fire
+ case 1: ICE_NADE_RADIUS_TEAMCHECK(it != this.realowner);
+ case 2: ICE_NADE_RADIUS_TEAMCHECK(DIFF_TEAM(it, this.realowner) && it != this.realowner);
+ default: ICE_NADE_RADIUS_TEAMCHECK(!autocvar_g_nades_ice_teamcheck || (DIFF_TEAM(it, this.realowner) || it == this.realowner));
+ }
void nade_ice_boom(entity this)
fountain.projectiledeathtype = DEATH_NADE_ICE.m_id;
fountain.bot_dodge = false;
setsize(fountain, '-16 -16 -16', '16 16 16');
- fountain.nade_special_time = time+0.3;
+ fountain.nade_special_time = time + 0.3;
fountain.angles = this.angles;
if ( autocvar_g_nades_ice_explode )
+ setsize(this, PL_MIN_CONST-'16 16 16', PL_MAX_CONST+'16 16 16');
+ if(!move_out_of_solid(this))
+ {
+ sprint(this.realowner, "^1Couldn't move the translocator out of solid! origin: ", vtos(this.origin), "\n");
+ return;
+ }
vector locout = this.origin + '0 0 1' * (1 - this.realowner.mins.z - 24);
tracebox(locout, this.realowner.mins, this.realowner.maxs, locout, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, this.realowner);
locout = trace_endpos;
float maxhealth;
float health_factor;
- if(IS_PLAYER(toucher) || IS_MONSTER(toucher))
+ if(IS_PLAYER(toucher) || IS_MONSTER(toucher) || IS_VEHICLE(toucher))
if(!STAT(FROZEN, toucher))
health_factor = autocvar_g_nades_heal_rate*frametime/2;
if ( toucher != this.realowner )
- {
- if ( SAME_TEAM(toucher,this) )
- health_factor *= autocvar_g_nades_heal_friend;
- else
- health_factor *= autocvar_g_nades_heal_foe;
- }
+ health_factor *= (SAME_TEAM(toucher,this)) ? autocvar_g_nades_heal_friend : autocvar_g_nades_heal_foe;
if ( health_factor > 0 )
maxhealth = (IS_MONSTER(toucher)) ? toucher.max_health : g_pickup_healthmega_max;
if (hp < maxhealth)
if (this.nade_show_particles)
- {
Send_Effect(EFFECT_HEALING, toucher.origin, '0 0 0', 1);
- }
GiveResourceWithLimit(toucher, RES_HEALTH, health_factor, maxhealth);
else if ( health_factor < 0 )
- {
Damage(toucher,this,this.realowner,-health_factor,DEATH_NADE_HEAL.m_id,DMG_NOWEP,toucher.origin,'0 0 0');
- }
orb.colormod = NADE_TYPE_VEIL.m_color;
+void nade_ammo_touch(entity this, entity toucher)
+ float maxammo = 999;
+ float ammo_factor;
+ float amshells = GetResource(toucher, RES_SHELLS);
+ float ambullets = GetResource(toucher, RES_BULLETS);
+ float amrockets = GetResource(toucher, RES_ROCKETS);
+ float amcells = GetResource(toucher, RES_CELLS);
+ float amplasma = GetResource(toucher, RES_PLASMA);
+ if(IS_PLAYER(toucher) || IS_MONSTER(toucher))
+ if(!IS_DEAD(toucher))
+ if(!STAT(FROZEN, toucher))
+ {
+ ammo_factor = autocvar_g_nades_ammo_rate*frametime/2;
+ if ( toucher != this.realowner )
+ ammo_factor *= (SAME_TEAM(toucher, this)) ? autocvar_g_nades_ammo_friend : autocvar_g_nades_ammo_foe;
+#define CHECK_AMMO_RESOURCE_LIMIT(amresource, res_resource) \
+ if (amresource < maxammo) \
+ GiveResourceWithLimit(toucher, res_resource, ammo_factor, maxammo);
+#define DROP_AMMO_RESOURCE(amresource, res_resource) \
+ if (amresource > 0) \
+ SetResource(toucher, res_resource, amresource + ammo_factor);
+ if ( ammo_factor > 0 )
+ {
+ if (this.nade_show_particles)
+ Send_Effect(EFFECT_HEALING, toucher.origin, '0 0 0', 1);
+ }
+ else if ( ammo_factor < 0 )
+ {
+ //Foe drops ammo points
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( IS_REAL_CLIENT(toucher) || (IS_VEHICLE(toucher) && toucher.owner) )
