--- /dev/null
+/// \file
+/// \brief Source file that contains implementation of the Player Templates
+/// mutator.
+/// \author Lyberta
+/// \copyright GNU GPLv3 or any later version.
+const string playertemplate_cvar_prefix = "g_player_template_";
+float PlayerTemplate_GetFloatCvar(string template, string variable)
+ return cvar(strcat(playertemplate_cvar_prefix, template, "_", variable));
+string PlayerTemplate_GetStringCvar(string template, string variable)
+ return cvar_string(strcat(playertemplate_cvar_prefix, template, "_",
+ variable));
+void PlayerTemplate_PlayerSpawn(entity player, string template)
+ // Give health, armor and ammo.
+ player.health = PlayerTemplate_GetFloatCvar(template, "start_health");
+ player.armorvalue = PlayerTemplate_GetFloatCvar(template, "start_armor");
+ if (PlayerTemplate_GetFloatCvar(template, "unlimited_ammo"))
+ {
+ player.items |= IT_UNLIMITED_AMMO;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ player.ammo_shells = PlayerTemplate_GetFloatCvar(template,
+ "start_ammo_shells");
+ player.ammo_nails = PlayerTemplate_GetFloatCvar(template,
+ "start_ammo_bullets");
+ player.ammo_rockets = PlayerTemplate_GetFloatCvar(template,
+ "start_ammo_rockets");
+ player.ammo_cells = PlayerTemplate_GetFloatCvar(template,
+ "start_ammo_cells");
+ }
+ // Give weapons.
+ if (PlayerTemplate_GetFloatCvar(template, "default_start_weapons"))
+ {
+ FOREACH(Weapons, it != WEP_Null,
+ {
+ if (it.weaponstart)
+ {
+ player.weapons |= it.m_wepset;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ int numweapons = tokenize_console(PlayerTemplate_GetStringCvar(template,
+ "start_weapons"));
+ for (int i = 0; i < numweapons; ++i)
+ {
+ string weapon = argv(i);
+ FOREACH(Weapons, it != WEP_Null,
+ {
+ if (it.netname == weapon)
+ {
+ player.weapons |= it.m_wepset;
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // Give random weapons.
+ int numrandomweapons = PlayerTemplate_GetFloatCvar(template,
+ "num_random_start_weapons");
+ numweapons = tokenize_console(PlayerTemplate_GetStringCvar(template,
+ "random_start_weapons"));
+ if (warmup_stage)
+ {
+ // Give all weapons during warmup stage.
+ for (int i = 0; i < numweapons; ++i)
+ {
+ string weapon = argv(i);
+ FOREACH(Weapons, it != WEP_Null,
+ {
+ if (it.netname == weapon)
+ {
+ player.weapons |= it.m_wepset;
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < numrandomweapons; ++i)
+ {
+ // Finding weapon which player doesn't have.
+ WepSet weaponbit = WEPSET(Null);
+ int numattempts = 0;
+ do
+ {
+ string weapon = argv(floor(random() * numweapons));
+ FOREACH(Weapons, it != WEP_Null,
+ {
+ if (it.netname == weapon)
+ {
+ weaponbit = it.m_wepset;
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ ++numattempts;
+ }
+ while ((player.weapons & weaponbit) && (numattempts < 10));
+ player.weapons |= weaponbit;
+ }
+float PlayerTemplate_Damage_Calculate(entity attacker, string attackertemplate,
+ entity victim, string victimtemplate, float damage)
+ damage *= PlayerTemplate_GetFloatCvar(attackertemplate, "attack_scale");
+ damage /= PlayerTemplate_GetFloatCvar(victimtemplate, "defense_scale");
+ return damage;
--- /dev/null
+/// \file
+/// \brief Header file that describes the Player Templates mutator.
+/// \author Lyberta
+/// \copyright GNU GPLv3 or any later version.
+#pragma once
+/// \brief Gets the floating point value of the variable from the given
+/// template.
+/// \param[in] template Name of the template.
+/// \param[in] variable Name of the variable.
+/// \return Value of the variable.
+float PlayerTemplate_GetFloatCvar(string template, string variable);
+/// \brief Gets the string value of the variable from the given template.
+/// \param[in] template Name of the template.
+/// \param[in] variable Name of the variable.
+/// \return Value of the variable.
+string PlayerTemplate_GetStringCvar(string template, string variable);
+/// \brief Setups the player during spawn according to the given template.
+/// \param[in] player Player to setup.
+/// \param[in] template Name of the template.
+/// \return No return.
+void PlayerTemplate_PlayerSpawn(entity player, string template);
+/// \brief Changes the damage done using templates' attack and defense scales.
+/// \param[in] attacke Attacker entity.
+/// \param[in] attackertemplate Template of the attacker.
+/// \param[in] victim Victim entity.
+/// \param[in] victimtemplate Template of the victim.
+/// \param[in] damage Damage to adjust.
+/// \return Adjusted damage.
+float PlayerTemplate_Damage_Calculate(entity attacker, string attackertemplate,
+ entity victim, string victimtemplate, float damage);