+// ___TODO___ !!!
+// Notification area (#4)
+void HUD_Notify (void)
+ vector pos, mySize;
+ pos = HUD_Panel_GetPos(4);
+ mySize = HUD_Panel_GetSize(4);
+ HUD_Panel_DrawBg(4, pos, mySize);
+ string s;
+ entity tm;
+ if(spectatee_status && !intermission)
+ {
+ drawfont = hud_bigfont;
+ if(spectatee_status == -1)
+ s = "^1Observing";
+ else
+ s = GetPlayerName(spectatee_status - 1);
+ // spectated player name between HUD and chat area, aligned to the left
+ pos_x = 0;
+ pos_y = - 50 - hud_fontsize_spec_y;
+ s = textShortenToWidth(s, vid_conwidth/2.5, hud_fontsize_spec, stringwidth_colors);
+ drawcolorcodedstring(pos, s, hud_fontsize_spec, hud_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ drawfont = hud_font;
+ // spectator text in the upper right corner
+ if(spectatee_status == -1)
+ s = strcat("^1Press ^3", getcommandkey("primary fire", "+attack"), "^1 to spectate");
+ else
+ s = strcat("^1Press ^3", getcommandkey("primary fire", "+attack"), "^1 for another player");
+ if(spectatee_status == -1)
+ s = strcat("^1Use ^3", getcommandkey("next weapon", "weapnext"), "^1 or ^3", getcommandkey("previous weapon", "weapprev"), "^1 to change the speed");
+ else
+ s = strcat("^1Press ^3", getcommandkey("secondary fire", "+attack2"), "^1 to observe");
+ s = strcat("^1Press ^3", getcommandkey("server info", "+show_info"), "^1 for gamemode info");
+ if(gametype == GAME_ARENA)
+ s = "^1Wait for your turn to join";
+ else if(gametype == GAME_LMS)
+ {
+ entity sk;
+ sk = playerslots[player_localentnum - 1];
+ if(sk.(scores[ps_primary]) >= 666)
+ s = "^1Match has already begun";
+ else if(sk.(scores[ps_primary]) > 0)
+ s = "^1You have no more lives left";
+ else
+ s = strcat("^1Press ^3", getcommandkey("jump", "+jump"), "^1 to join");
+ }
+ else
+ s = strcat("^1Press ^3", getcommandkey("jump", "+jump"), "^1 to join");
+ //show restart countdown:
+ if (time < getstatf(STAT_GAMESTARTTIME)) {
+ float countdown;
+ //we need to ceil, otherwise the countdown would be off by .5 when using round()
+ countdown = ceil(getstatf(STAT_GAMESTARTTIME) - time);
+ s = strcat("^1Game starts in ^3", ftos(countdown), "^1 seconds");
+ }
+ }
+ if(warmup_stage && !intermission)
+ {
+ s = "^2Currently in ^1warmup^2 stage!";
+ }
+ // move more important stuff more to the middle so its more visible
+ string blinkcolor;
+ if(mod(time, 1) >= 0.5)
+ blinkcolor = "^1";
+ else
+ blinkcolor = "^3";
+ if(ready_waiting && !intermission && !spectatee_status)
+ {
+ if(ready_waiting_for_me)
+ {
+ if(warmup_stage)
+ s = strcat(blinkcolor, "Press ^3", getcommandkey("ready", "ready"), blinkcolor, " to end warmup");
+ else
+ s = strcat(blinkcolor, "Press ^3", getcommandkey("ready", "ready"), blinkcolor, " once you are ready");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(warmup_stage)
+ s = strcat("^2Waiting for others to ready up to end warmup...");
+ else
+ s = strcat("^2Waiting for others to ready up...");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(warmup_stage && !intermission && !spectatee_status)
+ {
+ s = strcat("^2Press ^3", getcommandkey("ready", "ready"), "^2 to end warmup");
+ }
+ if(teamplay && !intermission && !spectatee_status && gametype != GAME_CA && teamnagger)
+ {
+ float ts_min, ts_max;
+ tm = teams.sort_next;
+ if (tm)
+ {
+ for(; tm.sort_next; tm = tm.sort_next)
+ {
+ if(!tm.team_size || tm.team == COLOR_SPECTATOR)
+ continue;
+ if(!ts_min) ts_min = tm.team_size;
+ else ts_min = min(ts_min, tm.team_size);
+ if(!ts_max) ts_max = tm.team_size;
+ else ts_max = max(ts_max, tm.team_size);
+ }