+ {
+ entity show_tint = (IS_VEHICLE(toucher) && toucher.owner) ? toucher.owner : toucher;
+ show_tint.nade_ammo_time = time + 0.1;
+ }
+void nade_ammo_boom(entity this)
+ entity orb = nades_spawn_orb(this.owner, this.realowner, this.origin, autocvar_g_nades_ammo_time, autocvar_g_nades_nade_radius);
+ settouch(orb, nade_ammo_touch);
+ orb.colormod = '0.66 0.33 0';
+void DarkBlinking(entity e)
+ if(e == NULL) return;
+ int accepted = VerifyClientEntity(e, true, false);
+ if(accepted > 0)
+ {
+ msg_entity = e;
+ }
+void nade_dark_think(entity this)
+ if(round_handler_IsActive())
+ if(!round_handler_IsRoundStarted())
+ {
+ delete(this);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(time >= this.ltime)
+ {
+ if ( autocvar_g_nades_dark_explode )
+ {
+ entity expef = EFFECT_NADE_EXPLODE(;
+ Send_Effect(expef, this.origin + '0 0 1', '0 0 0', 1);
+ normal_nade_boom(this);
+ }
+ else
+ Send_Effect(EFFECT_SPAWN_PURPLE, this.origin + '0 0 1', '0 0 0', 1);
+ delete(this);
+ return;
+ }
+ this.nextthink = time + 0.1;
+ // gaussian
+ float randomr;
+ randomr = random();
+ randomr = exp(-5 * randomr * randomr) * autocvar_g_nades_nade_radius;
+ float randomw;
+ randomw = random() * M_PI * 2;
+ vector randomp;
+ randomp.x = randomr * cos(randomw);
+ randomp.y = randomr * sin(randomw);
+ randomp.z = 1;
+ Send_Effect(EFFECT_DARKFIELD, this.origin + randomp, '0 0 0', 1);
+ if(time >= this.nade_special_time)
+ {
+ this.nade_special_time = time + 0.7;
+ Send_Effect(EFFECT_DARKFIELD, this.origin, '0 0 0', 1);
+ }
+ float current_dark_time = this.ltime - time - 0.1;
+#define DARK_NADE_RADIUS_TEAMCHECK(checked) \
+ if (checked) \
+ if ( IS_REAL_CLIENT(it) ) \
+ { \
+ STAT(NADE_DARK_TIME, it) = time + 0.1; \
+ DarkBlinking(it); \
+ } \
+ break;
+ FOREACH_ENTITY_RADIUS(this.origin, autocvar_g_nades_nade_radius, it != this && it.takedamage && !IS_DEAD(it) && GetResource(it, RES_HEALTH) > 0 && current_dark_time > 0,
+ {
+ switch (autocvar_g_nades_dark_teamcheck)
+ {
+ // 1: nade owner isn't affected; 2: no teammate is affected; any other number than 1 and 2: friendly fire
+ case 1: DARK_NADE_RADIUS_TEAMCHECK(it != this.realowner);
+ case 2: DARK_NADE_RADIUS_TEAMCHECK(DIFF_TEAM(it, this.realowner) && it != this.realowner);
+ default: DARK_NADE_RADIUS_TEAMCHECK(!autocvar_g_nades_dark_teamcheck || (DIFF_TEAM(it, this.realowner) && it != this.realowner));
+ }
+ });
+void nade_dark_boom(entity this)
+ entity fountain = new(nade_dark_fountain);
+ fountain.owner = this.owner;
+ fountain.realowner = this.realowner;
+ fountain.origin = this.origin;
+ setorigin(fountain, fountain.origin);
+ setthink(fountain, nade_dark_think);
+ fountain.nextthink = time;
+ fountain.ltime = time + autocvar_g_nades_dark_time;
+ fountain.pushltime = fountain.wait = fountain.ltime;
+ =;
+ set_movetype(fountain, MOVETYPE_TOSS);
+ fountain.projectiledeathtype = DEATH_NADE.m_id;
+ fountain.bot_dodge = false;
+ setsize(fountain, '-16 -16 -16', '16 16 16');
+ fountain.nade_special_time = time + 0.3;
+ fountain.angles = this.angles;
+ if ( autocvar_g_nades_dark_explode )
+ {
+ setmodel(fountain, MDL_PROJECTILE_GRENADE);
+ entity timer = new(nade_timer);
+ setmodel(timer, MDL_NADE_TIMER);
+ setattachment(timer, fountain, "");
+ timer.colormap = this.colormap;
+ timer.glowmod = this.glowmod;
