seta sbar_stomachboard_color1 "0 0.5 0" "RGB color of the stomach board indicators for self"\r
seta sbar_stomachboard_color2 "0.5 0 0" "RGB color of the stomach board indicators for predator"\r
seta sbar_stomachboard_status_alpha 0.75 "alpha of the stomach board status"\r
-seta sbar_stomachboard_status_fade 0.0125 "color fading speed of the stomach board status"\r
+seta sbar_stomachboard_status_fade 1 "color fading speed of the stomach board status"\r
seta sbar_stomachboard_highlight_alpha 0.25 "alpha of the stomach board highlight"\r
seta sbar_timer_increment 0 "1 = show elapsed time on the timer"\r
seta sbar_timer_scale 1 "scale multiplier of the timer"\r
vector StomachStatus_ColorFade(vector target_color)\r
local float step;\r
- step = cvar("sbar_stomachboard_status_fade");\r
+ step = cvar("sbar_stomachboard_status_fade") * frametime;\r
if(stomachstatus_colorfade_current_x >= target_color_x + step)\r
stomachstatus_colorfade_current_x -= step;\r