+ if ((ts_max - ts_min) > 1)
+ {
+ s = strcat(blinkcolor, "Teamnumbers are unbalanced!");
+ tm = GetTeam(myteam, false);
+ if (tm)
+ if (tm.team != COLOR_SPECTATOR)
+ if (tm.team_size == ts_max)
+ s = strcat(s, " Press ^3", getcommandkey("team menu", "menu_showteamselect"), blinkcolor, " to adjust");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Timer (#5)
+void HUD_Timer()
+ vector pos, mySize;
+ pos = HUD_Panel_GetPos(5);
+ mySize = HUD_Panel_GetSize(5);
+ HUD_Panel_DrawBg(5, pos, mySize);
+ float timelimit, elapsedTime, minutes, seconds, timeleft, minutesLeft, secondsLeft;
+ timelimit = getstatf(STAT_TIMELIMIT);
+ timeleft = max(0, timelimit * 60 + getstatf(STAT_GAMESTARTTIME) - time);
+ timeleft = ceil(timeleft);
+ minutesLeft = floor(timeleft / 60);
+ secondsLeft = timeleft - minutesLeft*60;
+ vector timer_color;
+ if(minutesLeft >= 5 || warmup_stage || timelimit == 0) //don't use red or yellow in warmup or when there is no timelimit
+ timer_color = '1 1 1'; //white
+ else if(minutesLeft >= 1)
+ timer_color = '1 1 0'; //yellow
+ else
+ timer_color = '1 0 0'; //red
+ if (cvar("hud_timer_increment") || timelimit == 0 || warmup_stage) {
+ if (time < getstatf(STAT_GAMESTARTTIME)) {
+ //while restart is still active, show 00:00
+ minutes = seconds = 0;
+ } else {
+ elapsedTime = floor(time - getstatf(STAT_GAMESTARTTIME)); //127
+ minutes = floor(elapsedTime / 60);
+ seconds = elapsedTime - minutes*60;
+ }
+ } else {
+ minutes = minutesLeft;
+ seconds = secondsLeft;
+ }
+ if(mySize_x/mySize_y > 5.1)
+ {
+ if(minutes > 999)
+ seconds = 99;
+ minutes = min(minutes, 999);
+ if(minutesLeft >= 1 || cvar("hud_timer_increment") || timelimit == 0 || warmup_stage) {
+ if(minutes < 100)
+ drawpic_skin(pos + eX * mySize_x - eX * 5.1 * mySize_y, "timer", '1 1 0' * mySize_y, timer_color, hud_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ HUD_DrawXNum(pos + eX * mySize_x - eX * 5.1 * mySize_y, minutes, 3, 0, mySize_y, timer_color, 0, 0, hud_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ drawpic_skin(pos + eX * mySize_x - eX * 2.57 * mySize_y, "num_colon", '1 1 0' * mySize_y, timer_color, hud_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ }
+ HUD_DrawXNum(pos + eX * mySize_x - eX * 2 * mySize_y, seconds, -2, 0, mySize_y, timer_color, 0, 0, hud_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(minutes > 99)
+ seconds = 99;
+ minutes = min(minutes, 99);
+ if(minutesLeft >= 1 || cvar("hud_timer_increment") || timelimit == 0 || warmup_stage) {
+ if(minutes < 100)
+ drawpic_skin(pos + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x - eX * 0.5 * 0.5 * mySize_y, "timer", '0.5 0.5 0' * mySize_y, timer_color, hud_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ HUD_DrawXNum(pos + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x - eX * mySize_y + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y, minutes, -2, 0, 0.5 * mySize_y, timer_color, 0, 0, hud_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ drawpic_skin(pos + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x - eX * 0.5 * 0.5 * mySize_y + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y, "num_colon", '0.5 0.5 0' * mySize_y, timer_color, hud_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ }
+ HUD_DrawXNum(pos + eX * 0.51 * mySize_x + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y, seconds, -2, 0, 0.5 * mySize_y, timer_color, 0, 0, hud_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ }
+// Radar (#6)
+void HUD_Radar(void)
+ vector pos, mySize;
+ pos = HUD_Panel_GetPos(6);