+ setthink(timer, nade_timer_think);
+ timer.nextthink = time;
+ timer.wait = fountain.ltime;
+ timer.owner = fountain;
+ = 10;
+ }
+ else
+ setmodel(fountain, MDL_Null);
void nade_boom(entity this)
entity expef = NULL;
bool nade_blast = true;
- switch ( REGISTRY_GET(Nades, STAT(NADE_BONUS_TYPE, this)) )
- {
- nade_blast = autocvar_g_nades_napalm_blast;
- break;
- nade_blast = false;
- expef = EFFECT_ELECTRO_COMBO; // hookbomb_explode electro_combo bigplasma_impact
- break;
- nade_blast = false;
- break;
- if(!autocvar_g_monsters)
- {
- break; // fall back to a standard nade explosion
- }
- nade_blast = false;
- switch(
- {
- case NUM_TEAM_1: expef = EFFECT_SPAWN_RED; break;
- case NUM_TEAM_2: expef = EFFECT_SPAWN_BLUE; break;
- case NUM_TEAM_3: expef = EFFECT_SPAWN_YELLOW; break;
- case NUM_TEAM_4: expef = EFFECT_SPAWN_PINK; break;
- default: expef = EFFECT_SPAWN_NEUTRAL; break;
- }
- break;
- nade_blast = false;
- break;
- nade_blast = false;
- break;
+#define GET_NADE_TYPE_SPAWN_EFFECT(team_owner) \
+ ((team_owner) == NUM_TEAM_1 ? EFFECT_SPAWN_RED : \
+ ((team_owner) == NUM_TEAM_2 ? EFFECT_SPAWN_BLUE : \
+ ((team_owner) == NUM_TEAM_3 ? EFFECT_SPAWN_YELLOW : \
+ ((team_owner) == NUM_TEAM_4 ? EFFECT_SPAWN_PINK : \
- nade_blast = false;
- break;
+#define SET_NADE_EFFECT(nade_type, blast, exp_effect) \
+ case nade_type: \
+ nade_blast = blast; \
+ expef = exp_effect; \
+ break;
- default:
- break;
+ switch ( REGISTRY_GET(Nades, STAT(NADE_BONUS_TYPE, this)) )
+ {
+ SET_NADE_EFFECT(NADE_TYPE_ICE, false, EFFECT_ELECTRO_COMBO /* hookbomb_explode electro_combo bigplasma_impact */);
+ default: expef = EFFECT_NADE_EXPLODE(; break;
Send_Effect(expef, findbetterlocation(this.origin, 8), '0 0 0', 1);
this.event_damage = func_null; // prevent somehow calling damage in the next call
- {
- RadiusDamage(this, this.realowner, autocvar_g_nades_nade_damage, autocvar_g_nades_nade_edgedamage,
- autocvar_g_nades_nade_radius, this, NULL, autocvar_g_nades_nade_force, this.projectiledeathtype, DMG_NOWEP, this.enemy);
- Damage_DamageInfo(this.origin, autocvar_g_nades_nade_damage, autocvar_g_nades_nade_edgedamage, autocvar_g_nades_nade_radius, '1 1 1' * autocvar_g_nades_nade_force, this.projectiledeathtype, 0, this);
- }
+ normal_nade_boom(this);
switch ( REGISTRY_GET(Nades, STAT(NADE_BONUS_TYPE, this)) )
- case NADE_TYPE_NAPALM: nade_napalm_boom(this); break;
- case NADE_TYPE_ICE: nade_ice_boom(this); break;
- case NADE_TYPE_TRANSLOCATE: nade_translocate_boom(this); break;
- case NADE_TYPE_SPAWN: nade_spawn_boom(this); break;
- case NADE_TYPE_HEAL: nade_heal_boom(this); break;
- case NADE_TYPE_MONSTER: nade_monster_boom(this); break;
- case NADE_TYPE_ENTRAP: nade_entrap_boom(this); break;
- case NADE_TYPE_VEIL: nade_veil_boom(this); break;
+ case NADE_TYPE_NAPALM: nade_napalm_boom(this); break;
+ case NADE_TYPE_ICE: nade_ice_boom(this); break;
+ case NADE_TYPE_TRANSLOCATE: nade_translocate_boom(this); break;
+ case NADE_TYPE_SPAWN: nade_spawn_boom(this); break;
+ case NADE_TYPE_HEAL: nade_heal_boom(this); break;
+ case NADE_TYPE_MONSTER: nade_monster_boom(this); break;
+ case NADE_TYPE_ENTRAP: nade_entrap_boom(this); break;
+ case NADE_TYPE_VEIL: nade_veil_boom(this); break;
+ case NADE_TYPE_AMMO: nade_ammo_boom(this); break;
+ case NADE_TYPE_DARK: nade_dark_boom(this); break;
