switch (first_command) // now go through and parse the proper commands to adjust as needed.
+ case "movetoauto":
+ case "movetored":
+ case "movetoblue":
+ case "movetoyellow":
+ case "movetopink":
+ case "movetospec":
+ {
+ entity victim = GetIndexedEntity(argc, (startpos + 1));
+ float accepted = VerifyClientEntity(victim, true, false);
+ if (accepted > 0)
+ {
+ vote_parsed_command = vote_command;
+ vote_parsed_display = sprintf("^1%s #%d ^7%s", first_command, etof(victim), victim.netname);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print_to(caller, strcat("vcall: ", GetClientErrorString(accepted, argv(startpos + 1)), ".\n"));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
case "kick":
case "kickban": // catch all kick/kickban commands