+ mySize = HUD_Panel_GetSize(6);
+ HUD_Panel_DrawBg(6, pos, mySize);
+ local float color1, color2; // color already declared as a global in hud.qc
+ local vector rgb;
+ local entity tm;
+ float scale2d, normalsize, bigsize;
+ float f;
+ teamradar_origin2d = pos + 0.5 * mySize; // TODO: stupid compat, should be removed
+ teamradar_size2d = mySize;
+ if(minimapname == "" && !ons_showmap)
+ return;
+ teamradar_loadcvars();
+ switch(cl_teamradar_zoommode)
+ {
+ default:
+ case 0:
+ f = current_zoomfraction;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ f = 1 - current_zoomfraction;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ f = 0;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ f = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ switch(cl_teamradar_rotation)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ teamradar_angle = view_angles_y - 90;
+ break;
+ default:
+ teamradar_angle = 90 * cl_teamradar_rotation;
+ break;
+ }
+ scale2d = vlen_maxnorm2d(mi_picmax - mi_picmin);
+ teamradar_size2d = mySize;
+ teamradar_extraclip_mins = teamradar_extraclip_maxs = '0 0 0'; // we always center
+ // pixels per world qu to match the teamradar_size2d_x range in the longest dimension
+ if(cl_teamradar_rotation == 0)
+ {
+ // max-min distance must fit the radar in any rotation
+ bigsize = vlen_minnorm2d(teamradar_size2d) * scale2d / (1.05 * vlen2d(mi_max - mi_min));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ vector c0, c1, c2, c3, span;
+ c0 = rotate(mi_min, teamradar_angle * DEG2RAD);
+ c1 = rotate(mi_max, teamradar_angle * DEG2RAD);
+ c2 = rotate('1 0 0' * mi_min_x + '0 1 0' * mi_max_y, teamradar_angle * DEG2RAD);
+ c3 = rotate('1 0 0' * mi_max_x + '0 1 0' * mi_min_y, teamradar_angle * DEG2RAD);
+ span = '0 0 0';
+ span_x = max4(c0_x, c1_x, c2_x, c3_x) - min4(c0_x, c1_x, c2_x, c3_x);
+ span_y = max4(c0_y, c1_y, c2_y, c3_y) - min4(c0_y, c1_y, c2_y, c3_y);
+ // max-min distance must fit the radar in x=x, y=y
+ bigsize = min(
+ teamradar_size2d_x * scale2d / (1.05 * span_x),
+ teamradar_size2d_y * scale2d / (1.05 * span_y)
+ );
+ }
+ normalsize = vlen_maxnorm2d(teamradar_size2d) * scale2d / cl_teamradar_scale;
+ if(bigsize > normalsize)
+ normalsize = bigsize;
+ teamradar_size =
+ f * bigsize
+ + (1 - f) * normalsize;
+ teamradar_origin3d_in_texcoord = teamradar_3dcoord_to_texcoord(
+ f * (mi_min + mi_max) * 0.5
+ + (1 - f) * view_origin);
+ color1 = GetPlayerColor(player_localentnum-1);
+ rgb = GetTeamRGB(color1);
+ drawsetcliparea(
+ pos_x,
+ pos_y,
+ mySize_x,
+ mySize_y
+ );
+ draw_teamradar_background(cl_teamradar_background_alpha, cl_teamradar_foreground_alpha);
+ if(ons_showmap)
+ {
+ drawresetcliparea();
+ vector frame_origin, frame_size;
+ frame_origin = frame_size = '0 0 0';
+ frame_origin_x = pos_x - teamradar_size2d_x * 0.55859375; // matches the picture
+ frame_origin_y = pos_y - teamradar_size2d_y * 0.55859375; // matches the picture
+ frame_size_x = pos_x * 1.1171875; // matches the picture
+ frame_size_y = pos_y * 1.1171875; // matches the picture
+ drawpic_skin(frame_origin, "gfx/ons-frame.tga", frame_size, '1 1 1', hud_alpha_fg, 0);
+ drawpic_skin(frame_origin, "gfx/ons-frame-team.tga", frame_size, rgb, hud_alpha_fg, 0);
+ drawsetcliparea(
+ pos_x - teamradar_size2d_x * 0.5,
+ pos_y - teamradar_size2d_y * 0.5,
+ teamradar_size2d_x,
+ teamradar_size2d_y
+ );
+ }
+ for(tm = world; (tm = find(tm, classname, "radarlink")); )
+ draw_teamradar_link(tm.origin, tm.velocity, tm.team);
+ for(tm = world; (tm = findflags(tm, teamradar_icon, 0xFFFFFF)); )