IL_EACH(g_projectiles, it.classname == "grapplinghook" && it.aiment == this,
hp -= damage;
SetResource(this, RES_HEALTH, hp);
- if ( STAT(NADE_BONUS_TYPE, this) != NADE_TYPE_HEAL.m_id || IS_PLAYER(attacker) )
+ if(STAT(NADE_BONUS_TYPE, this) != NADE_TYPE_HEAL.m_id || IS_PLAYER(attacker))
this.realowner = attacker;
if(hp <= 0)
+ {
+ if(autocvar_g_nades_spawn_destroy_damage > 0 && STAT(NADE_BONUS_TYPE, this) == NADE_TYPE_SPAWN.m_id)
+ Damage(this.realowner, attacker, attacker, autocvar_g_nades_spawn_destroy_damage, DEATH_TOUCHEXPLODE.m_id, DMG_NOWEP, this.realowner.origin, '0 0 0');
+ if(autocvar_g_nades_translocate_destroy_damage > 0 && STAT(NADE_BONUS_TYPE, this) == NADE_TYPE_TRANSLOCATE.m_id)
+ {
+ Damage(this.realowner, attacker, attacker, autocvar_g_nades_translocate_destroy_damage, DEATH_TOUCHEXPLODE.m_id, DMG_NOWEP, this.realowner.origin, '0 0 0');
+ W_PrepareExplosionByDamage(this, this.realowner, nade_boom); // Don't change the owner
+ return;
+ }
W_PrepareExplosionByDamage(this, attacker, nade_boom);
+ }
- ntype = ((autocvar_g_nades_client_select) ? CS_CVAR(this).cvar_cl_nade_type : autocvar_g_nades_nade_type);
- pntype = ((autocvar_g_nades_client_select) ? CS_CVAR(this).cvar_cl_pokenade_type : autocvar_g_nades_pokenade_monster_type);
+ ntype = ((autocvar_g_nades_client_select) ? CS_CVAR(this).cvar_cl_nade_type : autocvar_g_nades_nade_type);
+ pntype = ((autocvar_g_nades_client_select) ? CS_CVAR(this).cvar_cl_pokenade_type : autocvar_g_nades_pokenade_monster_type);
spawn_held_nade(this, this, autocvar_g_nades_nade_lifetime, ntype, pntype);
STAT(NADE_TIMER, player) = 0;
+int nades_CheckTypes(entity player, int cl_ntype)
+#define CL_NADE_TYPE_CHECK(cl_ntype, cvar) \
+ case cl_ntype.m_id: \
+ if (!cvar) return NADE_TYPE_NORMAL.m_id; \
+ break;
+ switch (cl_ntype)
+ {
+ CL_NADE_TYPE_CHECK(NADE_TYPE_NAPALM, autocvar_g_nades_napalm);
+ CL_NADE_TYPE_CHECK(NADE_TYPE_ICE, autocvar_g_nades_ice);
+ CL_NADE_TYPE_CHECK(NADE_TYPE_TRANSLOCATE, autocvar_g_nades_translocate);
+ CL_NADE_TYPE_CHECK(NADE_TYPE_SPAWN, autocvar_g_nades_spawn);
+ CL_NADE_TYPE_CHECK(NADE_TYPE_HEAL, autocvar_g_nades_heal);
+ CL_NADE_TYPE_CHECK(NADE_TYPE_MONSTER, autocvar_g_nades_pokenade);
+ CL_NADE_TYPE_CHECK(NADE_TYPE_ENTRAP, autocvar_g_nades_entrap);
+ CL_NADE_TYPE_CHECK(NADE_TYPE_VEIL, autocvar_g_nades_veil);
+ CL_NADE_TYPE_CHECK(NADE_TYPE_AMMO, autocvar_g_nades_ammo);
+ CL_NADE_TYPE_CHECK(NADE_TYPE_DARK, autocvar_g_nades_dark);
+ }
+ return cl_ntype;
entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity);
- STAT(NADE_BONUS_TYPE, player) = CS_CVAR(player).cvar_cl_nade_type;
+ STAT(NADE_BONUS_TYPE, player) = nades_CheckTypes(player, CS_CVAR(player).cvar_cl_nade_type);
player.pokenade_type = CS_CVAR(player).cvar_cl_pokenade_type;
entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity);
- if(autocvar_g_nades_spawn)
- player.nade_refire = time + autocvar_g_spawnshieldtime;
- else
- player.nade_refire = time + autocvar_g_nades_nade_refire;
+ player.nade_refire = (autocvar_g_nades_onspawn)
+ ? time + autocvar_g_nades_nade_refire
+ : time + autocvar_g_spawnshieldtime;
STAT(NADE_BONUS_TYPE, player) = CS_CVAR(player).cvar_cl_nade_type;
player.nade_spawnloc = NULL;
+ if(autocvar_g_nades_spawn_health_respawn > 0)
+ SetResource(player, RES_HEALTH, autocvar_g_nades_spawn_health_respawn);