+ draw_teamradar_icon(tm.origin, tm.teamradar_icon, tm, tm.teamradar_color, hud_alpha_fg);
+ for(tm = world; (tm = find(tm, classname, "entcs_receiver")); )
+ {
+ color2 = GetPlayerColor(tm.sv_entnum);
+ //if(color == COLOR_SPECTATOR || color == color2)
+ draw_teamradar_player(tm.origin, tm.angles, GetTeamRGB(color2));
+ }
+ draw_teamradar_player(view_origin, view_angles, '1 1 1');
+ drawresetcliparea();
// Score (#7)
void HUD_Score()
if(race_othercheckpointtime && race_othercheckpointenemy != "")
- a = bound(0, 2 - (time - race_othercheckpointtime), 1);
- s = MakeRaceString(race_othercheckpoint, -TIME_DECODE(race_othercheckpointdelta), -!race_othercheckpointenemy, race_othercheckpointlapsdelta, race_othercheckpointenemy);
- dummyfunction(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // work around DP bug (set OFS_PARAM5 to 0)
- //drawcolorcodedstring(m - '0 0 0' - '8 0 0' * stringwidth(s, TRUE), s, '16 16 0', hud_alpha_fg * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawcolorcodedstring(pos - '0 0 0' - '0.5 0 0' * stringwidth(s, TRUE, '16 16 0'), s, '16 16 0', hud_alpha_fg * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- }
- if(race_penaltytime && !race_penaltyaccumulator)
- {
- t = race_penaltytime * 0.1 + race_penaltyeventtime;
- a = bound(0, (1 + t - time), 1);
- if(a > 0)
- {
- if(time < t)
- s = strcat("^1PENALTY: ", ftos_decimals(t - time, 1), " (", race_penaltyreason, ")");
- else
- s = strcat("^2PENALTY: 0.0 (", race_penaltyreason, ")");
- dummyfunction(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // work around DP bug (set OFS_PARAM5 to 0)
- //drawcolorcodedstring(m - '0 32 0' - '8 0 0' * stringwidth(s, TRUE), s, '16 16 0', hud_alpha_fg * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawcolorcodedstring(pos - '0 32 0' - '0.5 0 0' * stringwidth(s, TRUE, '16 16 0'), s, '16 16 0', hud_alpha_fg * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- }
- }
- }
- drawfont = hud_font;
-// ___TODO___ !!!
-// Notification area (#4)
-void HUD_Notify (void)
- vector pos, mySize;
- pos = HUD_Panel_GetPos(4);
- mySize = HUD_Panel_GetSize(4);
- HUD_Panel_DrawBg(4, pos, mySize);
- string s;
- entity tm;
- if(spectatee_status && !intermission)
- {
- drawfont = hud_bigfont;
- if(spectatee_status == -1)
- s = "^1Observing";
- else
- s = GetPlayerName(spectatee_status - 1);
- // spectated player name between HUD and chat area, aligned to the left
- pos_x = 0;
- pos_y = - 50 - hud_fontsize_spec_y;
- s = textShortenToWidth(s, vid_conwidth/2.5, hud_fontsize_spec, stringwidth_colors);
- drawcolorcodedstring(pos, s, hud_fontsize_spec, hud_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawfont = hud_font;
- // spectator text in the upper right corner
- if(spectatee_status == -1)
- s = strcat("^1Press ^3", getcommandkey("primary fire", "+attack"), "^1 to spectate");
- else
- s = strcat("^1Press ^3", getcommandkey("primary fire", "+attack"), "^1 for another player");
- if(spectatee_status == -1)
- s = strcat("^1Use ^3", getcommandkey("next weapon", "weapnext"), "^1 or ^3", getcommandkey("previous weapon", "weapprev"), "^1 to change the speed");
- else
- s = strcat("^1Press ^3", getcommandkey("secondary fire", "+attack2"), "^1 to observe");
- s = strcat("^1Press ^3", getcommandkey("server info", "+show_info"), "^1 for gamemode info");
- if(gametype == GAME_ARENA)
- s = "^1Wait for your turn to join";
- else if(gametype == GAME_LMS)
- {
- entity sk;
- sk = playerslots[player_localentnum - 1];
- if(sk.(scores[ps_primary]) >= 666)
- s = "^1Match has already begun";
- else if(sk.(scores[ps_primary]) > 0)
- s = "^1You have no more lives left";
- else
- s = strcat("^1Press ^3", getcommandkey("jump", "+jump"), "^1 to join");
- }
- else
- s = strcat("^1Press ^3", getcommandkey("jump", "+jump"), "^1 to join");
- //show restart countdown:
- if (time < getstatf(STAT_GAMESTARTTIME)) {
- float countdown;
- //we need to ceil, otherwise the countdown would be off by .5 when using round()
- countdown = ceil(getstatf(STAT_GAMESTARTTIME) - time);
- s = strcat("^1Game starts in ^3", ftos(countdown), "^1 seconds");
- }
- }
- if(warmup_stage && !intermission)
- {
- s = "^2Currently in ^1warmup^2 stage!";
- }
- // move more important stuff more to the middle so its more visible
- string blinkcolor;
- if(mod(time, 1) >= 0.5)
- blinkcolor = "^1";
- else
- blinkcolor = "^3";
- if(ready_waiting && !intermission && !spectatee_status)
- {
- if(ready_waiting_for_me)
- {
- if(warmup_stage)
- s = strcat(blinkcolor, "Press ^3", getcommandkey("ready", "ready"), blinkcolor, " to end warmup");
- else
- s = strcat(blinkcolor, "Press ^3", getcommandkey("ready", "ready"), blinkcolor, " once you are ready");
- }
- else
- {
- if(warmup_stage)
- s = strcat("^2Waiting for others to ready up to end warmup...");
- else
- s = strcat("^2Waiting for others to ready up...");
+ a = bound(0, 2 - (time - race_othercheckpointtime), 1);
+ s = MakeRaceString(race_othercheckpoint, -TIME_DECODE(race_othercheckpointdelta), -!race_othercheckpointenemy, race_othercheckpointlapsdelta, race_othercheckpointenemy);
+ dummyfunction(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // work around DP bug (set OFS_PARAM5 to 0)
+ //drawcolorcodedstring(m - '0 0 0' - '8 0 0' * stringwidth(s, TRUE), s, '16 16 0', hud_alpha_fg * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ drawcolorcodedstring(pos - '0 0 0' - '0.5 0 0' * stringwidth(s, TRUE, '16 16 0'), s, '16 16 0', hud_alpha_fg * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- }
- else if(warmup_stage && !intermission && !spectatee_status)
- {
- s = strcat("^2Press ^3", getcommandkey("ready", "ready"), "^2 to end warmup");
- }
- if(teamplay && !intermission && !spectatee_status && gametype != GAME_CA && teamnagger)
- {
- float ts_min, ts_max;
- tm = teams.sort_next;
- if (tm)
+ if(race_penaltytime && !race_penaltyaccumulator)
- for(; tm.sort_next; tm = tm.sort_next)
- {
- if(!tm.team_size || tm.team == COLOR_SPECTATOR)
- continue;
- if(!ts_min) ts_min = tm.team_size;
- else ts_min = min(ts_min, tm.team_size);
- if(!ts_max) ts_max = tm.team_size;
- else ts_max = max(ts_max, tm.team_size);
- }
- if ((ts_max - ts_min) > 1)
+ t = race_penaltytime * 0.1 + race_penaltyeventtime;
+ a = bound(0, (1 + t - time), 1);
+ if(a > 0)
- s = strcat(blinkcolor, "Teamnumbers are unbalanced!");
- tm = GetTeam(myteam, false);
- if (tm)
- if (tm.team != COLOR_SPECTATOR)
- if (tm.team_size == ts_max)
- s = strcat(s, " Press ^3", getcommandkey("team menu", "menu_showteamselect"), blinkcolor, " to adjust");
+ if(time < t)
+ s = strcat("^1PENALTY: ", ftos_decimals(t - time, 1), " (", race_penaltyreason, ")");
+ else
+ s = strcat("^2PENALTY: 0.0 (", race_penaltyreason, ")");
+ dummyfunction(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // work around DP bug (set OFS_PARAM5 to 0)
+ //drawcolorcodedstring(m - '0 32 0' - '8 0 0' * stringwidth(s, TRUE), s, '16 16 0', hud_alpha_fg * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ drawcolorcodedstring(pos - '0 32 0' - '0.5 0 0' * stringwidth(s, TRUE, '16 16 0'), s, '16 16 0', hud_alpha_fg * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ drawfont = hud_font;
// Vote window (#9)
drawfont = hud_font;
-// Timer (#5)
-void HUD_Timer()
- vector pos, mySize;
- pos = HUD_Panel_GetPos(5);
- mySize = HUD_Panel_GetSize(5);
- HUD_Panel_DrawBg(5, pos, mySize);
- float timelimit, elapsedTime, minutes, seconds, timeleft, minutesLeft, secondsLeft;
- timelimit = getstatf(STAT_TIMELIMIT);
- HUD_DrawRaceStatus(pos + '0 30 0');
- timeleft = max(0, timelimit * 60 + getstatf(STAT_GAMESTARTTIME) - time);
- timeleft = ceil(timeleft);
- minutesLeft = floor(timeleft / 60);
- secondsLeft = timeleft - minutesLeft*60;
- vector timer_color;
- if(minutesLeft >= 5 || warmup_stage || timelimit == 0) //don't use red or yellow in warmup or when there is no timelimit
- timer_color = '1 1 1'; //white
- else if(minutesLeft >= 1)
- timer_color = '1 1 0'; //yellow
- else
- timer_color = '1 0 0'; //red
- if (cvar("hud_timer_increment") || timelimit == 0 || warmup_stage) {
- if (time < getstatf(STAT_GAMESTARTTIME)) {
- //while restart is still active, show 00:00
- minutes = seconds = 0;
- } else {
- elapsedTime = floor(time - getstatf(STAT_GAMESTARTTIME)); //127
- minutes = floor(elapsedTime / 60);
- seconds = elapsedTime - minutes*60;
- }
- } else {
- minutes = minutesLeft;
- seconds = secondsLeft;
- }
- if(mySize_x/mySize_y > 5.1)
- {
- if(minutes > 999)
- seconds = 99;
- minutes = min(minutes, 999);
- if(minutesLeft >= 1 || cvar("hud_timer_increment") || timelimit == 0 || warmup_stage) {
- if(minutes < 100)
- drawpic_skin(pos + eX * mySize_x - eX * 5.1 * mySize_y, "timer", '1 1 0' * mySize_y, timer_color, hud_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- HUD_DrawXNum(pos + eX * mySize_x - eX * 5.1 * mySize_y, minutes, 3, 0, mySize_y, timer_color, 0, 0, hud_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawpic_skin(pos + eX * mySize_x - eX * 2.57 * mySize_y, "num_colon", '1 1 0' * mySize_y, timer_color, hud_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- }
- HUD_DrawXNum(pos + eX * mySize_x - eX * 2 * mySize_y, seconds, -2, 0, mySize_y, timer_color, 0, 0, hud_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- }
- else
- {
- if(minutes > 99)
- seconds = 99;
- minutes = min(minutes, 99);
- if(minutesLeft >= 1 || cvar("hud_timer_increment") || timelimit == 0 || warmup_stage) {
- if(minutes < 100)
- drawpic_skin(pos + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x - eX * 0.5 * 0.5 * mySize_y, "timer", '0.5 0.5 0' * mySize_y, timer_color, hud_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- HUD_DrawXNum(pos + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x - eX * mySize_y + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y, minutes, -2, 0, 0.5 * mySize_y, timer_color, 0, 0, hud_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawpic_skin(pos + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x - eX * 0.5 * 0.5 * mySize_y + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y, "num_colon", '0.5 0.5 0' * mySize_y, timer_color, hud_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- }
- HUD_DrawXNum(pos + eX * 0.51 * mySize_x + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y, seconds, -2, 0, 0.5 * mySize_y, timer_color, 0, 0, hud_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- }
-// Radar (#6)
-void HUD_Radar(void)
- vector pos, mySize;
- pos = HUD_Panel_GetPos(6);
- mySize = HUD_Panel_GetSize(6);
- HUD_Panel_DrawBg(6, pos, mySize);
- local float color1, color2; // color already declared as a global in hud.qc
- local vector rgb;
- local entity tm;
- float scale2d, normalsize, bigsize;
- float f;
- teamradar_origin2d = pos + 0.5 * mySize; // TODO: stupid compat, should be removed
- teamradar_size2d = mySize;
- if(minimapname == "" && !ons_showmap)
- return;
- teamradar_loadcvars();
- switch(cl_teamradar_zoommode)
- {
- default:
- case 0:
- f = current_zoomfraction;
- break;
- case 1:
- f = 1 - current_zoomfraction;
- break;
- case 2:
- f = 0;
- break;
- case 3:
- f = 1;
- break;
- }
- switch(cl_teamradar_rotation)
- {
- case 0:
- teamradar_angle = view_angles_y - 90;
- break;
- default:
- teamradar_angle = 90 * cl_teamradar_rotation;
- break;
- }
- scale2d = vlen_maxnorm2d(mi_picmax - mi_picmin);
- teamradar_size2d = mySize;
- teamradar_extraclip_mins = teamradar_extraclip_maxs = '0 0 0'; // we always center
- // pixels per world qu to match the teamradar_size2d_x range in the longest dimension
- if(cl_teamradar_rotation == 0)
- {
- // max-min distance must fit the radar in any rotation
- bigsize = vlen_minnorm2d(teamradar_size2d) * scale2d / (1.05 * vlen2d(mi_max - mi_min));
- }
- else
- {
- vector c0, c1, c2, c3, span;
- c0 = rotate(mi_min, teamradar_angle * DEG2RAD);
- c1 = rotate(mi_max, teamradar_angle * DEG2RAD);
- c2 = rotate('1 0 0' * mi_min_x + '0 1 0' * mi_max_y, teamradar_angle * DEG2RAD);
- c3 = rotate('1 0 0' * mi_max_x + '0 1 0' * mi_min_y, teamradar_angle * DEG2RAD);
- span = '0 0 0';
- span_x = max4(c0_x, c1_x, c2_x, c3_x) - min4(c0_x, c1_x, c2_x, c3_x);
- span_y = max4(c0_y, c1_y, c2_y, c3_y) - min4(c0_y, c1_y, c2_y, c3_y);
- // max-min distance must fit the radar in x=x, y=y
- bigsize = min(
- teamradar_size2d_x * scale2d / (1.05 * span_x),
- teamradar_size2d_y * scale2d / (1.05 * span_y)
- );
- }
- normalsize = vlen_maxnorm2d(teamradar_size2d) * scale2d / cl_teamradar_scale;
- if(bigsize > normalsize)
- normalsize = bigsize;
- teamradar_size =
- f * bigsize
- + (1 - f) * normalsize;
- teamradar_origin3d_in_texcoord = teamradar_3dcoord_to_texcoord(
- f * (mi_min + mi_max) * 0.5
- + (1 - f) * view_origin);
- color1 = GetPlayerColor(player_localentnum-1);
- rgb = GetTeamRGB(color1);
- drawsetcliparea(
- pos_x,
- pos_y,
- mySize_x,
- mySize_y
- );
- draw_teamradar_background(cl_teamradar_background_alpha, cl_teamradar_foreground_alpha);
- if(ons_showmap)
- {
- drawresetcliparea();
- vector frame_origin, frame_size;
- frame_origin = frame_size = '0 0 0';
- frame_origin_x = pos_x - teamradar_size2d_x * 0.55859375; // matches the picture
- frame_origin_y = pos_y - teamradar_size2d_y * 0.55859375; // matches the picture
- frame_size_x = pos_x * 1.1171875; // matches the picture
- frame_size_y = pos_y * 1.1171875; // matches the picture
- drawpic_skin(frame_origin, "gfx/ons-frame.tga", frame_size, '1 1 1', hud_alpha_fg, 0);
- drawpic_skin(frame_origin, "gfx/ons-frame-team.tga", frame_size, rgb, hud_alpha_fg, 0);
- drawsetcliparea(
- pos_x - teamradar_size2d_x * 0.5,
- pos_y - teamradar_size2d_y * 0.5,
- teamradar_size2d_x,
- teamradar_size2d_y
- );
- }
- for(tm = world; (tm = find(tm, classname, "radarlink")); )
- draw_teamradar_link(tm.origin, tm.velocity, tm.team);
- for(tm = world; (tm = findflags(tm, teamradar_icon, 0xFFFFFF)); )
- draw_teamradar_icon(tm.origin, tm.teamradar_icon, tm, tm.teamradar_color, hud_alpha_fg);
- for(tm = world; (tm = find(tm, classname, "entcs_receiver")); )
- {
- color2 = GetPlayerColor(tm.sv_entnum);
- //if(color == COLOR_SPECTATOR || color == color2)
- draw_teamradar_player(tm.origin, tm.angles, GetTeamRGB(color2));
- }
- draw_teamradar_player(view_origin, view_angles, '1 1 1');
- drawresetcliparea();
Main HUD system